Chapter 227 Who is he?
"It's the boss!"

Seven or eight people in the team recognized Chen Banxian and couldn't help but take their fingers off the trigger.

That person shocked them too much. Other areas may have only seen his information but not heard about him, but they have all been trained and know all the big shots who cannot take action.

Among them, there is this ruthless man who rubs nuclear bombs with his hands!

"team leader?"

One team member whispered: "Are we still going to stop him?"

Not to mention that he didn't want to stop him, even if he did, they couldn't stop him.

This is not a gap in strength.

The captain was also hesitant, but at this moment, the Bai family's order came through the headset.

"Yes Yes!"

The captain's expression turned cold: "Promise to complete the order!"

He opened the team channel: "The higher ups have given the order, kill them on the spot!"

"What?" Several team members asked, "Is the top there crazy?"

Some people were still hesitant, but others shot decisively!
They do not belong to Baihu City. First of all, they are members of the Bai family.

However, just as the bullet came out of the chamber, it misfired again.

A twisted space swallowed up all the bullets, and even the people who fired.

Only the upper third of the body was eaten.

The psychic armor that could withstand a full-strength blow from the third realm had no effect at all, and the fractures were more neat than polished.

In the blink of an eye, only six of the 13 people were left, and even the snipers in the distance were silent.

"very good."

Chen Banxian glanced at the living ones: "Inform me, today I will liquidate the nobles in District 14. If the extraordinary people are not afraid of death, they can face me directly."

His meaning was clear and his tone left no room for doubt.

The survivors of the disaster looked at each other, and they all saw fear in each other's eyes.

Today, I'm afraid things are going to change in District 14!
At this time, in the Bai family, Bai Changsuo was kneeling on the ground, his face covered with cold sweat.

"Impossible, how could it be him!"

In front of him, sat the father, the patriarch of the Bai family, and a group of elders.

The Bai family is the founder of Daxia, and they followed Emperor Xia to usher in a new era.

His father, Bai Gaoxiao, was also appointed general of the Daxia army for a time.

At this time, Bai Gaoxiao's face was gloomy, looking at Bai Changsuo, he wanted to kill this traitor.

"Look, look, what you have done!"

Xia Lian had also informed him before that he would deal with Chen Banxian and share his shares.

At that time, he was busy with business within the clan and could not spare his time, so he temporarily refused. He was afraid of being the first person to succeed.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he returned home, he received the shocking news that his son had provoked the killer star!
"Asshole! Asshole!"

Bai Gaoxiao was so angry that his chest heaved violently: "How many times have I told you to see the opponent's background clearly before taking action? You dare to mess with this person without even knowing who he is, and you also use the power of the Law Enforcement Bureau?"

He grabbed the inkstone beside him and threw it at Nizi:
"Do you know how terrifying he is? Let's not talk about strength, but talk about power. Do you know that half of Die Yunfei relies on this person?"

"Die Yunfei has been weakening our power. We, the older generation, have worked hard to prevent him from taking advantage of us. It would be better for you to rush to attack the opponent's head!"

He was still angry and wanted to beat Bai Changsuo to death with his own hands.

"Okay, okay, Suo'er didn't know this would happen."

A clan elder spoke up to persuade him. He had watched Bai Changsuo grow up and was reluctant to let the child get beaten.

"Let's think about how to resolve this grudge now and how to minimize the losses."

In their view, there are no permanent enemies in the world. If there are, then the interests are not enough.

The clan elder raised his finger slightly, and a person was reflected in the huge sun-green jade ring.

"Brother Liu, please come and calm down my anger first."


The answer came from the empty hall.

A shadow quickly shot out from the core area, crossed the inner city, and soon found the target's figure.


The plaque fell, stained with blood.

Chen Banxian stared at the shadow, and immediately threw the stone plaque again: "Get out!"

Liu Ming was hit before he could speak. Fortunately, he was immune to physical damage at this time. Even so, he was also injured by the layer of black energy covering the plaque.

What on earth is this?Can it actually hurt him in the illusory state?
Liu Ming hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm here for peace talks on behalf of the Bai family!"

He didn't dare to show his body. He was also in the third realm. He had entered the third realm a few months ago and was one of the worshipers of the Bai family.

But facing this person, he was actually afraid and his legs were shaking.

The four words "incapable of defeat" were firmly imprinted on his heart.

Chen Banxian looked at him with indifferent eyes. Liu Ming's eyebrows were beating wildly and he was about to run away in an instant.

However, a ray of fairy light fell, locking him in the void, and then, black demonic energy covered his whole body.


The originally illusory person was completely turned into nothingness, and was burned dry to the last drop.

"The Bai family, are you afraid now? It's too late."

His footsteps still maintained a certain frequency and he walked over calmly.I'll give you scumbags some time, and I'm willing to talk to you.

Those who are sensible can live.Those who are ignorant can only die.

I'm afraid that not many people will be sensible by then.

"Killed another one!"

In Area 14, such a big movement naturally attracted many people to watch.

Many extraordinary people originally just sneered at it and didn't care about their own status.

