Chapter 224

The three copper coins have become more magical since they absorbed the spirit of the elves last time. They can breathe out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth independently, and can directly communicate with the heart of heaven.

He closed his eyes and asked the sky sincerely: "God, um... let me ask you something, I saw someone..."

After asking, Chen Banxian scattered the copper coins solemnly.


Three copper coins stood neatly on the ground.


"I must have failed to dump it well!"

Chen Banxian did not believe in evil, so he grabbed the copper coins again:
"My lovely and respectable, great, handsome and powerful Tiandao Master, my little Chen Banxian, there is something unknown..."

With the sound of coins falling, the two of them were still playing chess in an unknown place in the distance.

At every step, the world comes and goes, using chaos as a board and the world as a chess piece.

Suddenly, "Brother Yun"'s expression changed, and he hooked his fingers without any trace.

"Brother Yun, I was distracted."

Brother Qing smiled faintly, and took this opportunity to drop the chess pieces. In an instant, the world was turned upside down, the dragon strangled the chessboard, and the five black stones spread across the city!
"The yin rises and the yang wanes. This game of chess should be a dark world, and destiny is determined by different ways."

Brother Yun stopped talking and suddenly grabbed the fifth sunspot: "No, no, let's start over!"


Earth, Chen Banxian continued to be lost in thought.

He looked at the three copper coins in front of him, standing crookedly and making marks on the ground.

The traces form exactly one sentence:

Are you too full to eat and have nothing to do?
He frowned slightly and looked up.

"Are you sick when you step on the horse? Are you sick? Are you sick?"

After spitting out a curse word, before the dark clouds rolled in the sky, he added: "That's you, the light element! What a fool!"

Light element:? ? ?

The dark clouds have dispersed.


Silently, people in District 14 of Baihu City discovered that the sun was exceptionally bright today, especially at the city gate.

Suddenly, the brightness of that area suddenly increased.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Many people screamed and suffered from the disaster of the fish pond.

Chen Banxian is quite calm. If he can't figure it out, he won't. Anyway, he already has two Flying Immortal Body Summoning Demon Sutras, and another blood spring is not bad.

Too many lice do not itch, too many debts do not worry.

The news here attracted a lot of people. Lin Tian and others went out to do some work, but no one knew about it. They were quickly approached by "relevant personnel".

"Hello, we are a wardrobe repair shop with love from the community in District 14."

"Ahem, I don't have a wardrobe at home."

Chen Banxian turned people away.

"Then...we are repairing gas." The visitor changed his words.

"Brother, why don't you tell me to read the water meter?"

He opened the door, and what he saw was a group of three people, wearing uniforms with uniforms of psychic armor, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Isn’t this the law enforcer of Baihu City!

As soon as the door opened, the latter immediately looked at Chen Banxian:
"You're so brave, you dare to open the door to steal something!"

Chen Banxian frowned: "Why do you think I am a thief? This is my house,"

“A decent person would wander around his own house wearing a hood?”

“Can’t serious people wear hoods at home?”

Chen Banxian wanted to argue, but saw the other party turn on the intercom.

“Dongguai, dongguai, this is Dongdongyao, the paper bag head thief suspect who caused trouble recently has been caught.

In addition, the cause of the flash has not been identified yet. Please send someone to take over. "

He moved his hands closer to his waist, preparing to shoot, and shouted: "Hold your head with both hands, squat down!"

Righteous words: "Thief, your criminal career is over!"

What the hell... this is a mistake.

"Look, I have evidence."

Chen Banxian had no choice but to sigh and touch the storage ring. Fortunately, he had the real estate certificate with him.

I saw the other party was frightened: "There is a gun!"

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, he drew his gun and fired, and the psychic bullets poured out like they were free!


Chen Banxian was horrified: "My sofa!"

"My lamp!"

"My table, don't go crazy when the dragon comes back!"

He gritted his teeth and used his body to catch all the bullets.

The bullet, which was powerful enough to blow away the hill, fell to the ground. Chen Banxian breathed a long sigh of relief and took out... his mobile phone.

"You are finished!"

He said harsh words: "Don't you dare let me shake you?"

"You shake it, even if you shake it for the city lord, it's useless!"

The other party sneered, making it clear that he didn't believe Chen Banxian.

