There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 252 Priesthood?But that's it

Chapter 252 Priesthood?But that's it


The mountain god turned sideways to avoid the attack, but saw that Chen Banxian's stone plaque turned in the right direction and came to the path he must pass.


Half of the giant god's body exploded, and the Fengdu stone plaque defeated the Yin God.

It is the gate to the underworld, and its main function is to suppress the soul.

At this time, Chen Banxian wielded it to great effect, and the mountain god was defeated one after another.

But He was not panicked, just angry:
"Mortal, you have angered me, taking advantage of the weakness of this god who has just recovered!"

"If I had known earlier, I should have destroyed you in advance!"

Chen Banxian took action again, but the mountain god suddenly pressed a big seal with his hand.

There are three words "Xiaohu Mountain" printed on it. The moment it falls, it gives rise to an inevitable illusion.

No, it's not that it's inevitable, but that this divine seal is truly unavoidable.

This is the sacred seal of the mountain god, which originally represents the territory of Xiaohu Mountain. Once it is used, it is tantamount to the entire Xiaohu Mountain falling.

Chen Banxian activated time retrieval to six seconds ago, only to find that it was still the same, and he could not avoid it within the area.

His face darkened. This big seal actually condensed faintly, suppressing the sense of time and space.

Is this the revival of the priesthood in the first calamity?
"Ant, die!"

After the big seal fell, Shen Qinghe reminded from the side: "This is the realm. Quickly fall into the lake. The lake is not the clerical realm of the mountain god."

"Outside of the realm, he is just an ordinary little god."

"What a fart!"

Chen Banxian was angry and roared. At this time, he was in a state of confusion:

"My Sword Emperor has fought all his life and never backed down. I will die for you!"

He used the stone plaque as a sword to resist the seal.

After a moment of stalemate, the big seal screamed, shrank and flew upside down.

"This is impossible!"

"How can you, a mere mortal, lift a mountain!"

The mountain god was shocked, only to see that the stone tablet turned into a knife faster and fell on his head.


He exploded and the big seal fell into Chen Banxian's hand.Put away by him.

He slowly returned to the sky and returned to Shen Qinghe's side.

Not even a breath was disturbed.

"The priesthood is nothing more than that."

After his mood recovered a little, he no longer used the plaque as a knife, but continued to carry it on his shoulder.

Shen Qinghe glanced at his plaque emphatically, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

"The stone plaque on the gate of Crow Ming Kingdom?"

He finally recognized this huge stone. In the previous life, no one had ever thought of demolishing that huge stone door. Even if someone wanted to, they couldn't demolish it.

Chen Banxian nodded and looked towards the lake, where rules condensed and opportunities reached their peak.

"The Water God has revived, it's time to take care of himself."

"Heh, look at me." Shen Qinghe took out a big flag from his arms and went up to the water.

The big flag unfolded in an instant, and he didn't know where he found the treasure. With one wave, he suppressed the new body of the Water God, and with another wave, he knocked down the great seal of the priesthood.

Shen Qinghe won for sure, he used the banner to restrain the Water God.

In other words, Shen Qinghe had already prepared for this day.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Banxian scanned the battlefield.

The iteration of technological weapons has indeed exerted a huge effect. Those monsters in the first and second realms are cannon fodder and were crushed.

The situation was temporarily under control before the bullets ran out.

But there are exceptions.

For example, in the Green Wood Realm, there is a wood demon holding a gun, and its body is covered with spiritual light.

All incoming guns were deflected.

Liu Yeqing was the only one standing behind the gun. She gently raised her hand, and the spiritual energy condensed and crushed in her hand.

Liu Yeqing took action.

She casually took out a small bow from the car, put it on the spiritual energy she had gathered before, and instantly turned it into a solid arrow and fired it.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the wood demon fell down.

Liu Ye lightly retracted her bow, returned to the car, and continued to wait.

She did not observe other battlefields, but just guarded her own territory. She was not selfish, but believed in her comrades.

On the other side, in the Cang Cang Realm, there were monks from the Four Sea Realm who rushed to the entrance of the passage.

Tianyin Sect has been abolished, but Zihan Sect is still there, and together with Tianyin Sect, it is one of the three righteous sects.

The monks in the Four Seas Realm cannot make it through.

But the fate-enlightening monks under the Four Seas Realm have already assembled ship after ship, trying to pass through the entrance to the earth.

"On the earth ahead, foreigners are prohibited from entering!"

At the entrance, a person spoke slowly, wearing a mask.

Hua Xiwu stood behind him, and it seemed that she had some unclear relationship with him.

There is only a white line on the mask.

"is one!"

Someone recognized that this was the most mysterious person among the top four recognized by Baihu City, calling himself: "One".

As soon as he stepped forward, he had no knife, no gun, no psychic armor or weapon, only a simple coarse cloth and a cloak.

