There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 242: Talking about the Four Great Families

Chapter 242 Conversation with the Four Great Families
To the east of Baihu City, there are aristocratic families, nobles, parliamentarians, royal families, etc., with complex strengths.

The power of the entire Eastern District is in their hands, and the extraordinary ones are honored as the new rich.

This great change in identity and respect makes the extraordinary people enjoy it and gradually become addicted to it.

The Yun family is recognized as the largest family in the East District. Every major meeting is chaired by the Yun family. They are like the overlord of the party and no one can challenge them.

But today, the powerful Yun family, which always needs others to look at their faces, is waiting respectfully in front of the family gate which covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

Just because they received shocking news from an informant.

Chen Banxian is coming.

That killer!
"Have all the direct descendants of the Yun family evacuated?"

The housekeeper wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked the dead man.It felt like there was a big mountain on my shoulders.

He felt like he was carrying a burning copper stove behind him, and he was restless, neither putting it down nor picking it up.

As the butler of the Yun family, he is the most suitable person to come forward. At the same time, he has always been the representative of the Yun family.

"Butler Yun, why don't you go back and sit down for a while? I've been waiting for three hours."

Direct sunlight can burn off a person's skin. A transcendent person can't stand it. Usually this housekeeper is very kind to him, like a godfather. Many good things are thought of him first.

"No, wait, wait, wait."

The housekeeper kept wiping his sweat, but he didn't dare to go back and sit for a while.

Which one is notoriously difficult to talk to, and will kill someone if they disagree.

The butler tapped the earphone and warned sternly: "Don't do anything without my order. Even if he kills me, don't do it without an order!"

The Yun family is much more powerful than the Bai family and there is no comparison.

But facing that person, there is not much difference.

The helper the family is still looking for is unknown and needs to be delayed.

The only good news is that Patriarch Xia has achieved breakthrough results.


Amid the turmoil of thoughts, someone extraordinary spoke and looked into the distance.

A spatial crack opened silently, tearing directly into the Yun family's door from outside the passage in the East [-]st District.

"Bah." The footsteps landed.

A peerless prodigy stepped here, his eyes wandering around, staring at the Yun family housekeeper. The latter felt as if he was on a boat in the deep sea facing a tsunami that covered the sky, and he forgot to breathe.

His sense of oppression is too strong!

Chen Banxian kept his feet still and slowly floated to the front door of Yun's house.

His calm eyes were always looking at Yun Mu'an, the housekeeper of the Yun family.

Missing him, Tianjiao floated directly into the Yun family's door, leaving Yun Muan behind who didn't dare to move.

"Let's change it to someone else. Your magnanimity will bring shame to the Yun family."

In his ears, he could hear the breathing and heartbeats of more than 600 people in the Yun family.

There are actually not many third realms among them. In fact, it can be guessed that the Yun family does not dare to face him in person.

The Yun family's residence is built like a palace, with some places shrouded in white mist, making it a veritable "Palace on the Clouds."

The main hall is the largest, covering an area of ​​more than 300 square meters. It is all built in retro style and is astonishingly luxurious.

"Yunzhu Palace"

He stepped into the palace and sat at the top position.

"Little Xiaoyun family, do you still want to be emperor?"

He sneered and turned his eyes to the left.

There, the holographic projection equipment has already been turned on, broadcasting all the situations in the palace.

"get out."

These three words made the holographic projection tremble, and a figure emerged, as old as the Xia Lian clan leader, but with a hint of aloofness.

"What a strong tone, Chen Banxian, do you really think that no one in the world can cure you?"

"Now that he's like this, it's better to lie down in the coffin and wait for death."

Chen Banxian's lips curled up coldly: "There is really no one in this world who can cure me."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Youlong's face turned black visibly to the naked eye in a secret base somewhere far away.

Some of the clan elders and heroes in the clan beside him were also furious.



"It's really lawless and you will die violently sooner or later!"

They spoke loudly and kept their voices low, not daring to let Chen Banxian on the other end hear.

Outside the Yun family's gate, the housekeeper Yun Mu'an raised his feet several times, wanting to go in and face the man, but he couldn't lift them up.

His feet seemed to be welded to the ground.

All the opening remarks, dialogue methods, conditions, etc. that I had thought of before were useless.

In the hall, Yun Youlong's expression remained unchanged: "Chen Banxian, if you have anything to say, just say it. I still have a lot of time."

"I want your Yun family residence."

Chen Banxian sneered. Of course that was not what he had in mind. He just liked seeing the other person's dark face.

"Haha, here you go, can you stay here?" Yun Youlong said in a slightly cold voice.