After all, there is no difference between killing a few people and killing a few chickens these days.

But when they learned who had taken action, they rushed over immediately.

"Is this the ruthless man with a nuclear bomb in his hand? This is the first time I've seen him. He looks good."

"Does he dare to challenge the superiors in the entire 14th district by himself? The one who died just now was from the third realm, right?"

"The third realm! I just had a rough feeling that the strength of the Bai family is only between five and five, but he was killed instantly. How terrifying is Chen Banxian!"

They didn't dare to get close and could only follow behind, following suit.

Some people also noticed Zheng Yue and Xiao Jinzi and asked curiously: "Who is she? She is carrying a child on her back. Is she Chen Banxian's?"

Several extraordinary beings around the speaker immediately covered his mouth: "What nonsense are you talking about? You don't want to die!"

Someone familiar recognized Zheng Yue: "I remember that Leader Die and the others migrated from Liangcheng. At that time, this woman and the boss were in the same car, so they should be friends."

"Then... Mr. Chen is standing up for his friends and wants to settle a score with the Bai family?"

Their discussion could not stop Chen Banxian. The Bai family acted quickly and saw Liu Ming being killed instantly. After receiving the news, they held another meeting.

"It's not good, Liu Ming didn't even say anything!"

A clan elder had an insight into people's hearts: "He is determined to bring down our Bai family."

Patriarch Bai Gaoxiao suggested: "This cannot continue. He is destroying our confidence. I suggest that all our offerings be sent out."

He is the head of the family, and he knows that this is an era of reshuffle. If he doesn't spend money, the Bai family may be doomed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but kick Bai Changsuo, who was still kneeling.


He didn't blame the traitor for his misbehavior, he only blamed him for not having eyes!

"Then, let me know!"

The clan elders nodded, and now they can only try to see if force can suppress it.

Soon, the extraordinary beings cultivated by the Bai family and the worshipers they invited gathered together.

All are in the third realm, a total of 11 people.

It should be noted that a third level person can form a eloquent force in District 14.

And here, there are eleven!
"Master Bai, what is this matter of life and death that invites us all to come?"

An extraordinary person said: "Where's Liu Ming, why didn't he come?"

Bai Gaoxiao took a deep breath, gathering his emotions, and said seriously: "Liu Ming is dead."

"Everyone, the Bai family is being targeted by gangsters. It's a life-or-death moment. Please take pity on me, the Bai family, and come to the rescue."

His posture is very low, and only in this way can they make efforts.

"Liu Ming is actually dead!"

The eleven extraordinary beings were horrified. One of them, Shi Ming, had a good relationship with Liu Ming and was extremely shocked at this time.

"Liu Ming is immune to physical attacks. Who is his opponent? Or what force?"

"There is only one person, one who was in the third realm half a year ago."

Bai Gaoxiao replied, but did not say the person's name in the end, fearing that these people would be afraid after hearing it.

"It's no wonder that Liu Ming was able to be killed in the third realm half a year ago."

This is reasonable. Shi Ming relaxed a lot:

"Chief Bai, don't be afraid. The third realm half a year ago was only the third realm. There are 11 of us here. Who is not the third realm?"

Everyone started laughing and laughing. They thought they were going to start a war with other families, but in the end, there was a third-level transcendent?
Bai Gaoxiao is also timid, but that's right. He is an ordinary person and doesn't know the power of extraordinary beings.

Even if the battle in the third realm is one-on-one, even if they think they can't defeat them, they will be able to escape unscathed.

This is no longer the past era, where talent was equaled by skill and combat experience.

Often in a duel, both sides know the details of the opponent before the fight begins. In addition to talent restraint, they basically have methods of suppression.

"Clan leader, please tell me the coordinates. I'll be back as soon as I kill that person. I won't delay the afternoon party, hahaha."

They smiled easily, and their words were full of ridicule towards Chen Banxian.

"I'm afraid that when he finds out that he has offended us, it will be too late to regret it."

"When the time comes, don't take action immediately. First, scare him and let him know that he is just a "merely" third level person."

"Brother Li is so poisonous that he has to pierce his heart before killing someone, but I like it."

Bai Gaoxiao looked at these extraordinary beings talking nonsense, and his lowered eyelids covered his thoughts.

If Chen Banxian could be eliminated, that would be the best. If he couldn't be eliminated, just as the boy said before, he would contact all the major families to cleanse the core area.

At the same time, they made multiple preparations. They were over, and they had lost the opportunity. But to ensure the bloodline of the clan, they needed to inform the old clan leader Xia Lian of the Southern Region.

Bai Gaoxiao's life's wisdom and shrewdness were all in the development and preservation of his family. At this time, his brain was running rapidly and he almost wanted to wake up.

The Bai family's network must also be used, and leader Die Yunfei can also be contacted.

I believe that he does not want to see chaos in District 14, nor can he bear the pressure of the entire Baihu City nobles.

If you still can't defeat him, or if the other party resists and launches a nuclear bomb and they both die together, if Die Yunfei tries to persuade him again, he can't bring down his friend's face, right?
(End of this chapter)

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