Chapter 251 I am enough

"Psychic Research Institute goes to war."

Liu Yeqing got on the truck. The truck was full of strange instruments.

She was alone, without a team, and came to a space passage alone.

She put down her bold words: "I am enough for the Qingmu Realm."

The Aoki Realm is also a world that uses spiritual energy, and she, Liu Yeqing, actually has such momentum?
"Oh, then I will stand in front of the Cang Cang Realm."

Hua Xiwu and her team arrived at the passage to the Cang Cang Realm. They were far away and might be intercepted by aliens from other passages.

However, Hua Xiwu is very confident, and she is not afraid of any force in the same realm.

"In this world, I am a flower performer, and the flowers reach the sky. I have it covered."

"It's crazy."

The extraordinary people sighed, but they also knew that they really had this strength.

They are very envious, this is Tianjiao, who is unique everywhere.

"Leave the original world to me."

A woman walked out of the city. She was Su Yun, the goddess and fairy in the sun. She brought her power to the outside of the original world.

"Miss Su, how about you give me this place?"

Lin Tian walked out of the original world: "After all, I came here first."

Su Yun's eyes flashed: "Go away, the original world has a lot to do with you, I don't believe you."

Lin Tian, ​​who was full of confidence, felt deflated. He smiled and said, "Then I'll go to Dongzhou."

"I'm here in Dongzhou."

Sun Haibo, who was full of demonic energy, had been waiting there for a long time: "Just go away."

Lin Tian: ...

He was frustrated again: "Forget it, I'll go to Qingxuan Realm."

However, before taking two steps, Lin Tian saw that Qingxuan World was empty, with only one person sitting there.

No transcendent is approaching, no warrior is approaching, not even a psychic weapon.

Chen Banxian turned around with a smile: "Master Lin... no... Brother Lin? No, that fool, get away, don't come and influence me."

He grinned evilly: "Wait a minute, I'm going to kill you like crazy, but I don't care about the enemy or me."

Lin Tian's face turned pale, and then he turned around quickly. He couldn't afford to offend MD. Brother Xian was in a bit of a bad state today.

He ran to the other side of the strange world in dejection.

As a result, Chen Qingshan, one of the top four, took the position, and Zhang Shousheng stormed the formation.

Go to the Kraken Realm and smile at him with surprise.

Go to Yunshan Realm, where Baihu City's Dao Kuang Linqian is stationed.

He arrived late, and there were people resisting everywhere, so there was no room for him.

"Why don't you go guard the third line of defense."

Die Yunfei couldn't stand it any longer, so he opened up a space and told him that his sister Die Qihua was over there.

He was worried about his sister and wanted Lin Tianzhao to take a look.

"He had other things going on."

However, another space tore open, and Chen Banxian's face emerged.


A sculpture was thrown out and fell into Lin Tian's hand. It was the statue of Corpse Ancestor Ying Gou.

"You go to the river now and protect me from the mirror world."

He warned: "I have called Qingshuang. Be careful when you arrive and don't get too close to Qingshuang. Something is wrong with her."

Lin Tian suddenly felt a little unsure.

"Then what...Brother Xian, can I change my position?"

"Change it." Chen Banxian was not used to him, so he gave the latter a mirror that could immobilize a zombie with a winning bloodline:
"If someone from the mirror world comes out, you have to tell me even if you can't stop it. This is very important."

As he spoke, Chen Banxian suddenly squatted down and seemed to be lame.

The next second he stood up, nothing happened: "I have something important to do, let's not talk about it for now, bye."

"Brother Xian, are you sure there is nothing wrong with you?" Lin Tian looked scared: "There is something wrong with you."

"It's okay. The side effects of playing a lot of life games in a short period of time will be fine. Just take it easy."

Chen Banxian trembled all over and closed the space crack. The situation was not as easy as he said.

He immediately turned on his cell phone and took advantage of his clear mind to contact Chen Changsheng.


On the other side, Chen Changsheng opened his eyes. He was just comprehending the charm of the Tao.

"I'll make a long story short, three things."

Chen Banxian spoke as fast as a machine gun, giving Chen Changsheng no chance to speak:

"One, you Taoist monks must not come."

"Two, if I accidentally rush to other worlds, fight me back. I need to stay on Earth."

"Three, if I die, do me a favor and help take in the refugees from my world. When I come back to life, I will be rewarded generously!"

"Four, I have a dragon named Jiaojiao with a broken sword that looks ordinary. Please help me take care of it."

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Changsheng's reaction, he hung up the phone and began to climb up and walk towards the sky.

He needs the largest field of vision, enough to coordinate the vision of the battlefield.

After asking about Taoism, Chen Changsheng looked at his phone, frowned and counted.

Didn’t you say three things?
He thought in his mind that something must have happened.

Chen Changsheng walked to the entrance of Qingxuan Realm and Earth and looked inside.

Fighter planes roared, tanks crushed, and the extraordinary people gathered together and stood ready.

"Is it going to war?"

He watched quietly, guarding the entrance and observing carefully.

Although he cannot pass it, he can sense the opportunity between heaven and earth.

The increasingly intense reactions seem to have reached a critical point.


Suddenly, Chen Changsheng took a breath of cold air and hurriedly ordered the entire Taoist sect.

"No one is allowed to leave the Taoist Sect. Open the sect's formation to isolate the atmosphere!"

After doing all this, he still didn't give up, but came to the foot of Tao Dao Peak.

There is an altar there.

