There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 228 Gone in the blink of an eye

Chapter 228 Gone in the blink of an eye

"Brothers, where are you going to stop him?"

Shi Ming opened the car door and said casually.

As soon as they left the Bai family's door, there were eleven special cars parked outside the door. These were the means of transportation provided by the Bai family.

"Go to the gate of the inner city. It's best to let others see what happens if you piss us off."

An extraordinary person named Heisan replied that he was very powerful and had the extraordinary ability to "harden". Not only himself, but also everything he saw could be hardened.

This kind of ability is hard to guard against, and Heisan's favorite method is to harden the enemy's heart.

This move puts his status in the upper reaches of the third realm.

"What are you still doing? Go."

Shi Ming kicked the driver in the head with his raised legs:

"If you don't have any eyesight, I'll replace you later."

"Master, let's go now, let's go now!"

Even the driver smiled when he was insulted. He suppressed the panic in his heart and said, "It's my fault. I slapped you."

He drove the speeding car with one hand, and kept shouting loudly with the other hand, making a snapping sound.

Shi Ming said nothing but smiled.

These drivers all took the Bai family's money, and their endings were miserable after being replaced.

He has changed several drivers, and this driver is still interesting and knows how to please himself.

When half of the driver's face was swollen and blood spilled from his mouth, he nodded casually: "Okay, it's quite interesting."

This is sparing myself.

The driver let out a long sigh of relief, put down his hands tremblingly, and almost went deaf in one ear.

Great, if this job is saved, my family can settle down in Baihu City, my children can go to school, and they won't be slaves like me in the future.

As you slowly arrive at the entrance to the inner city, you can see huge streets with soldiers standing guard with guns every ten meters.

The street lights are turned on even during the day, illuminating the road and giving more respect to the extraordinary.

The streets are neat and clean, hundreds of meters wide, stretching all the way to the end.

Half of the driver's face was swollen. He humbly opened the door for Shi Ming, then knelt down and used his back as a step.

It is not shabby to be a stepping stone for the extraordinary master. As long as the child has a future, it is right for him to make any big sacrifice.

11 people got out of the car, and the drivers parked the car on the side of the road, ready to welcome the gentlemen home at any time.

The 11 people were either lazy, or had their backs straight, or were looking casually at the end of the huge road, where a huge plaque first showed its shadow.

"Tsk, you're walking so slowly."

Shi Ming spat disdainfully: "You're in the same realm as me, but you can pretend quite well."

Ping San trimmed his nails on one side: "No matter how big the score is, I will have to kneel on the ground and beg my employer for mercy."

"Not right."

Prince Wen among them stared into the distance and saw the huge plaque and the writing on it.

"Why do I feel that this stone plaque looks familiar?"

I just can’t quite remember it.

Baihu City is too big, and they are pampered, and the people they have the most contact with are top extraordinary beings who are famous.

For example, Baihu City is recognized as number one: Shen Qinghe.

For example, the strongest four powers: Jing Jing Ming, Luo Hao, Chen Qingshan, one.

Or Die Yunfei, who is famous for his special extraordinary ability, "space".

Liu Yeqing, who restrains spiritual energy, and so on.

Or, just study the extraordinary beings of rival families and find ways to target them.

Chen Banxian is usually too low-key. Maybe if you tell them about the ruthless person who rubs nuclear bombs, they will recognize him, but just by looking at his appearance, who will remember him?

"Too slow, too slow."

Someone among the 11 people was impatient: "Just let him walk slowly in front of us? Isn't it good to play with two girls while we have this time?"

He jumped up from the ground: "I will test the water for you first to see what the ingredients of this thing are."

"Jiang Yi, be careful."

Wang Ziwen warned him, but the latter didn't listen. When he landed, he was already in front of the stone plaque.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Jiang Yi's psychic armor shimmered, he licked the corners of his mouth cruelly, and a golden book floated in his hand.

The golden book is his rule item, and therefore he is a guest of the Bai family. Every time it is used, a text randomly appears on it, which can trigger the effect of the text.

At this time, a huge word "broken" appeared on the golden book.

"Oh my god, how could it be a hyphen? You are so unlucky."

Jiang Yi touched the broken word to his long knife and pressed against Chen Banxian.

"Hey, you ignorant boy, kneel down and beg for mercy. I won't torture you. How about that?"

As he spoke, he approached the figure under the stone plaque: "Tsk, tsk, what a beautiful face. It would be a pity to cut it off later. Be good, kneel down quickly."

