There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 250 No one retreated before the first calamity

Chapter 250 No one retreats before the first calamity

Chen Banxian subconsciously thought of Qingshuang, who was just a small prison god, a priest in a place with a big crow.

But it was able to keep an unknown level of weirdo sane.

This is indeed tempting. The earth in the first calamity is no longer the earth, but a fragrant bun.

A piece of fragrant buns dropped among the rats.

But now, they are at most just insects among the delicious steamed buns.


Chen Banxian sighed deeply and looked into the distance.

"Now you know how difficult our future is."

Shen Qinghe looked where he was looking, and there was a hot girl there.


"Be more serious!" Shen Qinghe frowned, "I'm telling you something serious."

"I'm very serious. Look at the mountains and rivers in the distance. Aren't they my territory on earth?"

Chen Banxian's eyes moved upward, finally transitioning from the hill to the mountain.

"Don't think I didn't see what you were looking at just now."

Shen Qinghe felt cramps in the soles of his feet and was very angry.

"Okay, I just sigh. There are so many priests, but now I can only guard a small place like Baihu City."

Apart from regret, there was only confidence in his eyes.

"what are you saying?"

Shen Qinghe frowned, subconsciously thinking that this person was going to lie again.

"By then, more than 100 space passages will be opened, and the aliens will press on, and we will have no choice but to be trapped."

"Let's talk about it when that day comes."

Chen Banxian closed his eyes. He was obviously the one who asked Shen Qinghe to come here, but in the end, Shen Qinghe paid for it himself. He didn't eat a bite and was very angry after eating.

"Brain problem!"

He scolded like this, there was only one month left, and all wartime plans had to be advanced.

Countdown to 29 days.

All residents outside Baihu City moved and were gathered into the city.

Countdown to 28 days.

The rate of reclamation of grain fields in Baihu City has increased. All extraordinary people, magicians, or monks related to the wood element must work hard to increase their growth and prepare for a long war.

A special profession emerged, the human waste transporter, who collected feces every day and sold a large bucket for one black coin.

With the countdown to 27 days, the factory is operating at full capacity, and the water discharged from the Baihu City Industrial Zone can cook big fish in the river.

With the countdown to 26 days, all regions will gather in the third realm to recall all the extraordinary beings who are performing missions outside.

On the 25th day, the first release line began to be established, which was the entrance to each secret realm. At the same time, the deployment of forbidden weapons was prohibited.

At this time, the scientific researchers from the wandering planet beat their chests: "We still haven't mastered dark matter, otherwise we would be invincible!"

They worked overtime and used the industrial equipment at the base of Sichuan City to extract trace amounts of antimatter, all of which were used at various lines of defense.

24 days, 23 days...

Shen Qinghe sat in the center and personally called the names, needing Die Yunfei's help.

All the events he described came true, and people will not doubt the authenticity of the first calamity.

In the North 14th District office, Die Yunfei held his cell phone with complicated emotions.

In the past, there were always thick piles of documents in front of him, and there was rarely any free space on the table.

Sometimes, he has to use his spatial ability to find where the seal ink has gone.

But today, this table is finally no longer burdened with heavy work and is neat and clean.

He wiped it clean himself and didn't miss any corner.

"It's time to hand over power."

He sighed, and it was hard to tell whether his expression was calm or complicated. He turned on his phone and checked the important personnel in District 14 one by one.

The message was sent to the group and this was the last meeting he held.

The whole building seemed to have become quiet because of this incident, and the atmosphere was slightly silent. In fact, the entire Baihu City was somewhat silent.

Extraordinaries enjoy the convenience, and now they should know that it is time for them to contribute.

The first person who opened the door and walked in was his subordinate who had accompanied him in migrating from Liangcheng a long time ago.

Table search.

"Sister, you are retired, congratulations."

Because of Die Yunfei's special status, everyone has long since changed their tune. Instead of being called "Mei Mo", they are called "Mei Boss", either Leader Die, District Chief Die, or Boss Die.

But today, Zuixun was very unrestrained. He sat in a chair, losing his usual seriousness and unkempt appearance.

The second person came in, it was Jiang Bufan. He was a little depressed: "I'm sorry, I'm not the first one to arrive."

He became even more bold and patted Die Yunfei on the shoulder: "Sister Mo, okay, I will retire after working for two years, you are so awesome."

"Go and sit."

Die Yunfei kicked him, and then more and more people arrived. The usually serious meeting room was extremely lively today.

Those new employees who took important positions discovered that their boss had such an approachable side.