Chen Banxian turned on his phone and sent a message:
[Sister Devil, send someone here quickly, someone thinks I’m a home invasion robber! 】

[Automatic reply: Hello, I am in a meeting and will call you later. 】


Chen Banxian changed his mind: [Fang Ping, my dear son, please bring someone to my house to save me. 】

Fang Ping is studying alchemy.

"It turns out that the methods of alchemy refining in the Secret Realm, Zangcang Realm, and Dongzhou are all similar."

He took out his notebook to record and casually glanced at his phone. It was Chen Banxian.

The grandson was probably teasing him, and he would talk about it later, but he still had to deal with it.

[Okay, I'll be there in a moment. 】

"Come on, Brother Ninth, tell me more about the control of the amount of spiritual energy delivered and the temperature. I went back to make alchemy and found that the input of spiritual energy was obviously the same, but the temperature was getting bigger and smaller."

Chen Banxian was determined: "I'll wait for you." 】

The three law enforcers opposite looked at him, and the latter whispered:
"Captain, are you really going to let him shake people?"

"You think I'm that stupid?"

The captain lowered his tone: "This suspect can withstand psychic bullets and is at least a third-level combat-side transcendent. Can we take him down?"

"Oh~ Captain, you are scared."

The three of them whispered, thinking Chen Banxian couldn't hear.

As everyone knows, Chen Banxian heard it clearly and sent another message.

[Fang Ping, bitch, how long will it take?Where are you?How about I come pick you up? 】

Fang Ping ignored it. He turned off his phone casually and listened to Jiujiu's talk about the use of spiritual energy.

"Damn it, it turns out that spiritual energy is just like signals. I have to adjust the concentration. If it's weak, it will increase the output. If it's strong, it will decrease the output."

He was astonished by Ninth: "Brother Ninth, you are awesome!"

"Calm down." Ninth smiled lightly.

[Your message was not sent. 】

Chen Banxian held the phone and was dumbfounded.

But at this time, there were people downstairs who had already surrounded the place. When Zhou Fuchang, the security captain of the outer city, received the news that the perpetrator was a third-level transcendent, he immediately responded and brought a lot of support.

Zhou Fuchang is also a strong man in the third realm. He awakened to the extraordinary flame. Now he has practiced the method of practicing flame, and he is very strong.His arrival made the three law enforcers relax and make way for the captain.

"Are you the suspect who caused a lot of trouble recently?"

He looked at Chen Banxian and took out the shackles: "Let's arrest him without mercy and try to deal with him leniently."

Chen Banxian took off the paper bag head and said: "This is my home. You have no evidence to send so many people. It's too much."

He just wanted to have fun and never thought that the other party had mobilized at least a company of troops.

Looking downstairs, I saw at least 50 to [-] people decorating the area, and they were even building something.

Zhou Fuchang smiled: "Chen Banxian, do you think... it's really a misunderstanding?"

When his name was spoken, Chen Banxian's face instantly turned cold: "How brave."

He soon understood that this was not a coincidence, but a premeditated action.

The target is himself!
"Aren't you afraid that I'll chop you to death?" He summoned the sword spirit, but he didn't expect that white mist would rise from the place.

"Of course we are afraid."

Zhou Fuchang's smile had an unclear meaning: "So, Master Chen, please change the place to talk."

He pressed the button, and suddenly, white mist quickly filled the original room, swallowing everyone's figure.

Chen Banxian could leave, but he thought about it and did not resist.

He wanted to see who was behind the scenes and what their purpose was.

The white fog came and went quickly. When the fog dissipated, Zhou Fuchang and others outside the door closed the door.

"This temporary space door requires a lot of resources. I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking."

He exhaled softly with disdain in his eyes: "The person who was invincible half a year ago is not that good either."

"Can't you just die in peace? If you have to show up again, your practice today will be interrupted."

On the other side of the white mist, Chen Banxian glanced around lightly.

Can't see, can't see anything, it's pitch black here.

"Hide your head and show your tail, come out and speak."

He simply closed his eyes to avoid being affected.

"Mr. Chen, how about a deal?"

In the darkness, an old voice came out, and a virtual projection screen appeared.

He was an old man, wearing a luxurious Tang suit and holding a dragon-headed cane.

"Half of your body has been buried in the ground, so why are you talking about a deal?"

He glanced at the screen: "Where are you hiding? How about we meet face to face?"

"I don't dare to talk to you face to face."

