There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 230 Kill him and turn the world upside down

Chapter 230 Kill him and turn the world upside down
Bai Chang locked up.

His head exploded and he died cleanly, with contempt for low-level human computers in his eyes.

Everyone watching the live broadcast took a breath.

In Bai's home, Bai Gaoxiao's fingers dug deeply into the expensive sandalwood handrails. He was completely unaware. His eyes were fixed on the corpse in the video, and his mind went blank.

The lock is really gone.

"My lock!"

The weaker clan elders have already begun to cry. Suo'er is the youngest of the Bai family and the most loved by their elders. He used to call his second grandpa and third grandpa, but now, he's gone.

"I want him dead! I want him dead!"

A clan elder no longer ignored the dissuasion of others, picked up his firearm and left the safe basement to settle the score with Chen Banxian!
On the live broadcast network, the silence only lasted for a few seconds, and then the monstrous remarks broke out!
"Devil! Kill someone if you disagree!"

"Why did he still kill Mr. Bai when he has already knelt down and admitted his mistake?"

"He didn't even leave a whole body for others. Cruel, so cruel!"

"With such an executioner in Baihu City, can we still be safe?"

The storm of remarks was broadcast from monitors everywhere, denounced Chen Banxian who was standing, and the news that had been blocked changed from normal and quickly spread outside District 14 and throughout Baihu City.

How many people are there in Baihu City?
There are already millions of people in District 14 alone. Taken together, the population is unimaginably huge.

This is also the basis for why they can quickly produce high-end psychic weapons such as Dragon Bird fighter jets.

In the East Third District, a fat man opened the video and his pupils shrank when he saw the person on it.

There was a replay channel for the video. He quickly checked it, then browsed the comments, and finally his face turned pale!
"How could this happen? Are you finally going to reach out to our family?"

All the nobles had an idea in their minds at the same time. Now that something happened to the Bai family, who should be next?

They are all at risk.

"No, we can't let this trend continue, hire people, and create public opinion!"

The nobles were intimidated by Chen Banxian's force and stared at the screen.

Now, Bai Changsuo is dead, and there are hundreds of second-level transcendents behind him. What should this person do?
Chen Banxian stepped over the headless corpse and walked slowly step by step. The huge pressure brought by it caused all the second-level transcendental beings to retreat.

They are self-aware and know the price of facing this murderous man.

They retreated, retreated again, and kept retreating. Finally, they were forced by Chen Banxian to the Bai family ancestral hall.

In the Bai family ancestral hall, Chen Banxian could hear all the breathing and heartbeats dozens of meters underground.

"I hope you don't make mistakes."

His stone plaque was still bleeding, and his faint words scared everyone to the point of almost losing their balance.

This vicious man will kill them at any time. He is moody and might take action in the next second.

Some people were so afraid that their crowns were trembling with fear, but they still stayed where they were and did not leave.

This doesn't look like he is willing to sacrifice his life for the Bai family.

He noticed that these people had earphones in their ears, and there were still words coming out at this time.

Listen carefully, such as: [Whoever quits will be buried with his whole family! 】

For example: [You eat my Bai family, use my Bai family, you don’t want to expose the things you do, right? 】

Or: [Hold on, as long as you hold on, reinforcements are coming! 】

Coercion and inducement made these people want to escape but were unable to escape.


Chen Banxian had already reached the place where they were very close, almost face to face with the leader of the extraordinary beings.


The word indifference frightened this man to the point of losing control of his lower body, but he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and remained motionless.

"Boss, please spare us."

The extraordinary person next to him was a little bolder: "We don't want to stop you, but our whole family is in the hands of the Bai family. If we retreat, we will all be killed!"

They looked at Chen Banxian with pleading eyes, and their sadness moved the heaven and the earth.

Zhang Peng noticed the opportunity, perhaps the evil deeds of the family could be exposed here.

He raised the camera, came closer and said, "Louder, what are you talking about?"

Everyone was silent.

News came through their headsets, revealing that their family members would still die if this was revealed.

"Boss, I only have one daughter."

An extraordinary person asked in a very low voice: "Can you wait a moment until I find a chance to rescue my daughter before liquidating the Bai family?"

wait?Can you wait?
Chen Banxian's footsteps paused. Just a member of the Bai family kept asking him difficult questions. He obviously had enough force to suppress them, but he kept delaying.

He suddenly understood Die Yunfei's good intentions. It was really difficult to destroy the noble family.

"Let me ask you, do you want to be stepped on by nobles from aristocratic families all your life, do you want to be shrouded in dark clouds all your life?"

