There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 237 The combination of 8 characters of Tao

Chapter 237 The combination of the eight-character path

"This shabby place doesn't even have an upper, lower, left, or right edge."

They walked for a long time, almost more than two days, and saw all kinds of roads, large and small.

There are dragons, phoenixes, and waterwheels.

There's even ink, and there's also curse words. There are really three thousand avenues, all different.

Chen Banxian looked back and saw that Chen Changsheng was standing upside down. He was standing upright, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He didn't notice, but Chen Changsheng's eyes lit up.

"It would be nice if there were up, down, left and right." Chen Banxian muttered.

He took another step forward, and the next second, the two of them came to a square.

Here, the word "front" appears!

"it is good!"

Chen Changsheng suddenly shouted: "Sure enough, I picked the wrong person!"

He quickly came to the front word and said happily: "My way is done, it is done!"

Chen Banxian: "Is this your Tao? The first word?"

"No, this is not my way, this is just one of my ways!"

Chen Changsheng's body shone brightly, and the word "up" appeared above his head!

The word "下" appears at the foot, "Left" appears on the left, and "Right!" appears on the right!

The word "后" appears behind him, but the front is missing!

This last character was attracted and quickly moved closer to form a cage.

Chen Changsheng was imprisoned in a cage. He looked up and down in all directions. He could vaguely see the past inside, and he could see the present outside.

A total of eight words, Chen Changsheng burst into tears.

"Eighth reincarnation, eight lives!"

He grabbed the first word: "The four directions, up and down, are the universe, and all past and present are the universe. The universe has been completed, and my way has been completed!"


The place where it entered the void was shaken, and the eight paths merged into one to produce mysterious and unpredictable changes.

Chen Changsheng descended and left here, taking advantage of the situation to grab a handful of Chen Banxian.

Taoist sect, the top of Taoist peak, the world changes!

Time flies here, mountains and rivers flow backwards here, Chen Changsheng's eight characters merge into one, and countless elders arrive together!
"Congratulations, sect leader! The great road has been completed!"

"Congratulations, sect master, the great road has been completed!"


All the elders hid the shock in their eyes and congratulated them all.

It’s done, it’s done, Taoist sect steps out again, and it’s the sect leader who steps out!

All the elders are exempt from the ceremony.

Chen Changsheng was moved to tears: "Eighth life! Eighth life!"

He didn't have any airs, and instead revealed dirty information about himself.

"If labor and capital hadn't entered the void for the first time and accidentally encountered the word "after", they wouldn't have waited for eight lifetimes!!!"

He was so moved. No one felt it more deeply than him. In his first life, he was too stubborn and fell behind others. The bones of other sect leaders melted, so he closed his eyes.

In the second life, I originally wanted to get the word "front" to form the "back and forth" way, which is also considered tyrannical.

As a result, I got an ancient character...

His condition is still affecting him.

In the third life, he got the left character, in the fourth life he got the right character, in the fifth life, he got the upper character, in the sixth life he got the lower character, and in the seventh life he got the present character, and the way of time has been completed.

But he only missed one word, so if he gave up, he would lose money.

As a result, he was reborn for eight lives and exhausted his life span.

Thousands of years have passed by, and now, the truth has finally come true!

All the elders had strong auras, but no one agreed with the sect leader's self-defeat.

Chen Banxian is a monster. In fact, Chen Changsheng is also a monster. Who dares to bet on such a big bet, even if he has a stable immortality, and spends his life to bet on these eight ways?

There are more than three thousand avenues. To accurately find this eight-character path in the vast road is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

When entering the virtual realm, I don’t know how many people are stuck in front of the Hedao, and they have never met them all their lives.

And the matter of reincarnation is also extremely dangerous. If you can't see through the illusion in the womb, you will not be able to find the way to cultivate immortality, or you will die halfway, and you will not be able to enter the virtual realm...

Only a madman would dare to do this!
But, he did it and succeeded!
Someone looked at Chen Banxian. Although the sect leader looked young, his lifespan in this life was almost exhausted.

Thousands of years have probably passed the threshold to the void.

If the previous path cannot be found and the road is broken, there will be great flaws in the ninth life.

Now I suddenly found this person, who is highly suspicious.

Is there anything this person can't do?Or is there another secret?

The thoughts in their minds changed, and suddenly, a message from the sect master came to their ears.

"He is my protector. Everyone, please collect your thoughts."

The elders were shocked when they heard this, and saw the young sect leader looking at them with a half-smile.

Although Chen Changsheng was not all sect masters for eight generations, his age and seniority were terrifying.

No one dared to mess with him.

Now that the union is complete, I'm afraid it will be time to go through the tribulation soon.

What he meant was very clear, they couldn't move this person.

The elders looked away regretfully and could only ask the sect leader afterwards.

They also have some ideas, and many people are stuck at the stage of entering the void.

This step is crucial to what path you can follow, what kind of person you will become, and what kind of immortal you will become.

Asking questions, asking questions, but also asking questions.

Chen Changsheng came to Chen Banxian and handed him a piece of jade.

"The methods of ghost cultivation are all inside. You can get them by using your martial arts will to explore them."

"I feel like I'm at a disadvantage."

Chen Banxian smacked his lips: "We are fellow Taoists, right?"

"of course."

Chen Changsheng saw what Chen Banxian was thinking: "Tell me if you have anything to do. I will definitely help you to the best of my ability."

Chen Banxian held the jade and turned his head quickly: "There is a person from a small circle who bullies others too much and always bullies me. How about helping me?"

