There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 249 The First Tribulation and the Priesthood

Chapter 249 The First Tribulation and the Priesthood
What kind of person is he?

Act domineeringly, kill to stop killing, use power to suppress the power!
In just one breath, he had violated more than half of the laws that had just been drafted.

"Chen Banxian, you are violating the bill we just drafted."

Liang Jian couldn't help it anymore. He stood up and asked: "You yourself violated the law you participated in. If everyone is like you, then our meeting is a joke."

He endured it for too long and kept observing Chen Banxian:
"You killed all the nobles and killed too many innocent people. Now look at yourself. Aren't you the biggest noble?"

He looked at everyone: "Tell me, should we interrogate you?"

Everyone looked away guiltily.

Want to put him on trial?Who will judge him?

If he is not tried, the law just now will be like a blank piece of paper, losing its most authoritative credibility.

"Switch concepts."

Chen Banxian only had these four words: "You abide by the law, what does it have to do with me breaking the law?"

He patted his butt: "You can arrest me now. If someone can kill me one day, I have nothing to say."

"Whoever imitates me will be blocked like me. I'm telling you now, I want to participate in this bill, and I want to make a law myself."

"Establish a special army to do nothing else but supervise you bureaucrats. It has the right to kill first and report later."

"Anyone who doesn't do things well must either resign or wait for this army to kill you."

"Similarly, the requirements for this army are also very strict. They must have no relationship with the nobility. Members of the sixth generation cannot participate in serving as officials. It is not close to personal relationships."

He stood up and opened a space: "And I will supervise this army. If any member of the army bends the law for personal gain, I will kill him.

The soul is gone! "

After the word four fell, his back disappeared across the space.

"He still goes his own way as always."

Die Yunfei sighed, with guilt in his eyes.

"We owe him so much."

"Chen Banxian is not as good as me."

On the ninth day, a glint appeared in his eyes: "We are lucky, right?"

"Yes, he has good luck, but he has bad luck."

Die Yunfei smiled, and as the meeting ended, Ninth also took up his post.

He was the captain of that special army.

No one was dissatisfied, just because of his identity, the ninth god.

He can hear the disasters in the world, and he is the most direct person.

The name of the army is also very simple "Ninth Army".

There is no limit to the number of people, the strength is hidden, and the blade is on the back.

Do not touch ordinary people, only kill evil officials.

It was at this moment that Baihu City truly entered development.

When people talk about this, they always automatically talk about one person and then shut up.

It’s too complicated, who can say clearly?
At this time, this man was going crazy in the house.

"Egerwei, how many times have I told you, this is how this question should be solved!"

"Why can't you remember it? You remember the Shensha Ziwei, you also remember the Qimen Bureau, but you can't do this simple antimatter question?"

He said, "If you want me to solve it, I can solve it in one minute!"

Aigwei bit the end of her pen and gave the teacher a roll of her eyes.

She complained endlessly: "Every time she says she can solve it in one minute, she doesn't move every time. Don't think she doesn't know. In fact, the teacher himself doesn't know it at all."

"Forget it, take your time and watch, I'll go out and relax."

Chen Banxian shouted angrily and rushed out of the door.

As soon as he walked out, his angry look quickly disappeared and turned into happiness.

He almost had to solve the problem again.

It is not easy to train a disciple who is moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and capable. He has to be careful even when he pushes him.

Chen Banxian is well aware of the disadvantage of not having a culture, but he does not regret it and enjoys it.

Today is another bad day.

After going out, he quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Moments.

"Nothing happens today, the world is so beautiful."

[Chen Changsheng gives you a thumbs up. 】

[Die Yunfei stepped on your circle of friends. 】

[Ninth comment]: "There's a crime in the third realm. It's a bit far. Brother Xian, can you go there?"

When Chen Banxian saw this, he narrowed his eyes, quickly deleted the circle of friends and re-edited it.

[I’m busy today, so don’t disturb me. 】

[Chen Changsheng, Ninth, Die Yunfei, Shen Qinghe stepped on your circle of friends. 】

"Bah, you guys have nothing to do all day long!"

He gritted his teeth and then found that someone had liked it.

[Jiaojiao liked your circle of friends. 】

It's better to be a Jiaojiao, it will feel sorry for people.

He wandered to the original realm leisurely.

It was in ruins and no one came.

He leisurely looked at the ruins of Tianyin Sect again.

"Tsk tsk, that's all?"

Finally, he came to a familiar world and a world he traveled through for the first time.


A long time has passed since the incident in Qingfu Village. Sanshe Township is on the other side of Liangcheng. At this time, there is a large city called Feiyu City connected to Baihu City.

Compared with Baihu City, there is still a gap. This big city has made an agreement with Shen Qinghe to exchange what they have and cannot afford weapons.

Here are the Baihu City technology soldiers with loaded weapons and ammunition.

Over there are monks from the life-cooking realm standing guard. The ancient and modern are intertwined, which has a great impact.

He went to many places and couldn't help but wonder.

He took out his cell phone and sent a message to Shen Qinghe. [Didn’t your circle of friends say that you work in the strange world, are you a human? 】

At this time, Shen Qinghe was drinking tea in the Ghost Suppression Department of Feiyu City.

"Master Liang, I wonder how you have considered my proposal?"

