There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 254 Big Figures in 9 Worlds

Chapter 254 Big Figures from the Nine Worlds

Explosions, explosions everywhere, and fights and screams.

Enemies keep appearing in the alien passages, seemingly fearless and unwilling to stop.


Some people turned around while bathed in blood and found that their comrades were blocking the attack for them.

There are fewer and fewer companions around someone, and finally he is the only one left to move forward.

Death and blood fill the entire battlefield. This is a battle of life and death, and it is also a battle for the future.

Chen Xiaohai kept releasing Baisha and harvesting lives from other worlds, but Zhang Xiaomu beside him couldn't hold on.


The lightning shot by Zhang Xiaomu became smaller and smaller, and he moved his body with difficulty:
"No, the power is out."

"A man can't say no!"

White sand flew across the battlefield in Chen Xiaohai's hand: "Come behind Ba Ba, I'll help you block it for a while!"

Next to them, Ming Yuwei was interspersed. Every time she appeared, she would be killed. She had to be very fast and pull up the afterimages.

However, at this moment, a big problem occurred when Ming Yuwei killed an ordinary Dongzhou monk.


She slashed at a stove with a knife, and the divine energy caused a riot. She flew upside down due to the shock, scattering large amounts of blood in the air along the way.


She fell to the ground, still coughing up blood, and her internal organs had been injured. As soon as she moved, severe pain hit her from all directions.

The Dongzhou disciples moved closer. They were the geniuses who had passed through the first line of defense of psychic cannonballs.


The disciple came with blood on his face, holding the furnace leg in his hand, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Little girl, you are so unlucky that you took out my backhand."

His speed suddenly increased and he stepped on Ming Yuwei's right knee, making a crisp sound.


Ming Yuwei screamed, but Dongzhou disciple held the stove high:
"Run fast, right? I'll send you to hell right now!"

The divine furnace was swung down by him. Suddenly, the Dongzhou disciple gave up and took two steps to the left.


Three bright psychic flying knives flew through the afterimage he left behind.

A man covered his figure and looked at him in the smoke.

"Insects from the small world know how to play dirty tricks!"

The disciple rushed towards the man with a grin, and the divine furnace came out of his hand, faster than his delivery!
Ming Yuwei turned around and couldn't help shouting: "Xun Yinchun, his stove is weird, you can't resist!"

The voice couldn't catch up with the stove, and the Dongzhou disciples were bloodthirsty: "It's too late, hahaha!"

The moment the stove lid was opened, a scorching shock wave exploded to kill Xun Yichun.


Xun Yicun sneered and moved a dice with his left hand. The number on it was five.

He threw out the flying knife at the moment of the explosion. He was blown apart like a rag and fell into the cold lake water on one side.

After the explosion, the stove fell to the ground with a bang.

Dongzhou's disciple took two steps forward, his eyebrows exploded, and the brain inside was shattered.

His angry voice was weak: "Insects from another world..."

He died on the battlefield before finishing these words.

Ming Yuwei, regardless of her own injuries, threw herself into the cold lake to save an inch.

Scenes like this happen all the time.

This is just a glimpse of the battle in the North 14th District.

Other areas are even more tragic. After the psychic weapons fail, the battle is population and the battle is human sea tactics!

"How come there are so many!"

There was a transcendent being who roared unwillingly, being besieged by aliens from the same realm, and had his hands and feet cut off.

Unwilling to give in, he looked up to the sky and roared: "If one person is missing, I can kill both of you. If there are two people missing, I can kill them all!"

"Indigenous people from the small world, die!"

The monks took action and cut this extraordinary person into pieces.

"If I die, you will die too!"

A flame extraordinary person completely detonated his ability, and the infinite flames bloomed into beautiful flowers, pulling the two of them to death together.

"Haha, let's die together!"

There are other extraordinary people who follow suit. They are extremely talented and will definitely create legends in the future if they survive.

But now, they fell on the road, using their lives to drag the aliens to death together.

This determination made the aliens tremble with fear.

A strong man asked them: "Why are you working so hard? Do you share in those opportunities?"

The soldiers of Baihu City told them the answer with practical actions.


Mushroom clouds exploded, and someone roared at the top of their lungs.

"I have a home in Baihu City!"

Someone refused to give in:
"What our ancestors did a hundred years ago will only happen again a hundred years later!"

Even warriors without extraordinary abilities roared and used up all the bullets in their hands.

"You foreign bastards, if I die, my parents and children will live! Don't even think about daydreaming!"

