Chapter 234 Unknowable?
"Hello, are you Zhang Minghui's family?"

In the morning in North 14th District, the outer city is already very noisy, but people in the inner city have just woken up.

A man carrying a paper bag gently knocked on the door of a house.

White lanterns hang outside the gate, and there are extinguished white candles between the buildings.

The door opened gently, and it was a woman with a haggard face and dark circles under her eyes who opened the door.

"Are you here to express condolences for my husband?"

The woman opened the door, and there were some supernatural beings inside, keeping vigil in the house.

There was no body, only a simple coffin containing Zhang Minghui's clothes and a bent long gun.

Hearing the commotion, the extraordinary people turned back with dull expressions on their faces.

"Brother Zhang is a very good person."

An extraordinary person came closer: "He helped many orphans during his lifetime. He also helped us escape from the monster's mouth. He saved my life."

Another extraordinary person also spoke: "My sister is still alive today, thanks to Brother Zhang who sacrificed his life to save me. Unexpectedly, good people don't live long, alas..."

Chen Banxian nodded, his expression unclear under the paper bag, and he didn't know what he was thinking when he looked at the clothes.

The old woman had tears in her eyes and sat on her knees in front of the coffin.


With a long sigh, the person who came to express condolences this morning slowly tore off the paper bag.

That stunning face was sought after by countless people one day ago, but one day later, it has become synonymous with devil!
Everyone in the room was silent!
Then, fear spread from the bottom of their hearts, and an extraordinary person looked miserable: "You take Sister Zhang away, I will stop him!"

"Damn it, are you still a human being? You want to kill them all, even the widow!"

He was scared to death, but he resolutely stopped in front of Chen Banxian and said stubbornly:

"I know I can't stop you, but I will bite off a piece of meat from you even if I die!"

The other few people acted quickly, grabbing Zhang Minghui's wife and rushing out the door!

But as soon as they walked out, they walked out from the other side of the house, a little trick of space.

An extraordinary person became anxious and shouted: "Broken!"

The word "breaking" actually caused the space to shake slightly. Unfortunately, it was a little bit worse after all, it was just the second level.

Chen Banxian looked at him sideways for a moment, then pressed his palm down: "Everyone, I'm not here to kill everyone."

"Asshole, Brother Zhang is dead, Sister Zhang is alone at home, and you still say you are not here to kill everyone!"

Their lips were trembling with anger, and it was obvious that Zhang Minghui was indeed a very nice person.

"Again, I'm not here to kill them all."

Chen Banxian's tone turned cold, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

His sense of oppression was so strong that everyone was so scared that they didn't dare to breathe.

"Now, let's sit down and talk."

He first said: "I was responsible for Zhang Minghui's death. There is no doubt about it."

"However, if I don't kill him and the aristocratic family uses this habitual threat, the nobles will always use this hand to restrict Baihu City, and ordinary people will never see the sky...

He understands it with emotion, moves it with reason, and explains the pros and cons.

Finally, he made a commitment.

"I want to give you some compensation. After all, the fact is that I was wrong."

There was no shame in admitting his mistake, but it made the extraordinary people present have a different impression of Chen Banxian.

If it's true what he said, it doesn't seem... hard to accept.

They are well aware of the horror of the aristocratic family. Although they are extraordinary people, they must be polite when facing those people.

If you are not careful, you can escape, but what about your parents?Where is the wife?Where is the child?
This time, Brother Zhang is the most obvious example.

"Sister Zhang, what do you think?"

They couldn't make a decision for Sister Zhang, so they all looked at her.

Sister Zhang looked sad: "What does your sky have to do with me? Zhang Minghui is dead, he is dead!"

"What does it have to do with me whether there are no nobles or not?"

Tears rolled down her face, "If it weren't for the child in my belly, do you think I would be alive?"

She wanted to leave with Brother Zhang, but she couldn't let the Zhang family die!

Sister Zhang's eyes were full of hatred, pain, and despair. If she hadn't been a mother, she might have died long ago.

What's holding her up now is just an obsession.

Chen Banxian sighed, his eyes gradually becoming cold.

Forgetting is probably the best choice for Sister Zhang.

For her, and for the child in her belly.

If the child is aborted due to emotional grief, the woman will go crazy.

He raised his hand and remained silent.

He is very reluctant to use the extraordinary ability of memory modification.

Just imagine, if you and your girlfriend are very much in love, childhood sweethearts, and have been together for more than ten years.