He lit three sticks of sandalwood, worshiped the portrait, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Qinghe sat in the center, holding a microphone, and his instructions were clearly conveyed to everyone's ears.
“Countdown: ten…




one! "

At this time, he had recalled countless times in nightmares and woke up with a start.

When the time came, at first, I just felt a little unsteady.But then, a terrible earthquake hit, and the extraordinary people were shocked to find that their teammates who were beside them just now appeared 20 meters away in the next second.

"Everyone, hand in hand."

Shen Qinghe ordered: "The earth is expanding and the mountains are recovering."

This planet finally began to change.

If you look from the moon to the earth, you can see that the size of the earth is doubling, very fast!

"The first calamity is here. Life or death is up to you."

Shen Qinghe put down the microphone, came to the side door, and put on the spirit armor.

"what are you going to do?"

City Lord Xia Aimin stopped him: "You haven't rested for a month. If you go out to meet the enemy in this state, you will die."

"Why are you afraid of death?"

Shen Qinghe put on his gun and knife: "If we win, we won't have to be afraid anymore, you know? We won't be afraid anymore!"

He walked out of the safe center:

"I arranged the white mist before the resurrection of Heavenly Dao to condense Baihu City. This is the day I have been waiting for."

His steps were a little frivolous, and he was trembling when he breathed out, but he had a burning fighting spirit:

"I am Shen Qinghe, No. 1 in Baihu City! Who can kill me!"

He jumped up and flew high into the sky outside the city.

There, there was already a person waiting early, holding a huge stone plaque with the words "Fengdu" on his shoulder.

The earth is cracked, mountains and rivers are rising from the ground, and rivers are expanding, as if they have become a vast ocean.

Lin Tian rolled around in it carelessly and choked several times.

Shen Qinghe came to a position where he was shoulder to shoulder with Chen Banxian, and the two looked at each other.

One person is trembling, his personality is almost split, and he can go crazy at any time.

A person is vain, his face is almost pale, and he may die suddenly at any time.



The two of them were laughing, and Chen Banxian suddenly said coldly: "You dare to be on an equal footing with me. This is quite courageous."

Shen Qinghe held a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other: "You have to watch carefully later, you may not be able to keep up with my pace."

Shen Qinghe pointed at the hill outside Baihu City.

A Feng Shui master once played chess with Chen Banxian there and ended up dead.

"The first mountain god within Baihu City, it revived after 10 minutes and once killed people in the first area."

"pass it to me."

With only these three words, Chen Banxian was full of confidence: "I am invincible in the current world."

"it is good!"

Shen Qinghe pointed at the lake under the hill with his backhand: "Then I will deal with the water god."

"You pit me?"

"Where, isn't that fair?"

They were joking, but the opportunity of the entire world had been passed to all the worlds on the other side of the passage.

In Dongzhou, in Chenyun Cave, the sect leader Yun Shang narrowed his eyes.

"What is it that makes me instinctively long for it?"

"Sect Master, are you going?"

Great Elder Yun Gong asked: "That is Fellow Daoist Chen's territory."

"Go and take a look, don't move yet."

Yun Shang spoke and summoned several elders to fly into the rainbow.

In the strange world, something is hanging down from the sky, as if it wants to squeeze into the earth.

However, when several thunderbolts fell, these things had to avoid them and instead grabbed some weirdos and stuffed them into the earth.

In the Zhengui Division, Division Chief Liangzhi pondered for a moment and made no move.

In the original world, many great magicians were shocked. An oracle fell from the upper world.

As a result, a large number of high-level magicians moved towards Woyuan Forest.

Elves and dragons also approached.

There is an endless tide of insects in the insect world.

In the Qingmu Realm, the army of monks has already been dispatched.

"Opportunity, opportunity!"

There are powerful monks who are excited, and it only takes one perception to understand what the rhyme represents.

The priesthood, that is the priesthood!
Once mastered, it is equivalent to facing the rules directly, and sooner or later you will become an immortal, and the future is limitless!

Even life without intelligence instinctively moves towards the earth.

In the zombie world, the formation that Ninth put down kept trembling, and something terrible was exerting force on the other end, trying to invade.

The first zombie appears!


Ruthless sounds, psychic bullets piercing zombies.

But then, the second, third, and more monsters appeared, and the psychic bullets went from sparse at the beginning to continuous, dense explosions without stopping.

"The mountain god has revived."

High in the sky, Shen Qinghe looked over there. On top of the mountain, a stream of light transformed into a human form. As soon as it appeared, it reached the ceiling of the earth's combat power and emitted terrifying fluctuations.

They are gods, so naturally they are the strongest in this world.

"go back."

Two words came out of Chen Banxian's mouth, and he looked coldly at the so-called mountain god.

The hilltop has turned into a giant mountain that is even bigger than Mount Tai.

I wonder, what kind of scenery is Mount Tai at this time?
"Oh, mortal."

The mountain god sits high on the top of the mountain, overlooking Chen Banxian. He is so huge that looking at Chen Banxian is like looking at an insect.

"It's time to revive. Let's take some blood food as a memorial."

He stretched out his big hand to swallow up the life of Baihu City.


The Fengdu plaque suddenly fell, and the madman from high above took action.

"A joke." The mountain god sneered: "A mere stone plaque is a delusion to blaspheme?"

But the next second, the mountain god sensed the aura on the Fengdu plaque, and he was horrified: "No! How could you have this thing!"

The giant hand was broken by violence, and it fell, turning into pure energy that filled the world.

Chen Banxian stepped forward and stepped in the air. The energy reaction in his body was about to burn through the void. He was too brave.

Just getting close to it, the terrifying power frightens the mountain god.

"If you don't listen to good words, then go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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