There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 226 Because labor and management are unhappy today

Chapter 226 Because labor and management are unhappy today

Zheng Yue opened her mouth, subconsciously trying to find a reason.

The timid words came to his lips, but he couldn't say them out. The eyes of the man in front of him were shining like stars, penetrating into people's hearts.


In the end, all the excuses turned into a sigh, and Zheng Yue shook his head with a wry smile.

"Axian, this world is not what we think it is. Sometimes, you have to make some helpless choices."

She threw away the tools in her hands dejectedly, and the motor oil in her hands that could not be washed seemed to be a heavy burden on her body.

"What happened?"

Chen Banxian gently took Xiao Jinzi off, and the tie on his back made Zheng Yue's shoulders turn red.

Xiao Jinzi sleeps very deeply, or in other words, she is a little weak and needs a lot of sleep to make up for it, and she sleeps longer than a normal baby.

Perhaps feeling the aura on Chen Banxian's body, she moved her mouth and subconsciously dug into his chest.

"I messed with the wrong people."

Zheng Yue's voice was very low: "I can't go to the inner city, and it's not safe outside the city. I can only hide in the outer city and fill my stomach by myself."

A reason that doesn’t seem like a reason.

"You provoked someone, why didn't you come to me?"

Chen Banxian sat down casually in the shop and said in a reproachful voice: "Didn't I say, if you have anything to do with me, you can always go to Die Yunfei even if you can't find me."

She wrapped little Jinzi's clothes around her heartily. He liked this lively little cutie very much during the migration.

At that time, I would giggle, grab his fingers, and love to move.

But now she was dead, her breath of life had become weak, and she was no longer full of energy.

Zheng Yue's conditions were so bad that the child naturally suffered.

"I can't find it."

Zheng Yue sighed: "I once went to find Leader Die Yunfei, but was stopped before I reached the core area."

She stared outside: "Someone is watching me. Once I leave to find help, they will take action."

"So disgusting?"

"How on earth did you provoke others to spend so much money and keep an eye on you all the time?"

Zheng Yue is just an ordinary transcendent who has barely reached the second level.

To be honest, apart from running faster, any First Realm law enforcer wearing standard psychic equipment can defeat her.

"What else can happen? It's just that in this era, I saved a girl who was being bullied by a noble."

Zheng Yue picked up some more parts and started banging them, adding something.

"That child is only 11 years old."


The voice came from Chen Banxian's feet.

"Those nobles are so tired of living!"

People should have a bottom line and at least be bound by morality!

Zheng Yue signaled Chen Banxian to be silent: "Keep your voice down. There are spies near this shop. If they are overheard, you will be in trouble."

She looked outside nervously and breathed a sigh of relief when she found nothing unusual.

"Who dares?"

It's really an eye-opener. These cancers were restrained in peacetime, but now the etiquette has collapsed and the music has collapsed, directly revealing the nature of the beast.

Chen Banxian calmly handed the small gold piece to Zheng Yue.

"Carry her behind your back and follow me to find Die Yunfei."

"I want to see what kind of ghosts come out!"

Zheng Yue was startled by these words, and she hurriedly stopped:

"No, you can't beat them. Brother Xian, I know you are very powerful, but they have planes, cannons, and third-level transcendents."

She had very little information and could not afford a psychic phone, but she understood that the third realm that Chen Banxian had reached was now numerous in Baihu City.

And most of these top transcendent beings in the third realm are in the hands of those nobles. Even if they are not, they are more or less inextricably linked.

Chen Banxian is powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he will face three, five, ten, or a hundred!

How can we beat him?
"A transcendent person in the third realm? Who do you think he is?"

The voice of the banished immortal was unmistakable, with a hint of majesty.

"I said, come with me."

He looked at this woman who had been tortured to the point of becoming haggard and pale. Even an extraordinary person had become weak due to long-term malnutrition and fatigue.

Zheng Yue was shocked by this look, and couldn't help but think of the god-like figure back then. She was moved in her heart and refused no longer.

"There is free food to be received next to the statue of the Ninth God. Why don't you go?"

The two of them went out one after another. Zheng Yue wanted to close the shop, but was stopped by Chen Banxian.

"Why does this shabby shop care about him?"

Zheng Yue simply lost the key and sighed:

"I've been there, and every time they say there's no more porridge. In fact, they do it on purpose. It's that person's influence."

