There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 239 Unethical Limited Time Experience Card

Chapter 239 Unethical Limited Time Experience Card
The way of the soul can be said to be difficult or simple.

The summary is that people are yang and material, and they absorb the spirit of yang energy to practice.

The soul is Yin, which is just the opposite. It needs to absorb the Yin spirit to practice. The difficult thing is to perceive the "Yin world" and draw energy from it.

This underworld can only be perceived by consciousness and cannot be seen by living people.

Chen Banxian led the way with his martial arts will to help these people open the way to the underworld, allowing them to circumvent the restrictions of life and death and cultivate immortality in the human world.

There are immortals among people, and there are ghosts and immortals. When they got better, he quickly got up and went downstairs of the office building.

Here, the demonstrations continue.

When they were tired, they would sit down and rest. When they were too hot in the sun, they would find a shady place or break up.

When you are hungry or thirsty, you can queue up under the statue of the Ninth God Religion and there will be something to eat.

Although it is boiled lake water, although it is the most basic whole grains, the main thing is persistence!
They believe that as long as they persist, they will get an explanation.

In the crowd, Sister Zhang was one of the leaders. Her husband was a third-level transcendent. Speaking of losses, she suffered the most.

“Damn it, the official claim that everyone is equal is another empty talk!”

Sister Zhang took a sip of water under the ninth statue and said angrily: "At this time yesterday, someone came out to explain, but today there is no one."

"Yes, yes, it's too much." Another uncle, leaning on a cane, said:
"I have lived for decades, and I have never seen any big storms. To say that everyone is equal is not to pretend to be a noble in disguise."

"My son is so loved that he died of love. Can he pay for his life with just a little money? Die Yunfei, you have to die a good death!"

They cried and cried, as if they had endless energy!

Some people kept slapping Chen Banxian's portrait with their shoes: "I'll beat you to death, I'll beat you to death! You're a dead man! Beat you to death!"

It seems that this method can get Chen Banxian his retribution and die a brutal death.

This scene made Chen Banxian's teeth itch!
It's really a knife to pull the ass, opened the eyes!
He ate his food, drank his food, scolded him, and beat him. Before, he felt guilty and endured it.

But now it's different.

Your husband and son have all been brought back, and becoming a ghost cultivator is a sure thing, which means you are not dead.

He had no regrets in his heart and stood on the moral high ground again.

Labor and management are not used to it!
He suddenly dropped to the front of the crowd.

The cracking of the earth is enough to prove his anger at this time!
There is no disguise, his true face appears in front of everyone!

Sister Zhang at the front was stunned, not recognizing Chen Banxian yet.

Someone still looked at the portrait and realized who the person in front of them was.

"It's you!"

There was an old woman with her waist bent, trotting to move her steps, and she raised her crutch to hit him.

"I'll beat you to death, and you'll give me back my grandson!"

The old man was crying with runny nose and holding up a cane, which made people worry whether she would hit Chen Banxian first or get out of the way first.

This old woman was the one who beat him the hardest before.

Chen Banxian is not used to him being reasonable now!

He slapped the old woman: "I call you a horse!"

The old woman was stunned. This slap was filled with the essence of heaven and earth. If nothing else, the old waist should be getting healthier with more slaps.

But the old man didn't think so. She held up her crutches and was in a daze.

"You hit the old man?"

"Can't the old man fight?"

Chen Banxian slapped her vigorously again: "Don't come in the eyes of labor and management."

He looked fierce and fierce. He only felt the two slaps in his heart, which made him feel depressed. He stared at these people:
"Which of you wants to speak out? Stand up!"

A little girl ran out: "Repay my father!"


The little girl fell to the ground in response, sobbing: "You are bullying the young."

"What's wrong with me just bullying you? I was once a baby too!"

"You are so heartless, you are not human!" A woman ran past, still pregnant with her child. She was also one of the main participants in the march.

Even if the third realm comes, I don't dare to touch her.



Chen Banxian slapped her in the face and used the energy to nourish her body.

But he felt it was not enough and slapped him again, giving the child some more!
He didn't hesitate to waste his energy of heaven and earth to vent this evil breath!

"You even hit a pregnant woman! You have no humanity!"

More people came out, all old, weak, women and children!




Chen Banxian slapped them all on the ground without hesitation.

No one got up, they were all stunned.

They didn't feel any pain, they just couldn't believe that someone would not be restrained by morality and launch an attack from a shameless vantage point!
"You're stupid, you're stunned, hahaha."

Chen Banxian was so happy that he looked up to the sky and turned around with a big smile. How can we be a moral person?
Chen Banxian felt a sense of relief every time he thought about this feeling until many years later.

In fact, many crises of inner demons were saved by today's scene.

This time, when the inner demon comes, you have to call it Ba Ba!
Die Yunfei has been watching upstairs.

He wanted to take action several times, but finally endured it and just slapped his ears a few times, just hit him.

I really don’t know how big of a wave will be caused in District 14 tomorrow.

Sister Zhang is very brave. She is the only one besides pregnant women who has had one more ear scraping.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, but it was too late now. She planned to go to the Information Department early tomorrow morning to expose Chen Banxian's evil behavior!
When she returned home, the white silk at the door had turned yellow, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

After opening the door, she hugged the photo and leaned against the side of the coffin in a daze.

