There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 248 Love your tattered clothes

Chapter 248 Love your tattered clothes

Fantasy, psychedelic, science fiction.

Shen Qinghe never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

But it happened, so he didn't feel weird about waiting a little longer.

The crowd in the conference room became more and more sarcastic. The various delegations were fine, and more of them were journalists, who took advantage of this time to keep mingling in the venue.

This scene made Liang Jian, the top administrator, very unhappy.

"I'm going to draft a bill later, and you can't move around in the conference room at the beginning."

Those who knew it thought it was a conference room, and those who didn't knew it thought it was a vegetable market.

Xia Demin didn't make any remarks. He was more thinking about how to face the next meeting, what words he should say, and what guarantees he should make.

Moreover, his identity is also very special.

He also came from the Daxia royal family, but he didn't form a family, but he was more or less related to the nobles.

When facing that person later, what choice should he make?

"Are you okay? When will the meeting start?"

A member of the cultural delegation held up his glasses: "We are very busy. Even if he doesn't come, why should he be the only one with so many people?"

"Look, I just occupied the latrine and didn't poop. Now I just locked the latrine door."

A member of the catering delegation also spoke: "We all have time to attend the meeting. We will go back to work immediately after the meeting. If he doesn't come, can't we start the meeting directly?"

"Shen Qinghe, Boss Shen, please say something."

Everyone became more and more impatient. Many people stood up and kept scrolling on their computers.

This little time cannot be wasted.

The crowd was furious, and someone lined up the table directly. They were people from the Ministry of Armed Forces:
"Does this Baihu City belong to him or everyone? City Lord, I suggest we start directly."

"I remember they are the only two who can travel through space, right? They should be the first to arrive, so why should they be the last?"

It would be okay if one or two people said this, but if everyone said it, the three people standing on the stage felt inappropriate.

Chief Administrative Officer Liang Jian frowned and said to the city lord and Shen Qinghe: "How about we start directly."

"Forget it, let's start."

Shen Qinghe sighed, no matter how powerful he was, he could not go against the will of the masses.

At this time, Chen Banxian on the street was finally eighty percent full.

"Okay, let's go."

He urged Die Yunfei: "You are serious, why are you so slow? The meeting has been postponed for several hours."

Die Yunfei:......

He cried, brother, you are finally full.

I walked along this road and ate from morning to noon, just go to the food stall to eat. You pointed at the steel bar and asked how people sell sugar cane. Isn't this inappropriate?

I quietly looked at my phone and saw that the number of notification messages on it was already 99+.

When he thought about the verbal and verbal criticism he would face later, he was overwhelmed.

Chen Banxian directly opened the space channel, wiped his mouth and stepped in.

"Yo, haven't you started yet?"

The noisy large conference room suddenly became quiet at this moment.

One person directly tore the space apart, walked to the podium, and stood next to Shen Qinghe and the others.

"Hey, it seems that the seats are full. Is it okay for me to stand here?"

He looked around the large conference room with thousands of people in a sinister manner.
"Hey, I thought I was the last one to arrive, but I didn't expect that there were many people absent besides me."

Shen Qinghe took a deep look at the person in front of him.

They stood on the stage, and there was a lot of noise below. When this person arrived, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

That face was so recognizable that it became a source of praise some time ago.

But now he is synonymous with evil.

Among those who can attend the meeting, which one has no connection with the aristocratic family, and which one has not received any benefits?

Now, all the nobles in the world were wiped out overnight, and rumors spread that the Xia family had used this person as a blood threat.

But now, the Xia family is gone, and he is the only one left, still living well.

This devil has lost his humanity, disowns all his relatives, and has no scruples.

They trembled for a long time, fearing that one day the accounts would be settled on themselves. Fortunately, fortunately, they were lucky and were not liquidated.

In other words, they also performed good deeds and saved their own lives by eating without their bodies.

Ninth and Die Yunfei arrived quietly, trying not to make a sound.

Brother Xian, help us attract firepower, you still have a conscience.

The three people on the stage had different moods. Liang Jian frowned and said nothing.

He really didn't like people who didn't pay attention to occasions.

The city lord was still very charming. He wrinkled his face and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen is joking. There are already people here, waiting for you."

"Is it ready?"

Chen Banxian looked at the thousands of people, dozens of groups and representatives in the four directions in the conference room.

"Let me see, those from the Psychic Research Institute, the Monster Clan, the Cultivation Law Revision Department, the Academy of Science and Technology, the Industrial and Commercial Administration, the Agricultural Coordinator, the Transportation Department...

He counted them one by one. Each group had its own identity card in front of the table. He looked at them and counted them for a long time.

