There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 243 The “god” of the top star

Chapter 243 The “god” of the top star

In all aristocratic families, people become mature with age.

The turmoil surrounding the dissolution of the Wu family has continued and has not stopped.

Die Yunfei's pressure suddenly increased. He sat in the position of the head of the North District. He had to contend with the pressure from other districts and clean up the cancer of the family in the region.

It’s the little things that hurt the most.

The Wu family still exerted great efforts, they knew how to govern, and they also had some power after breaking up.

Less control, more opportunity.

The other three regions are urgent!

Chen Banxian was constantly searching for their remnants, further squeezing their space.

He did not touch the Xia family, but targeted the Shen family and the Yun family, constantly brainwashing and pursuing them.

The two major families were almost overwhelmed.

News throughout Baihu City reported extensively on Chen Banxian's brainwashing behavior.

But the next day, the news systems in all districts changed their stories and claimed that the rumor had been fabricated.

Because their memories have also been modified.

The martial arts will gave Chen Banxian great strength, which made up for his shortcomings. Now, he is flying higher and higher alone, reaching the high altitude of the earth.

This is the first time he has been to such a high place.

Looking down, the earth is green, the ocean and the sky are blue. Without human industrial pollution, the earth is recovering rapidly.

I saw countless white mist shrouded in it, some large and some small, with embankments connecting various worlds among them.

He also saw many large city refuges like "Hundred Lakes City". Human beings are very tenacious and are quickly adapting to the environment.

But this time, he was not here to see the scenery.

He raised his eyes and looked up at the deep universe, where there were threats from aliens.

The space was distorted, and a thousand-meter-long spaceship jumped out.

It was traveling very fast. One moment it was shining on Mars, and the next moment it had reached the moon!
It's coming soon.

Chen Banxian stood ready and hugged Fengdu Shibian tightly.

A monumental civilization.

There is only one spaceship, but this one spaceship is enough for him to go all out.

He gently twisted the dice in his hand and had already made a prediction when he arrived.

There is salvation in danger.

This battle can be fought!

The huge spacecraft has discovered him. The alien technology's ability to detect life forms is obviously many times better than Earth's.

The spaceship stopped in front of him, and for a moment, a laser shot out quickly!
Get started!


Chen Banxian used all his strength to catch this stream of light.

He told no one and faced this disaster alone.

Although Jiaojiao is strong, it is still in the third realm.

The sword spirit is indestructible, but he is not as good as the stone plaque.

Everyone has their own affairs and is working hard to achieve the situation they have fought for.

In the spaceship, Duan Xin held the communication device, and the face of the head of the Yun family was on the screen.

"Use all your strength to kill the best!"

Duan Xin didn't dare to speak and looked at the mercury-like thing in the spacecraft.

At this time, this thing is squirming and changing, turning into the appearance of humans on earth.

"The spaceship's ordinary energy cannon can't kill him."

Information appeared in his eyes, calculating the opponent's energy.

"The body strength is about 18000000. There are unknown high-concentration energy waves. Start the dark matter cannon!"

Soon, without any sound, a faint light shot toward Chen Banxian.

For the first time, Chen Banxian's hair stood on end. Without thinking, he put the Fengdu plaque in front of his body to block himself.

Silently, he fell to the ground, and the spacecraft made no movement.

The man in the spacecraft looked surprised: "What a magical substance. The antimatter cannon did no damage and did not change any quality."

"He's not dead?"

Chief Yun's eyes widened: "God, please take action personally, this kid is too evil."

"I know."

The man who claims to be a god can actually travel through space in one step.

Chen Banxian forced himself to stabilize his body as he fell. He held onto the plaque tightly, and the impact almost shattered his body.

But the huge burst of energy, blood and demon-summoning energy allowed him to recover quickly!
But the next second he turned around in shock, and a man he had never seen before appeared behind him.

He opened the muzzle with his palm, revealing a precision-operating instrument inside.


Almost the same attack as before!

Chen Banxian distorted the space and landed behind the man's head!


An energy shield appeared on the man's body, but he was uninjured.

Chen Banxian stepped on the airflow brakes, and the man also stopped, and the two faced off at high altitude.

"Earth human, you are amazing."

The man spoke without emotion: "Let me introduce myself. I am the leader of the top civilization. You can call me - God."


Chen Banxian laughed when he heard this: "What kind of god are you? You are so weak."

"Humans on Earth, your image of us is too stereotyped."

God put his hands behind his back and his tone remained calm: "We have the technology to extinguish the sun, and we have the technology to travel through time and space. In this way, can't we call ourselves gods?" The scary thing is that he is telling the facts calmly.

TMD, you know it’s not that simple.

The scene that Chen Banxian feared the most came.

But God is not as sinister as he thought.

"Your sample is outstanding and unique. If you come back with me, I guarantee you will survive."

"Don't worry, we will not extinguish your sun, nor will we cause harm to your planet."

