Chapter 238 Soul Cultivation
Baihu City, compared to the hustle and bustle of the past, “is much quieter.

A killing spree frightened the family, and those people who were usually arrogant and domineering also hid, not daring to stand out.

If someone goes to the core of each area, where the aristocratic families reside, they will find that the core area is quiet, and the aristocratic families seem to have disappeared without a trace.

They are afraid.

Since the bloodbath in the North 14th District, everyone has been in danger, fearing that another murderer will appear one day and history will repeat itself.

Those who dare to stay in the aristocratic family area are either confident and able to deal with Chen Banxian, or they are upright and not afraid of liquidation.

Unfortunately, the former accounts for [-]%, while the latter is rare.

After all, you can get benefits if you stretch out your hand, who wouldn't want to?

Outside North 14th District, the streets are clean and tidy, but the blood has long been washed away.

Chen Banxian didn't expect that his task would be completed so quickly, and it would be completely solved in less than four days.

He even managed to kill the Tianyin Sect, which was an unexpected surprise.

It was already a month later when he came here again.

During this month, he spent a lot of time meditating on the method of soul cultivation, also known as the "Ghost Immortal" method. Chen Changsheng was really kind to him and had no secrets.

At least from his current perspective, there was no hiding anything.

The magic of ghosts and immortals was very helpful to his martial arts will. In addition, he touched the blood fountain whenever he had time and realized the taste of life, so his strength increased faster and faster.

He was an emperor at the top and a beggar at the bottom. Due to his status, he had several cuckolds and had affairs with many married women, experiencing all the filth of the human world.

But not only was he unaffected, but the more contaminated he became, the more holy he became.

Entered a state.

All living beings are me, observe them and awaken your body.

"Baihu City, I'm back."

Chen Banxian kept walking and followed the wide avenue into the city.

"Pass." The guard checked as usual.

He handed over his green card, but the guard frowned when he saw it.

"How long has it been since you returned to Area 14?"

"It's been more than a month." Chen Banxian estimated the time. Sometimes he forgets time during practice, which is normal.

He didn't have the ability to tell how much time had passed just by counting on his fingers.

"That makes sense." The guard took back his green card and took out a metal piece from the guard box on one side.

"Here, this is the new pass. We don't want the gray, white, blue and green stuff anymore."

"Everyone in District 14 is equal now. You have a green card and should be a transcendent. Be careful and don't cause trouble."

He warned Chen Banxian: "If you don't want to be liquidated like the nobles, don't break the law."

After the usual warning, the guard moved out of the way: "Go in, the new era is welcoming you."

"New Era?"

Chen Banxian was in a daze. This was the first time someone saw a green card being disrespectful and scolded him instead.

Entering Area 14, after the white mist, the sound came out immediately.

"New energy light bulbs. One new energy light bulb can last for hundreds of years."

"The latest mushroom cultivated by Plant Extraordinary is guaranteed to be non-toxic and costs ten black coins per pound!"

"Undertake private work, go out to search for supplies, explore secret realms, and explain cultivation knowledge."

"Brother, where are you going? My tricycle is just one word, quick!"

It seems like a lifetime away!

Chen Banxian was walking on one side of the road, hearing various messages constantly in his ears.

There are people chatting, there are people selling food, there are people taking on business, there are too many.

This was just the outer city. He walked towards the ordinary area and found that the tall city wall in the ordinary area had been demolished.

There are still some slogans and banners where they were originally demolished.

"Everyone is equal, report will be rewarded!" 》

"Fighting against evil forces starts with me!" 》

"The Ninth Divine Religion protects everything except evildoers!" 》

Banners and slogans like this can also be seen on roadside corridors.

There is also information about law enforcement bureaus recruiting contract workers.

"Qingyun Road in the outer city is urgently recruiting law enforcement officers. Those who are extraordinary, have good character, and those with no criminal record will be given priority..."

When we arrived in the inner city, the isolation wall was also knocked down, but the smiles on everyone's faces were much less.

For ordinary people, this is a great good thing, but for people with power, it is just the opposite.

The sudden change in identity made it difficult for them to adapt.

After arriving in the core area, although the nobles' mansions were still stopped, they were blocked.

In front of each mansion, there are stone tablets engraved with the mistakes they made and signed - Liangcheng News Department!

Chen Banxian felt warm and thoughtful.

This is helping him clear his name.