Chen Banxian spoke softly and glanced at these poor people.

Most of them are not hateful. They don't have much karma and cause and effect, but they have many merits and virtues.

No one answered. They didn't dare to answer the question and could only continue to beg with their eyes, hoping that Chen Banxian would relent and a miracle would happen.

But his expression was more or less aggrieved.

No one wants to be suppressed and unable to lift their heads for the rest of their lives.

However, they couldn't do it if they were asked to give up the lives of their families.

Silence, still silence, at this time, he stood in a dilemma.

This is not a small Bai family, but a choice he needs to make facing all noble families.

In the basement, the Bai family's eyes lit up. There was no joy on Bai Gaoxiao's face, only sadness.

"Chen Banxian, Chen Banxian. If you can't defeat my Bai family today, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life. I will torture everyone around you to death!"

He swore a poisonous oath, and he had the ability to do it!

"Master, Die Yunfei has contacted us!"

The housekeeper suddenly came in and turned on the video.

Die Yunfei's projection appeared, sitting on the sofa, looking at him with a sullen face.

"Chief Die, long time no see."

Bai Gaoxiao tidied up his appearance, but his face was terrifyingly dark.

"I know what you want to say."

Die Yunfei sighed: "I can't help you. It's your own fault for all this."

He had been hiding for a long time, but he couldn't hide anymore. If he didn't come forward, his people might be completely imprisoned.

A large number of aristocratic families can completely control the huge stone mill in Baihu City, which is enough to easily crush any grain of wheat that blocks the road.

He just had a phone call with Clan Chief Xia Lian and others and laid out conditions.

The Bai family must be destroyed, but if Chen Banxian takes action against other aristocratic families, he must stop him.

Otherwise, his power, and the 14th District he worked so hard to manage, will be brutally divided.

People living in this world are like living in intricate webs, and they are just worms in the web.

If one is unlucky, he will be completely stuck.

Die Yunfei looked sad and murmured to himself: "Boss, don't be impulsive."

Don't be impulsive?

Chen Banxian stared at the person in front of him.

"Feel sorry."

After saying these two words, the man's eyes trembled, and then, he was completely buried by the terrifying demon summoning energy.

He... finally took action.

The death of the first transcendent was just the beginning. The mountains and rolling stones were getting bigger and bigger. All the transcendent in the second realm, all the people who stood in front of him...

After a breath, Zhang Peng's hand holding the camera was shaking.

Under his feet were corpses, their blood intertwined and condensed into the face of a demon.

Chen Banxian came to the ancestral hall without saying a word.


The ground was kicked open by him, and the cracks once spread dozens of meters underground, revealing the silver-white alloy psychic defense door.

"If you like hiding, just hide forever."

He opened up the space, passed through the psychic defense, and stuffed all the soil into the space below.

He wants to bury everyone alive completely.Underground, Bai Gaoxiao showed a malicious look: "Chen Banxian, you don't have to die well, you don't have to die well!"

He suddenly raised his hand: "I swear to heaven, I will turn into a ghost after death, haunt you forever, and will personally send you to hell!"


Thunder flashed in the sky, seeming to acknowledge this oath.


Chen Banxian stretched out his hand and pulled out an illusory shadow from his body.

"Entertain me? Then you won't even be able to become a ghost."

Like a wild beast, he used his teeth to get close to the soul, tearing it apart, biting Bai Gaoxiao's soul inch by inch in the most primitive way.

This scene was also recorded by the camera.



"He is not human! He must be a foreigner!"

Everyone was shocked by this cruel scene. The wailing of Bai Gaoxiao's soul was the most terrifying record in the world. He was eaten, eaten by Chen Banxian, this monster!

This monster!

Endless soil poured into the underground space and filled it to the brim. No matter whether they were extraordinary people or ordinary people, the Bai family had no survivors.

They were buried alive.

In the core area, a large family that had been inherited for more than a hundred years disappeared.

"Thank you."

Zheng Yue burst into tears and held Chen Banxian's hand, not afraid of the bloody smell all over his body.

"Let's go, this revenge has been avenged."

"Already reported?"

Chen Banxian asked her: "Did you really retaliate?"

Those eyes were red, making Zheng Yue scared.

"Brother Xian..." Zheng Yue bit her lower lip: "That's it, stop it."

She looked at the extraordinary beings following behind her: "The way you look at them, they no longer admire you."

Those extraordinary people now have fear in their eyes.

