There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 244 God?But that's it

Chapter 244 God?But that's it
"Is this the pagan you're talking about?"

Chris looked at the sky, and there were explosions that were comparable to the full force of magic, and even the aftermath that was simply unstoppable.

"This is what you call a heretic!"

Chris' face was extremely ugly. He was still thinking of ambushing Chen Banxian. Looking at the current situation, being counter-attacked was not a big deal!


The air tore, the earth collapsed, and a figure fell from the sky and poured into the depths of the earth!
Groundwater rose into the sky, and in the chaos, one person could be vaguely seen taking action, crossing various spatial faults, beating another person crazily.

"God? Are you worthy of being called God?"

The divine light in Chen Banxian's hand exploded infinitely, and the terrifying power kept falling on the opponent's energy shield.

"It's useless."

God revealed important information during the fight with him: "Our civilization has peered into the dark matter level, and your attack has been defined as invalid."

His counterattacks are equally fanatical, with energy explosions, fission and burning, and endless methods.

However, he couldn't hit him. He couldn't touch Chen Banxian's body.

"Earthlings, your high-intensity battle has lasted for more than an Earth hour, how long can you last?"

The facts God stated were obviously very plain, but they seemed to be ridiculed.


In the midst of his busy schedule, Chen Banxian spat at him: "Labour and Capital are not strong in other places, but they have enough endurance!"

For a moment, when God made a black hole, his eyes suddenly shone with divine light and he stared at God.

"Dark matter? I'll let you take another move!"

A terrifying dark demonic figure stood up from behind him, and the fairy light enveloped the demonic figure. As soon as it appeared, the entire sky and rules trembled!

Martial arts will, this magical power that has been locked to its upper limit, has been broken through repeatedly by Chen Banxian, and it has begun to undergo a qualitative change.

He played a trump card and made a breakthrough in the situation.

"No, the elements are running rampant!"

The two great magicians, Fulin and Chris, who were watching the battle, were shocked in their hearts. They no longer felt the elements they needed to survive.

"Go back!"

The crystal scepter in Chris's hand stores the light escape technique. He waved the scepter and spread the light, allowing the group of people to be several kilometers away in an instant.

Just after leaving, the entire Woyuan Forest exploded, and the elements were completely chaotic!

The demonic shadow of martial arts will actually passed through the energy shield of the god, and attacked suddenly. The god had no time to react or jump, and was firmly penetrated through the body.

For a moment, the god paused and remained motionless. The light in his eyes dimmed, and his consciousness had been completely torn apart by a palm.

But soon, the divine light in his eyes returned, and his whole body exploded. The terrifying dark energy swept silently, creating a black hole and absorbing all matter on the earth.

Chen Banxian, on the other hand, had already fled far away. He had already seen this scene. At this time, the two looked at each other from a distance, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

God was incredible: "You can actually annihilate my consciousness. What kind of ability is this? It does not exist in the technology tree."

"There's more you don't know."

Chen Banxian was still frightened: "Why don't you tell me how you recovered?"

How can life be restored after the death of consciousness?
"Your civilization is too rudimentary and you don't know how to use dark energy to store backups of consciousness. Once the physical consciousness dies, the backups will automatically iterate."

God actually answered him and extended an olive branch: "Come to my civilization, I can teach you how to use dark energy."

“Labour and management don’t have time!”

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand: "Come again!"

He didn't believe it, this dark energy was invincible.


At this time, the earth is high in the sky.

The thousand-meter-long warship slowly descended, and Duan Xin held a communication device to discuss with the Yun family.

They decided to send human samples to Dianbi Civilization in advance to show their goodwill.

The list has been decided, and they are all people who have grudges or are unfavorable to them, and their positions have been sent to the battleship.

"Dear Dianbi Civilization, please come to our civilization, and while Lord God is still teaching the villain, please take your reward."

Bai Youlong welcomed him with a smile and sent him the list.

He doesn't care about being associated with foreigners. He only cares about his own power and rights.

Dianbi Civilization only took away a group of people, not killed them. Maybe those people can reproduce on the alien planet?

And these people can still be his enemies. Killing two birds with one stone is perfect for his Bai family.

The battleship is about to land and enter the Earth's atmosphere.



The blazing orange electric light exploded, flying from the other side of the earth, and hit the surface of the Dingbi Civilization's spaceship fiercely.

The solid material was melted and exploded, and the spacecraft capable of traveling through space was hit.

Duan Xin saw sound effects and lights coming from the spacecraft, as well as some harsh frequency broadcasts.

I guess it must be an alarm.

"What's going on?" He asked the top monument life form next to him.