He continued to move forward, sensing that Qingshuang was in the core area, and waited for his return with due diligence.

I don’t know if that weird Qingshuang will appear again in a month.

But his steps were stopped.

A group of people, numbering in the hundreds, carrying white flags and wearing plain silk on their heads, were parading through the streets.

They also shouted slogans: "Give me back my husband, my wife and children, and my parents!"

"Give me back my husband, my wife and children, and my parents!"

Such slogans continued, repeated over and over again, blocking the core office area.

Without city walls and blockades, they could reach the core area without being blocked.

In the office building, everyone was in a hurry and could not walk out through the gate, so they had to leave by aircraft.

The marching teams shouted for a while, then raised another big flag and changed their slogans.

"Kill innocent people indiscriminately, Devil Chen! Pay for your life, pay for your life, and you won't die a good death!"


Such slogans were repeated over and over again. Some people even printed out photos of Chen Banxian during the massacre that day, enlarged them and covered them with various obscene words.

Chen Banxian, who was originally happy, suddenly turned a little ugly.

He tore open the space and came to the office building.

Office buildings are busier than ever.

Employees holding documents can be seen everywhere in this building. Under the new policy, they have to face various unexpected situations.

Chen Banxian found Die Yunfei. At this time, the space here was wide open. Die Yunfei faced four conference rooms alone and was extremely busy.

"The attitude of law enforcers needs to change, otherwise how can we talk about equality for everyone?"

"The nobles of the family are all gone, what do you have to worry about? What are the evil forces like Team S doing if you don't fight them? Keep them for the New Year?"

"Also, how many times have I told you! No corruption! What about the third realm? These people will be handed over to Su Yun for direct processing!"

As he spoke, Die Yunfei found that everyone was stunned, staring behind him and not daring to move.

That look was clearly one of fear!
Die Yunfei felt something. When he looked back, he was also shocked.

"Ahem, everyone, the meeting is postponed."

He closed the space door with an awkward smile on his face: "Brother Xian, you are finally back!"

"What's going on outside?" Chen Banxian pointed out the window: "They have nothing to do after eating every day? Are they still marching?"

"This is all thanks to you, who is willing to take shares to feed everyone."

Die Yunfei chuckled: "Don't pay attention to them, they are just greedy and want more benefits."

These people don’t actually hate them, but they want to fight for more claims.

"I previously gave each household a compensation of 100 million black coins, plus free housing, free study, elderly care services, etc., but they didn't agree."

Die Yunfei rubbed his eyebrows: "Their minimum requirement is to give tens of millions of black coins. You can't beat them, you can't scold them, you can only spend them first."

Indeed, this is somewhat uncomfortable.

After all, it was the death of a relative, and it is unjustifiable that the current government does not compensate.

But they disagreed, believing that the value of the third realm was much higher than the so-called millions of black coins.Secretary You Yan was sorting out the information and couldn't help but interject: "They can really talk about how powerful they will be in the future. It seems that we will never be able to pay off what we owe."

"They don't even look at it. If they didn't do things for those noble families, could they be killed?"


Die Yunfei smiled bitterly: "It's good for those aristocratic families to just pat their butts and leave, but leave the mess for us to clean up."

"You are miserable."

Facing their complaints, Chen Banxian only had these three words.

Hearing this, the corners of Die Yunfei's eyes twitched and seemed to have wrinkles.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I have a solution for these people."

He cleared the space again and came to the roof of the office building.

The sun was shining, and Qingshuang was lying lazily on the beach chair, holding juice in her other hand, enjoying a beautiful sunbath.

"It's so comfortable."

She noticed the spatial fluctuations and was not surprised. Instead, she poured a glass of juice for Chen Banxian.

"I haven't been so happy for a long time."

She took off her sunglasses, revealing her carefully made-up face, with eyeliner raised at the corners, making her eyes look stunning.

"Where are those souls?"

He has mastered the method of ghost cultivation and is finally going to solve this mess.


Qingshuang snapped her fingers, and an entrance appeared in the sky, and it was pitch black inside.

"I brought Guixi into a different space, and the soul is inside."

Qingshuang stood up, her chest bulging slightly.


Chen Banxian sighed, and then his martial arts will suddenly bloomed!

The strong will dispersed Qingshuang's body, leaving her conscious.

"Gong... son..."

Qingshuang lowered her head, a little scared.

