There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 241 The World of the Living Dead

Chapter 241 The World of the Living Dead
"Yes, of course!"

Chen Banxian's eyes were hot, and the ninth one became stronger again.

If you take the sword spirit with you, he will definitely scream again, and then maybe he will want to cut open the ninth head to see how it is done.

Extraordinary abilities seem to be a reward or compensation given by heaven to people on earth.

It is very special. Everyone's extraordinary abilities are different. Even the five elements of energy are slightly different.

It's also a fire-type super, but one person may focus on penetration, while the other person may focus on range.

And those special extraordinary beings are even different.

The ninth one is the best among special extraordinary abilities!
Among all abilities, he is the most BT!

"Come with me."

Ninth twitched the tip of his nose and followed the blood gas into the laboratory.

He opened the heavy door casually. Without Jiu's attention, Chen Banxian could see various combination locks inside.

All the way to a place marked "cold room".

Opening the door, the two of them looked heavy.

One by one, people were frozen and hung on the conveyor belt by counting.

Some still have a faint breath of life, and some are completely dead.

Chen Banxian raised his hand to shoot down the "people" who were still alive, hung up their lives with "one breath", opened a space and sent them into Baihu City.

He crossed Ninth, grabbed a hook, and followed the conveyor belt toward the lab.

In front, the conveyor belt divided two roads, one was normal, and the other was a huge stamping machine. He was taken to the stamping machine.

The body in front was crushed into more than a dozen pieces.

The machine tool fell, and as a result, the gears made an overloaded sound and became scrapped.

Chen Banxian followed the broken pieces all the way down, passed through many levels of sterilization, thawing, etc., and arrived at Yifang's laboratory.

The conveyor belt here is like an assembly line operation.

On both sides of the conveyor belt are researchers wearing sealed white coats and gas masks.

They took out syringes from the plastic box behind them and injected the contents into the meat.

Chen Banxian's arrival was overshadowed by the roar of the machine.

He saw that the injected fingers actually moved autonomously.

That half of the thigh was trembling, and his eyes were rolling.

What on earth was injected!
He looked through the wall and saw another, larger laboratory.

It's full of psychic metal cages that contain crazy, roaring, rotting people.

Number nine is right over there.


He broke through the partition between the two laboratories and came to the other end!

The experimenters were screaming, and some were holding syringes in their hands, about to inject the monsters in the cage.


Chen Banxian really couldn't think of any other words for this classic appearance.

"Crack," a syringe fell to the ground.

In an instant, the screaming researcher shut up and moved away from the syringe in fear!
"No, the experimental material was leaked!"

She quickly sounded the alarm, and everyone ignored the sudden appearance of Chen Banxian, who was in chaos.

"T virus?"

Ninth subconsciously used the spiritual energy shield to isolate all air substances.

Chen Banxian didn't pay much attention. He came to the front of the cage and observed the people inside.

The heartbeat is beating violently, a lot of energy is being consumed, and when I peek into my incomplete consciousness, I eat anyway!

Ingesting energy becomes its only goal!
"TMD, who made this thing!"

Chen Banxian's eyes showed deep disgust.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly left the laboratory and came to the hazy world.

There was something in the air, affecting his consciousness and trying to confuse him.

But his energy and blood were flowing, and the Feixianguang automatically rejected this substance.

"Something is coming, be careful." Ninth looked into the distance, and the next moment his expression changed drastically!
"No, Chen Banxian, leave quickly, this thing...

"Chen Banxian?"

He turned around blankly, where was his shadow behind him?

The man had already fled to the other side of the space channel the moment he discovered the abnormality.

"As expected of you." Ninth Crushed the teleportation stone and returned to the other side of the earth.

That thing was so fast that it hit the space passage so hard that it made me dizzy.

It does not belong to the third realm and exceeds the upper limit of the earth's realm.

But it is struggling to come to Earth and swallow the energy of Ninth.

"Chen Banxian and Ninth laughed."

Sure enough, God exerted his strength, and a thunderbolt fell, hitting the monster's body hard, splitting its skin and flesh, and turned it into a piece of charcoal.

"One hit kill!"

There was fear in Ninth's eyes. As the earth recovered more and more, the thunder became more and more terrifying.

This is a good thing and gives them time to grow.

"What is this?" Chen Banxian came closer and stepped on the charcoal with his foot. Who knew that the thing under his feet was still moving!
"It's not dead!"

Chen Banxian retracted his foot as if he was electrocuted, "What a zombie!" The earth is weird enough, it's not unusual.

"No matter how powerful it is, it is still a carbon-based life form." Ninth was much calmer. He carefully observed the details: "I can deal with this thing one-on-one."

"But, just be afraid..."

He looked behind him and saw that there was no one alive in the laboratory.

The frozen corpse struggled, and even if the experimenters used gas masks, they were still infected by the injection.