Before the life form could answer, someone on the earth had already answered.

"The earth ahead is forbidden to enter!"

The visitor turned out to be a tattered spaceship, many places had been oxidized, and it was spitting out tail flames.

The tail flame was obviously modified, and the power system of the spacecraft had lost its effect.


Without hesitation, the Dianbi spaceship fired back. The huge energy range was larger than the incoming spacecraft, giving the illusion of "cannon hitting mosquitoes".

But the spacecraft obviously has its own coping methods.


It exploded an electromagnetic disturbance to greet the spacecraft's energy cannon, using the rioting electromagnetic energy to offset the energy.

This is also not a civilization that belongs to the earth. It should be an alien debris that accidentally fell to the earth.

However, it was discovered by humans and used its technology to fight alone against the monumental beings that descended on the earth!

Another electro-optical bomb corroded the surgical department again, and the energy protection on the spacecraft was broken down.

They fight at the edge of Earth's atmosphere.

"Leave, leave the earth!"

Such words never stop, representing the determination of the visitor.

They were not from Baihu City, nor from Tongri City, but survivors from other areas.

But this spaceship is so shabby.

Its energy is limited and its movement method is too old. After a few attacks, it will obviously be penetrated.

Duan Xin noticed that the shell that had been destroyed by the plasma cannon was being repaired independently. In terms of civilization level, it was obvious that the top monument life form was higher.

"Activate the neutron cannon."

With a cold and ruthless voice, this spaceship is about to show its fangs.


But at this moment, a dark dragon took off from the ground, with a long sword hanging from its head, which was thousands of meters long!

The dragon is mighty and powerful, the air currents are trembling, she controls the wind and rain, and rushes to kill amid the lightning and thunder!

Reinforcements have arrived!

The dragon rolled, its body was bigger than a battleship, and when its claws reached down, there was a faint trace of golden light.

This is a true dragon combat skill. The energy shield of the spacecraft was penetrated.

"Fuck you!"

The sword spirit shouted excitedly, and the dragon took action again, biting off a large piece of the spacecraft shell.

Duan Xin inside was exposed, and he looked at Jiaolong in shock.

That cold and heartless look made him feel cold.

"'s the dragon from Baihu City."

The Adam's apple rolled, and the dragon didn't notice him at all. He turned around and wrapped around the battleship, using the dragon's body as a big rope to tie it up.

"Be careful. If you see that there are no gun ports, don't get in the wrong position. One shot is enough to kill you!"

The sword spirit gave timely guidance: "If that bastard comes back and sees you cold, he will melt me."

Jiaojiao didn't answer and controlled the warship to fall to the ground.

The shabby supporting spaceships kept firing plasma cannons, and the battleships were restrained and unable to fight back. They took this opportunity to severely damage the battleships.

The top monument civilization creatures inside did not panic at all. They formed a small team and faced the dragon with weapons to solve this big trouble.A large flame burned during the fall. Just as the creatures of the Dingbi civilization exited the spacecraft, they saw the human cunning in the dragon's eyes.

This is the time to wait.

The sword spirit shouted: "Quick! Spit!"


It's really a mouthful of saliva, a mouthful of saliva as big as a swimming pool, that drowns all the life of the monumental civilization.

Corrosion, violent corrosion, these creatures die quickly in the corrosion. The body that can heal itself can only struggle for a few times before completely dying.


The dragon chirped softly, with dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, dragon poison, dragon poison, I got it, I got it."

The sword spirit pouted, women are trouble.

Jiaojiao's ruthless eyes continued to scan the battleship. Duan Xin's spine felt chilly, and he did not dare to move.

At this time, the broken spaceship also approached, not daring to get too close. They used the loudspeaker to spread the message:
"Where are you from? Are there any humans left alive?"

"Can you give us the spaceship? We have professional technical repairs."

Jiaolong ignored it and flew into Baihu City North District 14 with the spaceship.

Die Yunfei was working diligently. He raised his head and looked into the distance, intending to relax his eye nerves.

Facing a huge amount of documents and texts every day, he was about to become myopic.


A thousand-meter-long battleship fell and was left outside the office building.

If placed vertically, if placed horizontally, countless buildings will collapse.

The dark and shiny dragon glanced sideways at Dieyunfei with golden eyes, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Does Jiaojiao still hold grudges?"

Die Yunfei relaxed slightly after being dumbfounded. He stepped to the height of the battleship and looked at it.

"Dianbi civilization?"

He was shocked. Did Jiaojiao silently go to fight the aliens?

What was even more surprising was that survivors from distant areas came face to face with him in a spaceship.



