There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 247 The Biggest Meeting

Chapter 247 The Biggest Meeting

Dramatically, for several days, nothing happened.

Chen Qingshan was interviewed for three full days. His mouth was numb and his throat was red and swollen.

Someone discovered that the head of the Xia family could not be contacted.

Similarly, Chen Banxian could not be contacted. Someone asked Die Yunfei what happened.

Die Yunfei knows nothing.

He kicked the ball and asked everyone to ask No. [-].

Ninth looked solemn and kicked the ball to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian: "It's none of my business. If you don't ask Honorary Minister of Intelligence Fang Ping, why are you asking me?"

He had just returned from the original world. His teacher, Formolin, highly praised Brother Xian. If he were not a man, Formolin would have wanted to help him prepare a dowry and hand him over to Chen Banxian.

So, everyone ran to ask Fang Ping again.

"Fang Ping was practicing. He opened his confused eyes and was suddenly overwhelmed by the media."

"Fuck, who can tell me what happened?"

This turmoil lasted for two full months.

Two months later, people still have not forgotten this incident, because the relationship is too great.

The remaining Shen family and the Yun family took risks and ate up the properties of the Wu family and the Xia family. They thought that Chen Banxian had been eliminated by the Xia family.


Two months later, outside Baihu City.

"Mom, are we going fishing today too?"

A three-year-old child asked, his face rosy as he was carried on his mother's back.

His mother's face looked haggard and sallow, but she smiled and said happily:

"Of course. If you catch fish, you can sell it for money. After selling it, you can buy delicious food. We can also live in the city."

She was holding a simple fishing rod and fishing line in her hands, and she was a low-level worker in Baihu City.

It’s hard work, but you have to depend on the weather for food.

But the mother did not feel any pressure, because she knew that if she was too hungry and had no choice but to seek help from the Ninth Divine Religion, free food would be distributed.

On that basis, fishing can also improve lives.

Today, they came to the lake, the sun was shining, and there was a dragon thousands of meters long floating in the lake.

This is a good dragon. Not only is it not dangerous, but it is safe and can attract fish.

She has been fishing here for two months. If she saves some black coins, her child can go to kindergarten.

Baihu City has 12 years of compulsory education, but that starts from the first grade, not counting kindergarten.

She was afraid that her child had no foundation and would not be able to keep up with the learning progress of first grade.

Just as he was about to lower his fishing rod, suddenly, the lake water rolled, and the huge dragon's tail slapped the water surface, shooting a large number of fish to the shore.

She raised her head and looked into the distance.

What's there in the distance?
The mother followed and looked, and in the next moment, she saw a white light blooming from the sky, reaching straight to heaven and earth!

It was so bright that everything outside Baihu City was dimmed under this beam of light, and the sun in the sky was also covered.

The big dragon in the water whined, and she quickly flew towards the light pillar and entangled herself outside the pillar.

In the light pillar, a pair of wings seemed to spread out. The extraordinary people of Baihu City quickly gathered, and Die Yunfei was the first to arrive.

He crossed the space directly and came outside the light pillar.

The light lasted for a few minutes and then converged, revealing the figure on the facade.

Chen Banxian, dressed in white with black hair and bare feet, came to the world as a banished immortal.

Pointing your toes on the water surface of the lake, there are ripples.


Jiaojiao is always the first to arrive.

A sword lay beside him, and the sword spirit's voice was trembling.

"Successful, you actually succeeded!"

There are drawbacks to the reincarnation of living beings, and there is a high chance of failure.

Why He is a sword already explains a lot.

"Just a fluke."

Chen Banxian smiled and glanced at Die Yunfei.

"Below are everyone in the Xia family. All consciousness has been washed away and they are all starving to death."

"You take care of it and then send me the location of the Yun family and the Shen family. Don't wait any longer."

Three words have already decided the fate of the two families.

When the Shen family and the Yun family were not prepared at all, on this day, one person kept traveling through the space of Baihu City.

The long sword is hanging down, and the number of people killed may be counted in carts.

More than 100 cars!
The bloody turmoil lasted for a full month before Baihu City regained stability.

All noble families will either leave Baihu City or be disbanded. The words "everyone is equal" will be implemented throughout the city!

The management staff of Central City remains unchanged, but Die Yunfei is in charge of the North District and personally dispatches extraordinary people to various parts of the city.

These people only have one job, being the complaint box.

Whenever there is oppression by extraordinary beings or oppression by aristocratic families, you can directly complain, and the resolution time will not exceed 24 hours.

At the same time, the bill regarding extraordinary people and ordinary people has also officially started a meeting. Once drafted, it will be implemented immediately.

This time, a person was specially invited to the bill, who was nominated and guaranteed by Die Yunfei, the mayor of North District.


The Central Region is actually the administrative center of Baihu City.

All matters here must be proposed and voted on here.

In the past, the four major aristocratic families controlled the four major regions of southeast, northwest and northwest, which meant that they would rule the roost.

What we are going to do is just telling you, not asking you to decide whether you can do it or not.

But now, the family has collapsed, and the original "surface skills" have now become "substantial skills."

The first major meeting of Baihu City was also held in the Central Region.

Compared with the four districts, the central area needs to pass through four specific white mist passages. This cross passage is also the dividing line between the four regions.

"Brother Xian, today you have to face officials and media from the entire Baihu City. How do you feel?"

Die Yunfei was walking in front, Jiuji was on one side, and Chen Banxian was accompanying him all the way.