Shi Youlong raised his sword and kept fighting, but he was surrounded by a dozen monks from the Cang Cang Realm.

"Surrender, what are you trying to do?"

"I respect you as a man, but you are only one person. Our Zihan Sect has more than a thousand enlightened men. What can you do to resist?"

There was fear in the eyes of these disciples. This foreign race was not afraid of death, and would rather trade injuries for injuries than inflict serious damage on them.

There were already seven or eight fellow disciples lying on the ground. They were also human beings and were afraid of death.

"Surrender, our Zihan Sect is willing to accept you as a sect member, why do you have to defend a city and refuse to give in?"

"Are you stupid? What can you gain?"

"Aren't there people in your world who take the initiative to join our Tibetan Cang Realm?"

"Bah! Do you think I'm one of those scum from the noble family?"

The tip of Shi Youlong's sword touched the ground: "It's impossible for me to surrender!"

He gritted his teeth, and the cuts on his body were deep enough to see the bones. There was only a thin film covering his internal organs, but he was still full of blood.

"You want me to surrender in such a small scene. You are looking down on me."

He took the initiative to charge with a knife: "My grandfather was more cruel than me back then, and he still defended the family and the country. If I give up, how will I see my ancestors after my death!"

He chopped off the head of a foreigner and roared: "I, Shi Youlong, can only die standing up and not live on my knees! Come on!"


He shouted hoarsely, shocking the minds of the foreigners in the Tibetan Cang Realm, and actually made them, the invaders, afraid to move forward.

"Brother Shi said it well!"

Not far away, someone was charging towards us. A pair of fists with invincible hands was none other than the violent boy Zhenshan:
"You bastards from another world, you have offended the wrong person!"

"I have no control outside of Daxia. Within Daxia, there are many bloody men. How do you think we founded our country nearly a hundred years ago?"

He joined the battlefield, greatly reducing Shi Youlong's pressure. "Brother, come and help us, but we can't let you stay here."

"Haha, why are you talking so much?" Shi Youlong waved his sword boldly: "Today, you have to kill ten to make a profit, and kill a hundred to make enough!"

They charged and killed, leaving corpses on the ground a moment later. The two of them gasped for air and repaired their injuries.

"You come to support me. Can Sister Hua bear the burden?"

Shi Youlong asked. He couldn't stand up and had no strength at all.

"Eldest sister, they can't die." Tong Zhenshan reluctantly stood up. He believed that they, after all, were once the number one, and they could beat him.

"I'm leaving first. Go back and get treatment quickly. Your intestines are leaking out."

"it is good."

Shi Youlong knew that he almost had only one breath left. He carried his intestines and evacuated to the rear.

But his eyes were still fixed on the battlefield, on the battle at the front.

"Behead me!" At the entrance to the Zangcang Realm passage, huge trees over a hundred meters suddenly grew, blocking the ten geniuses.

"Damn it, you, a female prostitute, have to stop us!"

They are the top ten geniuses in the Zihan Sect's Fate Enlightenment Realm. Each of them is very powerful and they are the real mainstay of the Fate Enlightenment Realm.

However, they were blocked in front of the passage and could not move an inch.

"I must catch you, make you a cauldron, and make you a cauldron for me forever!"

One genius went crazy and took the risk to break out of the siege: "Our Northern Division is here to kill you!"

The red light blooming from his body is enough to burn all the trees and restrain the dancing flowers.

As long as he gets close to that woman and avoids those annoying trees, he will be able to capture her alive!
But all he met was Hua Xiwu's cold eyes.

"Build wood, reach the sky."

With four words, a terrifying giant tree grew, hitting his chest with a thunderous sound.

The red light on Master Fang Bei's body was unable to instantly burn the tree, and he flew upside down into the Cang Cang Realm in a panic.

He screamed, his way was being crushed, which he couldn't accept.

However, when he looked at the woman on the battlefield, he vomited blood even more.

Hua Xiwu was seen casually, taking out her mobile phone to send a message.

"You just blocked all the top geniuses in the Cang Cang Realm, Su Yun, can you still stop them?"

On the other side, at the entrance to the original world, Su Yun yawned.

In order to prevent the original world from charging desperately, she couldn't leave too far, otherwise she really wanted to join the battlefield.

After seeing the message, she replied almost instantly: "It's okay, I'm free, shouldn't you ask Bieshuang?"

Hua Xiwu sent another message to Bie Shuang.

"The other party can't get through."

There were only five words. Bie Shuang didn't get close. She stood far away, but she blocked three alien worlds at the same time.

Once someone gets close, they will disappear and let the other side throw a rat deterrent.

