There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 246 will come to an end

Chapter 246 will come to an end
"Don't force me."

Xia Lian never thought that Chen Banxian didn't care about the lives of the people in Baihu City.

"Are you lying to me? In fact, you are very scared, otherwise you wouldn't have done so much."

He looked stern but was weak at heart. He was still weak even though he didn't really face Chen Banxian. The dragon-head crutch he held in his hand was unconsciously clenched.

Before, they never imagined that one day, one person could threaten the survival of the entire family.

Today he saw that he had finally reached this point.

The Yun family's plan failed, and the Shen family also lost the trust of the original world. The last weight of the family fell into the hands of the Xia family.

Without any hindrance, Chen Banxian modified the memories of everyone in the Xia family in front of Xia Lian.

"Why don't you detonate the zombie virus?" He mocked Xia Lian: "You still have one minute now. After one minute, you will never have a chance again."

"1 minute, what do you mean?"

Xia Lian frowned, and the next second, his projection suddenly became frightened, and the dragon-head crutch fell to the ground with a clatter.

A space passage appeared in front of him.

The projection snapped shut, but Xia Lian was still there, being connected by Chen Banxian to the two realms. His face behind the projection was pale.

"how did you find me!"

This is more than 800 meters underground. It was a former defensive fortress and a shelter built by aristocratic families.

But now, the heavy doors were useless, and the murderous murderer appeared directly in front of him.

The direct descendants of the Xia family, 68 members of the family, are all here.

"Clan Chief Xia, it seems that Bi doesn't understand the principle of the cunning rabbit's three burrows."

Chen Banxian sneered. He crossed the space and faced the powerful patriarch.

"Don't be too rampant!"

Xia Lian was quite brave, he knew that it was the last scene.

Fortunately, fortunately, he still has chips.

That was the biggest bargaining chip, and he believed that it was enough to change the situation!
They were afraid that Chen Banxian would take action directly. They had analyzed his personality and found that he was moody, so Xia Lian clapped his hands directly.


This was a signal, and soon, an extraordinary person from the Xia family arrived with a middle-aged woman.

This woman's appearance is ordinary, but if you look closely, you can see that she is very similar to Chen Banxian.

Beauty is in the skin but not in the bones. The woman is indeed beautiful, but compared to Chen Banxian, she is far behind.

At this time, the woman was full of confidence, talking and laughing with the direct descendant.

"Don't worry, Brother Xia, leave this matter to me, no problem."

A smile appeared on her face and she looked at Chen Banxian.

For a moment, there was surprise in her eyes, then she composed herself, and a kind smile appeared on her face.

"Xianxian, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are already so old."

The throbbing coming from the bloodline could not fool anyone. Chen Banxian took a deep breath and he was sure that this person was really his biological mother.

Even though he was prepared, even though he once thought that he could completely give up on this relationship, when he actually faced it, his heart still trembled.

"Xianxian, listen to me. Mom couldn't do it at the beginning. Mom, I had no choice but to leave you at that time. Don't blame mom."

The woman took two steps forward and said in a soft tone: "Now that mom and Brother Xia have re-established a family, and mom is rich, you can go back to mom, okay?"

She and Chen Banxian were almost face to face, close at hand.

Facing this son who was a head taller than herself, she sighed:
"You are so old now, son. Mom really misses you."

Chen Banxian's lips trembled and he looked at Xia Lian.

The old man showed a kind smile and was very good at pretending: "My child, join my Xia family. We can forget about the things you have done. From now on, this Baihu City will be yours."

His words were seductive: "When the time comes, you can do whatever you want."

Xia Lian knew clearly that once this person got used to living in luxury and wealth, he would never be able to do the thing of killing the nobles again.

Countless examples of extraordinary beings in the third realm illustrate this point of view.

This is human nature. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Coupled with his mother's solicitation, this matter was at least half the problem.

"I can't believe that you actually found this woman."

Chen Banxian didn't expect that he would see someone he had never dreamed of, with an appearance he couldn't recall.

The wrinkles around the woman's eyes are very light, her hands and feet have no calluses, and her skin is smooth, which proves that she has always been pampered.

Lowering his head, his eyes flashed with light, peering directly into the woman's mind.

Patriarch Xia Lian's expression changed, and an ominous premonition filled his heart.

The woman was motionless. Her memory was being read. Chen Banxian wanted to see her truest thoughts.

He had already made a plan. If there was a slight possibility, he would protect her and then destroy the nobles.