Finally, he narrowed his eyes: "That's not right, it's not all right."


Xia Aimin, Shen Qinghe and others were so smart that they quickly understood what he meant.

He wanted to see some people, but there were none here.

"This is the first big meeting. There are many loopholes. Mr. Chen might as well suggest who else needs to attend, and we'll invite them right away."

"Who will participate? That's a lot."

He no longer showed frivolity and cynicism, his expression gradually became solemn, and he counted on his fingers:
"The man who sells fried dough sticks at the gate of the city."

"The Pancake Chef from Michelin Three Stars."

"A single mother fishing with her baby in her arms."

"The mother-in-law who sells wild vegetables in the morning."

"Selling sugar, an uncle who buys and sells steel bars and cement...

"Oh, there is also the lame man who likes to lie on the road and touch porcelain, and the father who is looking for his son everywhere...

Many people were told by him, and Die Yunfei's eyes in the audience gradually changed from helpless to surprised, and finally at a loss.

He turned his head and looked at Ninth, thinking of himself at the same time.

Have they been in high positions for so long that they only give orders and forget about those at the bottom?
On the stage, Chen Banxian looked into Shen Qinghe's eyes. He didn't pay attention to the city lord or the general.

"Shen Qinghe, do you think these people are late, or are they too far to reach? Or have you forgotten them?"

Looking at those eyes, Shen Qinghe's whole body was shocked, and a numbing feeling rose from his tailbone.

His dusty soul was instantly pierced, cold sweat flowed, and he was awakened.

He is Shen Qinghe, not a leader.

He was an ordinary person who struggled in the stinking ditch in his previous life, doing the dirtiest and most tiring work for the lowest wage.

In this life, he relied on the news after his rebirth and the chance before his death in his previous life to gain the title of No. 1 in Baihu City and rise to a high position.

How could he forget and forget who he was?

Shen Qinghe took a long breath and looked solemn. For the first time, he sincerely admired Chen Banxian. He bowed and said:
"Mr. Chen, I've learned a lesson."

"Now that you've been taught a lesson, why don't you go quickly?"

He opened up the space, pulled out tables, chairs and benches one by one, and added seats in the center alone.

Finally, he moved the Fengdu plaque and wrote on the clean back with paint:

[Inferior human group]

The irony, the deep irony, made more than half of the people in the conference room blush.Unfortunately, the remaining small office is still confused. They don't know why these people are still needed to attend the meeting.

Aren’t they working for the benefit of these people?
"I'm going to pick these people up."

Die Yunfei stood up and started to practice the mysteries of space. He searched for them directly in Baihu City and randomly sampled them.

"I'll help you."

Ninth spread the Qingyun of Faith above his head, and all those with cultivation levels saw their pupils shrink violently.

"I have the most desperate prayers and the most tragic confessions here. You listen to me and bring these people."

When the first bedraggled child was called into the conference room, all the media lights came on.

Outside Baihu City, some ordinary people who could not enter the city looked at the simple big screen next to the Ninth God Statue. Everything decided in the conference room was related to their future destiny.

"Xiaowei, aren't you going to go gold panning today?"

A middle-aged uncle asked the one-legged girl off the screen. The girl's dirty face was deliberately painted black.

There is also a disgusting stench on the body.

One of her legs was made of wood, her long hair was cut off randomly, and her bangs were bumpy.

"I won't go for today."

Xiaowei smiled, showing her mouth without lower teeth.

A supernatural being asked her to serve him with his mouth, but she refused, so her lower teeth were knocked out.

Since then, she has been hiding outside the city, blending in with the crowd and becoming a transparent ghost.

The middle-aged uncle was kind-hearted and had been helpful to her. According to the uncle, his dead daughter should have been as old as Xiaowei.

Looking at the dirty ordinary people who appeared in the large conference room, looking at their stunned faces, what the devil said.

Xiaowei's heart fluctuated, maybe, the future won't be too bad?

Silently, the space in front of her was torn apart. Die Yunfei stood on that side, and Ninth was behind him, his eyes flashing.

"Miss Xiaowei, please attend our meeting."

At this moment, the clean light of the conference room shone into Xiaowei's heart.

One after another, when dirty clothes crowded the central space and sat in the center, those people in suits and ties suddenly felt that they were the ones who were in tatters.

Die Yunfei stood up and stood in the middle of these victims, the "lower people", and he tore his suit.

He remembered what Chen Banxian said to him back then.

"The answer lies in the people."

"Yes." Chen Banxian took out another table and chair and asked him to sit down, his eyes bright.

"Brother Xian."