If one party leaves unexpectedly, the other party chooses to forget this memory...

So, what is the relationship of these ten years?
Is it redemption, or a different kind of abyss?

Changing a little memory is enough to change a person, which is not what he wants.

Those who control the fate of others are destined to be controlled by fate. In the cycle of cause and effect, retribution will fall on them sooner or later.

He couldn't use memory modification to make Sister Zhang's feelings for Zhang Minghui go to waste.

He slowly withdrew his hand.

"Give me some time."

He stopped visiting subsequent victims. Too many and his Taoist heart would collapse.

He left Baihu City and headed towards the ruins of Liang City.

Another way, he has a way.

Taotao River blocked his way.

He also killed many of the extraordinary beings who had crossed this river together.

There were no giant objects in the river, nor the infected zombies. There was only water, full of dead water.

He looked into the water, as if he had seen the world in the mirror, and saw the woman bowing to him and smiling slightly.

This is not his purpose.

He crossed the vast river area and space in one step and arrived at Liangcheng.

The originally glorious and noisy Liangcheng was completely silent, except for ruins.

The crow occasionally showed up in the building. His eyes were sharp, searching for the breath sensor, looking for someone.

Finally, north of Liangcheng, he saw a dark world.

There is no light in the sky, no shadows in the clouds, and the dark world is not an alien world, but a terrifying "dead".

He settled outside the dark world and said, "Qingshuang."

He knew that the woman could hear it.

The ghost was silent and there was no answer.

When he stepped into the ghost world, the radiance of pure spiritual merit in his body remained the same, or even became stronger.

He shouted again: "Qingshuang."

This time, there was finally a response.

In the darkness, a woman in red walked up, holding a paper lantern, one step at a time. The large words "lie" on the lantern were full of ominous words.

"Mr. Chen, you are fine."

Qingshuang held the lantern and giggled: "I wonder if the young master has any orders when he comes to visit?"

"The transformation here is quite good." He looked at everything in Guixin, and saw that those people had changed. He couldn't tell what the specific changes were.

The palace can be vaguely seen among the ghosts, and Black Crow founded the Ezhao Sect. It seems that Qingshuang is not far behind.

Filled with an ominous atmosphere.

He remembered clearly that Qingshuang was born from the rebirth of a strange red crystal, which was inherently extraordinary.

"The soul that helps me settle in an area cannot dissipate before I come back."

He handed over a list of all the people he killed this time.

"Small things."

Qingshuang took the list. There seemed to be six fingers, and then there seemed to be seven.

But in the blink of an eye, he became a soft hand with five roots again.

"I wonder if the young master has any other instructions?"

Qingshuang's beautiful eyes stared at him without blinking. She leaned forward, and the bulge of her chest almost fell on his chest.

"I miss you so much, sir. I wonder if you can let me know how I miss you?"

Chen Banxian closed his eyes, suddenly pulled out the Fengdu stone plaque, and slammed it to the left!

Another Qingshuang appeared there and let out a shrill scream!
Qingshuang kept changing her body, and she actually had more than a dozen masculine souls underneath her, still twitching.

The stone plaque fell again, and another Qingshuang shattered together with a dozen souls and exploded into pieces.

"How long?"

Chen Banxian asked Qingshuang, it seemed that he just drank some water.

"It's been half a month."

Qingshuang's face straightened up, and now she no longer looked strange.

"The power of the priesthood is too low, and it is almost not enough to suppress me."

Qingshuang sighed, the priesthood could restore her sanity, but it could not make her weird disappear.

"What the hell are you?"

Chen Banxian recalled the strange Qingshuang's state just now, which shocked his consciousness. If Qingling Ford hadn't stopped him, he would have even wanted to join the dozen masculine souls.

"Sir, it's time for me to confess to you."

Qingshuang looked at the girl next to Chen Banxian with a slight hint of fear.

"I come from the weird world. I was once an unknown weird person."

"Unknowable?" Chen Banxian's pupils shrank.

The realm of cooking life represents the vicious level and is the third realm.

Above Boiled Life is the Inanimate Realm, which represents disaster-level treachery and is estimated to correspond to the fourth realm.

And above the disaster, there is also the nightmare-level treachery, and above the nightmare-level is the unknowable.

Qingshuang's background is so big?

Fortunately, this was in his world, otherwise it wouldn't have been him who slapped Qingshuang to death just now, but Wei Ke who casually slapped him to death.

"Thank you, Master, for returning my Qingming Festival."

