There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 232 One Life and Eternity

Chapter 232 One Life and Eternity
What happened on this day was enough to be recorded in the history of Baihu City.

The entire core area was in turmoil from day to night, and from night to day.

The flames and blood soaring into the sky made all the nobles go crazy!crazy!
No matter whether it is using extraordinary people, women, children, or children, it is useless, all of them have no effect.

No life can survive in the hands of the demon who has killed Red Eyes.


In the sky, the dragon roared in exhaustion, and Die Yunfei could not maintain his flight. He landed on the earth, passively defending.

Unstoppable, completely unstoppable, the smell of blood in District 14 has spread beyond Baihu City.

In that place where the demon has not yet arrived, a family launched a spaceship in an attempt to escape in a fighter plane.

However, just as the fighter plane took off, it fell from a high altitude.

It wasn't the devil who took action.

Someone is helping him, hiding in the dark.

The fallen fighter plane only had a hole that was too small to be ignored.

It's not important anymore, nothing is important anymore.

Bai family, Xiang family, Fang family, Bei family, Lin family...

Every familiar big family has disappeared forever in history. Zhang Peng has been carrying the camera, always focusing on the figure that is already covered in bright red.

He stopped talking, just like all the families watching the live broadcast.

From the initial condemnation, to the subsequent scorn, disgust, and disgust... to now... the shock.

Someone once said that killing one person is a sin, killing ten people is a bandit, killing a hundred people is evil, and killing ten thousand people is a hero...

Then... what would it be like to kill 10 people?
There is only blood, only death, only screams.

Any begging for mercy will have no effect, and any hiding will lead to nothing.

That man, that stone plaque, exactly like the word "Fengdu" engraved on it, had eaten countless dead souls.

The stars fade and the moon disappears.

Dark, still dark, when the last scream ended, the man with all the dried blood could no longer see any life on his body.

The darkness before dawn, the silence, the deathly silence.

Jiaojiao stepped on Die Yunfei and quietly squatted behind Chen Banxian.
Speechless, there is no more so-called devil, it comes from nowhere.

There is no such thing as an executioner anymore, there is nothing to die for.

Some are just timid families, and some are just extraordinary beings who have already escaped at some point.

They came to watch the battle, with the attitude of watching the excitement.

However, the more they kill, the more different their mood becomes when watching the fun.

With that bloodthirsty and crazy look, that angel coming out of the blood, they were afraid that one of them would kill them too if they couldn't help it.


An ordinary sword was inserted in front of the man, the tail of the sword trembled, and he shouted: "Wake up!"

"Wake up! Wake up! Come~"

The sound echoed in the empty core area and also echoed in the man's ears.

With such killing, the blood in his hands turned into a prison, seeming to imprison him tightly.

The ghosts of those who died lingered around Chen Banxian, following him like shadows and maggots in his tarsal bones.

Chen Banxian's eyes became increasingly hollow, and a small boat appeared at his feet without knowing when.

The body of the boat was broken, and the fragments were mended. It exuded a quiet light, and the blood on it shone, suppressing the spirit of injustice and the blood evil. The tattered boat carried him floating on the blood and resentment.

There are a few pictures coming from the boat, which are not clear, like a movie through a gauze.

The bloody light in Chen Banxian's boat slightly awakened the man.


With a breath of turbid breath, the man who had been buried in plasma struggled. He seemed to have exhausted all his strength and sat in the boat tiredly.

The blood was rippling, the boat was swaying slightly, and he was swaying along with it.

Jiaolong's eyes were bright and he cheered, flickering in and out, and shrank onto his shoulder.

"I made you worry." Chen Banxian chuckled, then looked at the blood on the ground.

"Hey, who's here to be the aunt?"


The dragon rubbed his head and opened its mouth to get water to wash away the blood on his body.

"How do you feel, bastard?"

The sword spirit pulled it up from the ground and flew slowly over: "You can't tell. Normally, it doesn't show off the mountains and rivers. When it kills people, it will be marked one by one."

"They're so annoying!"

Chen Banxian said this: "They are threatening me with benefits and threatening me with weakness. They are using all possible means. What can I do?"

There was a trace of pity on his face: "Anyone can bully me, I can only use my own strength to fight back, alas."

"Zhang Peng, please turn off the live broadcast."

Chen Banxian greeted the bloody man who was almost the same as him.

However, all the stains on Zhang Peng's body were caused by him.

"Cough cough."

On the ground, Die Yunfei got up with difficulty: "Brother Xian..."

There was fear and complexity in his eyes.

After two words, I didn’t even know what to say.

"Sister Mo, I'll give you a new world in Area 14."

He smiled, not minding that he was harassing him.

"Now, there are no so-called nobles or so-called plutocrats in District 14. You have done your best. Everyone has seen you on the live broadcast. I believe no one will be dissatisfied."

He really did it, bloodbathed the entire core area!
He brought a big change to District 14.

"Haha, these people are stupid after all. They think they are noble and don't want to stay with mortals. Instead, they make it easier for me to find a target."

"But Brother Xian."

There was pain in Die Yunfei's eyes: "Do you know the consequences of doing this? There is no place for you in this Baihu City anymore."

Blood still lingered on the tip of Chen Banxian's nose.

"Someone has to do it."

He patted Die Yunfei's stained shoulder:

"Without restraints on the heads of aristocratic families, they will become more and more lawless. Is this a human world or a world of aristocratic families?"

He opened the storage space, picked out one from various paper bags and put it on.

"Now, there is no Chen Banxian, all he has is an ordinary paper bag head."

His eyes brightened: "I'll give you one month. Within one month, I want to see a completely different appearance of District 14 from other districts. If other districts' families stop it, you can send me a message."

He sneered: "If it is feasible, there will be no need for the aristocratic families in other districts to exist."

"The first robbery?"

"If there are really going to be countless casualties, why can't these people die earlier, and can't they be nobles who have done many evil things?"

"You want to use your own efforts to change the blood of Baihu City."

Die Yunfei felt very sad: "You have paid so much, what can you get, is it not worth it?"

Die Yunfei pointed at his face: "I obviously didn't do anything, and I even tried to prevent you from doing the right thing, but I still got the final benefit."

"And you, alone, doing the most risky thing, have earned the infamy, fear, and terror of tens of millions of people."

Chen Banxian turned and left, with a vague figure behind him: "If human beings can survive, if you can manage the areas without nobles well, then what about being isolated?"

The darkness before dawn finally dissipated as the sun rose.

And under that light, a pair of clear eyes spoke calmly:

"I will bear a lifetime of infamy in exchange for his eternal history."

(End of this chapter)

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