There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 240 The family’s back-up plan

Chapter 240 The family’s back-up plan

Jiaojiao happily lay on Chen Banxian and rubbed his face affectionately.

"Would you like to stay and cook tonight?" Chen Banxian gently touched the top of her head and asked.


Jiaojiao shook his head, grabbed the sword spirit with one hand, lingered on him for a moment and then began to rise into the air.

She wants to become stronger and increase her strength.

The dragon always wants to fly to the nine heavens.

No matter how Chen Banxian persuaded her, she still had to step out. She didn't want to be protected by him all the time and could only watch when there was danger.

She has a mind of her own.

"Okay, go early and come back early."

Chen Banxian sighed, took out the three copper coins from under his body, strung them with a red string, and put them solemnly around her neck.

"If you disappear one day, I will find you."

Whether dead or alive.


The dragon kissed his cheek and flew out of the sky in the blink of an eye.

"That guy from Sword Spirit, why didn't you say a word this time?"

Chen Banxian looked at the sky, smiled, and fell into meditation.

The fountain of blood will never diminish. He has experienced all kinds of life and increased his strength.

Baihu City seems to have returned to tranquility.

Only the things hidden in the darkness began to whisper.

"are you back?"

"Master, I haven't come back and the communication has been cut off."

"Sending someone."

In the Southern Region, there is another group of people missing from the Xia Lian clan.

The old man's eyes were cold and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The fighter plane took off, took off, and plunged into a huge white fog space.


"Report the situation."

Bactria dragonfinch type II, flying in the misty sea.

Surrounded by an invisible field of vision, they can only rely on light signals to detect whether there is a threat ahead.

This is a low-key world from beginning to end. No life has entered the earth, and it is sparse and ordinary.

But they once detected terrible energy fluctuations in this world, and the energy level has exceeded the power of a hydrogen bomb explosion.

This Daxia Longque II was originally still in the testing stage, but the Xia family can already use it.

The user for this mission is Xia Ningyi, a direct bloodline of the Xia family.

"No life has been detected so far, and no abnormal phenomena have been discovered."

"Look, you must find it!"

Xia Ningyi's tone was unquestionable: "If you can't find it, you don't have to go home."

All the extraordinary people looked solemn, and deeply suppressed the anger in their hearts.

They know that they are nothing more than a knife.

But they couldn't resist. How could they be trusted in the Xia family if they had no handle?

The sky was dark, the fog was even darker, and the sea was like an abyss, ready to swallow them at any time.

The dragon bird soared above the sea. Suddenly, a person exclaimed: "Signal detected, approaching..."


The dragon bird's wing was severely damaged, and the next second, a person appeared in front of them.

No, that can’t be said to be human!

A tattered body, torn skin, exposed teeth.

It was wearing some kind of tight-fitting uniform, and there seemed to be a letter logo on its chest.


It made a terrifying roar, and Xia Ning felt bad and immediately retreated to the escape cabin.

The route back to the city has already been planned, and the Xia family does not make uncertain decisions.

"Fire! Fire!"

The deep malice of the visitor swept through everyone's hearts. Some soldiers could not control themselves and fired, spewing out psychic bullets like crazy!

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bullet hitting the monster had no effect at all, just like hitting the steel plate. It had no effect except shattering the tight-fitting uniform.

"Evacuate, evacuate!"

An extraordinary person swung the long knife in his hand, and the result was worse than a psychic bullet. The psychic circuit at the tip of the knife collapsed, and the shock wave broke the blade.

This is beyond their ability.


Some extraordinary people simply gave up their fighter planes and dived into the dark sea water.

The next second the sea water boils, and something is approaching quickly in the distance in the water!
It's a fish, a rotten merman!

The extraordinary man screamed in the water and was torn apart by the mermaid!

"TMD, what is this!"

Xia Ningyi opened the escape cabin with fear hidden in her eyes, but he did not leave immediately.

This modified fighter aircraft is equipped with three escape cabins.

He is waiting.

Sure enough, the escape cabin on the left suddenly activated. Apparently someone had the same idea as him.


There was a loud noise as the escape cabin activated, immediately attracting the monster's attention.

The monster disappeared in a whoosh, but Xia Ningyi remained motionless. He waited until the second escape capsule left before pressing the launch button at the same time.

His speed suddenly increased, and then, Xia Ningyi saw a ball of sparks explode in the air in the distance.

The monster jumped out of the fire, slightly dizzy, and chased to another escape cabin, bringing out a large amount of blood.

The man inside screamed, and by the time the monster tried to chase him again, it was already too late.

