There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 231 Giving up on humanity

Chapter 231 Giving up on humanity

"Brother Xian, don't do this, it's scary."

Die Yunfei's voice became unsteady: "As long as we take our time, no matter how long it takes, we can eventually eradicate the family!"

"Then tell me, how to pull it out?"

In Chen Banxian's empty eyes, something more was surging in the depths.

Die Yunfei's heart trembled. If he had a way, he wouldn't have delayed it for so long.

He could only temporarily say: "We just need to wait for an opportunity and a turmoil."

"We just need to accumulate enough strength. When chaos occurs, we will be able to uproot the noble families!"

"You mean, the first calamity?"

"Ha, it's ridiculous. Even the doomsday failed to get rid of these cancers. Do you think you can get rid of them in the first calamity?"

The thing in Chen Banxian's eyes finally came out. It was madness and evil thoughts!

"Do you know what white blood cells in the human body choose to do when faced with viruses?"

His voice was cold every word, and Dieyun Fei stepped back step by step.

"You! Die! Me! Live!"


There was loud thunder in the sky, and Die Yunfei's face turned pale amidst the thunder.

But gradually, his paleness was replaced by determination.

"Brother Xian, have you ever considered the consequences?"

he asked with one last hope.

"I don't count, and I don't dare to count."

Chen Banxian looked up at the sky, thunder reflected in his eyes: "If you calculate it, the result will definitely be bad."

A person who is good at changing does not need divination. He already knows what good or bad luck will be and how to choose.

But he didn't accept that choice.

Nor do those who are oppressed accept it.

"If someone must do evil, it can only be me."

Opposite Chen Banxian, after hearing this, Die Yunfei finally raised his hand, and the space was scattered at this moment.

"Brother Xian, I'm sorry, I can only stop you."

He had never made a move, but he was still confident that he could not defeat him, but he was able to trap Chen Banxian with his extraordinary advantage in space.

Maybe things will turn around after the boss calms down.

Chen Banxian also raised his hand to fight against Die Yunfei with space. Suddenly his expression changed and he looked towards the clouds.

Amidst the thunder, a sword light fell from the sky.


"You bastard, why don't you call me when you're fighting in the nest? It's not fun!"

The sword spirit came, but Chen Banxian didn't even look at him. Behind the clouds, a thousand-meter-long black dragon rolled, riding the clouds and rain to follow closely!


The sky-shattering roar enveloped the entire 14th District and spread to the mountains and forests outside Baihu City!

Countless monsters all fell down, their legs too weak to stand up.

In the demon clan area, the two big demons Youye and Liu Baiyuan changed their expressions.

The old turtle retracted its limbs into its shell and was trembling.


Under huge pressure, higher beings crushing lower beings, the black dragon used the sky as a trick and fell in front of Chen Banxian.

Die Yunfei's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Jiaojiao, listen to me..."


The dragon stretched out its claws directly, and the sound was like tearing the space like cloth. Die Yunfei's words were interrupted!

"Jiao Jiao!" He shouted anxiously, and was greeted by the second claw!Don't give him any chance!
In Area 14, almost everyone raised their heads and looked at the battlefield.

Some people's lips trembled and their eyes were horrified.

Some extraordinary people were also subdued by the dragon's power and could not stand up.

The lips of the extraordinary beings in the third realm open and close:
"This may be the top showdown between Earth's No. 1 space transcendent and the No. [-] dragon!"

Extraordinary space, the king among extraordinary abilities.

The dragon, the king among the demon clan, and the two kings were fighting fiercely in the sky. The black dragon attacked without mercy. Die Yunfei gave in at first, but when the dragon bent its body, he had to attack with all his strength.

Because, that skill actually gave him pressure at the point of death!

The sword spirit sighed: "Dragon Skill: Yin-Yang Line!"

He hovered in front of Chen Banxian: "I couldn't learn it after three days of teaching. Now I saw you fighting, and I got anxious and used it right away."

"Tsk, tsk, this dragon is a dragon. You have to understand quickly when fighting, you are a genius!"

"Master Jian." Chen Banxian knocked on the blade of his sword: "Please help me keep an eye on it. It doesn't matter if these two are injured. They cannot die."

"Do not worry."

The sword spirit promised: "In the worst case, I will pull that square boy over, he won't die."


Chen Banxian nodded and looked further away.

Black dots came from the sky.

On top of the fighter plane, the [Great Xia Dragon Bird] was bright and dazzling, heading straight towards him.

The real threat is not the Great Xia Longque itself.

Among the fighters, there were extraordinary beings who were recalled urgently.

Familiar with psychic fluctuations, he is a leader in the third realm, a genius who grew up from fighting in blood and fire.

Willow leaves are light!
No frost!

Shi Youlong!
Flower dance!
Xu Changfeng!
And the original top transcendent in District 14, Hei Yan!Dai Yu!
The fighter planes kept stopping, and these people fell between the wings of the Daxia Dragon Bird, facing Chen Banxian in an encircling manner.

"Chen Banxian, stop it."

Heiyan said: "You are wrong, continue to paint the living beings..."


His body shook, his skin cracked, his bones shattered, and he was crushed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Banxian retracted his fist: "You have no friendship with me, so who gave you the right to speak in front of me?"