Bai Gaoxiao died in such a cruel way, and his whole family was buried together, as well as those extraordinary beings who were coerced but still forced to die...

This man is really unscrupulous.

Chen Banxian slowly stepped into the air: "Zheng Yue, take Xiao Jinzi and step back. The killing has just begun."

He walked in the air and headed towards the Xiang family's mansion next to the Bai family's mansion.

He was condescending in the sky: "Xiangjia, come out."

Inside the Xiang family, everyone watching the live broadcast was trembling.

They are not bigger than the Bai family. If you really want to count them, they can only be said to be the youngest barons.

"How to do?"

Within the family, the second-in-command was in panic: "He had notified us before to gather at the central office. Others didn't go, and we didn't go either."

"Everyone thought he was just joking, but who knew he was serious about it!"

The Bai family can't satisfy that vicious man's appetite!
"No, we can't go out!"

Xiang Song, the head of the family, had a bright look in his eyes: "We all know what we have done before. If we go out and be identified, we will all die!"

Who has clean hands and feet these days?Which family has never done something they shouldn't have done?

Especially during peacetime, there was restraint, but now there is chaos and there is power, who can stop the evil thoughts in his heart?

"But... what if we don't go out and he calls in?"

"Send a few capable men out to talk."

Xiang Song told them that they were no better than the Bai family, they only had a few second level extraordinary beings.

These people came to Xiangjia's courtyard tremblingly and looked up at the tall figure.

They have always looked down at others, and now they need to raise their heads to look at others. It is really not used to them.

"Boss, listen to us!"

They shouted at the top of their lungs: "We haven't done anything bad to the Xiang family, nor are we as cruel as the Bai family. You'd better leave."

They were very respectful, after all, those who were disrespectful had already gone to the underworld to report.

"You can tell at a glance whether you have done evil or not." Chen Banxian looked indifferently as he looked inside the home, a picture reflected in his eyes.

A skill from the Ezhao Cult, insight and memory modification.

Scenes of evil deeds unfolded before his eyes. Without any explanation, he raised his hand and the stone plaque crashed down!
Xiang Jia cannot stay.



Suddenly, the space under the stone plaque shattered like a mirror, and Xiang's mansion appeared in the distance. The stone plaque smashed through the space and deflected, falling hard to the ground.

"Space Profound Truth."

Chen Banxian's heart sank, and he turned to look at the void on his left.

"Come out."

His voice was disappointed and tired.

"Brother Xian, stop it."

Die Yunfei walked out of the void with empty hands and no psychic armor.

Come alone.

"You want to stop me?"

Chen Banxian looked at this face that he had been familiar with for a long time, and his expression became more and more disappointed.

"It's not that I'm stopping you, it's the entire Baihu City that's stopping you."

Die Yunfei tapped his fingers, and hundreds of holes were opened in the void, which were filled with residents of Baihu City who were watching the live broadcast.

From their mouths, there was a constant stream of demons, murderers, and executioners, but no one was on Chen Banxian's side.

"Look again."

Die Yunfei opened another seven or eight spaces, inside which were the old, weak, women and children who were crying to death.

"My son, my son!"

"Husband, how can I survive alone if you leave?"

"Brother! I told you not to go, don't go, you can't stop that devil!"

There was even a girl among them, staggering step by step, running towards Bai's house, crying for daddy.

She was only seven or eight years old. She was running and falling, covered in dirty mud and water.

"Brother Xian, you... have changed."

Die Yunfei let go of his hand, all spaces closed, and he put away the shouts that seemed to pierce his soul.

"Stop it."

He advised: "We need to wait for the opportunity to slowly solve these cancers of the noble families, and we can't rush."

They have the same goal, but Die Yunfei thinks more, takes longer, and is more comprehensive.

There is still a space in the sky that has not been closed, which is held up by Chen Banxian.

The girl saw Chen Banxian on the other side and screamed. She was only seven or eight years old, but her eyes showed deep hatred.

"Kill you! Kill you! I will kill you!"

She rushed towards Chen Banxian madly, picked up a stone from the ground and hit him hard.


The stone hit his forehead and shattered, and Chen Banxian slowly closed the space.

He was silent, and his lowered eyes made it unclear what he was thinking.

The wind in the air blew the clothes, stirred the blood, made people's hearts tremble, and made the moral bottom line trampled for a time.

"Die Yunfei, do you think we can really pull out the noble family if we pull it out slowly?"

His tone became more and more unusual, and his eyes seemed almost empty.

Cold sweat was dripping from Die Yunfei's back!
(End of this chapter)

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