The noble must die!

Xia Lian spoke in a low tone with suppressed panic in his eyes, and said, "Chen Banxian, what are you doing?"

"You must know that your mother swore to heaven. If we die, she will die too."

"Old man, shut up."

Chen Banxian opened his eyes, and the space around him was fluctuating and cracking.

He saw it, saw the memory.

He saw everything, and the cold and ruthless reality almost crushed him to death.

This woman is called Ren Zhaodi.

He has been pampered since he was a child, and his family has some spare money.

Later, she ran away from home because of her rebellion, but she still had money in her card every month from Grandpa Chen Banxian.

The character developed by indulgence and doting destined her to be unruly. Later, she met a man and the two fell in love, but soon the woman got tired of playing and chose to break up.

She didn't know that she was pregnant, and she didn't find out until it was too late.

But she didn't care. After giving birth to the child without telling everyone, she spent some money to give it away, and then continued to live in extravagance.

She dated many men and eventually became addicted to drugs. When her family found out, they cut off the relationship, so she cheated, stole, and clung to them, and then continued to live a life of luxury.

Relying on her extraordinary appearance, she never lacked the favor of others. As for her former children, she didn't care at all.

Ironically, in Chen Banxian's memory, she couldn't even see the man's face clearly.

The light in his eyes shrank, and there was deep loss hidden in his eyes.

He admitted that before today, he had always had expectations.

I hope that one day, there will be a justifiable ending.

He didn't dare to expect happiness, so it just made sense.

At least there is a reason, it’s okay to have a debt.


No, nothing!

There is only pleasure, indulgence, calculations, and desires.

Better houses, better cars, happier games.

He spent countless nights looking at the moon, thinking about what the mother in the story looked like.

He sang the children's song taught in the orphanage. The little rabbit was obedient and opened the door. If it didn't open, it wouldn't open... His mother didn't come back.

When he was bullied, he expected someone to save him.

"Son, you... what's wrong with you?"

The woman noticed something was wrong. Her child's eyes looked strange, and there was no emotion at all.

"Ren Zhaodi."

Chen Banxian said her name: "I'll give you a chance. Tell me, is there anything in me that belongs to you?"

"Kid, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ren Zhaodi had an ominous premonition in her heart. This was different from what she thought. Shouldn't the mother and son recognize each other and then take control of the power?
She always thought that she was the center, shouldn't Chen Banxian cry and hug her according to the trajectory?

She had already thought about how to comfort her.

"My child, you were born to your mother in ten months' pregnancy." She grabbed Chen Banxian's hand and said, "Your hair and your fleshy face were all conceived by your mother through hard work and blood. What nonsense are you talking about? ?”

She was afraid, afraid that Chen Banxian would just give her some compensation and leave.

No, the compensation cannot be less.

Ren Zhaodi had a hard time before she was found. The man couldn't even find three meals a day. He was so useless.

"Hair, skin, flesh, bones and blood, right?"

Chen Banxian raised his hand and shouted angrily: "Here comes the sword!"


Outside Baihu City, the sword spirit in Jiaojiao's hand suddenly trembled, and a space was cut open.

"Girl, that boy called me, you go back first."

As soon as the sword spirit finished speaking, he was held by a hand and traveled through space to Chen Banxian's hand.


The sword spirit glanced around and knew what was happening. He saw the woman, silent and no longer speaking.

The blood connection can be seen as long as one has practice.

"Give me your hair back."

The fierce man held the sword, trembled unconsciously, and slowly cut off his hair with one stroke of the sword.

All hair roots, no trace left behind.

Everyone in the Xia family safe house was surprised, but Ren Zhaodi was shocked. Then, a surge of anger surged from her heart.

"What are you doing? I worked so hard to give birth to you, and you can repay it by just cutting off your hair?"

"You are still not a human being, do you have a conscience? I am your mother, do you know that?"

She was lashing out, screaming, angry at things that were beyond her control.

The words were piercing to the bones.

Chen Banxian's arms kept moving, his eyes were always forward, and the long sword pierced his flesh.

"Give me back your skin."

The sword spirit trembled and stood still.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

That face appeared above Him: "I'm telling you, don't get carried away. She's just a woman. If you can't do it, I'll help you do it."

His trembling was still intensifying because Chen Banxian was exerting force and even used the Demon Summoning Sutra Qi.

He was anxious and yelled at the woman: "You damn bitch, I don't know how many lives Bende Divine Sword Master has seen. You really have the most poisonous heart of a woman. Damn you, you..."

