Chapter 236 Martial Arts Will
Wu Wudi's will was astonishing. He gritted his teeth and endured. He immediately cupped his fists at Chen Banxian:

"I won't thank you enough for your kindness. If you find me useful in the future, just ask!"

"Guess what, there really is."

Chen Banxian sat down cross-legged in front of him: "Let's do this, I'll give you a fortune."

A whim is also an image. An ordinary monk would only make random guesses, like a blind man touching an elephant.

But for a hexagram master, whims can be analyzed carefully. Generally speaking, it is better to use hexagrams to generate the body and see where the restrained body comes from.

He didn't ask Wu Wudi any questions. He was easily a little worried and had already made up a hexagram.

Start the hexagram with the three characters Wu Wudi to get the earth water master, and add the time as the hurdle to make the water hexagram.

As soon as the mind moves, the water will be strong, while the earth will be thin and dispersed in the turbidity.

This soil can overcome water. Water is wisdom and should be restrained.

Understanding in his heart, Chen Banxian said to Wu Wudi: "The reason why your martial arts is not perfect is because you only want to be strong, big, and prosperous, and forget that being strong and prosperous requires control."

"It should be noted that if there is no limit to water, it will not form a river and will not be able to conceive life."

As soon as he finished speaking, his consciousness was touched, and his heart surged. This hexagram was talking about Wu Wudi, and it was also talking about himself.

But there was still a chance, and he didn't quite understand.

When Wu Wudi heard this, he was shocked and felt like a thunderbolt!

The internal energy in his body quickly gathered, and under restrictions, his powerful martial arts will dominated his whole body, and a shadow flew out of his head.

The phantom is Wu Wudi himself, the manifestation of his martial arts will.

Elder Wan Xin's eyebrows were surprised: "What a strong will. If I have the opportunity to set foot on Yuanshen in the future, I will definitely be able to gather superior qualities."

Yuanshen, Yuanshen...

Chen Banxian does not have a soul, so he cannot cultivate to that state.

However, Wu Wudi's martial arts will was deeply imprinted in his heart!

This... isn't this what he lacks!

At this moment, he was flooded with insights about how to cultivate the blood fountain.

Every time you touch the blood fountain, your life is different. In terms of will, who has accumulated more than him?

It turns out that although the blood spring can repair the boat, he only knows its real purpose now!

After a moment, Wu Wudi finished his attack, and his temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared with his previous sharpness, he was a little more restricted.

It is not declining but is prospering, and its momentum is approaching the golden elixir realm!

"What a powerful aura, Chen Xiaoyou, you have a sharp eye for discerning pearls!"

Elder Wan Xin praised Chen Banxian and said in his heart that Chen Banxian was the great blessing of Taoism.

Wu Wudi was already young and had already reached the pinnacle of the lower realm. Now he understood how to control water, and his future potential was limitless.

Maybe a few years later, he will become another pillar of Taoism.

Chen Banxian did not reply to Elder Wan Xin's compliment. He stared at Wu Wudi closely: "Can you tell me about the method of martial arts will?"

"Since my benefactor wants it, of course I must tell him that he knows it."

Wu Wudi spoke: "The human body is like an oven, and the will is like fire. The method of martial arts will is to calcine fine steel with fire. The stronger the fire, the stronger the steel..."

This is an undisclosed secret in their world, but in the Taoist sect, it is really too simple.

Because no matter how strong the martial arts will is, it still needs time to accumulate and cannot be relaxed.

How long can a person's life be?Compared with Yuan Shen, martial arts will is not of the same order of magnitude at all. The upper limit has been set there.

But for Chen Banxian, this happens to be the most suitable thing for him!

"Ding, gain martial arts will."

With the absorption of abilities, and with Wu Wudi's narration, some things became clearer and clearer.

Chen Banxian closed his eyes, and the sound of waves began to rise in his body. Then, the sound of the waves became louder and louder, like a waterfall, like a raging river, and finally turned into a tsunami!
A horrifying whine sounded on Daodao Peak, shaking the clouds. Wu Wudi had finished speaking, and his eyes flashed with shock.

In the benefactor's body, the previously scattered wills were unifying, as if a hand was building a building, adding bricks and tiles.

What kind of monster is this to be able to understand the will of enlightenment by just hearing it once?
He couldn't help but glance at Elder Wan Xin, could it be that this is the upper world, this is... Taoism!
Little did he know that Elder Wan Xin was even more shocked than him at this moment!
He saw more, and with the turbulence of the Demon Summoning Sea, he could directly see the boundless waves.

"This this……"

"This this……"

He said the word four times in a row, but he couldn't come up with the rest!
The figure of the sect leader appeared silently, with the old man protecting the way still following behind him.