"How brave, how can a mere junior dare to be so arrogant?"

An elder who shook the world looked at Yi from afar: "That kid, your qualifications are not bad, why not join our Zihan Sect. After this opportunity passes, I will accept you as my direct disciple."

When he said this, the disciples of the Zihan Sect were surprised. They must know that the elder Ling Cheng who spoke this was a leader in the Four Seas Realm, and was known as Master Ling.

His direct disciples are so strong that they have reached all over the world, but they are so weak that they are also at the peak of Fate Enlightenment.

The fact that this small alien world can penetrate his Dharma vision proves that his qualifications may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Unmoved, he put his hands behind his back and said coldly:

"The opportunity is ours."

He refused to give up a step: "You can come over and give it a try."

When he took the initiative to declare war, he showed no fear at all, only the will to fight and fight bloody battles.

Today, he will take the lead in making the first contribution!

Master Ling smiled coldly: "If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty. Yu'er, go try your skills!"

He randomly assigned a disciple, but this one left all the disciples in awe.

"It's Yu Sheng Yan."

"Senior Brother Yu, he entered Taoism at the age of five and realized destiny at the age of eight. Now he has been practicing in the realm of destiny for more than ten years. It is said that he is invincible."

"I heard that Senior Brother Yu wants to become the strongest in the Four Seas. He uses the method of breaking shields. He once pierced the defense of the Four Seas with a sword."

Master Ling was not careless, he sent his strongest disciple to take the lead.

Detect the truth and avoid unnecessary disputes.

While the disciples were exclaiming, Yu Shengyan slowly passed through the space barrier.


The soldiers' psychic cannons roared and were immediately aimed at Yu Shengyan.

"Oh, little trick."

A feather slowly floated from his body, which seemed to be made of gold but not gold, and faced countless psychic bullets and cannonballs in an instant.

The technological crystals of Baihu City and Wandering Planet actually cracked and could not explode.

He is so strong that he has reached a level where he can ignore numbers. His sharpness at that moment is as sharp as the Four Seas Realm.


With a wave of his hand to stop the unnecessary waste of large shells, he came to Yu Shengyan, his right hand stretched out straight, with four fingers bent.




The disciples of the Zihan Sect were stunned: "He will be beaten to death."

"The last person to be so crazy was Elder Wu's grandson. He is still cultivating himself and cannot get out of bed."

"Just a small world, trying to hold on to opportunities? Little do you know that this is not an opportunity, but a disaster that can kill your life."

Their discussion also made Yu Shengyan laugh. He raised his feathers casually and pointed a little.


The feather was so fast that it turned into a stream of light and was about to penetrate Yi Yi in an instant, but Yi Yi didn't panic and raised a finger. "Ding!"

There was a crisp sound, and the fingertips collided with the feathers. Then, the explosive waves stirred up flying sand and rocks, causing the tank to shake.

The feather flew back, taking half a step back.

He still held one hand behind his back and said calmly: "Come again."


Yu Shengyan was angry and no longer looked down upon. He took out a feather fan from his body and the feathers fell off.
"I'll see how many times you can block it!"


The battle in the Cang Cang Realm is just a corner.

Chen Banxian put away his gaze and looked to the other side.

Sun Haibo's demonic aura was overwhelming, but he hadn't taken action yet. The psychic weapon was enough to suppress the opponent.

The emergence of the earth's priesthood was too fast, and many major forces had no time to rush over.

Therefore, the situation is still controllable, but he understands that as time goes by, the battlefield will only become more and more difficult.

Only by fighting until the foreign races give up and until the turmoil in the priesthood subsides will there be results.


After the battle in the water ended, Shen Qinghe jumped up from the water with the priest's seal in his hand.

He was still pale and looked weak.

"Slow down, you are not in good condition." Chen Banxian gave him the Mountain God Seal: "How do you use this thing?"

"It sounds like you are in great shape."

Shen Qinghe took the Mountain God Seal and threw it in the direction of Baihu City.

"I have prepared people to take over, but the mountain gods and water gods are born to use it, but humans have to learn and adapt. They can't help much for the time being."

"it is good."

Chen Banxian nodded and looked into the distance.

That is the largest water vein in Baihu City, and now it is so wide that the other side cannot be seen.

"The god over there is about to be conceived, it's a bit troublesome."

"Isn't there you and me?"

Shen Qinghe turned his head to Baihu City: "There is also him."

He refers to the ninth.

At this time, the opportunity between heaven and earth is strong, and the ninth is also changing.

If the God of mountains, rivers and earth is born, then he is man-made.

In the face of disaster, the prayers of the entire Baihu City will fall on him.

"He can't move."

Chen Banxian shook his head: "If we lose, he will take Baihu City to Qingxuan Realm."