The figure in front paused slightly, and a suppressed sneer slowly sounded:
"Okay, that's great. Do you even dare to touch the property of labor and capital?"

They hadn't walked a few steps when two middle-aged men who looked like gangsters came out of the alley ahead.

His face was dirty, his hair was wrapped in a flower scarf, and he was weighing a knife in his hand.

"Hey, you bitch, where did you find a scapegoat? What do you want to do?"

The two gangsters had clear goals and looked at Chen Banxian with malicious intent.

"Young pretty boy, he's pretty good-looking. He's working for the Bai family, you know?"

These two people were extraordinary people, and their energy and blood fluctuated in the second realm, and they even sneered and stretched out their hands:
"One thousand black coins, this matter is over, I won't embarrass you."

Chen Banxian took a deep breath and told himself that they were just following orders and doing things, and their crimes would not lead to death.


"Labour and management are not happy today."

The overwhelming demonic energy leaked from his eyes, and the two extraordinary beings opposite realized something was wrong, and they screamed: "Wait..."

Not a single word was finished, because the space they were in was staggered by the neck, and they were cut to death.

Chen Banxian was afraid of getting his hands dirty when he started.

The two second-level extraordinary beings didn't even make a bubble.

"The Bai family? Humph."

His voice was solemn, as cold as the snow on a cold day, "Zheng Yue, let's keep going."

When he came to the two headless corpses, he even took out the communicator from their arms.

There is a password, but the last number answered can be dialed.

The note is: Brother Bai.

He called back directly and waited for two seconds. There was a faint sound from the other side, as well as crying and screaming.


Bai Changsuo's figure was very impatient and hit him hard with his lower body.

He was an extraordinary person, but the person beneath him was just an ordinary person. In an instant, he heard a burst of bone cracking.


The woman screamed heartbreakingly, but was kicked away.

"Come here." Bai Changsuo rubbed his head: "I lost this one, please replace it with another one."

Soon someone came in, dragged the woman who had been kicked to death out, and replaced her with a trembling girl.

Chen Banxian knew what was happening just by listening to the noise.He has only one sentence:

"Those surnamed Bai, all of you and your family must kneel down in front of the office building in the core area within three hours. Otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Before Bai Changsuo could curse, he had already crushed the communicator.

The anger has been accumulated enough and there is no need for any more patience.

On the other end, Bai Changsuo said with a gloomy face: "Steward, there are two whistles in the outer city. Let's find out why."

His good mood was shattered and he became restless: "Just handle it for me. I want to see the person's head on the phone."

"Yes." The butler nodded respectfully. He had done this frequently and was already very skilled at it.

Just apply and check the surveillance video at the whistle.

For a behemoth like the Bai family, it is said to be an application, but in fact it is more like a notice.

Soon, the housekeeper found the surveillance and locked the person in the picture.

He just took a screenshot and sent a message: "Lao Yu, the person in charge, his appearance and approximate location have been sent to you."

At this time, the person in the painting took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Die Yunfei.

"You have half a day to evacuate all normal office personnel in the core area. After half a day, I will clean the core area of ​​Area 14."

Die Yunfei is at work. There are many loopholes in the education system implemented in District 14. At the request of the nobles, the school needs to improve the classroom facilities for the nobles. Funds are not a problem and can be raised as desired.

He clicked the tip of his pen and thought to himself: These people don't care about money. They can keep a little more and use it for other things.

Die Yunfei was thinking about some areas that needed funds. Maybe he could talk to them again and strive for more benefits.

The communicator suddenly remembered, interrupting his train of thought.

Click on it, and Chen Banxian's words can be seen clearly.

He didn't believe it when he first saw it. This was not something a big boss could say.

Isn't that the one who hates trouble the most?

Clean the core area?What a joke!
If we really do this, why don’t we break the news!The entire Baihu City would explode, and even he could only slowly grind out the minions of the noble men bit by bit.

He hurriedly replied with a message: Boss, did you send the wrong message?You can't touch them now!
The first calamity has not passed yet, Baihu City needs stability and cannot withstand such a big turmoil.

He waited anxiously for a reply.

One second, two seconds...

1 minutes, 2 minutes.

10 minutes, half an hour...

No response, not at all.

Die Yunfei panicked, and he hurriedly ordered, "Quick, check, where is Chen Banxian and what is he doing!"