"Haha, which small world is it?" Chen Changsheng said with a smile: "My two sticks of incense were equal to him!"

The unity of the Eight Paths was nothing to overcome the tribulation in the seventh life, let alone now?
He has undergone a qualitative change.

"Hidden Cang Realm!" Chen Banxian blurted out. He had been planning for a long time.

"Zang Cang Realm?"

Chen Changsheng had never heard of it, so he asked, "Can you give me the coordinates? I'll go take a look first."

Chen Banxian immediately told the passage on earth to enter the Cang Cang Realm.

"wait for me."

Chen Changsheng closed his eyes, and a primordial character entered the earth along the passage, and then entered the Tibetan Cang Realm.

Soon, the soul returned and he opened his eyes: "It's not a big problem."


He clasped his hands behind his back and said: "It's such a great day today, how can we not do anything to cheer it up? Just in time, let me have some fun today."

He was very frivolous, tearing apart space with his hands, bypassing the earth and finding the world of Zang Cang Realm!

"Tianyin Sect, right?"

The space channel shifted and quickly moved to a large area.

At this time, Tianyin Sect was in full swing.

It took tens of thousands of people to build a flying boat, but the loss of an elder who was half-stepped to his death made the Tianyin Sect furious!
The Weapon Refining Peak recalled all its disciples, put down all the refining of magical weapons, and devoted all its efforts to building the flying boat.

More complex formations, higher quality spiritual crystals.

They want to destroy that small world and declare the terror of Tianyin Sect.

But on this day, a huge gap opened in the sky, and above the Tianyin Sect, an eye larger than the mountain was revealed behind the gap.

Cold and ruthless, with scrutiny!


In the Tianyin Sect, a coffin flew up, and spiritual fluctuations came from inside.

"It's the ancestor!"

The leader of Tianyin Sect appeared, his eyes widened.

"Unexpectedly, our Tianyin Sect still has an ancestor?"

The coffin exploded at high altitude, leaving an almost rotting corpse in the air.

This corpse has only a trace of spiritual support, but its state is "Floating Life"!
Being in the state of overlooking life and looking down at all living beings has transcended the ordinary world.

"Get out of my realm!"

The half-zombie roared angrily, waving his hand and creating a path between heaven and earth.

If you change to the Qingxuan Realm, you should compare it to the Hedao Realm.

But...the gap between the two worlds is too big.

Just like the earth and the Tibetan Cang Realm in ordinary times.

A finger penetrated through the crack and turned into a jade pillar reaching the sky!

Without the protection of the heavenly law in the new world, under Chen Changsheng's crushing force, the half-corpse body exploded without even a trace of dust left.

He was completely crushed and shattered in the battle between Tao and Tao.


The leader of the Tianyin Sect screamed miserably, but in exchange, the Tongtian Jade Pillar continued to fall!

The ruthless fingers crushed tens of thousands of flying boats and all the mountains of Tianyin Sect.


The sky suddenly tore open, and a monk whose appearance he couldn't see clearly arrived, his eyes tearing apart.

The Taoist charm on his body almost crushed the heaven and earth. This is the true foundation of the Zangcang Realm!
Seek Dao Realm!
Chen Changsheng's finger directly exploded the deepest hidden powerhouse.

Seeking the way, seeking the way, is the strong person who is looking for a higher way at the end of the road.

Normally, he would be excited when he saw Chen Changsheng because he had found a way.

But now, they couldn't be more excited.

Because the other party is the enemy.

This is the end of the world, the mountains and the ground are torn apart, the Taoist rhyme has collapsed, and eight characters stretch across the sky to block all the ways in this world.

Chen Changsheng turned around and seemed to have done something insignificant: "I will seal this world for you for a hundred years, and you will not be able to become extraordinary within a hundred years."

"In a hundred years, you should not be afraid of them."

He did not kill living beings, as that would have great consequences.

He smiled and said: "You helped me become enlightened. This is a great favor. If anything happens in the future, and someone bullies a small person, you can come to me."

As the words fell, suddenly, space and time exploded in the next second.

A slap quickly stretched out from time and space and slapped Chen Changsheng's ear hard!
There was also a cry: "Unfortunately, it's too late."

"Hey, don't pull me! Damn it!"

Why is this voice so familiar?It seems to belong to Chen Changsheng.

Chen Banxian was a little dumbfounded, and Chen Changsheng was even dumber.

"what happened?"

He clearly saw that slap, but he couldn't avoid it, and he always felt a sense of anger in it.

Stupid, people are stupid.

Suddenly, the space channel opened again, and a slap came back and landed somewhere in the Cang Cang Realm.

"It's not yet time for you to be born, so just lie down for me!"

He retracted his slap smoothly, and wanted to give Chen Banxian a slap, but something grabbed him and he swung away without a trace.

The atmosphere was silent.

The sudden operation made the two of them feel in a trance.

After a while, Chen Banxian said dryly: "You will definitely be very powerful in the future."

"Yes, yes." Chen Changsheng was also dry.

"How about you send me back? I still have something to do."

"Okay, come and play if you have nothing to do."

Chen Changsheng sent Chen Banxian away. He didn't dare to go to Earth. The big boss was watching and he couldn't afford to offend him.

When Chen Banxian's back disappeared, he narrowed his eyes.

"The person who just took my future self away seems to be... Fellow Daoist Chen."

In the future, they will all be awesome.

"No, we have to build a good relationship." He mused, this was a good deal no matter what.

Little did he know that in the future, he would be so regretful that his intestines would turn blue. Every time he fell asleep thinking about today's decision, he would get up and slap himself twice.

"Bah! Bad luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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