Sure enough, everything was as expected.

Xia Ningyi's heart was calm, and she knew what the ending would be like in the fighter plane without even thinking about it.

However, this time the plan was worth it.

He looked at another escape capsule, which was destroyed and only had a large hole cut open.

The two escape capsules returned to Earth one after the other.

Xia Ningyi had already contacted the people in her clan, and as soon as his escape capsule landed, a third-level transcendent came to treat him.

The other escape capsule was heavily surrounded.

A team of 15 people from the third realm stood ready to surround the second escape cabin.


The escape capsule was pushed open from the inside, which was also the third stage, but his lower body was broken and all the internal organs in his chest were missing.

It seemed like it was being eaten by something.

He was still alive, struggling to crawl out and weakly shouting: " me."

The eyelids of all the extraordinary beings in the third realm twitched and they swallowed saliva unconsciously.

This is fear.


Patriarch Xia Lian lit his cane, walked step by step to the severely injured extraordinary person, and glanced around.

"What, are you afraid?"

His eyes were still calm: "In this world, there are ghosts, ghosts, and zombies. Now there is just one more zombie. What's the fuss about?"


The fear in the hearts of the extraordinary beings is even greater!

The quasi-zombie on the ground struggled: "Chief, what are you talking about, what kind of zombie? Please help me, I don't want to die yet... ugh!"

He twitched for a moment, rolled his eyes and burst into tears: "Clan leader, uh... I'm still useful, uh... save me, please, you, save me, I uh..."

"Come here and imprison him."

Xia Lian waved his hand indifferently.

A third-level transcendent gritted his teeth, shot out the freezing gas, and froze his colleague.

"Take it back." Xia Lian turned around and said, "Let our people study it carefully and try to crack the virus."

The situation is getting worse.

The governance of the North 14th District is getting better and better. The suppression of families in other districts cannot be deliberate, otherwise they will be stabbed head-on.

The news reports on the prosperity of the area every day, and the word "justice" has become the motto of District 14.

A large number of people have moved to District 14, and more and more extraordinary people are unwilling to stay in the territory they control.

Must be suppressed!
They have managed to maintain the social structure for thousands of years, and they cannot let one person destroy it like this!

"Haha." The lonely figure from my hometown said: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This sentence is true to me."

There was a gleam of resentment in his eyes: "Chen Banxian, heh, Shen Qinghe? Heh."

"You have a wall ladder, I have my Zhang Liang plan."

His body is getting smaller and smaller, he is getting old, and he may be slumped at any time, but he can guarantee that before his death, the aristocratic family will have strategic weapons for survival.

Nuclear weapons have the same status as they always have.

The frozen body was brought to Baihu City, and some biologists were deployed.

At the same time, there was another alien world.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the sky is bright and the earth is bright.

But there is no intelligent life on this planet.

Metal pillars stand on the ground, with the tops of the metal pillars open like iron mushrooms.

"Duan Xin, how is your team?"

A voice came from the intercom. A man named Duan Xin was sitting in a special spaceship, ascending along an iron mushroom.

"We are almost close to the target." Duan Xin stared at the iron mushroom that was getting closer and closer: "Master Yun, please wait for my good news. If something happens to me, take care of my mother."

"Don't worry, serve my Yun family, and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

The voice from the intercom came out again. Duan Xin gritted his teeth and finally came to the edge of the iron mushroom.

If anyone looks at this, they will be shocked. The whole mushroom is carved from metal without any trace of splicing.

A face slowly emerged from the mushroom, staring at the fighter plane calmly.

"Inferior life forms from lower worlds, you should not come here."

This face occupies the entire top of the mushroom, and is initially estimated to be at least tens of thousands of meters across!

Duan Xin suppressed his fear and whispered: "Great Dianmen Civilization, we come here with sincerity this time."

He said quickly: "We know that you are collecting human specimens on Earth, so we specially brought a thousand men and a thousand women."

"Lower life forms, you made the right choice."

A person walked out of the human face, and the mercury-like fluid gradually changed: "Say your request."


Duan Xin was happy that he no longer had to die.

He said respectfully: "We hope that your civilization will take action and take away the most precious specimen on our planet!"

"According to big data calculations, there are two most precious life forms on your planet, one is called Shen Qinghe."

"One..." it paused: "named Chen Banxian."

"Is it okay?" Duan Xin was worried again. Listening to the other party's tone, this Chen Banxian actually made such a high-level civilization feel afraid?
"We need to ask the main star for instructions."