She turned into the ladylike figure again: "I will go to Baihu City right now to help the young master stabilize his soul."

"Go ahead, I have other things to do."

The mighty ghosts were pressing towards Baihu City, but he turned around and headed to an unknown world alone.

There is a world where Qing cultivators are the mainstay. Immortals can travel across the nine heavens with their swords, and travel to the North Sea in the dark sky. The monks among them all yearn for the great road, in order to live forever.

At this time, Chen Banxian stood outside the space passage. The white fog had been wiped away by this world, and he could intuitively see the scene on the other side of this world.

An old Taoist sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, meditating quietly outside the passage, showing no fear of the guns and ammunition in Baihu City.

Not pleased, not to have compassion.

Chen Banxian finally stepped into it.

Behind them, the guards of Baihu City sighed, and another one left, yes, who doesn't want to become an immortal?
The first time he set foot in this world, the old Taoist opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Welcome to the "Qingxuan World"."

Qingxuan Realm is finally here.

Chen Banxian raised his head and looked at Lao Dao, who also looked at him with a half-smile.

"Have you figured it out, little friend? I will open the door to Taoism at any time, little friend."

"I still can't quite figure it out."

Chen Banxian was helpless, they were all old acquaintances.

"Elder Wan Xin, please give me a recommendation."

"Haha, it seems that my little friend is in trouble."

Elder Wan Xin laughed, shook the whisk in his hand, and raised his eyebrows:
"This is one of the thousands of my souls. My true form has arrived. Please wait a moment, little friend."

Elder Wan Xin's soul, Chen Banxian, felt like a deep ocean.

At least above the fourth realm.

However, is this still one of thousands of souls?

He was silent, waiting for less than a minute, when a stream of light appeared in the sky. One moment it was as far away as a star point, and the next moment, the star point had fallen in front of his eyes.

Elder Yuan Wanxin's soul disappeared into his true body like smoke.

This is an old man with gray hair and a childlike face. He is very happy: "My little friend, please come back to the clan with me."

He gave Chen Banxian enough face to put down what he was doing and show up to greet him in person, fearing that he would regret it and take him flying away.

Chen Banxian's speed was too fast, even faster than when he opened the space folding movement, and the mountains thousands of miles under his feet disappeared behind him in just the blink of an eye.

How strong is Elder Wanxin?
When his vision became clear, he had arrived at a shocking sect.

"The word "Wenwen" towers into the clouds. It is actually carved from a mountain peak. The stone steps in the mountain extend all the way to the clouds."

"Once you enter the sect, you can no longer let yourself go quickly."

Elder Wan Xin explained to Chen Banxian and led him slowly towards the clouds.

After entering the clouds, an even more shocking scene struck.

That big mountain is rare in the world, but there is an even bigger mountain range above the clouds.

Taoism is built on this huge mountain range.

Chen Banxian was shocked by the scenery in front of him and could not take in his eyes. This was really the residence of an immortal.

Huge mountain peaks even inserted into the starry sky.

Elder Wan Xin smiled proudly: "This is the main peak of my Dao Sect, Dao."

He then pointed to a distant place that could not be seen clearly: "My Taoist sect has a total of 360 peaks, which implies the number of the heavens, and there are 720 waters, which connect with the sky. In this Qingxuan world, it can be regarded as prestigious."

360 peaks, 720 waters, Chen Banxian lowered his eyes, Daodao Peak was like a continent, and the water was comparable to a big river.

How can such a world not make people fascinated?

The two of them headed towards the main peak, where they could see towering buildings, smoke curling up, and a huge stone statue in the center.

"That is the founder of my Taoist sect, Great Master Yuan Zong. It is said that he has already ascended to the immortal world."

Wan Xin's speed began to slow down and he was introducing Chen Banxian.

He liked to see the shock in the eyes of this genius: "You are not the first outsider to come to our sect, but I guarantee that you are the most evil one among them all."

"I have sent a message from my mind to inform the sect master, my dear friend, please follow me."

They crossed over mountains and mountains, clouds above clouds, water over water, and came to a quaint palace.

Time has left long traces on the palace, a huge martial arts arena, and in front of the martial arts arena, there are two people waiting.

An old man is behind and a young man is in front.

They all wear gorgeous clothes, and the psychic energy fluctuations on them are enough to scare people to death if they are accidentally blown by the wind.

There's really a big gap.

Chen Banxian was shocked at first, and then felt sad.

How many more hardships does the earth need to go through to become as magnificent as this?
(End of this chapter)

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