This person has contributed the most. If he is not asked to participate, let alone Chen Banxian, even he himself will not be able to justify it.


Chen Banxian had pig's trotters stuffed in his mouth, chewing them until his mouth was full of oil.Die Yunfei didn't look back. His suit was straight and his leather shoes were shiny, reflecting the stinky face of Ninth.

"Brother Xian, let me tell you, if the media asks you about the death of the family later, don't say anything, just...

"Brother Xian?"

Die Yunfei turned around and saw Chen Banxian standing in front of a small vendor.

"Boss, how do you sell pancakes?"

"Two black cents."

Ten points is one black coin, and two points is 0.2.

"What kind of stuffing is inside?" Chen Banxian frowned, two points, a little too expensive.

"Hehe, this is filled with mullet and has no thorns. Two cents is a reasonable price."

The boss began to promote himself: "I used to be a Michelin three-star chef. Apart from anything else, my craftsmanship can only be described in two words: delicious!"

"Really or not?" His eyes lit up: "Come on, come on, hurry up."

After a while, Chen Banxian took a big bite of a piece of cake in one hand.

Die Yunfei's words stuck in his throat and he stopped talking.

"Brother Xian, your gap is a bit..."


Chen Banxian spat out the meatloaf in his mouth: "MD, I was deceived. I should have known that the stuff in Michelin is not worthy of its name."

I didn’t expect this cake to look so good but taste so bad.

"What did you just say?" He looked at Die Yunfei and said, "I didn't hear clearly."


Die Yunfei shut up: "Brother Xian, how about we walk faster? Hey...Brother Xian, they don't sell food over there."

"Let him take a look." Ninth's body straightened up, and the spliced ​​body also recovered.

At least you can't tell it's an assembled product unless you take off the head.

"During this period, he is exhausted, so it would be nice to relax."

Because of their special status, they could not take action openly and could only watch him suffer silently.

Now, the aristocratic family is settled, as if the sky covering their heads has been removed.

Die Yunfei felt very happy these days. He didn't have to argue with the aristocratic family. He could directly issue orders if anything happened, no longer encountering obstacles or involving anyone's interests.

When it comes to new bills, he has the most experience.

But he knew that his own power was limited and his knowledge was insufficient, so a big meeting was needed.

The meeting is scheduled for nine o'clock as early as possible.

He looked at his watch. It was 8.59 points, and he had not yet left the outer ring of the Central Region.

Very good, there's still time... shit!
"Brother Xian, it's really too late. How about I take you across space?"

Die Yunfei urged again, feeling that it was even more difficult to communicate than Die Qihua.

"I know, I know, there's still some time."

Chen Banxian bought a psychic lamp without looking back.

This lamp is very magical. As long as it is placed in the air, it will automatically absorb spiritual energy and solar energy. It will light up when it is clicked, and the battery can be replaced.

He had a great time.

Die Yunfei looked away and couldn't bear to look directly.

That was something that became popular a few months ago, but Brother Xian just came into contact with it now.

Time is up.

He couldn't imagine what was going on during the meeting.

The Central Region is the largest of all the regions.

It is not divided into communities. It is an area of ​​the original Baihu City, shrouded in white mist and distinguished by rings.

outer ring, inner ring, core ring,
There are only three rings, but the population of the first ring is larger than the two or three normal areas.

The level of prosperity is naturally more intense. The Psychic Research Institute, the Science and Technology Institute, and later antimatter research, alien energy weapon research, and antimatter research are all held here.

The technology is there, but it is so advanced that it will take a long time for people with extraordinary brains to understand it.

It's like giving Olympiad math problems to elementary school students. There are answers, but you still have to learn how to get there.

The most important thing was originally a memorial hall in Baihu City, but now it has been converted into a large conference room.

The conference room was overcrowded, with thousands of people in attendance.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Thousands of people were divided into dozens of delegations.

Here are various groups, various institutions, and various large extraordinary groups.

For example, Su Yun attended the meeting, Shen Qinghe also attended the meeting, as well as three of the top four, and the auxiliary extraordinary ones.

You Ye, the representative of the demon clan, sits in a charming posture and waits quietly.

Liu Yeqing participated in this meeting as a psychic researcher.

Of course, Wandering Planet will not be absent either, they arrived early.

Not to mention the media in the entire conference room, all carrying cameras and broadcasting the content of the conference live.

Starting from this day, the entire Baihu City can see that the new law is promulgated.

"As expected of the first person to implement rule without aristocrats, he is so arrogant."

Some people started to express their dissatisfaction.

Some people even looked at the three people at the top of the conference room and said, "Why don't we wait any longer and just start. The time is up."

Among the three people at the top, one is the well-known founder and reborn person of Baihu City, Shen Qinghe.

He is a well-deserved first choice in the conference.

The other one was the current city lord of Baihu City, who was in charge before and after the disaster - Xia Demin.

The last person was Liang Jian, the top administrator of the Baihu City Military Region.

Today, this place represents the full strength, power, and strength center of the entire Baihu City!

"Wait a minute."

Shen Qinghe spoke, and he looked outside the door, waiting for the person's arrival.

He was contacting allies from other worlds to prepare for the arrival of the first calamity.

When he returned to Baihu City and received the message, he almost thought he was dreaming.

Someone actually managed to get rid of the most toxic nobleman in Baihu City without making a sound, and it was the person whose name he had never heard in the future.

However, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that he quietly stole the top technology of Dianbei Civilization!

(End of this chapter)

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