There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 229 Still want to reverse?

Chapter 229 Still want to reverse?

Those extraordinary people who slowly climbed up from the grassroots were bribed by aristocratic families and lived in a state of luxury.

When he once interviewed them, he kept saying that he wanted to change the world and slay the dragon.

After entering the aristocratic family, these people all changed their minds, because they were no longer sheep under the dragon, but instead, they also became the dragon.

But today!

Zhang Peng looked at the back, his senior!One person, one stone plaque, openly declared war on the nobles.

Scenes of all the people who were oppressed flashed through Zhang Peng's heart. He hated his own incompetence, but now he finally saw hope.

Even if it doesn't succeed, it will plant a seed in people's hearts. One day, this seed will take root and sprout, and finally become unstoppable and become a towering tree!

If no one records it, perhaps under the cover-up of caring people, this seed will wither and lose its life.

Zhang Peng cannot be as great as Senior Chen Banxian.

But he, Zhang Peng, can use all his strength to nourish this seed!
There has never been a moment when he looked down upon death as much as he did today, and loved his career as much as he did today!

"Jingle Bell."

His cell phone rang, it was his eldest sister Tou Gao Yuanyuan.

"Zhang Peng, do you know what you are doing?"

Gao Yuanyuan's voice asked, trembling.

“I’m fulfilling my obligations as a journalism department.”

Zhang Peng answered briefly, but Gao Yuanyuan's tone on the other end became increasingly unstable.

"We can't give you support, they're almost here."


Zhang Peng's eyes were firm: "Sister, I am Zhang Peng now, not an employee of Liangcheng News in District 14."

"Sister, I'm sorry, I want to resign!"

He followed the man's back closely on the huge and wide street, with the extraordinary beings far behind him. It seemed that everyone had abandoned him.

But the fire in his heart burned stronger and stronger, just because of the back figure in front of him.

We’ve arrived at the core area.

Chen Banxian stepped in with steady steps.

"Sorry, you don't have a pass."

The minions of the aristocratic family stopped Zhang Peng. Their expressions were cold and their threats were undisguised.

"If you want to live, get out of here!"

They won't let this reporter in. There are some things that are destined not to be known to the public.

Zhang Peng gritted his teeth and his legs trembled under the pressure of the opponent's realm.

But he didn't flinch, and rushed towards the core area as soon as he closed his eyes and nodded.

He announced loudly: "Friends in the audience, I will use my life to report the truest truth, please don't go away.

Are aristocratic families and aristocrats really conducive to social development?What kind of society do we need?Today, everyone can see the answer! "

"court death!"

The guard raised his psychic firearm and aimed it at Zhang Peng's body.


The gunshot made Zhang Peng shudder, but he still ran.

The bullet did not shoot out, but traveled through space and appeared in the back of the guard's head.

Exploded brains are more beautiful than flowers.

Zhang Peng rushed forward with his head down. When he saw the man in front of him, he looked back slightly and nodded to him.

"Junior, not bad."

Chen Banxian forgave this guy for reporting his scandal.

He asked Zheng Yue again: "Are you okay? Are you tired?"

"Not tired."

Zheng Yue was carrying Xiao Jinzi on her back, her eyes full of excitement.

It was evening, and there was no one in the core area, in the central location.

Along the way, there were a large number of extraordinary people standing outside the family, and more than half of the third realm in the entire 14th district gathered here.

When Chen Banxian looked at them, they looked away in shame.

All families made their stance clear with actions.

"Go to Bai's house."

Chen Banxian's pace was still steady, and at this time, Zhang Peng had already arrived beside him.

Facing the camera, he said calmly: "Bai family, are you ready?"

The Bai family must be watching the live broadcast, which is the most effective way of communication.

In the Bai family, everyone gathered in the basement of the mansion. Bai Gaoxiao frowned: "Why hasn't the support from Patriarch Xia Lian arrived yet?"

"Come on, come on."

The servant could only say this, but Bai Gaoxiao felt chills in his heart. He guessed that support might not be available.

The Bai family still became the pawns sacrificed in the first confrontation.

"Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Bai Changsuo knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. He could not have imagined that he would cause such trouble to the Bai family.

"One person's actions are others' responsibility. I will ask for his forgiveness."

Bai Changsuo left the basement and walked towards the door.


A clan elder was distressed and shouted, but Bai Changsuo did not respond.

Just at the last moment after leaving the basement, he wanted to see his father's face.

Bai Gaoxiao didn't show any expression or hold back.

He knew that maybe this could leave a way for the Bai family to survive.

Not seeking revival, just wanting to preserve a little bit of blood.

"Where is Leader Die?" Bai Gaoxiao asked again, "Are you invited?"

"Unable to contact." "Then... have this person's parents been found?" Bai Gaoxiao still held on to his last glimmer of hope.

"Master..." the butler hesitated: "Clan leader Xia Lian intercepted our people."


Bai Gaoxiao slumped down on the chair: "It's over, it's over..."

Moral support from many, scant support.This sentence is most vividly reflected here.

When Chen Banxian arrived at the gate of the Bai family, only the second-level transcendent stood in front of him, and the so-called Bai Changsuo knelt on the ground to welcome him.