"Stay back and don't say anything."

He asked everyone to stay away, and the breath on his body slowly recovered.

Coinciding with heaven and earth.

His eyes looked deeper.

In the depths of that rough sea, there are stars that ordinary people cannot even notice!
And the coast is also endless, containing a round of prototypes, gestating, waiting to shine.

He had been obscured by the embankment before and could not see clearly. He could only sense that this child was a monster, something he had not seen for at least a thousand years.

But now, he found out that he was wrong!

This kind of physique can no longer be defined or described by talent.

The so-called genius he met who could be described as a monster and loved by heaven and earth was not of the same order of magnitude at all.

"If it is conceived and formed, it will never come out!"

His rambling words were incomprehensible to everyone present.

Suddenly, the young man seemed to think of something: "Some time ago, I occasionally saw a strange phenomenon born in a small world. Could it be..."

He stared at Chen Banxian in front of him and saw a terrifying will being picked up from his body.

A shadow of will that was dark inside but white and holy in outline slowly rose from above his head.

His appearance is the same as that of Chen Banxian, but he is solemn and solemn. His eyes seem to be open but there is a porcelain cup in his eyes.

What kind of martial arts will is this?
Wu Wudi subconsciously visualized himself. His will is to forge ahead and never give up. Only in this way can he gather strong combat power.

But the benefactor's will was not as strong as his, only something indescribable.


When these two words came out of the young sect master's mouth, he really couldn't find the adjectives!

"In the realm of golden elixir, there will never be anyone better than me."

He said this with certainty. Over the course of thousands of years and eight reincarnations, he had seen too much.

But today, it still opened his eyes.

Even the celestial phenomena above the main peak of Taoist Sect were changed by that will.

After a while, the tsunami subsided, the embankments were strong, and the will returned to itself.

Chen Banxian slowly opened his eyes.For a moment, everyone present felt fear.

It's like facing heaven and earth.

It was so fast that they thought it was an illusion.

"Eh? Why is the sect master here again?" Chen Banxian smiled, as if nothing happened just now.

"If I don't come, the elders will forcefully detain you in our Taoist sect."

The sect leader pointed back, and some phantoms in the sky quickly closed their eyes and quickly dissipated.

Those are mysterious spirits that are everywhere, and as the young man pays attention, he doesn't dare to look again.

"Fellow Taoist, let me formally meet you. My name is Chen Changsheng."

The sect master bowed his hand to him and treated him as a Taoist friend.

"Can't, can't!"

Chen Banxian hurriedly responded: "You are so old, this will shorten my life."

Elder Wan Xin was shocked when he heard this: "Little friend Chen, don't talk nonsense!"

Talking about age is a taboo for practitioners, especially for young-looking monks.

Many people don't want to admit that they are old.After excluding the time they spent practicing, and counting carefully, they were all teenagers.

"It's okay."

Chen Changsheng smiled and looked at Chen Banxian: "I couldn't understand it before, but it was only after looking at it that I realized that fellow Taoist has already walked his own path."

He called Chen Banxian a Taoist friend, which meant that the leader of the Taoist sect had also gone his own way.

Only such people are qualified to be treated as equals.

"It's just a pity that in the future, Taoist friends can only serve as guardians of the Taoism, instead of my fellow disciples of the Taoist sect."

Chen Changsheng was very sorry, but also very pleased that he was not alone.

"Wan Xin, you brought this ascended person into the sect and treated him very well. He has a lot of karma with Taoist Fellow Chen."

"As for fellow Taoist, he will go with me."

Chen Changsheng took Chen Banxian to the sky, "Fellow Taoist, the time has been advanced. We were originally supposed to enter the Void Land in three days, but now I'm afraid we have to go there immediately."

He smiled bitterly: "Seeing you condense your will to enlightenment has given me a lot of insights, and my cultivation level has recovered in advance."

While they were talking, they actually started to rise higher, heading towards the sky.

The guardian behind them also followed, but gradually, the figure of the guardian became fainter and fainter. He was clearly behind them, but he almost disappeared.

Chen Banxian looked at his feet. The mountains, rivers and waterfalls on the main peak were also fading. They were not really ascending to high altitudes.

Instead, entering another place - entering the void!
"Fellow Taoist, you probably don't know what it means to enter the void."

Chen Changsheng said: "In my Qingxuan realm, starting from the very beginning of qi training, I can build the foundation in ten years, and condense the golden elixir in a hundred years. After that, I can become the soul, and then leave the body and become the Dharma."

"After the Dharma phase, you can refine the spirit into essence, and then you can have a glimpse of the realm of entering the void."