Die Yunfei smiled and said: "If I am still alive after the first disaster, I will resign from this black gauze hat and live at the grassroots level for a while."

The previous hexagrams have come true.

His official career has indeed only lasted for these two years, and it is not due to external forces, but to his inner behavior.

"Go early and come back early. Also, the number of people is almost there and I don't have enough chairs."

Chen Banxian smiled, found another set of tables and chairs, and then sat down.

In District 14 of Baihu City, Ai Gewei and her classmates stood blankly in the classroom.

"Teacher, the tables and chairs have moved away...

Baihu City's first plenary meeting has officially begun!
The first thing is the armed forces and the research of appearance technology.

They know very well that if they fall behind, they will be beaten, and they have adopted a series of measures against foreigners, as well as methods of negotiation, etc.

Secondly, the meeting mentioned the most important way for extraordinary beings to get along with ordinary people, and promulgated 18 legal outlines and hundreds of detailed outlines.

Then, there are the issues of livelihood, the appointment and dismissal of officials, and the electoral system.

Among them, there were heated discussions about extraordinary people, the current monetary system and prices, and four aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The meeting room lasted a full fifteen days.

People from each delegation took turns to come forward to speak. After fifteen days, the general direction of the law was formulated. Finally, it came to the supplementary stage.

Anyone who has objections to the current laws can vote by a show of hands and enact them one by one.

If you feel that the law is deficient, you can raise objections at this time. The next time you add it, either a major accident will occur or you will have to wait until after the first calamity.

The "lower people" group put forward many valuable opinions.

For example: "What should I do if a profiteer cheats on me?"

For example: "I obviously paid, but the merchant insisted on saying that I didn't pay."

For example: "How to manage outside Baihu City? Can order be implemented only within the city?"

And: “Who should we go to with complaints?”

"How can we ensure that the Law Enforcement Bureau is completely impartial? What if the brother-in-law of the Director of the Law Enforcement Bureau makes trouble?"

Here, the Director-General of the Law Enforcement Bureau stood up and said seriously: "Even if it is my father or my child, once he breaks the law, he will be guilty like the common people!"

"What guarantee do you take?"

Xiao Weiwei stood up. She placed one wooden foot on the ground and made a "puff" sound:

"How do we women solve the problem when we are violated? Many people don't even know who the father of the child is or which one he is."

"If a child is born, should we find a father to raise it, or should we raise it ourselves?"

"If the father of the child is already married, is he guilty of bigamy?"

"Do those who committed crimes during the previous chaos need to be punished? If not, how can we take revenge? If so, how can you ensure that everyone can be tried?"

Xiaowei's words were unclear because of her teeth, but her words were sharp and couldn't be clearer. These are the facts that happened to her.

There is no need to say much about what happened after her teeth were knocked out.

The three people on the stage and the thousand people in the audience were speechless by this question.

" seems like this can't be solved for the time being."

Who knows what really happened during the Chaos?Where is the evidence?
Who knows who is lying?What if they just want to take advantage of the situation?After all, just slandering someone can get you enough food and clothing.

Or what if they did it voluntarily?There are quite a few people who make money from this. Could it be that these prostitutes can rely on any client?
The contradiction is out.

Someone glanced at these women with their eyes and subconsciously used their aura to suppress them.

Lower class people, don't make trouble, this is a sacred meeting.

That look made Xiaowei tremble and fear her. She had faced too many such looks.

Even if she was determined to be retaliated against, even if she knew that she might die without a burial place, she would still say it.

This is an opportunity. Don't tell me, it may end like this for the rest of your life. Maybe one day you will be eaten by a monster and everything will be freed.

A warm hand covered her shoulder.

Die Yunfei gave an encouraging smile: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He stood in front of all the lower-class people, looking back at these people with cold and ruthless eyes.

He is sharper, like a sword.

That's why he tore up his clothes and stood among the grassroots.

Chen Banxian crossed his legs on the table and raised his hands slightly.


All those who used their power to suppress others were crushed by the space and died on the spot!

The entire Baihu City, all the live broadcast equipment and everyone, took a breath.

This was the biggest meeting, and he actually killed someone on the spot?
Silent, you can hear a needle drop.

Chen Banxian smiled and said casually: "Have you forgotten what I said about fairness and justice? There is no blood in this, I'm afraid some people think it's a short video?"

He sat up straight, faced the media and all the people in front of the screen, and said seriously.

"Whoever oppresses others and has wrongs, pray to the ninth god and he will tell me."

"I, Chen Banxian, hereby promise that as long as I live one day, my knife will not be dull."

(End of this chapter)

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