By the way, Qingshuang who looks like this is the real Qingshuang.

"Are you okay?" Chen Banxian asked, Qingshuang nodded repeatedly:
"With the priesthood, he can't kill me. Thank you young master for saving me."

"That's good, help me release my soul."

The ghost's alien space is not on the earth, and he will not risk his life foolishly.

"Yes, son."

Qingshuang opened the space door in an orderly manner, and inside, groups of souls were released one after another.

Immediately, Chen Banxian activated the energy control of the Butterfly Prayer Flower, gathering the nearby spiritual energy and nourishing the soul.

Such a strong sun can easily melt these fragile souls.

One by one, the souls killed by his own hands walked out of it, still in a daze.

Those with weak soul power cannot remember many things in the past. Even extraordinary people in the second and third realms are confused.

"wake up!"

He shouted loudly, and all the souls were shrouded in martial arts will.

I woke up with a fright.

"'s you!"

Their memories still remain at the time of death. Some people did not notice their own situation and were still crying:

"Please let us go, we are just following orders, we can't help ourselves!"

Or someone simply closes their eyes and awaits execution.

"Okay, okay, stop talking!"

Chen Banxian didn't want to experience the struggle that day again, so he said directly: "You are dead, and you are in the state of your soul now."

The soul generally does not know that it is dead and thinks that it is alive and unable to come out and needs someone to wake it up.

As soon as he said this, these souls woke up and took notice of their own state.

"So, I'm dead?"

Some souls are about to dissipate and their bodies are unstable.

This is also the most real process after death. The soul is confused and dissipates directly, or it barely stays for a few days and then dissipates.

Only those with strong obsessions and resentments can turn into ghosts with the support of emotions.


Chen Banxian shouted loudly, and a dark figure walked out from behind his head. He closed his eyes solemnly and forcibly condensed these souls that were about to dissipate!
"Before you die completely, I want to ask if anyone wants to survive."

Even if there was a method of cultivating ghosts, he did not make any independent decisions, but asked for their consent.


A soul asked him: "We are all like this, can we still survive?"

The other souls looked at him suspiciously.

Who is willing to die when there is concern in his heart?

"Of course, if you are willing to live, I have the method of ghost cultivation here. If you use a ghost body to cultivate immortality in the future, your body will be a burden.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of most souls shone brightly. They knew about ghost cultivation, but that was all.

"Why do we trust you!"

Someone asked: "Since you killed us, why do you want us to practice ghost cultivation?"

"Do you have any purpose!"

"Stop playing tricks on us!"

The souls didn't quite believe Chen Banxian's words.

After all, his killing that day was truly chilling.

Some people begged for mercy, and there were young children at home who were beaten to pieces.

Some people say that their mother was paralyzed in bed, but she still could not avoid the bad luck of death.

"I don't need to waste all my energy to lie to you."

Chen Banxian's voice was indifferent: "If you want to live, just listen to me talk about the ways of ghosts and immortals. After initially condensing the ghost body, you can reunite with your family at night."

"If you don't want to learn, just don't listen. But you can have a few hours, the chance to finally see your loved ones again. After a few hours, you will be out of your mind, and maybe you can be reincarnated."

He scanned these souls and selected them one by one without any nonsense.

"Of course, some people should stop being delusional. If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. You can leave on your own."

Those nobles and aristocratic families who died deserved their death, and allowing their souls to dissipate on their own was considered Chen Banxian's kindness to these people.


After pondering for two seconds, he was still angry and took action with hatred.

The will of martial arts directly enveloped these people with precision, and the will burned them so much that they screamed and dissipated into patches of black eyes.

"TMD, I'm so angry. I can't wait for you to dissipate on your own."

He felt aggrieved every time he thought about the faces of these people.

Then he looked at the remaining people: "Now, if anyone doesn't want to live, you can raise your hand and I will let you go."

All the souls stared at him with two big innocent eyes, not daring to speak.

That's what you said just now. You killed the souls of the nobles before they left.

Some people originally thought of dying and taking one last look at their loved ones, but now they are silent.

The souls of the nobles seemed to be in pain before they died.

They are not afraid of death, they are afraid of pain!

Especially I don’t want to experience it a second time.

"Very good, next, you all listen to me talk about the method of cultivating souls and ghosts. Sit down. Anyone who moves will be beaten!"

He threatened fiercely and then started to tell.

(End of this chapter)

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