There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 245 Dark Plane Technology

Chapter 245 Dark Plane Technology

The original world will not be shaken by the destruction of a fertile forest.

Likewise, Chen Banxian would not be complacent about suppressing an alien "god".

He returned to Baihu City and placed "God's head with blank memory, but uploaded God's memory to the Internet in the form of digital life."

"This is where?"

When God woke up, he found himself trapped in a completely closed room.

He looked outside and could see some earthly beings in white vests coming and going.

"Welcome to my world."

Chen Banxian sat opposite him, holding in his hand... his still alive head!
"What's going on!" Shen Zai was surprised, but Chen Banxian asked him with a smile.

"What is the password to the dark plane?"

"Don't be delusional. It's impossible for our civilization's technology to let you know."

"Then you stay in prison forever."

Chen Banxian was not in a hurry and pressed his finger on the fast forward button on the screen.

Digital beings have advantages, but similarly, imprisoned digital beings have considerable disadvantages.

Fast forward once is twice, twice is four times, three times is eight times, ten times is... 1024.

He pressed it thirty times, and a second passed.

Inside, two hundred and four years have passed.

When he finished fast forwarding, he opened the video again.

In the video, there is a person lying down.

The god's eyes were dull, and he seemed to have lost consciousness. He was urinating and urinating all over the floor.

"Are you dead?"

Chen Banxian looked at him and turned on the speaker.

No sound.

It seems that God is dead

"Stim him up."

He gave instructions to a staff member beside him, who immediately stepped forward to operate, and soon a heart-rending roar came from the video.

"Kill me, kill me, kill me!"

"Now, can you tell me the password?"

Chen Banxian looked at him with a sneer.

"No! It's impossible! There's no way I can tell you!"

God still maintains a clear will, but all he gets in exchange is indifference.

Chen Banxian lowered his finger and fast-forwarded thirty times again for two seconds.

Only psychic quantum technology can support such huge computing power.

In the same operation, he ordered others to torture him, and then he showed up again.


Two words showed that he didn't have much patience.

"no no……"

God's words were incoherent, but Chen Banxian dropped his finger again.

Thirty times, three seconds.

Each time, the time is doubled.

This time it's 600 years of loneliness.

When he faced God again, the latter knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Please, let me go, let me go. The password is a brain wave. I tell you, let me go, please!"

The total duration is only 6 seconds.

But for God, it has been lonely for hundreds of years.

Chen Banxian obtained the password, modified the memory of the head in his hand, and guided him into the dark plane.

"Welcome to the divine plane."

In front of him was a huge rotating instrument, spherical in shape, with many branches.

"what are you?"

Chen Banxian looked at it and could not imagine that he could reach the so-called "dark" plane through his brain.

"I am the core of dark matter computing. You can call me - Godhead."

"Call on the strength of your civilization, call on the technology of your civilization...

Chen Banxian took this brain and memorized all the knowledge.
He opened his eyes, and the vicissitudes of life flashed away in his eyes.

A civilization has as much knowledge as stars, but it only memorizes and stores it, without understanding it.

It was a huge knowledge base, enough to make his consciousness collapse. He was not overestimating his abilities.

God sees all this in the computer, and he is laughing:

"So what if you can enter the dark plane? If you find my computing library, you won't be able to learn that huge amount of knowledge. Even if you want to catch up with our civilization, it will take you tens of millions of years as just one person. "

"Ha ha."

Chen Banxian could only sneer. He connected to the digital life uploading device and linked to the place where the memory was stored.

It made him panic.


All memories become data and are uploaded by him. Only he can use digital life technology in this way.

This transmission lasted for more than ten days.

After Chen Banxian finished the transmission, he deleted this memory and emptied his brain. If it weren't for the increase in martial arts will and blood spring reincarnation awareness, as well as the extraordinary ability to modify memory.

He will be instilled with a vast amount of knowledge and turned into a robot.

"Thank you for bringing antimatter and dark matter technology to the earth."

Under God's fearful gaze, he closed the computer.

"Come here and continue to explore God's consciousness and cooperate with the research of science and technology."

Among these white coats are people from wandering planets and people from Earth.

He didn't have any secrets to hide, and he didn't think about forming his own power.All the scientific researchers looked at him with almost fanatical eyes. Perhaps only those who were engaged in research could understand what was happening.

Technological revolution?Technological explosion?
No, none of these can describe the impact on them today!
This knowledge is the key to face-to-face study of the material world itself, and has already opened the treasure chest.

Just waiting for them to dig out, their names will be recorded in history!
And that person just patted his ass and left, leaving behind his god's head and formatted memory.

No one knows what is going on in his head. If he studies on his own, Chen Banxian will become the king of this world!
Even, the king of all material worlds!
But that was not his intention.

Chen Banxian stepped out of the research institute and brought a paper bag head with him. He was very calm.