"My Yun family is not small and we don't hide from the wind. Mr. Chen, please don't catch a cold at night."

"Then I don't care about you, Chief Yun."

After some sarcasm, no matter how well-educated Yun Youlong was, no matter how calm he was, his face could not help but change: "Chen Banxian, what are you going to do, what do you want!"

"Hey, the defense was broken?"

Chen Banxian held his chin with one hand and tapped the armrest of the chair with his index finger.

"You should also understand what I want to do."

His voice was cold: "I don't care what tricks you use. Everyone has seen the results of District 14. Baihu City will be better without honorable officials."

"So, you can either dissolve the family."

"Or, leave Baihu City."

"Or... be killed by me."

Three sentences expressed his attitude and made Yun Youlong completely let go of the possibility of relaxation in his heart.

"Mr. Chen, your tone is too loud. To tell the truth, you are still too weak to ask my Yun family to withdraw."

He sneered: "I'm sorry, if you kill all my Yun family, there will be no need for Baihu City to exist anymore!"

"Ha ha."

Chen Banxian shook his head: "You will know by then."

He turned off the projection and wandered around Yun's house.

The first calamity is getting closer and closer, and his cultivation level is still a little bit behind. He wants to have enough say when the calamity comes.

The aristocratic family... He couldn't wait any longer.

No one knows what Chen Banxian did when he stayed at Yun's house that day.

No one knows when Chen Banxian left.

People only know that all the second realms in East District [-] changed their tune and claimed that they would serve Baihu City and no longer hold special privileges.

The butler of the Yun family, who is always out in public, published an article on his behalf, giving up his identity as a butler and advocating equality for everyone in the North 14th District.

In one day, all the Yun family members who were still staying at the station changed their stories. Those third-level transcendental beings were as if they had seen a ghost. No matter how reporters asked them, they did not dare to speak.

Only fear!

The fear hidden deep in the eyes!
No one dared to speak, no one dared to refute.

After the ninth incident, I found Chen Banxian and asked him how he did it.Chen Banxian smiled lightly, "Why can't I use the means that the aristocratic family can use?"

"It's all because I can use my quarter share of Wandering Planet Technology to track down anyone in Baihu City."

"The third realm that can be exploited by aristocratic families, those who dare not resist are those with excuses, and they are basically relatives."

"In front of them, I modified the memories of everyone from ordinary people to the second realm.

If they still want their mothers, children, wives, and recognize themselves, they will not go against me. "

Chen Banxian sighed profusely. After all, the methods that Ezhao taught him had used on others.

He is a dragon.

In the cool night, with his back to Baihu City, he put down a boat lantern in the river.

No one was willing to put down another boat lantern for him except himself.

He asked himself: "Evil dragon, what's wrong with it?"

The boat's light drifted further and further away, eventually getting wetted by the lake water and disappearing into the waves.


The next day, Chen Banxian informed the Xia family that he was coming to visit.

As soon as they received the news, the Xia family secretly moved away, but most of them were still left behind. They were not considered direct relatives, but could only be regarded as side branches.

All the remaining people changed their minds in the second realm and were willing to help the North 14th District, and were also willing to promote equality for everyone in this area.

All the third realms were silent and did not dare to speak, just like East District 1.

On the third day, the Shen family in the west was visited. The entire Baihu City was deathly silent, but the undercurrent was constantly surging.

On the fourth day, the Wu family in the north announced that they would disband the privileged class and take the initiative to help Die Yunfei, so that the policies of the 14th North District would spread to all areas of the North District.

Moreover, the head of the Wu family came forward personally to express his support for Die Yunfei to become the district chief of Beida District!

As soon as these words came out, Baihu City was shocked.

The Wu family actually disbanded the family and gave up all the power they controlled!
Half of the nobles in the North District received the news and evacuated to other districts overnight, while the remaining half could only passively wait and watch.

The heads of the other three major clans were severely shocked by such news.

Such news, let alone them, even Chen Banxian was shocked. It was so unbelievable and unexpected.

He did not come forcefully on the fourth day, but set a time to make an appointment with Patriarch Wu to have dinner at Shui'an Restaurant.

He originally thought that Patriarch Wu would send his cronies over to have a video conference with him, just like other patriarchs.

Unexpectedly, on that day, the head of the Wu clan, Wu Changxi, an old man who was over seventy years old, was pushed in front of him in a wheelchair by his subordinates.

The old man's face was covered with age spots, and his hair and teeth were almost all gone. Only his eyes were shining brightly.

"Unexpectedly, Patriarch Wu is so courageous that he can be ranked number one among all the Patriarchs in Baihu City."