This was something he and Ninth Morning had discussed. This time, he couldn't use up any of his faith, so he had to make a foolproof plan.

The worst thing is to take back the earth later.

But, are they willing to give up the earth?
Nobody wants to.

Shen Qinghe sat in the void. He and Chen Banxian safely handed over the foreign races to others. They only dealt with those priests.

He seemed to be an old man, but he started chatting, his eyes seemed to be closing, looking for a topic.

"I used to watch TV and see the old people who were relocated and never left their homes until they died. I was still thinking, is there something wrong with them?"

"Now that this matter has fallen on me, I understand how they feel."

"Baihu City has my childhood, my relatives, and all my good things. I can't bear to leave her."

There are only three words: reluctant to let go. How many people are reluctant to let go?How many people have to pay a huge price for this.

Chen Banxian nodded: "Yes, I can't bear to part with it."

His whole body was still trembling, and sometimes he couldn't tell whether he was reincarnated in the blood spring world or in reality.

He replied: "I migrated from Liangcheng. When I came, many old people stayed on that land - waiting to die."


An explosion occurred on the ground, interrupting the conversation between the two and attracting their attention.

An invulnerable giant insect crossed the passage. It was colorful, and even psychic weapons bounced away when hit on it.

The previous explosion was caused by the psychic missile sliding away from its back.

If the two of them didn't move, someone would take action.

Sure enough, a woman emerged from Baihu City, her face could not be seen clearly, and she was wearing a bamboo hat.

They were certain that they had never heard of this man before.

But she was very powerful. She knocked down the colorful giant insect with one punch, and cut off the giant insect's limbs with a knife while breathing.

Without its limbs, the giant insect cannot move, but instead becomes a favorable roadblock against the insect world.

After she finished doing this, she raised her head, looked at each other with Chen Banxian and Shen Qinghe, then lowered her head and hid in the battlefield.

Smoke everywhere.

"Hidden so deeply." Chen Banxian sighed. He had indeed never heard of this person. He was even more obscene than him. He was too low-key.

This kind of strength is at least on the same level as the top four.

"It seems that no one wants Baihu City to fall."

Shen Qinghe smiled: "Isn't it good for us to sit still? A troublesome god in the west has revived. Do you want to go or should I go?"

"Go ahead."

Chen Banxian experienced a clerical condensation and learned how to detect opportunities.

He turned to look east.

There, there is a small ruined temple.

The ruined temple originally enshrined the real monkey spirit, who could only be regarded as a wild god.

But now, this wild god is resurrecting and has received the priesthood of heaven.

"Why don't I have a priesthood?" He touched himself and felt that he was not bad either.

His aura is far stronger than that of Xiaohu Mountain God. He has already crushed Xiaohu Mountain God while still in the recovery stage. Now, he has completely recovered.

A monkey walked out of the ruined temple, almost half the height of a man, with compassion in its brows and eyes.

But this compassion is not for people.

He immediately set his sights on Baihu City. The huge blood energy was too tempting.

"Luck, spirituality."

The spirit monkey chanted and flew towards Baihu City, intending to devour all living beings.


Chen Banxian crossed the space and stopped in front of him.

The monkey's eyes narrowed, his nose twitched, and he smelled Chen Banxian's blood.

"Good fragrance, good spirit, good merit."

He hit three times in a row, and then his tail suddenly extended, bigger than a building, to wrap up Chen Banxian.

Soon, the tail will cover the sky.

This is another god.

Chen Banxian was not afraid. He lifted the stone plaque with one hand and grabbed a corner of its tail.

In an instant, the flying immortal body suppressed, and the greed of the spiritual monkey was frightened.

Before the panic in his eyes could recede, a stone plaque fell on his tail, breaking it off at the root.


Chen Banxian used all his strength when he took action, not giving him a chance to display his divine power, shattering the monkey's brain and seizing the divine power into his arms.

He returned to the sky and calmly adjusted his breathing.

Is it easy?
It's not easy. The world's recovery limit is the third realm, but the gap in the third realm is also very big.

Theoretically, the third realm of the priesthood can be infinitely enhanced.

If Mount Tai is here, even if he is in the first realm, he can crush countless third realms with one finger.

The Spirit Monkey Priest is just as powerful as Xiao Hushan. Unfortunately, when Chen Banxian made a thunderous attack, he was crushed before even half of his strength could be used.

This is only the third god.

He looked into the distance. The land was vast, the original puddles turned into giant lakes, and the original giant lakes turned into the sea.

The earth has increased more than a hundred times in size.

Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas are reviving, the sky is rising, and the earth is growing.

But Shen Qinghe did have a skill. The road he built connected all the white mist passages, and actually clamped the distance between the two sides, and did not become wider as the earth grew.

Chen Banxian didn't know how he did it, but it was undoubtedly more beneficial to them and could quickly support every place on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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