He was not addicted to false technology, but to science.

Positive matter, antimatter, and dark matter may seem powerful, but what are they compared to Chen Changsheng, the leader of the Taoist Sect?
He suppressed the rules of the world with one finger, allowing the extraordinary power of the Hidden Cang Realm to disappear for hundreds of years.

The earth will only be more fragile than the Tibetan Cang Realm.

If divided by levels, Zangcang Realm is at least a fifth-level world.

And the earth is still in the third realm.

Without the protection of heaven, for Chen Changsheng, it would be a joke to have the so-called positive matter, antimatter, dark matter, etc. annihilated with just one look or one breath.

Chen Banxian felt deeply grateful for the earth. The gaze of heaven gave them the best protection.

He wants to reach Chen Changsheng's level of strength as soon as possible. All external objects are virtual and only his own strength is real.

Like a god, he simply took a wrong approach with his sword, was obliterated by his martial arts will, and was finally imprisoned, ending up like that.

Perhaps one day he will be like this, imprisoned and powerless.

On the streets, the neat streets and tall buildings are in sharp contrast to the manpower pushing wooden carts and piling up monster flesh and blood materials.

He casually found a relatively clean stone staircase and sat down, letting out a long breath.

"so tired."

His body is strong, his martial arts consciousness is vigorous, and he is full of energy, but he just feels so tired.

He looked into the distance. This was the outer city. On the street, a small figure sat under the statue of Ninth and spread out the table.

There are slogans on it such as the Eight Trigrams and the Five Elements, predicting good or bad luck, measuring characters to predict fortune, etc.

Little Aigwei only received one black coin per hexagram.

She still has many shortcomings, but she shines brightly, and there are traces of spiritual energy in her body.

Under Die Yunfei's suppression, no one around Chen Banxian was targeted, except... that dragon.

A large black dragon fell from the sky, its figure shrinking thousands of meters away, breaking away from the clouds, rain, wind and thunder, and grabbed Egerwei's back collar with one hand.


"Oh, Sister Jiaojiao, I won't go back, I won't go back!"

Aigwei cried: "I don't want to do my homework, sister, please spare me, I don't want to do it!"


With an unmistakable voice, Jiaojiao took Aigwei away.


Chen Banxian smiled and felt relaxed for a moment. He stood up and walked towards Xia's house without stopping.

The Xia family in the Southern District is a giant.

In the entire Baihu City, the Xia family should be the largest family.

Don't forget, what is the Xia family's last name? If you think about it carefully, the subtleties in it will make people scared.

Chen Banxian was stopped before he reached the front door of Xia's house.

"Friend, stop."

In front of the area, hundreds of third-level extraordinary beings blocked him.

The leader is famous, his name is Chen Qingshan.

One of the top four in Baihu City, his reputation is no less than that of Die Yunfei, Liu Yeqing and others.

Chen Banxian had also seen his information. When he paused, he sighed: "Go away. If I take action, you won't survive."

"We are both in the third realm, how can I still be beaten to death by you?"

Chen Qingshan was smiling: "Of course, I'm not here to be beaten. I'm here to give you a word of advice this time."

"Say." Chen Banxian stretched out his hand and pulled out the Fengdu stone plaque from the space.

He was planning to take action.

"The first calamity will only last a few months, so why not let the nobles of the noble families stand in front of us?"

He suggested: "We have a huge number of extraordinary beings in Baihu City. As long as they are united as one, what are the nobles of the aristocratic families?"

"Wouldn't it be better to wait until the first calamity and recycle the waste?"

Unexpectedly, he came to persuade them to make peace.

"There is no need for these scum in the first calamity."

Chen Banxian said calmly: "Get out of the way. When the disaster comes, I will be enough."


Chen Qingshan gave a thumbs up, "As expected of my family, I heard Shen Qinghe say so, you are indeed worthy of your reputation."

"My time is precious, and you still have a chance to say the last word."

Chen Banxian stepped forward. In his opinion, the hundreds of third realms were vulnerable to a single blow.

Chen Qingshan looked hesitant, then sighed and clasped his fists behind him: "Clan Chief Xia, there is nothing I can do."

He moved out of the way, unable to block the evil star.

There was still a holographic projection behind him, and Xia Lian's projection faced him alone.

"Chen Banxian, if you are determined, our Xia family will let the entire Baihu City be buried with you."

He waved his hand and someone arrived with two iron cages.

Inside, there were two terrifying-looking zombies.

"I heard that you went to one of my research laboratories. I wonder what your impression is of this zombie virus?"

He sneered: "If you give up, forget it. If you don't let me go, my Xia family guarantees that when we perish, Baihu City will be buried with us!"

"You can try."

The two zombies were glanced at by Chen Banxian, shattered into countless pieces, and were completely lost in the turbulent flow of space.

(End of this chapter)

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