"Mr. Chen, this is all my fault. I am willing to take any responsibility and calm Mr. Chen's anger."

He is a direct descendant of the Bai family and represents the Bai family. At this time, everyone in Zhang Peng's live broadcast saw the humble appearance of the Bai family.

Some people commented: "The Bai family is the Bai family. They dare to take responsibility for wrong things. They are worthy of being a noble family, a family that has been passed down for centuries."

"Yes, they have such high character, but I can't do it. I should hide at this time."

The comments under the live broadcast refreshed quickly, and they were all people from District 14.

"Well, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good." Some people also commented like this:

"The family has already given the boss enough face. If you want me to see it, it's better to sit down and talk. After all, the sacrifices caused by war are heavy."

"Who is not born and raised by his father? The parents of the extraordinary people who were killed by the boss must be so sad. What will happen to their children without their father?"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room changed from normal. Everything turned around because of Bai Changsuo's kneeling down.

Some people even complained: "It's true that the boss is so powerful. It's enough to defeat him. Why kill him? The strong men in the third realm are all the pillars of our Baihu City."

"Yes, if the aliens come over and there are not so many people in the third realm, how many people will die by then?"

Occasionally, some people who spoke up for Chen Banxian appeared in the comments, but they were quickly drowned out.

In the Southern District, Xia Lian looked at the comments from a long distance away.

The so-called Internet blockade is a joke to them.

"How about it?"

The old man's voice was calm: "As long as we invite some sailors to reveal the rumors, everyone will believe the facts told by most people."

"It's a good move to avoid the important and take the easy." The answer was the seeds sent by the Bai family.

White Mingxin.

He clapped softly: "In this way, even if the Bai family is destroyed by Chen Banxian, he will lose a lot of people's support and everyone will cry for beatings. Then he will have no reason or excuse to attack other nobles."

Xia Lian smiled and looked at Bai Mingxin with kind eyes.

"You kid, you are smart and insightful. You are indifferent even if the Bai family is destroyed."

Bai Mingxin shook his head and said with a smile: "Those who deserve to be destroyed can't escape. Instead of just being there and worrying about it, it's more practical to think about how to get this situation back."

"Okay, what a good person."

Xia Lian seemed to see his own shadow in Bai Mingxin.

"Ming Xin, Grandpa Xia, I have a granddaughter, please get to know her."

Xia Lian smiled kindly: "Go down and have a rest. From now on, this will be your home."

Xia Lian didn't want to let go of such an outstanding child.

Bai Mingxin bowed and stepped back, very measured.

His eyes were cold, and Xia Lian's purpose was very clear.

Isn't this bad?It's a good, win-win situation.

Xia Lian looked back at the live broadcast: "Put some pressure on that side. District 14 is in such chaos. District Chief Die Yunfei can't just hide behind and watch the show."

At this time, the public opinion on the Internet was released from the mobile phones of the extraordinary people watching.

Chen Banxian naturally heard it too. He sneered, looked at Bai Changsuo and said with a half-smile and a half-mockery:

"You are sensible enough to know how to top the tank."

The family's consistent style is that no matter how big a problem is, it can be solved by sacrificing one person.

"But... do you think that you alone can withstand the karma of the aristocratic families?"

Chen Banxian slowly walked up to the latter. Bai Changsuo knelt straight and lowered his head: "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Mr. Chen, everything is my doing. Please kill me and let me apologize for the consequences caused by those ghosts."

This statement naturally caused another storm on the Internet.

For example: [Mr. Bai is so responsible. 】

[Master Bai has already admitted his mistake, he just needs to make up for it. 】

[Mr. Bai is a good person. I saw on the Internet that he has done a lot of charity before and solved the problem of schooling for many left-behind children in mountainous areas. 】

These remarks were overwhelming and quickly suppressed Chen Banxian.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but someone turned up the sound loud enough for them to hear.

"Senior, the situation is not good."

Zhang Peng tried his best to report the truth to the camera. He sent news to Sister Gao and asked for evidence of Bai Changsuo's previous crimes.

Murder, rape, robbery, etc.

But inside the news office, Gao Yuanyuan could only watch the news without moving.

A third-level transcendent was sitting opposite her: "Miss Gao, your company has a lot of employees, so it's best not to act rashly."

Chen Banxian frowned, and at this moment, Bai Changsuo raised his head with a bit of ridicule in his eyes.

Chen Banxian, so what if you can kill me?
The meaning was very clear. When the camera switched away from him, he mouthed silently:
The power of an individual is an individual. How can you fight against a huge family?You lose this round.

Kill me, you kill me, and see what the consequences will be. Baihu City will set off a violent crusade against you!
He was laughing, silently laughing. Even though he was kneeling, he was still high.

"Oh, childish."

With three words, Chen Banxian raised his hand, dropped it, and smashed his head.

He looked into the depths of the Bai family's luxurious mansion, looking at the extraordinary beings who were afraid but still blocking his way.

"Too much time is wasted, Bai Gaoxiao. Today, your Bai family, as well as all the nobles in the core area, all..."


"have to!"


(End of this chapter)

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