At this time, Chen Banxian officially stepped onto the threshold between the outer city area and the ordinary area.

"Sorry, you can't go in."

At the gate of the city, the extraordinary member of the Bai family who had been waiting for a long time took out his pistol: "Now we suspect that you are carrying prohibited items. You may be a spy from a foreign race. Come with us."

"Don't you know who I am?"

Chen Banxian glanced at them. These people were not the familiar city guards. They had been replaced early.

That's why I don't know his identity.

"No matter who you are, no one can escape the punishment of the law!"

Several extraordinary beings pressed forward with guns, and the safety had already been turned on.

"Now, squat down immediately and put your head in your hands!"

Their expressions were full of indifference, and they looked at Chen Banxian as if he were dead.

They didn't do this kind of thing less, they just went through the process.


The man raised his hand and slapped them lightly.

The leader of the extraordinary had a bad premonition and was about to pull the trigger subconsciously, but he suddenly couldn't feel his body.

Head!Several heads, the necks of all gun-wielding supernatural beings present were cut open, and their heads flew high!
The blood pressure in the extraordinary person's body is so strong that the blood shoots out from the broken neck to a height of seven or eight feet!
As blood rain fell, Chen Banxian retracted his hand and stepped forward.

Behind him, Zheng Yue held Xiao Jinzi in her arms. She didn't speak, she just felt happy in her heart!

Cool!It had to be Brother Xian. She had thought about such a day countless times, but she only thought about it countless times.

His own customers were driven away.

Every time I went to receive relief food to feed Xiao Jinzi, I was told that there was none.

Every time she goes out of the city, she will always be harassed. If she is not a physical and fast person, her chastity may not be preserved.

Not only that, but also all kinds of bits and pieces of life.

Now, as the heads flew up, the shadow in her heart seemed to fly up too!


The death at the gate of the area caused a commotion among the crowd. They didn't know why, but they quickly reported it to the law enforcement bureau!

"Should we report it to the law enforcement bureau in the outer city area or the law enforcement bureau in the general area?"

"Outside the city, after all, they haven't entered the ordinary area yet."

"But he killed the guards in the general area?"

"Then pay them all."

Some people looked at Chen Banxian's back and wondered, "Why do I look at that person? Does he look familiar?"

"Don't tell me, when you say that, I also feel that this person looks a bit familiar, as if I have seen him somewhere."

"No matter who he is, if he openly provokes the authorities, he may not survive. Unfortunately, I only have a gray pass and cannot go in to watch the show."

While people were talking, the director of the Outer City Law Enforcement Bureau received a call to report the crime.

"What, someone openly killed someone?"

audacious in the extreme!These days, all kinds of monsters and monsters are out there. He immediately ordered to go down and retrieve the surveillance records of the place where the incident occurred to identify the suspect.

But when that figure appeared, he turned pale with horror, shuddered, and quickly turned off the projection equipment.

"Everyone, the communication equipment will be inspected today and all incoming calls will be temporarily refused."

Oh my god, it's this disaster star, what kind of trouble is he going to do again?

The law enforcement bureaus in outer cities have learned the lesson after suffering a big loss, but the law enforcement bureaus in ordinary districts don't think so.

Chen Banxian's steps were blocked again.

In front of him was a team of 12 people, equipped with sophisticated combat uniforms.

The light of the lens flashed not far away, and the sniper was already in position.

"Stop, stop immediately!"

The squad leader took out the loudspeaker and shouted: "You have been surrounded. You are captured at your wits' end. Don't resist. A human fist is no bigger than the fist of the law!"


Chen Banxian heard that Xiao Jinzi's breathing was a little disordered, and he said with murderous intent:
"In ten seconds, everyone who has nothing to do with the nobles and that bunch of things, get out of here."

He only had ten seconds, so he didn't have that much experience to waste!

No one moved, everyone stared at him with sharp eyes, ready to take action at any time.


"Trouble!" he yelled, reaching out and taking out the Fengdu plaque from the space:

"Look who the boss is! The boss doesn't want to kill good people, so I'll give you ten more seconds!"

Maybe everyone doesn't know his appearance, but as long as they see the Fengdu plaque, I believe no one can tell him apart.

That terrifying 20-meter-long stone plaque has been stained with the blood of countless aliens and is also an idol they worship!

(End of this chapter)

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