Chapter 235

The two landed, and Wan Xin handed over to the young man: "Sect Master, we have been brought here."

The young man was actually the sect leader, and the old man behind him was also looking at Chen Banxian.

This genius, who has already been heard among Taoist sects for a long time, is indeed something people look forward to.

"Good, good, good!"

The sect leader looked at Chen Banxian and said three good words at one glance.

"I've seen countless geniuses, but it's hard to compare to those with such a deep foundation."

How knowledgeable he is, he can see everything clearly at a glance, and even see deeper things.

He didn't say anything, but asked Chen Banxian with a smile: "I am a Taoist, how do you think?"


When Chen Banxian uttered these two words, they were the voice of his heart.

"Haha, I wonder if my little friend can join my Taoist sect?"

The sect leader asked again, staring directly into Chen Banxian's eyes.

Chen Banxian hesitated, everyone wanted to join this sect.

But he was worried.

"My little friend, our mortal bond is over." The sect leader has insight into people's hearts: "It's better to glare at my little friend and end our mortal bond, and then decide to join the sect."


Elder Wan Xin was shocked when he heard this. He couldn't help but say: "Little friend Chen finally came to our Taoist sect. Why are you waiting for such a good opportunity!"

There is more than just the Daozong family in the Qingxuan world!If this leaked out and was taken away, the loss would be too great.

In his opinion, Chen Banxian alone was far from comparable to that of the new world.

"How can I ask if I have concerns?"

The sect leader asked back: "I think the Taoist sect will be in retreat for a hundred years or more. At that time, the world will be rolling and the world will change. If inner demons are born as a result, it will be the biggest loss."

He has a big plan, and he would rather lose this talent than have his future blocked.

This world is completely different from other worlds.

At least Taozong gave Chen Banxian a different feeling.

There are no dangers, intrigues, or coveting of the earth like other worlds.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of its strong strength that it looks down upon the earth's few resources.

In their eyes, only genius is the most precious wealth.

There is a reason why such a sect can prosper like this.

Chen Banxian nodded and said the reason for his visit.

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your understanding. I came here this time to be honest and have a request."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Because of certain things, I need some methods that my soul can cultivate and live on forever."

This is his purpose, to make amends for the innocent dead.

"I can see that this matter is very important to you." The wisdom in the sect master's eyes made people relax and he smiled:

"Our Taoist Sect naturally has the method of the soul, but this method involves some taboos, which are mostly not tolerated by the world. Without the protection of our Taoist Sect, if you obtain this method, your entire clan will be wiped out in an instant."

This is not alarmist. Every world wants to know the secret of the soul.

That is the most essential thing in life. Once discovered, it will cause a bloody storm.

Here comes the difficulty again.

Chen Banxian had no choice but to say: "Then I will join this sect..."

"Not urgent."

The leader of the sect smiled mischievously: "I can give you the magic of the soul, and you don't have to join the sect."

He took off a token from his waist, and the word "protect" appeared on it.

On the back of the word "protect" is the Taoist cloud pattern.

"Are you willing to be the protector of our sect?"


Chen Banxian looked at the token. It was obvious that the sect leader had been prepared.

Even before he came, he had already anticipated what would happen today.

"Yes, Guardian."

The sect leader looked at Elder Wan Xin: "You explain."

"But Sect Master, can he be a protector?"

Elder Wan Xin did not explain immediately, but frowned. He subconsciously glanced at the fourth person who had not spoken at the scene, the old man.

He is the protector.

But the guardians are all masters of powerful cultivation. It is difficult for Chen Xiaoyou to convince the public as a guardian!

"I said yes, and it is."

The sect master raised his eyes, and Elder Wan Xin could only sigh and said:
"To protect the Tao, the most important thing is to protect the Tao."

"A person who protects the way of the sect, the way of the genius, or the way of the disciples' common wishes is the guardian of the way."

"The protector of the Tao does not need to join the Taoist sect, and does not need to take the oath of the sect, but the protector of the Tao is not supported by the sect."

"In exchange, the protector will protect the group, and the sect will give a reward. The two parties will negotiate and swear an oath to the way of heaven."

This is the guardian.

Chen Banxian's eyes shone slightly, which suited him quite well.

"Don't know what way you want me to protect?"

He kept in mind that the oath of heaven was not issued randomly. It said that the five thunders struck the top, and the five thunders struck the top!

"It's simple."

The sect master smiled and said: "I want you to support a person going to a certain place and bring him out safely."

"Protect one person and go to one place?" This kind of request without beginning or end is the most deceptive.

"Who to protect? Where to go? How long will it take?" He asked three questions in a row. If time could never end, he might be stuck here for the rest of his life.

Such thoughts are humane, and the young sect leader was not angry at all. He smiled and said:
"Protect me for no more than three days, and there is no danger to your life."

The conditions are great and the offer is really great!

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Chen Banxian thought in his mind: "How to swear?"

"Just follow my words."