But it was useless. Chen Banxian held it and slowly peeled off his own flesh.

The severe pain, fighting with God, fighting with Formolin, and fighting bloody battles with Pei Dingfeng were not as painful as this moment.

Every nerve was stopping him, and his brain once told him to put down the sword spirit.

The sword spirit was also resisting, but he was still determined, chipping away at the flesh and blood.

"Give me back your meat."

Blood spurts out and spreads on the ground. Divine light blooms in the flow, and life essence is dispersed. Just smelling it can strengthen people's physique.

"Give me back your bones."

Chen Banxian picked off the bones that had no flesh and blood, and finally his vocal cords vibrated, and he started to attack his own head.

The sword spirit stopped speaking, stopped trembling, and the face disappeared into the sword body.

Everyone was terrified.

There was deep fear in Xia Lian's eyes. This is a ruthless person who cannot be offended!
Everything was chopped off, and in the end it was no longer flesh and blood that held the sword, but the soul.

The soul stood among all the flesh and blood, radiating light and staring at the woman.

"I've given everything back to you. Now, our cause and effect is over."

The woman was so frightened that she was too shocked to speak.

Only Xia Lian laughed, very loudly.

"Haha, hahaha!"

"Chen Banxian, you are really stupid. Now that you have no flesh and blood and only your soul is left, what else do you have?"

He said cheerfully: "Where are the descendants of my Xia family? Quickly disperse this soul!"

"Who dares?"

The sword spirit came out and stood in front of Chen Banxian: "Boy, quickly regenerate with flesh and blood, I will help you block it for a while."

As long as you pick up flesh and blood at will, you can recover while the vitality is still alive.

The Flying Immortal Body is not just talk.

"No, I said give it back to her, and I will give it back to her."

He even waved and suppressed the sword spirit behind him again.

"If I were afraid of them, I would have killed them before cutting off their flesh and bones."

His soul body traveled on a small boat on a black ocean, and the anger of his martial arts will filled the entire underground safe house.

Xia Lian remained frightened, his consciousness disappeared, and he became a vegetative state.

The same is true for all direct descendants of the Xia family.

Only Ren Zhaodi screamed and ran around in every corner.

"Boy, what are you going to do?"

The sword spirit began to spin around, anxiously saying, "If you cut yourself with me, that girl would know better and still wouldn't kill me."

"No, I have a method called reincarnation, but it takes too much time to learn. You...

He suddenly couldn't speak anymore, and saw Chen Banxian's soul sitting cross-legged, floating up and down in the small boat with the black sea.

There is a heaven and earth spirit door visible in his soul, and there is also a door outside his body, one is simple and the other is luxurious.

In addition to the soul, flesh and blood actually grew again.

"Holy shit, shit, isn't this my reincarnation? When did you learn it? Damn it!"

The sword spirit screamed repeatedly. He was indeed frightened, even more shocked than this kid Ling Chi himself.

A terrible energy tide occurs here, giving birth to flesh and blood out of thin air and reshaping the soul.

The rich energy turned into a cocoon, firmly locking Chen Banxian's body.

Chen Banxian has completely eliminated everything about women. He is him, a new him.

Waiting for the cocoon to burst open, a beautiful butterfly will bloom.

At this time, the media in Baihu City had gone crazy.

A large amount of news arrived at the scene of the previous incident, and the media's phone microphone was almost pressed to Chen Qingshan's throat.

"Has that demon really found the head of the Xia family?"

"Did you see it with your own eyes? What was the result? Did he really plan to take action against the Xia family?"

"The Xia family is a royal family, so he is not afraid of being settled by Queen Qiu? How is the situation now?"

"Chen Qingshan, as one of the top four, have you ever played against him?"

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Qingshan, sir...

Chen Qingshan almost lost his way in the crazy bombardment of words.

He answered vaguely because there were too many microphones in his mouth and it was all covered in his saliva.

"I haven't fought with him, who dares to fight with him?"

"He really found Chief Xia. I saw him enter the space channel with my own eyes. As I said, they really met."

"I don't know what happened. I just said a few words. I don't even know where Clan Chief Xia is."

Chen Qingshan collapsed. He pointed at the hundreds of third-level transcendents behind him: "Why are you just asking me? There are so many people. You can divide them as you please. Don't push forward."

"Stop squeezing, the microphone went in, uh, vomit!"

"It's stuck in your belly, please stop squeezing!"

(End of this chapter)

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