Immediately, Chen Banxian waved his hand and set off a strong wind, sending all the airflow within a radius of [-] meters into the other world.

Ninth also followed suit, and Ling Qi lifted up the laboratory and threw it into the sea of ​​space together with the land.


The sea water was boiling, and something was moving underwater. It was a rotting whale like a mountain of flesh.

No, not one!
It has the heads of several humpback whales on its body, which is a collection of monsters.

The laboratory made a clicking sound and was being swallowed!
Jiujiu's face was ugly: "I'll set up a formation to block this place. I'll inform my boss later that we must be on guard!"

Once the virus is leaked, not to mention Baihu City, even the earth and even the other worlds connected to the earth will be infected.

This would be a terrible disaster.

"Get out of the way!"

However, the shock in Chen Banxian's eyes flashed away, and he pushed Jiu Jiu away. The next second, a monster wearing a red uniform appeared.

The monster has a lightning bolt mark on its chest.

"Lightning Man?!"

Isn’t this a movie and anime?
Chen Banxian subconsciously pulled out the stone plaque to defend himself.

This thing is not something you can reason with!
He set up a space barrier in front of him. The zombie twitched its nose and suddenly accelerated, entering the space corridor in front of Chen Banxian.

It kept shuttling back and forth, entering at one end of the space, rushing out at the other end, locking on Chen Banxian, and continuing to rush in!
But gradually, Chen Banxian realized that this zombie was not the Flash.

It doesn't have the speed force, nor is it as fast as imagined. It's just the third level.

"It should be a parallel space like our earth. This person may have been cosplaying at the time."

He breathed a sigh of relief. If it really connected with anime, would be normal.

The people on earth have seen a lot, especially him. After seeing Chen Changsheng's ability to suppress the rules of heaven and earth with one finger, his heart has been strengthened.

Or maybe the so-called speed of light was so fast in the past, but in fact, when it comes to a higher quality plane, it is just a matter of people moving their feet.

"Block here."

He and Ninth took action together, and after the blockade was completed, he turned back and examined the team.

The team had already left. They had already escaped when they started, but the team leader who was immobilized was still unlucky enough to stay in place.

He uncovered the talisman seal under the ninth post. Although the latter could not move physically, his mental activities were not restricted. He stared at the two people in front of him with wide eyes!

He recognized it. Without the paper bag or cover, the identities of these two great gods were ready to be revealed!

"The Ninth God! Demon!"

This title made Chen Banxian's face darken again.

He said unhappily: "What are you talking about? Now let me ask you an answer."

"Are you working for the Xia family?"

The extraordinary person's soul trembled, and he almost subconsciously thought of the video of that day.

There were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood!
The heads of the nobles from the aristocratic families were rolling down, and there was not a single cry from anyone alive.

"No! I didn't! I worked hard for the great Baihu City and humanity!"

He stood upright and straightened his chest!

"Don't be afraid." Chen Banxian's voice softened and sounded unpleasantly low:
"I'm just asking, did the Xia family run the laboratory? Where is the Xia family?"

But how could this sound soft to the captain?This is clearly the whisper of the devil!
He cried: "Brother, I'm just a gatekeeper. How do I know so much? I just received the mission to guard this space passage."

He pointed at the ruins and burst into tears: "Before, the Youxia family was conducting experiments, but it was an alien world, and it was in a space passage, and we couldn't control it."

"Then what happened to your previous summer place?"

Ninth interrupted, looking at him coldly.

The captain's chill flew from his heels to Tianling Gai. He hurriedly took out his black coin card from his arms:
"I admit that I received bribes and I am willing to hand them over. Please forgive me, two great gods!"

The team leader was so regretful that his intestines were green and he was not kind to others. Now he only complained about the team members who just escaped and did not take him with them.

Facing two great masters, he walked on thin ice, fearing that if one of them failed, he would be dead.

It depends on people's mood.

"That's right, that's right!" The team leader tried hard to find a way out for himself:
"I know where the Xia family is. The Xia family is the largest family in the Southern District. All families in the Southern District look up to him."

"The Xia family is on the top floor of South District 1, occupying the entire core area. They also have nuclear weapons, so be careful!"

Mastering nuclear weapons is a difficult problem.

This method he used was enough to make Chen Banxian throw a rat weapon. Once he couldn't defeat him, the opponent might die with him.

"Except the Xia family?"

Chen Banxian would not think that after the incident in District 14, there would be any family that wanted to fight him alone.

"Master, I'm just a janitor. How can I know so much?"

The extraordinary man's eyes moved wildly, and when he saw that the two people's expressions were different, he added anxiously.

"But I know that the Yun family is in charge of the East Region, the Shen family is in charge of the West Region, and the Wu family is in charge of the North Region!"

"very good."

Chen Banxian smiled: "It seems that we should visit them in person."

(End of this chapter)

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