Chen Banxian's expression remained unchanged and he blinked slightly.

Just in the blink of an eye, Jiang Yi's eyes flickered, and the person had already arrived in front of him, and the long knife in his hand slashed down hard!


Excited, Jiang Yi spoke just to lower the enemy's vigilance. The battle between the third realms was not just playing tricks.

A single oversight can kill someone.

However, Chen Banxian's footsteps still did not stop.

The cruel look still remained on Jiang Yi's face. His body fell like a rag, the long knife in his hand curled up, and his spiritual energy was scrapped.

He died. He died from a punch hitting the edge of the long knife with the word "broken". The force was not hindered at all, and it was completely absorbed into his body.

In an instant, all the bones in Jiang Yi's body were shattered, his spirit energy collapsed, and his blood energy collapsed.

Until his death, he never saw how his enemy punched.

Chen Banxian frowned and glanced at his hands slightly.

There was a tiny wound on the index finger, which had healed quickly.

It's not that Jiang Yi is not strong, it's a pity that he met Chen Banxian.

Met Chen Banxian who was in a furious state.

Jiang Yi is dead!

Shi Ming's pupils shrank and narrowed: "Did you see how he took action?"

Heisan put away his casual attitude, tensed up and became defensive.

They didn't see how Jiang Yi died, and they didn't notice it at all.

"Is it some kind of extraordinary ability?" Wang Ziwen was on guard and kept increasing the defense power of his psychic armor.

"Something's wrong, let's take action together."

Jiang Yi's death made them no longer despise this person and prepare for him.

Chen Banxian's footsteps slowly arrived in front of them.

"Step aside."

Two words, very ordinary, but the ten transcendent beings in the third realm are also very precious to human beings.

He didn't want to kill them all.

It's a pity that these people didn't see that the fate above their heads had come to an end.

Ping San sneered: "Destroy your cultivation and your extraordinary abilities, and we will give you a decent way to die."

Shi Ming raised his head: "You can kill Jiang Yi, which proves your strength. We are not willing to let you die without dignity." "That's right, give up. You are destined to be unable to compete with us. The farce is over." ”

The ten people mocked and were secretly on guard. They planned to break the Taoist heart of the man in front of them.

"No matter how powerful a person is, he is still just one person. You can't change anything, so just let it go."

"Hey, little bastard, who do you think you are?"

While they were taunting, Ping San suddenly activated his extraordinary ability, and he had already estimated the position of Chen Banxian's heart.

One hand is all your strength, the hardening and extraordinary are all concentrated in one place, and you must achieve a fatal blow.

No one in the third realm is mediocre!
The mediocre people have already died in the turmoil.

"Haha, you are so arrogant, you are so careless!"

Hei San laughed. After his heart hardened, he had been sentenced to death. He relaxed, so what could he do no matter how strong he was?It's just a moving target in front of him.

The heart is the key to the transportation of Qi and blood. Even if the aura forcefully maintains one's life, the strength will be reduced by a factor of seven.


He said hello, leaving no chance for the enemy to make a comeback.

Ten people took action, and the brilliant energy, extraordinary abilities, and spiritual energy explosions with different attributes caused the ground to drop by three points in an instant with just the residual power.

This terrifying power will make the powerful people from all over the world hate it even if it comes. They have already seen Chen Banxian's death.

In the center of the storm, Chen Banxian closed his eyes.

Shi Ming was determined, hey, he had given up resistance.

Wouldn't it be better to be a strong person in the third realm?If you have to provoke the nobles for nothing, the Bai family can compete with just you.

He said cruelly: "In the next life, remember this lesson when you talk nonsense!"


Chen Banxian's eyes were closed and slowly opened.

There were a few drops of coquettish blood on his face.

On the ground was a piece of red meat with indistinguishable flesh and bones.

The stone plaque of "Fengdu" was dyed black and red.

At this time, all the extraordinary people who were watching were speechless, and their eyes were not only shocked, but also shocked!

What did they see?
For a moment, there was only a loud noise, which was the combined sound of the stone plaque falling to the ground ten times!
"This... this is impossible!"

Some extraordinary people couldn't believe their eyes: "Ten third-level people were killed in an instant?"

"Is it fake? That's the third realm. I know Shi Ming from the Bai family. He once killed the Ming Wu monks in the Cang Cang Realm!"

"This... what kind of monster is this? Is this the third realm? No! How can this be the third realm!"