The mercury man closed his eyes, and garbled characters appeared all over his body, sending a message to the main star.

After a while, the mercury man opened his eyes: "Please follow me, "God" wants to see you."


The third alien world is the original world.

In the Holy See of Light, there are also large families. The Shen family devoutly knelt down to worship the God of Light, thanking the God of Light for bringing light to the earth and making all things prosperous.

After that, they showed their fangs and wanted to see the bishop, and they were willing to bring a large number of believers!
The Xia family is the head of the family in the Southern Region.

The Yun family is the head of the Eastern Region.

The Shen family is the leader of the Western Region.

Except for the Beida District, which was targeted and unable to take action, all the aristocratic families were planning intensively.

From the front, to the side, to the back, the complete and precise plan is constantly checking for deficiencies.

But Chen Banxian is still practicing the blood spring and sharpening his martial arts will.

He was stacking up like crazy, and when he got tired, he would go out to tell fortunes, relax, acquire extraordinary abilities, blood, spiritual energy, etc.

The Demon Summoning Sutra Sea is becoming more and more terrifying, the Flying Immortal Body is not far behind, and even the martial arts will is catching up!
He sits cross-legged in the sea of ​​air, suspended high in the sky of the blood spring, bathing in the fairy light of the flying immortal body.

A drop of water is fragile.

A hundred drops of water can quench thirst and save a life, but a drop of ten thousand, a million, or trillions of drops can annihilate the world!
It was Ninth who found him and interrupted his train of thought.

"problem occurs."

Ninth frowned deeply: "My believers have received bad news."

He pulled out a strand of Qingyun above his head, spread it and opened it to reveal a picture.

A large number of people were sent to other worlds, most of them ordinary people, but there were also extraordinary people among them.

"It's not just this, please listen again."

He pulled out another strand, and after patting it, he heard a confessional voice inside:
"I didn't know what they were going to do and I was getting scared."

"It lives, it requires energy, it cannot be contained, every day, I feel like walking on a tightrope, I can't quit..."

"Great Ninth God, if you hear my call, please forgive me, please forgive me. This is not my intention."

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand and opened the Power of Faith. The scene inside was a laboratory with a petri dish or other things inside. A huge ice block emitted cold air and was tightly bound.

A staff member kept scraping something into the ice.

"What does it have to do with me?" Chen Banxian closed his eyes again, and then opened them again. He had just finished his life.

This time, he was an abandoned baby, born as a daughter, and recovered after experiencing grudges and hatred.

All sentient beings have one hundred appearances, and he also has one hundred appearances. At this time, he gradually understood.

Ninth looked worried: "I smell a conspiracy and have a bad feeling."

He didn't let it go for no reason. The power of faith is the most essential desire in people's hearts. He usually only uses it as a tool.

But recently, there have been more and more such prayers, and many people are confessing that they are doing something that is unacceptable to God.

In other words, he has big data.

And now big data tells him that there is one or more conspiracies brewing, waiting to be revealed.

"What's in the ice?"

Chen Banxian shook it lightly with one hand and threw out a dice.

The dice has eight sides, each side is a hexagram, which can be used for divination.

Qian is the sky and Kun is the earth.

His heart trembled: "Ninth, where is this place?"

"follow me."

Ninth pulled the silk thread to sense and led him to travel far and wide.

The formation lines under his feet emitted a shimmering light, and his speed was so fast that it even felt like he was across space and was so close to the end of the world.

After a while, they left Baihu City and traveled far outside the city.

The roads here keep forking, seeming to lead to some other world.

After waiting for a while, the road was paved to the end, where there was a passage of white smoke.

In the passage, you can vaguely see the building!
"right here."

Ninth's eyes flashed brightly: "I said, the line of sight should not be blocked."

In an instant, the white mist disappeared, revealing his true appearance.

Inside is a huge laboratory that takes up almost half of the passage, and behind the passage is a sea shrouded in mist.

The water was dark and smelly, lifeless.

"The important place of the Xia family, stop anyone who comes!"

A team of extraordinary beings were waiting outside the passage. They were originally to protect themselves from monsters from another world, but now they were protecting Chen Banxian and the two of them.

"I smell blood."

Ninth's nose twitched and he walked towards the team with his hands behind his back.

"Step aside!"

The team leader's expression turned cold: "This is one last warning, this is the important place of the Xia family, stop."


Ninth, he threw out a talisman and placed it accurately on the top of the extraordinary person's head.

The extraordinary person was immediately immobilized and could not move.

"I've been studying spells recently. Is this body-holding technique okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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