Chen Banxian still admired him. The Wu family had always kept a low profile, while Die Yunfei acted in a big way, but they didn't express much.

He originally thought that the first one to be destroyed was the Wu family in Beida District.

Unexpectedly, the Wu family would disband on its own initiative.

There was nothing fishy about it. The Wu family gave up all their holdings in the family's property overnight and handed it over to Baihu City officials.

The condition is that Die Yunfei serves as the district chief of Beida District.

The details of any of these aspects can be directly found on the Baihu City network, which directly reveals a signal.

The Wu family stood behind Die Yunfei.

"Haha, Mr. Chen is a young hero. If it were before, I would never have imagined that there would be such a talented person like a dragon or a phoenix."

The old man spoke clearly and looked him up and down.

"It's so beautiful. If you just say a word, which aristocratic family won't marry their daughter to you?"

"You have strength. You can stand at the top of Baihu City with just a move. Thousands of people admire you, and the aristocratic families also want to act based on your face."

Wu Changxi, an old man, only has one kind of light in his eyes, appreciation.

"But you can obviously go smoothly, but you have to choose to be the target of public criticism. It's a pity, it's such a pity."

The old man was not worth it for him: "You have given up so much, and no one will remember you in the end. You will even be infamy for the things you have done. Is it worth it?"

Wu Changxi could see it clearly, he saw it too clearly.

Indeed, Chen Banxian is the only one who can do this.

The current time is the best time. No one knows how the power reshuffle will turn out on the day when the fourth realm arrives, the day after the first calamity.

But he could obviously enjoy it, but he had to get involved.

"Even if I have to bear the infamy for eternity, the worst I can do is change my name."

Chen Banxian was very open-minded. He poured a cup of tea for the old man, which was about half full.

"If nothing goes wrong, I will live for a hundred thousand lifetimes, and no one may remember this day by then."

Neither he nor the old man mentioned another possibility: human extinction.

They all firmly believe that mankind will eventually overcome everything and survive forever.

"A genius is a genius, and his mentality is completely different from that of us old men."

Wu Changxi took a sip of tea: "Come today, Mr. Chen is worthy of my trust. I want to reveal some news to you."

Without waiting for Chen Banxian to speak, he said calmly:
"The Xia family has mastered a virus that has spread around Baihu City. Once it detonates, Baihu City will turn into purgatory."

"The Yun family has contacted the main star of Dianbei Civilization. They claim to be gods, and they want to use people on earth as the price in exchange for your head."

"The Shen family has colluded with the foreign races in the original world and is forming a force. They plan to lure you into the original world and launch an ambush."

The old man's eyes were kind under the soft light: "Mr. Chen, what should you do?"

"Mr. Wu, there's something he's hiding that he hasn't said yet."

Chen Banxian smiled and looked at him without panicking.

"Yeah, the last few items have little to do with you, but this one will change a person's mind."

Wu Changxi stared at Chen Banxian: "My child, do you really want to fight to the end? This last piece of news may harm you for the rest of your life."

"Your sacrifice is too great."

"Even if the old man doesn't tell me, I understand that my biological parents should be in the hands of the Xia family of the three major families."

Chen Banxian calmly stated this cruel fact.

He had already seen it when he looked at the memories of the Bai family before.

"Chen Banxian, as an old man, I admire you."

Wu Changxi drank the tea, turned the lid upside down, turned the wheelchair and left. He already knew the answer, and he was indeed not wrong in his bet. "

"My Wu family has taken over the Xia family's methods. This is the task I gave them when they were disbanded."

The old man's voice was free and easy: "I can't be as great as you, so I can only do my best. The remaining two families and your parents, Mr. Chen, are left to you."

Wu Changxi left. There was no fish, meat or lobster in the huge box, and he only drank a cup of tea.

Chen Banxian put down the tea and ate delicacies by himself.

"The Wu family is amazing."

He lamented that when Wu Changxi was not paying attention, he became a villain and read Wu Changxi's memory.

He couldn't completely trust the family.

Wu Changxi did dissolve the Wu family, but it was not out of righteousness, but because he had been prepared for it!
There are more than a hundred direct descendants of the Wu family, half of whom are extraordinary people, and their ancestral graves are so well buried.

This old man's eyes are not on the earth, but on all the worlds and heavens.

All direct lineages and collateral lines with outstanding talents were sent to various worlds to worship the sects in them.

His Wu family gave up on the earth, but spread its branches in other worlds. There may not be a chance that it will prosper again in the future.

"Sure enough, the older ones are better at calculating."

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Banxian lay on the chair and sighed.

If other aristocratic families did this, he wouldn't have to put in so much effort.

(End of this chapter)

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