The final meeting came to an end.

Die Yunfei did not go home to rest, but non-stop tore open the rift in space and rushed to the Central Region.

He squeezed out time for meetings and farewells.

Different from the previous relaxed atmosphere, the central area was solemn and busy.

People coming and going are in a hurry, some are even trotting. Extraordinary people can move quickly and will never be sloppy.

"Mr. Die, Shen Qinghe is inside."

There was a secretary waiting for him early, who was also an extraordinary person, and took him all the way to the basement.

In the basement, Die Yunfei met Shen Qinghe.

There were papers everywhere, chaos, and crowds of people at the door.

Shen Qinghe sat in the center, constantly signing documents and issuing orders.

His face was slightly pale, it was no longer like this day.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Die is here."

The secretary intervened and said something, and Shen Qinghe discovered Die Yunfei.

In the past, this was impossible. Extraordinary people are very sensitive to other people and can sense opportunities before they get close.

But today, Shen Qinghe was defenseless and his condition was very dangerous.

Die Yunfei frowned and said nothing.

But he had kept an eye on it. With Shen Qinghe in this state, if someone attempted to assassinate him, the chance of success would definitely be high.

"Die Yunfei is here?" Shen Qinghe raised his head and pulled him into the center to sit down: "Quick, help me."

"Lend me your space ability for a moment to convey orders. Now please help me open the passage to the original world. There are some modifications to the operation. We have to send a group of people there."

On Shen Qinghe's desk, there was a volume of "Advanced Magician Quick Course".

When Die Yunfei opened the space, the extraordinary beings who had been prepared outside filed in, all of them of the physical defense system and recovery system.

"Now we are at the second place, the Carrolls boundary. There is a gap in the deployment there. The combat commander has not received any news. I suspect there may be a problem."

"The third place is Xiaolong Lake outside Baihu City."

"The fourth place, the soybean base, I want to bring someone back. Nothing happens to him."

The fifth place, the sixth place.

At this time, Die Yunfei was no longer the leader who commanded, but the central station for information transmission.

Shen Qinghe is the brain of the information center, and he is the neurons, preparing for battle quickly.

"This time, we must not make the same mistake again!"

Shen Qinghe was overloaded with work. In more than ten days, he only found time to sleep for a few hours, making people worried that he would die suddenly.

"Do you want to take a rest?" Die Yunfei saw that he started coughing, which was a sign of severe mental exhaustion.

"What are you resting for?"

Shen Qinghe's eyes were red, and his hand unconsciously grasped the document: "If I rest for one more second, ten or even hundreds of lives will have disappeared and many families will be broken."

He can't forget, he will never forget, watching his relatives and friends die before his eyes, watching the good things fade away.

He was angry and powerless. In this life, God gave him a chance. No one cherished time more than him, and no one was more afraid of the first calamity than him.

Since Tiandao's recovery, since he came back, he hasn't had more than four hours of rest every day!

Die Yunfei stopped persuading him and took some documents from his hand.

"I am the district chief of Peking University. My knowledge and experience are no less than yours. Let me handle these things."


Someone came in: "The deployment of Daxia Longque has been completed, and the elixir has been loaded."

"Great!" Shen Qinghe stood up so fast that his chair flew back several meters. He ignored this and said hurriedly:
"Quickly, inform Commander Liang Jian that these alien passages need to be strictly defended. There are flying monsters and aliens who are good at aerial combat inside."

Baihu City is a sophisticated machine. At this time, as the wartime alert is fully opened, the gears are turning, and scenes that people have never heard of are everywhere.

Chen Banxian took a sip of soy milk. Since the day before yesterday, he has not taken the initiative to practice anymore.

He had to squeeze it, it was almost overflowing.

The hand holding the soy milk was shaking a little, and his eyes were sometimes confused and sometimes relaxed.

"Boy... no, boss, please have another tofu poutine."

He looked at the huge road next to him.

One after another, large trucks dozens of meters long roared towards the outside of the area, powered by a mixture of diesel, psychic and nuclear energy.

The items in the truck were covered with tarpaulin and couldn't be seen clearly, but some long cylindrical things looked too familiar and were definitely missiles.

Law enforcement officers were constantly crossing the scene to maintain order.

There were shouts and hurried footsteps.


The boss brought the tofu noodles and was a little curious: "Guest, do you think it's troublesome for you to carry a paper bag with you when you eat?"

"If I open the paper bag, it's not like I'm in trouble."

Chen Banxian smiled: "You are very courageous to be doing business at this time."