Those extraordinary beings in the first and second realms couldn't understand. Those who spoke at this time were basically those from the third realm who heard the news.

Experts know the rules, Shi Ming and others are very strong extraordinary beings, and everyone is aware of the restrictions on the top of their heads.

The fourth realm is not open at all.

But... there was a person in front of them. Killing the fourth realm was easier than eating and drinking, which they couldn't accept.

"You know shit!"

Someone in the crowd said excitedly: "This is the boss, Mr. Chen Banxian. His legend cannot be judged by common sense!"

"He once had a nuclear bomb in his hand! Not to mention the ten-man Third Realm, even if all the extraordinary beings in Baihu City came, they couldn't defeat him!"

They have witnessed too many legends. They are not just one person, they have become the belief in some people's hearts.

"Even if Shen Qinghe comes, he still has to make way for the big boss, Bai family? What Bai family!"

Some in the crowd were excited and no longer afraid of talking about the consequences of belittling the Bai family.

"You are crazy, don't die!"

His companion quickly covered the man's mouth: "If someone reports you, do you still want to live in Baihu City?"

"Bah! What a fright!"

The man slapped his companion's mouth away: "The boss took action, but you want to give it back to the Bai family? I can tell you for sure that after today, there will be no more Bai family!"

He is very confident, which stems from the trust he has accumulated while working in Liangcheng.

There is nothing that this person cannot solve!
He looked at the man's back with fanatical eyes, and followed closely as he walked further and further away.

"Great, the boss finally took action to punish those nobles. Kill! Kill him and turn everything upside down!"

Chen Banxian's next road was smooth and smooth.

In the inner city, those who can follow him are no longer ordinary people, but extraordinary beings.

No one dared to take action, and real-time news was playing on all communicator phones.

Behind him, many media carried cameras and kept a certain distance.

"Hello, viewers, I am your anchor, Zhang Peng."

"Just now we successfully arrived in the inner city. We can see that the ten extraordinary beings who blocked the road were instantly killed. What exactly is Chen Banxian going to do? Can he really defeat the Bai family today? Everyone, please look forward to it!"

"Brother Zhang, our network outside Area 14 has been disconnected."

Suddenly, the technician following the car was sweating profusely. He could not connect to the signal outside Area 14.

"It should have been cut off by those above."

Zhang Peng was not affected: "We will continue to play, switch to the LAN in District 14, and then look for opportunities to replay."

"Wait a moment!"

The sweat on the technician's forehead turned into cold sweat: "Someone has sent a message. If we broadcast it again, please don't mess around in Baihu City."

"This is a warning from the family!" The photographer put down the machine slightly and prepared to turn off the equipment: "Brother Zhang, why don't we stop?"

"We can't afford it."

"I bother!"

Zhang Peng knocked off his hand that was about to turn off the phone: "Aristocratic family, can aristocratic family bury the truth?"

"Liang Xiaofang, are you a reporter or a lackey of the nobles?"

Zhang Peng's voice was cold: "How heartbroken would it be if Sister Gao knew what you are doing now?"

Liang Xiaofang looked at the left and right sides: "But, but... no one else has recorded it."

Zhang Peng glanced around, and sure enough, after receiving orders from above, these reporters all turned off their equipment.

They can't afford to offend them in this day and age.

"They don't dare to record. They don't have the guts. Are they worthy of being called reporters? Are they worthy of doing news?"

Zhang Peng picked up the camera and pointed it at himself: "You go, now, the labor and management will record it themselves!"

He looked at the back eagerly, what is a reporter?What is news?

He still remembered what his instructor said to him when he first entered Liangcheng University.

In this world, there must be someone who records and discloses the truth, even if you will pay a price heavier than your life.

Quantum technology allows a single person to operate live photography. He is alone, abandoning the people following the car and the photographer, and follows closely with a microphone.

noble!Family! ! !
He gritted his teeth and recalled the news he had come across in Baihu City.

A mother came to their news agency, looking for her lost child.

Finally, they found the mutilated body in the stinking ditch.

That smelly ditch is outside Li's house.

The prostitute dragged her exhausted body back home, where she was faced with an old man who had starved to death.

Just because she was forcibly taken away for people to play with.

Adventurers who have been through life and death find treasures in an abandoned city, only to have their lives wiped out when they are snatched away by powerful extraordinary beings.

There are too many, too many, and no one stands up and no one faces these problems and proposes solutions.

(End of this chapter)

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