The old man on the other side of the screen smiled and refused: "Who doesn't know that you, Chen Banxian, have a nuclear bomb in your hand? If you are unhappy, I won't be able to kill a hundred old men for you."

"Tell me, under what conditions?"

By the projected light, Chen Banxian speculated that he should be somewhere underground.

You can hear vibrations in the soil, and there should be an underground river nearby.

Baihu City is rich in waterways and underground rivers are not surprising.

"It's very simple." The old man stood up from his chair and said:
"You show your noble hand and give up the technology shares of Wandering Planet, and we will stay on the same page."


He smiled: "Old man, what nonsense are you talking about? It's your turn to worry now. If I catch you, guess what will happen to you?"

The old man's expression changed and he became relaxed again: "Mr. Chen is indeed as fast-talking as the information says."

He clapped his hands, and a video appeared behind the projection.

In the video, there is Aigwei who is reading a book, and there is also a baby being taken care of by a woman.

"Little gold?"

Chen Banxian watched the video for a few more seconds.

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

His tone was calm: "The last person who did this was beaten so hard by me that he couldn't even reincarnate."

"I know, so we didn't touch her."

The old man closed the video: "Even the Ezhao Sect approved by Shen Qinghe can't stop you. Of course we old guys can't."

He just made a statement.

"I just don't know, what is the difference between digital life and normal people living together?"

The old man's smile seemed particularly hateful to Chen Banxian:
"We are doing a study. When a person's consciousness is uploaded to the quantum network, will there be an extra self or an extra enemy when they meet?"

"Ms. Zheng Yue and little Miss Ai Gewei have already signed up for this project."


It does not hurt anyone, but it is the greatest harm.

Facing the flesh-and-blood Egerwei, Chen Banxian naturally defended his shortcomings, but if he faced the digital life Egerwei, how should he choose?

The same personality, the same cognition, the same behavior, the digital life of Egerwei is also Egerwei.

If you ask him to kill someone, he won't be able to do it.

The old man said again:

"Actually, it's useless for you to hold so many shares. It's better to give them away. From now on, the entire Baihu City will be your backing. If you just say a word, we aristocratic families will do our best to help you complete it."

An old fox smile appeared on his face: "So, why not do it?"

In a room somewhere, Xia Lian looked indifferently and tapped his finger on the tap cane.

It is a recognized fact that Chen Banxian is very strong and powerful. Old guys like them can see all the heart-stirring deeds from the documents.

But no matter how strong a person is, he is still a human being and has emotions and desires.

As long as there is emotion, there will be flaws, and once there is a flaw, he has already lost.

Xia Lian looked at the projection, waiting for Chen Banxian's choice.

"What if I say no?"

Chen Banxian raised his gaze: "Have you been sitting at a high place for so long that you think you have everything under control?"

His eyes were calm: "No one can threaten me. As long as I am willing, all of you can even become my dogs."

He wasn't talking big words, he was telling the truth.

As long as they are not in the third realm, he can modify the memories of these people at will.

He has always been opposed to this extraordinary ability, because modifying memory will eventually have negative consequences. He knows that once a person falls into the abyss, it will never be possible to get up again.

But now he suddenly felt that it was actually a good thing for the so-called nobles, congressmen, etc. to change their perceptions.

"Mr. Chen, this is just a negotiation."

Xia Lian smiled: "Since we can't reach an agreement, let's put it aside for now. Don't worry, we won't do anything to your people."

He turned off the projection and touched his back.

Looking at those eyes, a layer of sweat broke out on his back unconsciously. This was a feeling he had not felt for a long time.

The last time I was so nervous was when I stood up for the royal family for more than 40 years.

"Mr. Xia, how did the conversation go?"

Outside the door, some nobles who had been waiting for a long time cast curious glances.

This is the actual person in power in the Southern Region, and his words carry a lot of weight.

Xia Lian shook his head: "We haven't reached an agreement."

"What about this?"

A middle-aged nobleman frowned: "The wealth he controls is enough to subvert any of our big families. This should not happen and must be eliminated!"

No one wants to have a time bomb on their head at all times.

"Is there any way you can kill him?"

Xia Lian asked back and sighed: "When the enemy is strong and we are weak, we must put away our fangs appropriately and wait for the opportunity."

The nobles present were all related to each other, and they had a huge and complex network of relationships. He taught these juniors:

"If hard knives don't come, let's use soft knives. There will always be one that works."

(End of this chapter)

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