In Woyuan Forest, the clouds in the sky were shattered, and the stone plaque in Chen Banxian's hand left a trail of afterimages.

God was beaten unilaterally, and although the energy shield was still strong, it was slightly dimmer and less bright than before.

"Stop, stop!"

The god no longer wields large weapons at will, and his Dark Plane energy is decreasing.

"What kind of monster are you!"

He roared, but what he got in return was even more crazy output!

Chen Banxian's upper body clothes exploded, and he only used fairy light to protect a pair of pants. His muscles were bulging, and inside there was blood that was strong enough to burn the void!
The Titan bloodline from Liu Lexian was used for the first time, and the small [-]-[-] forcefully suppressed the god's strength.

There are no level restrictions on the technology side!

The power of time and space has never stopped.

The terrifying energy is endless. He seems to have no limit and will not exhaust himself.

"Labour and management have a sea of ​​reserve hidden energy!"

Chen Banxian went crazy. This was the first time he took action with all his strength. He used various tricks to summon the demon sea and set off the largest tsunami in history.

"You call yourself God?"

He smiled ferociously: "Today, I will kill the gods!"

The demon struck out again with a hundred plaques, and at the same time as it was mixed with fists, the martial arts will flew out instantly.

"Come again!"

The god gritted his teeth and immediately turned on the maximum power of the energy shield.

It wasn't to prevent the martial arts will, which couldn't be prevented, but to keep him safe while his consciousness was restored.

But Chen Banxian was heard shouting again in an instant:
"Light element, you green tea bitch, hermaphrodite!"

In the distance, Chris was watching the battle:? ? ?

Suddenly, a dazzling light explodes, which is impossible to block. It is enough to hit your optic nerve from the back of your head.

"my eyes!"

The two great magicians screamed, and Chris even shouted angrily:
"This is evil magic! God of Light, please punish this heretic who knows nothing about heaven and earth!"

Why doesn't he come?Because I can't beat it.

The entire Woyuan Forest is sinking and collapsing, and countless races have fled.

After doing all this, Chen Banxian finally used his most terrifying trump card.

A tattered boat, patched and spliced, shook and flew out of the Demon Summoning Sutra.

It is so mediocre that one would think it would fall apart in the next second.


The man's anger and blood calmed down, and his eyes remained calm:
"Welcome to my world."


Silently, the boat hit the energy shield, broke through the energy shield, and then hit the god's chest.

Shattered, tattered, God crumbling, nothingness, but it's more than that.

The boat broke through countless space turbulences, and the ability to control space and time sent God's various cells to endless time and space.

Dianbi Life could restore his body, and he expected God to be able to, too.

The latter's consciousness was restored at this time.

"what is this!"

The god roared, his head was held in the boat, and his body had completely disappeared.

He wanted to communicate with the dark plane, but met a pair of deep eyes.

The huge demonic shadow emits fairy light and sits cross-legged on the dark sea.

Under the shadow was a fountain of crimson blood, and those eyes seemed to pierce into his brain.

"Warning, warning, memories are being modified."

"Warning, memory is being modified, try to defend."

"Defense failed, unable to defend, warning, the dark plane is being invaded."

"Defense failed, failed..."

God's eyes were dull. He had been completely brainwashed and had lost any memory.

One hand gently grasped the god's head.

Chen Banxian's figure recovered, his terrifying energy and blood disappeared, and his burning energy was also restored.

The appearance of the Heaven and Earth Jingmen caused by the fierce battle was slowly disappearing at this time.

He looked into the distance. The land was shattered, mountains collapsed, and rivers flowed backwards.

Countless people suffered heavy casualties and screams all over the place, but... what does this have to do with him?
He looked at Formolin. The great magician was very honest at this time and did not dare to say a word.

Then he looked at Cardinal Chris and the Shen family next to him.

The corners of his lips curled up in mockery, just a glance.


The Shen family members screamed in agony, and their memories were forcibly washed away by martial arts will.

"The Holy See of Light?"

Chen Banxian's warning was undisguised: "Be careful, don't come to Earth."

Come to Earth and he will let you know why the flowers are so red.

"My son, it's too scary."

Formolin let out a long sigh, still remembering that not long ago this man was able to fight to a draw with him.

He didn't expect that just a short period of time without seeing him would already have such destructive power. If it were a head-on fight, he probably wouldn't be able to recite the spell.

"I'm afraid, only the Magister can defeat him."

The old man was lonely and relieved that his apprentice had a good relationship with him, so he didn't have to worry about it.

In the future, the brilliance of your magic will be transmitted to another world.

(End of this chapter)

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