"Hey, great now. Everyone is equal. There are so many surveillance systems. Who dares to cause trouble?"

The boss sat down casually, and since there were not many customers, he started chatting:

"Now there is hope. My family is starving. I can earn more. What if the situation changes?"

He stared at the trucks: "It was said on TV that a disaster is coming. I really hope that I can survive this disaster. My child has also reached the age of entering first grade."

"Well, shopkeeper... no, boss, congratulations to you."

Chen Banxian pressed down the orchid finger that he unconsciously raised, and his eyes flashed: "It will pass. Now that Baihu City is so developed, it will pass."

He put down the tofu noodle he took a sip from, closed his eyes, and suddenly stopped moving.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and took a shaky sip of tofu nao.

"Nurse, why is this tofu puff salty? I want something sweet!"

He slapped the table: "Others think I can't afford it when they see it? Cut off the tofu and serve it again, one for each person!"

Shop owner:? ? ?
Forget it, he gave the money anyway, so he went to get another sweet. When he came out, he saw a silver coin on the table.

"What about people?"

Outside Baihu City, a dragon rode the waves and came to the demon tribe's station. He was holding a sword and didn't know what he was saying.

The first calamity is getting closer and closer.

On the penultimate day, the busy Baihu City changed from busy to quiet.

On the penultimate day, everything was calm and the storm disappeared.

On the last day, a large number of extraordinary people walked out of Baihu City. They came from every corner, holding various weapons.

There are solemn armies, warriors with psychic firearms.

Outside the northern area, either far or near.

The extraordinary beings were scattered, gathered, or gathered together. Liu Lexian held a giant hammer weighing ten thousand pounds in each hand and stared at the first line of defense in the distance without blinking.

The first line of defense is for consumption. It is all remotely controlled and only a small number of extraordinary people participate.

Most of them are mines, bombs, and stationed long-range firepower.

The second line of defense is the extraordinary ones like them, or the technological warriors, which is the section from all the passages to the outside of Baihu City.

The third line of defense is the last gate of Baihu City.

The two petite people were on both sides of her, and behind them was a group of extraordinary beings numbering over a hundred people.

"Holy Mothers, are you afraid?"

Liu Lexian asked the soldiers in a rough voice.

The Holy Mother's words were self-deprecating, but they have always adhered to them.

"Not afraid!"

They were laughing, carefree and lonely.

"What is our purpose?" Liu Lexian asked again.

"The world kisses me with pain, and I respond with songs!"

The neat answer resounded through the sky, attracting frequent glances from the nearby extraordinary groups.

"Now, our songs have to become war songs. Don't be soft-hearted. If you are soft-hearted, our civilization will perish!"

Liu Lexian held the giant hammer and said fiercely: "Forgive me!"


Ge Xiaoxiao shouted the loudest. She had entered the third realm and instantly became one of the strongest extraordinary beings.

They shouted, and suddenly, the same shout came from the distance.

Flying boards flew out from the city one after another, and Bie Shuang was at the forefront to batch the special psychic armor.

The whole body is equipped with a collection of three lenses.

It leads its own forces and crosses from high altitude, aiming at the front.

She wants to be No. 1 in the second wave of defense.

"The number one in Liangcheng is extraordinary, his aura is extraordinary."

People in District 14 looked up and saw the impassioned warriors.

"Brothers, don't let those girls over there compete!"

Someone was shouting, and the voice was no weaker than Liu Lexian's.

One person is holding a spear and riding a giant tiger that is [-] meters tall.

His white clothes fluttered, and the tip of his spear flashed with cold light. He laughed: "The day has finally come!"

Who doesn't recognize his appearance?At this time, Xu Changfeng gathered the extraordinary people, and his voice resounded through the sky:

"Why don't you say no clothes? Robe with your son!"

"Wang Yuxing, repair my spear and halberd. Work with my son!"

He is truly a hero born from a young age, a free and uninhibited immortal on earth.

It's a pity that the teammates behind him are a big letdown.

"Brother Xu, what did you say? We didn't remember it."

Xu Changfeng, who was riding a white tiger, turned pale. His expression remained unchanged and he pretended not to hear.

"Brother Xu, Brother Xu?"

The man was still shouting. Finally, Xu Changfeng jumped up to him and gave him a big slap in the ear.

"You shut up and no one will treat you as dumb!"

"When this battle is won, go to high school for me!"

He uttered a vicious oath that scared the team member to the point of becoming cold all over.

(End of this chapter)

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