She understood that the parade was just a way to vent her depression. Her brother Zhang was dead and would never come back.

Once, when they were young, they went to the beach together, had late-night snacks and watched movies together.

The excitement when they were together for the first time, the lifelong vow in their hearts to enjoy a bright future, and the twists and turns when they quarreled that they wanted to beat him to death.Now, everything has turned into a coffin.

She didn't want to bury this tomb, as if this way Brother Zhang wouldn't be considered to have left her.

After thinking about it, her energy was too much, so she leaned against the corner of the coffin and fell asleep.

Brother Zhang, the older generation said that people will return to their souls after death, why don’t you come and see me?

That corner had a layer of paint rubbed off, which was obviously done frequently.


The door opened gently and closed again.

Brother Zhang's figure is slightly illusory. He is in the third realm, and his soul is nourished more than others. He is the first to complete the transformation of ghost cultivation.

From now on, he is a ghost cultivator in the Qi refining stage.

Seeing Sister Zhang sleeping on the coffin and holding his photo, he couldn't help but feel sore at the corners of his eyes and shed tears.

It turns out that ghosts can also cry, and Chen Banxian's ghost cultivation method did not lie to him.

He familiarly took a quilt from the house, put it on Sister Zhang, and blamed himself in a low voice:

"Lan Lan, it's all my fault. I worked for those ambitious things from the noble family, and I got you in trouble."

He just wanted to keep her like this forever, and only after losing her would he understand the preciousness of possession.

At the beginning, the ghost cultivator's body is unstable and cannot directly contact living people, which will cause harm to both parties.

Only when he creates Gui Ji can he embrace Lan Lan.

He was extremely heartbroken: "From now on, I will wash the dishes and wash the clothes, and I don't want you to suffer anymore."

He wanted to pull her hair, but in the end he didn't dare.

It is not difficult for him to create a ghost base.

He was originally an extraordinary person in the third realm, and he also practiced the popular cultivation method of Baihu City. Now it was just like walking the old path all over again.

Li Shulan seemed to be affected by the cold air of the ghost body, and she woke up and came back.

"Asleep again."

She stood up with difficulty and saw Brother Zhang in front of her.

"Oh, I miss him so much that I hallucinate? Or am I still dreaming and haven't woken up?"

But she didn't dare to slap herself. She was afraid of waking up from the dream, so she looked at Brother Zhang dreamily.

"Brother Zhang, it would be great if you were real."

"Lan Lan..."

Brother Zhang cried deeply: "I'm back, I'm real, we will never be separated."

This voice and this movement don't seem like hallucinations or dreams.

Li Shulan slapped herself several times, causing her nose to bleed.

It's true, Brother Zhang is back.

She cried, crying heartbreakingly.

"Zhang Lanqiu, you heartless person, why did you come to see me now!"

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Chen Banxian closed the space crack on Brother Zhang's end, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

The situation at Brother Zhang's family is just the beginning.

He slowly closed the space cracks around him, and inside were images of all the ghost cultivators.

He had to pay attention, if someone couldn't bear to keep in contact with him for a long time, there would be big problems.

Fortunately, it seems that everyone has a sense of proportion and knows how to advance and retreat.

The next day, Die Yunfei woke up and opened his tablet with trembling hands, fearing that he would see Brother Xian's headlines.

In this way, his few rest time will be reduced again.


He was confused, why was there no news?

There was not a single piece of news about Chen Banxian in the News Department, and they even rarely reported only some examples of other district families being domineering.

Only the Information Department of North 14th District dared to do this, and behind them stood Chen Banxian.

If the aristocratic families were not happy, it would give Chen Banxian a reason to take action.

No one can control this devil who abandons his moral bottom line.

There were also aristocratic families who asked Shen Qinghe to take action, but the latter's intention was unclear. He just said that he was on a mission and had no time.

Some people estimate that Shen Qinghe acquiesced in Chen Banxian's approach. Perhaps this was a signal for the future situation.

Everything depends on the results of the North 14th District and whether he can give everyone a satisfactory answer.

Facts have proved that Die Yunfei did not disappoint everyone.

With the strong support of the Information Department, every movement in District 14 is broadcast in real time to the entire Baihu City and the entire Tongri City next door.

The education business was officially launched, and a large number of pre-apocalyptic teachers were recruited.

From the lowest grade [-]st to [-]th grade, as well as special high schools incorporating Reiki aspects.

All for free!

The person who used it was a big stock holder.

Someone deliberately spread the news, and that person might be Chen Banxian.

In terms of food, everyone can receive subsistence allowances and relief food, and the Ninth God's Religion has become everyone's spiritual support and hope.

In terms of clothing, without the exploitation of nobles, the market management department directly lowers the price to ensure that no one will freeze to death.

In terms of residential addresses, as long as it gets dark, tents can be placed anywhere except main roads in the North 14th District, and people without money will no longer be driven away.

It wasn't until dawn that special personnel were "invited" out.

In terms of transportation, with wide streets, rickshaws, steam cars, and power cars all available, the North 14th District shows unprecedented vitality.

In the area, there are complaint points and law enforcement officers everywhere, which become the safest guarantee.

Over the past month, everyone in Baihu City has noticed that the eyes of the people in District 14 are gradually shining.

Everyone seems to see hope.

Without nobility, justice and fairness will truly fall on everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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