The sect leader saluted the sky:
"We can learn from the way of heaven. Today, I, Chen Changsheng, signed a protector contract with my little friend Chen Banxian. They will protect me when I go to the Void Place and return in three days.

My friends need to help me to the best of their ability on the way, and I promise to use my soul as a protector. "

This condition made Chen Banxian have to suspect that the sect leader was trying to increase his favorability.

The picture shows that he was moved to join the Taoist sect.

Otherwise, why are you always thinking about him?
"I didn't expect that we are still the same family."

He had no reason to refuse. He really needed the method of soul cultivation, so Chen Banxian swore and agreed to the sect leader's oath.

The oath fell, and the feeling of attention passed by in an instant, and it became official.

The sect leader smiled and said: "You should prepare for three days to see the environment of my Taoist sect. If you spend time here in the future, you won't even be able to find a toilet."

He did not have the majesty of a sect leader, but had the temperament of a young man, joking with Chen Banxian.

"Wan Xin, just go for a walk with your little friend."

The sect master finished speaking and turned around to leave.

"Let's go, let me show you where the toilet is first."

Wan Xin actually took Chen Banxian to a place to relieve himself.

"Our sect does not allow open urination and defecation. You have just joined the sect and are not used to being clean and leak-free. It is best to know these locations as early as possible."

On the way, Elder Wan Xin took the opportunity to introduce places such as the Spiritual Food Office, the Library Pavilion, and the Training Ground, as well as some special places.

The elder pointed to a stone platform in the mountains below. There was a dark hole on the platform.

"That is a lower realm called Shuiyue. It is full of people practicing martial arts. If anyone breaks the void and can find this way to enter our realm, he will be qualified to join my Taoist sect."

Just as he was speaking, Elder Wan Xin looked surprised: "My dear friend, you are so lucky. You happened to meet someone who was breaking the void."

He waved his spiritual energy and entered the passage, and then a picture appeared in front of him.

"You can learn the small circular light technique on your own after you become a protector."

I saw a person climbing the top of the mountain in the picture, and below were various sects, all dressed as warriors.

The leader said boldly: "Now that I am invincible, I will break open this gate of heaven!"

He used all his internal strength, pulled out his long knife, and slashed high into the air!


A gap was cut into the world, and there was a faint dark road inside!
Across the road is their Taoist sect.

Elder Wan Xin felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that he's still a little short of the mark. He only cut out the passage, but couldn't maintain it."

Sure enough, the crack disappeared quickly, Wu Wudi slashed repeatedly, and stepped closer to the passage.

Unfortunately, the space healed too quickly. In the end, his knife was cut off and his internal strength was exhausted.

It seemed that he was about to fail.

At this moment, Wu Wudi burned his essence and blood, and his speed suddenly increased!

Half of his body entered the passage before the space healed.

"Even if I die, I still want to see the master of martial arts!"


The world healed, and Wu Wudi's lower body fell from the sky.

His upper body was climbing in the dark passage, gritting his teeth, and he would not die until he ran out of energy, all relying on his strong willpower.

"It's so beautiful."

Elder Wan Xin had sympathy in his eyes, but did not help.

"Aren't you going to help him?" Chen Banxian looked at the passage and couldn't help but feel the same.

What is the difference between the water-moon realm and the begging earth?

"If he comes out of the passage, I will help him."

Chen Banxian looked away. Normally, he would have ignored people from other worlds. What would they have to do with him?
But at this moment, something suddenly moved in his heart, and the Demon Summoning Sutra Sea set off unprecedented waves!

On a whim!

He smiled and stepped into the dark passage.

Wu Wudi was about to die. He stretched out his hand and looked at the light in the distance, feeling breathless.

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in." He muttered on his deathbed: "It's just a little bit close, it's obviously just a little bit close."

At this moment, a shadow appeared in front of his eyes, blocking the light.

He is dying, can't you see?

"Don't take it out on yourself."

Covering his mouth with a hand, he breathed in.

Chen Banxian got Zhang Xiaoyu's extraordinary ability, which stopped his life from passing away.

The body has returned to its near-death state, which is already the best state for Wu Wudi!
He squeezed all the blood out of his body again, climbing like a cave, five meters, three meters, two he is!
He saw, saw, a world like a fairyland, with two people watching him from high in the sky.

Half of his body fell to the ground with a clatter, and his blood had dried up. Wu Wudi stared blankly at the immortal in front of him.

There really are immortals in the world, and there really is a way after martial arts!
Chen Banxian has obviously returned to Elder Wan Xin.

"Little friend, you are violating the rules."

Elder Wan Xin stroked his beard with a hint of complaint on his face.

If it wasn't for his love, he wouldn't have allowed this to happen.

"Elder, why don't you save him?" Chen Banxian smiled, Wan Xin waved his fly whisk, and put a pill into Wu Wudi's mouth.

"Remember, this elder didn't allow you to ascend successfully. It was this little friend who saved you."

He told Wu Wudi that the lower limbs of this partially mutilated man were growing, and that he was living dead human flesh and white bones, which was extremely miraculous.

(End of this chapter)

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