There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 233 There is no right or wrong, only stance

Chapter 233 There is no right or wrong, only stance
Die Yunfei sighed, this was a big gamble.

Sacrifice yourself and bet on the sky under the change.

He felt like he was carrying a huge mountain on his shoulders, not only from all the people, but also from the sea of ​​blood that Chen Banxian was carrying.

"Die Yunfei, are you okay?"

While thinking about it, the three daughters of Liu Lexian arrived, as did Bie Shuang, Liu Yeqing and others.

They looked at the embarrassed sister and breathed a sigh of relief.

The district chief is fine and can be saved from danger.

"I'm fine, I just lost my strength." Die Yunfei sighed: "The dragon is indeed a dragon, it's really powerful."

"By the way, where is Su Yun?"

Die Yunfei looked at the shocking battlefield. When daylight came, this core area was completely dead.

"Leader Su is back."

Liu Lexian replied, his eyes uneasy.

The three of them took action together with Bie Shuang, Shi Youlong, Liu Yeqing and others, but they did not suppress her.

She was so stunning, as if she were a fairy who really fell from the sky, and she was invincible everywhere covered by the fairy light.

This makes them feel pressured.

Su Yun is very strong, very fast. She may be No. 1 under Chen Banxian.

Perhaps, only Shen Qinghe can rival her.

"It doesn't matter if you go back, don't tell anyone about her."

His eyes were profound: "This war has nothing to do with right or wrong, only positions. In fact, we have only one enemy from beginning to end."

He put in good words for Chen Banxian and Su Yun, fearing that these former partners would become alienated and hate Brother Xian.

"That's all the threats that oppress us, including monsters, alien races, and aristocratic families!"

To transfer conflicts and put aside the facts to talk about the future, he not only implements this skill, but he also uses it very smoothly.

"Sister, I know what you mean."

Bie Shuang was arranging the optical equipment on her body. Her extraordinary ability relied on technology, and her hair wet with sweat was stuck to the corners of her eyes.

"Brother Xian has done everything and it has become a fact. This is not a bad thing."

Shi Youlong's sword was broken, and he couldn't cut Su Yun's fist.

He was not distressed, but rather eager to try for the future.

"We all overheard what the boss said just now not far away. Without the obstruction of the family, I would have hundreds of suggestions for you right now!"

His passion has never been extinguished, nor has the passion of Liu Lexian and others!
"This is not the place to talk. Let's change positions."

Die Yunfei waved and opened the space door.

He contacted many people using his notebook and held unprecedented meetings in the central office building, which he had deliberately avoided the battlefield before.

"14 District New Regulations Conference"

They did not change their clothes and sat down in the meeting covered in blood.

Su Yun was also there. She changed her clothes at some point, but she was still spotless.

Ninth came, looking slightly pale.

Die Yunfei frowned. Jiu Jiu did not participate in the battle. Why did he look like he had used too much spiritual power?

He noticed that Ninth had a small sword on his head, which seemed to be a hairpin.

Is that a flying sword?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind. All the escaping fighters were intercepted by a mysterious attack.

The wound is similar to that of this small sword.

This is so clever.

Ninth, Ninth, as expected of you, the guy who doesn’t want to be named.

He smiled slightly, and Brother Xian must have noticed it too.

I just don’t know what Brother Xian is doing now.

He sighed, maybe he was hiding, or packing up the things at home?

Actually, it's not.

When the biggest meeting was in full swing, Chen Banxian was in the Information Department, supporting Zhang Peng.

"It's him, this bitch, who dares to threaten us!"

Zhang Peng pointed at the pale-faced third-level transcendent, his teeth chattering with hatred!
"If the eldest sister had not been threatened, when public opinion first arose, we would have been able to produce the most powerful evidence against the cancerous family!"

It's too late now, it's too late for everything. Even if he broadcasts the truth now, he will only be overwhelmed by trolls from other districts.The current public opinion is that the truth is no longer important, nor is the starting point. They cling to the facts made by the big boss.

"I... it's none of my business. Those aristocratic families asked me to do this!"

Facing Chen Banxian's gaze, this dignified third-level man felt despair.

All the aristocratic families, more than half of them in the third realm, are dead!

He was as fragile as a grasshopper in this man's hands and could be crushed to death at any time.

He could only keep defending and begging for mercy, which showed no dignity.

"I'm really innocent, boss. I was really ordered to do it. You must believe me!"

His face was soon filled with tears and snot: "Look, there is no one missing here. I just talked and didn't do anything. I didn't even touch them!"

Don't tell me, it's really like this. Chen Banxian looked at his brain.

Memories flashed by frame by frame, and insights were quickly gained.

He was really ordered and threatened to come to the Ministry of Information.

"It's okay. I didn't do anything harmful."

Chen Banxian discovered that he did not do evil, but——

"Did you enter the door with your left foot or your right foot?"

When the extraordinary man heard this, his face immediately turned pale. As soon as these words came out, countless jokes flashed through his mind.

"I...I flew in?"

He answered tentatively, with a grimace on his face: "Boss, I was wrong, please spare my life!"

Chen Banxian was not happy to suffer such a big loss. He smiled evilly: "Spare your life?"

"Does the Information Department have plenty of paper and pens?"

He found a piece of paper that was as thick as half a person's height: "Write a review for me. If you can't finish this paper, you won't be able to survive."

The extraordinary man's eyes widened, he held a pen and looked at Chen Banxian in disbelief.

Is it going to take years of the monkey and months to finish writing this?

Chen Banxian's eyes widened: "What are you looking at? Labor and management will personally supervise you!"

Extraordinary: "You...why don't you kill me?"


"Ah! Boss, I was wrong, I will write it now, I will write it now!"

He has learned so many words of self-criticism!

When I graduated, my thesis was not as thick as the pieces here.

For a moment, the only sound left in the Information Department was the clatter of his furious writing.

"Zhang Peng."

Chen Banxian pulled him over: "Exchange contact information. From now on, your news department will only report the most realistic situation. If anyone stops you, send me a message."

This is - Shang Fang's sword!

Zhang Peng's eyes lit up, this was so appropriate!

Gao Yuanyuan came to him. The wind and frost since the end of the world had made her mature, and she understood what yesterday's actions meant.

She vowed: "We will use all informal methods to rebuild your reputation."

Formal methods are not allowed by their professional ethics.

Because... if you do it, you do it, and the fact is the fact. Although you don’t think about it, what about the family members who have lost their loved ones?
The aristocratic family is not dead. Those who have done no evil and those children are still alive. This is a blood feud!

Chen Banxian smiled and shook his head: "You guys do me a favor and help me find the victim of this incident. I will visit him personally."

"Boss, you can't do this. Are you trying to settle the scores and kill everyone?"

She refused because her conscience would not allow her to do so.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's expression change, Chen Banxian smiled:

"I'm not killing them all. If we can talk about it, I will compensate them. If not, I will let them forget this memory."

It is deleted, but it is really deleted. Unless extraordinary time is involved, it cannot be restored.

He is not afraid of revenge because he is confident.

Those who cannot catch up with him now will only have to watch his back in the future, walking further and further away.

 Okay, today's chapter is a bit short. Let me think about it. The aristocratic family is crazy, the alien race is about to officially intervene in the human race, and the first calamity is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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