Instead, God comforted Chen Banxian: "If you come back with us, we will send you back after collecting samples."

It sounds like Chen Banxian took a big advantage.

"There is no free lunch in the world." Chen Banxian sneered: "How can a higher civilization be so easy to talk to?"

God shook his head: "You don't understand the way our civilization exists. We don't have your human desires, nor your human emotions. Everything is based on facts."

"Do I refuse?" Chen Banxian held the Fengdu plaque tightly. Opposite him was a purely technological civilization. He could only compete with his extraordinary abilities.

"Then I can only kill you and take the sample back."

When God takes action, it is no longer an anti-matter bomb, but something else.

This kind of thing caused the mass in his body to rise rapidly, and something beyond carbon-based silicon-based life forms appeared.

Chen Banxian couldn't understand or perceive that thing, but he knew that it was very dangerous!


God took action and actually created a black hole. The terrible suction force rolled up the atmosphere and the clouds were collapsing.

Chen Banxian was the first to bear the brunt!
However, this was just the first move. He suddenly jumped behind Chen Banxian in space, and the heat of the exploding stars bloomed in his hands!

At the same time, something was crushing silently, trying to imprison Chen Banxian's living space, preventing him from jumping.

The whole sky is in chaos, God has taken action, there is no solution!

In the spaceship, the life on top was like a servant kneeling on the ground and shouting feverishly:

There was horror in Duan Xin's eyes. It was too dangerous to plan with such aliens.

He couldn't help but look at Yun Youlong, the head of the Yun family: "Head, aren't you worried?"

"Oh, what am I worried about?" Yun Youlong stared at the screen, which showed Chen Banxian's confrontation with an alien civilization.

God's attack was so terrifying that it almost hit the entire sky. He used an invisible energy that could not be detected or escaped.


Chen Banxian's lips suddenly turned into a smile.

His body in the center of the storm disappeared, becoming just a spatial mirror image.

The real him is behind "God".

"God? Hehe."

A pitch-black fist, carrying a huge amount of Demon Summoning Sutra Qi, hit the light shield hard!
Can't dodge!

The light shield lasted for two seconds, but there was no response. This kind of defense was terrifying.

Chen Banxian continued to attack and bombarded:
"I don't believe I can't break your turtle shell!"

God is also taking action, but the strange thing is that Chen Banxian can always predict his actions one step ahead of him.

Back in time!

Coming from the extraordinary abilities of Master Ezhao and Die Yunfei's space ability, under time and space, he is innately invincible in the face of this technological civilization.

Six seconds is enough time to do so much.

However, his evasive methods could not break his turtle shell!
With a thought in his heart, he turned around and landed somewhere outside Baihu City.

Isn’t Yuanjie the Shen family’s backup plan?This time, let’s solve it together!
He quickly passed through the white fog of space!
"You can't escape."

The god followed closely and jumped through space, trying to stop him.

But Chen Banxian had already opened up the space first. They were gaming and fighting!


In the original world, the Shen family is accompanying the people of the Holy See of Light, asking them to take action at the cost of the earth's faith.

"Dear Lord Chris in Red, it's great that you can take action."

Shen Yude knelt down and praised him all the way.

"Thank you to the great God of Light, thank you to the great Pope. Under the leadership of the Holy See of Light, the earth will surely prosper and be bathed in light."

"Yu De, your piety has moved the God of Light."

Chris is holding a white crystal scepter, and his body is emitting terrible fluctuations.

He is a great magician and the fourth realm that people on earth have not yet reached.

Soon, they approached the portal of the earth, and the Woyuan Forest was as peaceful as ever.

But suddenly, there was a violent tremor, the space was torn apart, and a dark ball fell into the main city of Woyuan Forest.

Shen Yude and his group had not yet entered the city, but they watched a big city being torn apart and swallowed up under the dark ball of light!

In the city, the great magician Formolin, who was researching magic potions, appeared in the sky on the other side. He was terrified and stared at the sky in horror!
He almost got torn apart.


Cardinal Chris stepped forward: "What just happened?"

They did not care about the city with heavy casualties and were wary of their surroundings.

"Dear Cardinal." Formolin greeted him first, and then expressed confusion.

"I don't know what happened. I was studying the waist fairy's potion just now, and I was almost killed."

"The original God of Light bless you!" Chris wanted to speak, but the space was suddenly torn apart again!

The dark demonic energy exploded from high altitude, catapulting into the city and crushing countless buildings!

Chen Banxian was bathed in fairy light, and the demon-summoning sutra energy burned crazily.

There seemed to be a gorgeous gate behind him, with billowing energy surging and falling.

Brings awesome staying power!
But his opponent, the living being named God, always looked calm, and kept shooting antimatter in his hands, and occasionally shot out micro black holes.

Formolin and Chris were still shocked, but Shen Yude screamed:
"Lord Cardinal, he is the evil I mentioned, Chen Banxian!"

(End of this chapter)

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