He stared at the person behind him. Dai Yu said nothing and looked at Bie Shuang.

Bie Shuang looked at Xu Changfeng.

In terms of friendship here, perhaps Xu Changfeng has the best relationship with him who is not used to eating.Xu Changfeng sighed: "Brother Xian, don't be joking. My Tiger Sister is so pressed by Sister Jiao that she can't move. I'm just here to make up the numbers."

He quietly came up with an idea: "Wait a minute, hit me gently, be sure to be gentle, and I will fall to the ground and pretend to be dead!"

After saying that, Xu Changfeng flicked his spear: "You should be a hero in life, and a hero in death! Come and fight!"

He quickly flew towards Chen Banxian, and when he got closer, Chen Banxian just stretched out his hand, and saw that he was struck by lightning, and whispered quickly:
"Light Element, you son of a bitch!"


The dazzling light lit up, and when the light shrank, Xu Changfeng fell like a kite with a broken string, making a deep hole in the earth.

Xu Changfeng couldn't help, but he definitely couldn't cause trouble.

Everyone watching the battle was shocked: "Xu Changfeng has fallen!"

This was a popular figure at one time, a top transcendent who could control a hundred tigers with one spear, and once killed a foreign race in the Fate Enlightenment Realm instantly.

But, he also fell.

Some people looked up to the sky and roared: "No one can defeat this devil!"

They were influenced by public opinion and thought that this man was a monster who killed innocent people indiscriminately and took human life lightly. Many people did not even understand the cause and effect.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

There is no longer the blood of evildoers in the hands of the devil, but the lives of innocents.

Even if this innocent person was driven by evil people.

The facts have been established and cannot be changed regardless of the purpose.

Chen Banxian slowly came to Xiang's family.

"Today, let me return to my true nature."

No one has ever known that Chen Banxian is not good by nature.

Growing up in such a harsh environment since childhood, he is inherently a villain.

However, "The Book of Changes" gave him salvation, and "The Book of Plum Blossoms" became his code of conduct.

Like Qian, he is constantly striving for self-improvement.

A man as virtuous as Kun.

Like a shaking tree, you should strive to become strong.

Like the sunda wood, be gentle and humble

Just like Kanshui, you should be aware of the dangers and be cautious, which will benefit all things.

Like a fire, when it is passionate, it illuminates the warmth.

Like Gen soil, it should be firm and steady.

Like exchanging gold, we should be united and harmonious...

This knowledge has repeatedly prevented him from sinking into the filth of the world.

However, he is inherently filthy. Perhaps, no matter how much you wash him, he will still be filthy. No matter how much you do, it still cannot change the fact that his nature is evil.


One word fell, and the 68 members of the Xiang family, ranging from octogenarians to teenagers, all shed blood for evildoers.

"Chen Banxian!"

Bie Shuang Luo Luo: "Stop, you have already made a big mistake!"

"so what?"

Chen Banxian took a deep breath: "Go away. For the sake of fighting enemies together, I don't want to fight with you."

"Chen Banxian!"

In the distance, the three daughters of Liu Lexian arrived: "Stop!"

They were frightened when they saw the corpses on the ground, and their little eyes were full of disbelief: "Senior, you didn't do any of this, right?"

The hurtful, unbelievable, and even willing to deceive yourself eyes are the saddest.

But the result is always cruel.

"I did it."

Chen Banxian crossed the space and came directly to another noble mansion.

Scan the memory and identify those who are evil...kill them!

He has always been against prying into and modifying memories, but it was different today.

"We can't let Brother Xian kill again! Something big is going to happen!"

Liu Lexian and the others looked at Bie Shuang: "Just do it, I don't believe the senior will kill us!"

They decided to take a risk and must hold back Chen Banxian.

But at this time, a person walked out of the office building in the core area.

The fairy light disappeared from her body, and she held three heads in her hand.

One of them shocked even Bie Shuang.

One of the four strongest in Baihu City—Luo Hao!
"Everyone, stop."

Su Yun threw her head aside casually: "What he did is what I want to do. Don't let me do it and ruin the friendship we had."

"Su Yun, you actually help him?" Liu Lexian stared: "Don't you always like to do good and evil with your stance? Is this your stance?"

Su Yun's eyes were indifferent, like a superior goddess: "Only by killing all the nobles can we reshape the world. This is my position."

She never favors her own will and only makes the right choice.

When the two women looked at each other, screams could be heard in the distance.


Another family was bloodbathed!

crazy!He's crazy!

In the Southern District, Xia Lian had fear in his eyes.

"This man would rather die together, give up friendship, and give up everything to kill us. He...can't stay!"

"Contact all the families immediately. We have to make a choice. This son must die!"

A person who has absolutely no scruples is dangerous.

An extraordinary person who has no scruples is even more dangerous.

An extraordinary being who has absolutely no scruples and is terrifyingly powerful, invincible!

Chen Banxian was already the latter at this time.

Many famous families secretly came to Xia Lian's area to discuss something. Soon...several Daxia Dragon Birds flew into the other world.

And the killings in North 14th District are still continuing!No one could stop him. During the live broadcast, he transformed into a complete god of death, once overshadowing the two kings fighting in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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