They are entering the void right now!
Chen Banxian pointed his fingers, Jin Dan was equivalent to the third level, and then entering the void, wouldn't it be equivalent to the eighth level?
Then he has to practice until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

"You brought me here, and it seems like I can't play any role."

They finally came to a completely dark place, with only Chen Changsheng, the sect leader's body glowing with light that enveloped the two of them.

"No, although the entry requirements for this place are very high, it does not depend on everyone's strength."

Chen Changsheng smiled: "Everyone here is an ordinary person. The ancestors who have overcome the tribulation, the Mahayana monks, or those who have refined their bodies to become immortals are all mortals."

"Here, strength is not a factor, only luck."


Chen Banxian suddenly understood. He walked aside. Sure enough, he was also glowing and no longer needed Chen Changsheng's protection.

"Your luck is very strong, much better than mine, that's why I need your help."

Instead, Chen Changsheng followed Chen Banxian: "You just go ahead, I hope that with your luck, I can gain something in these three days."

It was pitch dark, and Chen Banxian couldn't find his direction. There wasn't even basic up, down, left, and right directions here.

He randomly picked a direction and moved forward.

In just one step, a vase suddenly appeared in front of them.

There is no water or flowers in the vase, just an empty container.

"Fellow Taoist is indeed a man of great luck!"

Chen Changsheng lamented: "Some people spend their whole lives in this void and achieve nothing, while some people take just one step and encounter [the Tao]."

"Tao?" Chen Banxian really had too many doubts, and he couldn't understand these things at all.

"Yes, Tao. Only when you find the Tao in this empty place can you join the Tao and set foot on a higher realm."

It turns out that after entering the void, there is a way of integration, one link is connected with the other, and the chain is connected. If one link is missing, big problems will occur.

"Let's go." Chen Changsheng looked away.

"Don't you want this... vase way?"

"Haha, only those who are desperate will resort to such useless methods."

Chen Changsheng smiled and shook his head: "This is not my way."

Chen Banxian understood what he meant. Just like the third level has strong and weak levels, this vase is a weak one.

He quickly stayed away, what if he got stuck and couldn't get rid of him?
Seeing this, Chen Changsheng teased Chen Banxian: "But fellow Taoist, the things you encounter for the first time can sometimes explain something. It's normal for your appearance to meet a vase."

"I feel like you're scolding me!"

Chen Banxian couldn't find any evidence, so he took another step forward. At this step, another one appeared.

It is an exquisite mask with golden cloud patterns on it and the whole body is azure.

Chen Changsheng looked at Chen Banxian and his smile became even stronger.

"What kind of look are you looking at!"

Chen Banxian became furious. Is it because he likes to wear a mask?

He took another step and encountered another one.

It is the word "big".

"It's a bit close, but unfortunately, it's still not my way."

However, Chen Changsheng was not discouraged but his eyes sparkled.

"Fellow Taoist, one step at a time, why don't you abolish your Taoism and become an immortal in my Taoist sect? If nothing else, it's easy to become an immortal."

During the conversation between the two, Chen Banxian laughed dumbly and refused him. He was not stupid.

There is a big secret between the Demon Summoning Sutra and the Flying Immortal Body, not to mention the two people seen in that strange place.

"Such a big tone, can you become an immortal easily?"

Suddenly, a person suddenly appeared in the darkness, and he also came to the road with the word "big".

"Who am I to talk nonsense? It turns out they are two yellow-haired children."

The visitor had a rough upper body and his hair stood on end, mocking the two of them:
"You two are acting like pussies. It's better for you to get out of the way and let me, a man, take it!"

Chen Banxian and Chen Changsheng looked at each other.

"Can you bear it?"


"You said everyone here is an ordinary person, right?"


"Fuck him!"

Chen Banxian suddenly shouted and took action first!

He punched the strong man hard. We were all ordinary people, regardless of muscle size.

Two against one, why are you afraid of what he will do!

"Bold!" The strong man was furious: "Do you know who I am!"

"I know your mother!" Chen Changsheng lifted his vaginal legs and kicked the strong man's lower body. The latter bent over in pain, but then he met Chen Banxian's two fingers in the hole!


He screamed, and the two men kept hitting all his vitals. He rolled on the ground and tightly covered his crotch.

"You step on the horse and then bark again!"

"Who is a pussy, stand up, who is a pussy!"

Chen Banxian kicked his private parts one after another until his flesh and blood were bruised.

"Okay, okay, don't kill me."

Chen Changsheng held him back: "There's no need to waste time here, let's continue looking."

"Tui! Bad luck, remember my name, Taoist Zhatian!"

Chen Banxian left harsh words before walking away.

"Explode the Heavenly Taoist!"

The strong man roared, furious: "Don't let me find you!"

(End of this chapter)

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