Liangzhi smiled faintly: "Brother Shen, you're welcome. Your conditions are very tempting. The improved totem pole can indeed have a wider range and stronger defense. Logically speaking, I should agree."

Liangzhi's face showed embarrassment: "But Brother Shen, you also know that our Dafeng Dynasty talks too much, and I can't make the decision."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the boss can do something when the time comes."

Shen Qinghe smiled: "We will provide you with ten Daxia Dragon Birds, which can cover hundreds of thousands of miles a day."

Compared with the monk's own movement, Daxia Longque is much more convenient and much faster than Liangzhi Block.

"Okay, I will definitely help when the time comes."

"So, thank you very much, Sir."

Shen Qinghe stood up and prostrated, and after another round of greetings, he said goodbye.

"Convinced another one."

Shen Qinghe took out a paper booklet from his body and crossed out the horizontal lines.

This book is full of names and regions.

Among them, the Original Realm, Dongzhou, Qingxuan Realm, Deception Realm, Fate Realm, Zangcang Realm, etc. are all on it, occupying only a very small part.

Nowadays, every page of this book is more or less marked with horizontal lines, which is what Shen Qinghe has been doing.

"There's still one month left, come on!"

He encouraged himself that in this life, he must change the tragic ending of Baihu City.

He can't control other places, and he doesn't have the ability, but he must save Baihu City so that it won't be as miserable as the previous life.

That's really, really hopeless.

"Look at your phone. Is there anything you are looking for me in Baihu City?"

As soon as he opened the message notification, countless messages came to him.

[Shen Qinghe, where are you? 】

[Shen Qinghe, are you here? 】

[Shen Qinghe, look, I'm a paratrooper. 】

[Bitch, what are you doing?Are you in so much trouble? 】

[Do you want the special merit of walking?If you want it, tell me and I will bring it to you right away. 】

[Shen Qinghe, you are a pig...]

Shen Qinghe:? ? ?

He scrolled through more than 100 messages, and the most recent one was:


Look at the message sender’s note: [Chen Banxian]

He rubbed his eyes, slightly suspicious, and replied: "Have your account been hacked?" 】

The contrast was too great and he couldn't accept it.

On the earth side, Chen Banxian finally waited for the reply.

He typed quickly with both hands: [No way, no way, there are really people who don’t look at their phones for three hours, right? 】

It doesn't seem like the account was stolen. I'm not sure. I'll check again.

Shen Qinghe typed: [Why are you looking for me? 】

[Can’t I come to you if I have nothing to do? 】

His face darkened: [Speak in human language. 】

[Oh, the first calamity is coming soon. I want to ask you about the details and who are the forces that will take action then. 】

Is he finally going to take action against outsiders?

Shen Qinghe thought this was a good thing, so he made an appointment: "At six o'clock in the afternoon, I'll wait for you in the main building of Shui'an Restaurant."

He will also visit a hermit later. He was once a terrible god, but later due to changes, his strength declined.

The God Realm is the fifth realm, and if the strength regresses, it will be equivalent to the fourth realm.

Shui'an Restaurant, six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Banxian had already eaten in the previous six hours.

Someone pushed in the door.

Chen Banxian thought he was a debt collector, so he picked his teeth and rubbed his stomach and said, "Remember Shen Qinghe's account, it's him who made an appointment with me."

"Ahem, are you planning to make me poor?" Shen Qinghe came in and was a little shocked.

There were plates all over the floor. If it weren't for his shares in Shui'an Restaurant, he would probably be heartbroken.

"Hey, are you here?"

The latter sat upright for a moment and said shyly: "I've been growing recently, so I've eaten a bit too much."

God is so long!

Shen Qinghe had nothing to say. He found a clean place to sit down:
"Is Mr. Chen finally free to use his hands?"

As far as he knew, this person had been eating, sleeping, and sleeping since the last meeting. He also liked to walk around when he had nothing to do.

They were busy working on the first calamity, but this man was leisurely and happy. He couldn't say anything, he could only be out of sight and out of mind.

"How do you call it finally? I'm not practicing."

Chen Banxian was dissatisfied: "You don't understand. My cultivation requires understanding of life. That thing is abusive, so I have to practice for a while and eat for a while."

"Mmm Good."

Shen Qinghe obviously didn't believe it, so he handed him the booklet he had on him:
"This is a document I copied when I came here. It lists the hostile forces when the first calamity comes. You can go and help deal with it when you have time."

Chen Banxian opened the book and counted the worlds on it.

"One, two, eighteen, 34..."

"so much!"

He hasn't finished counting yet. After turning the page, there are hundreds!
"Of course, do you think that after the resurrection of Heavenly Dao, there will really be only these shabby world passages?"

Shen Qinghe revealed the big secret: "The arrival of the first calamity will be more about the "priesthood"."

"The priesthood will only appear when the world is noticed by Heaven for the first time, because the rules are unstable, easy to reveal, and there is always only one chance."

"Having a priesthood is equivalent to becoming the manager of the world in the future, and having the "key" to travel the way of heaven. With such an opportunity, which world would you say you wouldn't be excited about?"

Shen Qinghe's brows were filled with melancholy, "What's more, the mountain gods and water gods have revived, and things recorded in myths have appeared. That would be the real disaster."

(End of this chapter)

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