They still couldn't understand how the disciples died.

In addition to Bie Shuang, Liu Yeqing, who is also No. 1, is sitting outside the Aoki boundary, where the smoke is the biggest.

There was no aura here, and gunpowder and technological weapons became the biggest beneficiaries. The explosion caused the wood demons to shout at her across the passage.

In terms of top-level combat capabilities, they are really amazing.

The bonus of extraordinary abilities allowed them to overpower the aliens. Even in the second realm, the aliens could only win by numbers.

After a large amount of consumption, the number of enemies in the other world is gradually decreasing. It seems that everything is developing in a good direction.

But Chen Banxian doesn't think so.


Shen Qinghe returned to his side and coughed up blood.

"Damn it, it's getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding clergy also want to get a share of the pie."

He gasped for air, feeling sleepy and tired, and forced himself not to close his eyes.

"Hey, Chen Banxian, why don't you say anything? Are you going to die?"

He went to take a picture of the person next to him, but saw the person next to him staring straight at the sky.

"What's wrong?" Shen Qinghe realized something was wrong. He looked up and saw some white dots flashing at the top of the sky.


There were a total of nine white spots, which were more dazzling than the sun, and even the smoke of the battlefield could not cover his face.

"Shen Qinghe."

Chen Banxian looked back at him: "Maybe you will have to deal with the priesthood yourself later."

He walked towards the sky: "Some people are plotting."

What he didn't want to see the most happened.

The nine white dots high in the sky seem small, but are actually very large.

He stepped on the airflow and flew upwards, and the white dot expanded in front of his eyes. It was the Nine Directions Passage.

The passage was opened artificially, and in the passage, nine people looked at him expressionlessly.

Not to be outdone, Chen Banxian also looked back. He felt the breath and named the worlds one by one.

"Hidden Cang Realm."

"The original world."


"Aoki Realm."

"Yunshan Realm."

"A strange world."

"The Kraken Realm."

"The Feathered World."

"And... Qingxuan Realm."

"Are you here to die?"

He looked cold and unafraid.

"A small foreign race has a genius like you. It's really a smoke coming out of the ancestral graves."

The man from the Zangcang Realm said: "I am the sect leader of the Zihan Sect. I will give you a chance to welcome my sect into your realm and gain the opportunity. At that time, I will accept you as a closed disciple."

"What is the Hidden Cang Realm?"

The old man from Dongzhou said: "I am the master of Yunling Cave. I have achieved the four great perfections and am a half-step dragon master. If you enter my cave, you may not be able to become a legendary saint in the future."

Half a step into a dragon, no wonder the people from Shen Yun Dongtian didn't come, they couldn't defeat him.

"Tsk, you're talking big words."

The old man from the original world directly promised: "The God of Elements is willing to take you to the Kingdom of God and enjoy eternal life. You will have endless life."

"Is the original world worthy of speaking?"

A humanoid creature in the treacherous world spoke: "This genius, what can you hear and what can't be known? Only when you enter my treacherous world can you know the fundamentals of heaven and earth."

The rest of the great realms are also opening their mouths, the Aoki Realm and the Yunshan Realm are all extending olive branches to him.

They even said that as long as Chen Banxian joins their sect, they will do nothing.

They'll take care of the rest.

Such a tempting opportunity, of course the final Qingxuanjie would not accept it.

"He is my Taoist protector, please don't make the mistake of yourself."

The one who spoke was not Chen Changsheng, but the elder who had guided him.

"My child, the sect leader has gone to help you fend off the enemy. He can't come for the time being."

He explained Chen Changsheng's whereabouts and also conveyed a message.

"The Taoist Sect of Qingxuan Realm cannot help him."

"But don't worry, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

The elder gave his guarantee and quietly turned aside, revealing the corner of the protector who had previously protected Chen Changsheng.

"I appreciate the elder's kindness."

Chen Banxian smiled in greeting. He turned to look at the others to express his position.

"But today, I swear to God here that if anyone enters my earth, he will be called - Hun! Fly! Soul! Disintegrate!"

Four words expressed his determination!
The sect leaders or forces from all walks of life looked sadly.


The leader of the Zihan Sect sighed: "You know, there is only one result of this, and both people and money will be lost."

"Everyone, since he is indeed stubborn, I think he can use his backup plan."

The people in Yunling Cave nodded: "If you have a way, just use it."

The leader of the original world randomly brought someone whom he knew very well. He was from the Shen family.

"I have accumulated enough energy through sacrifice methods to help him break through to the realm of the great magician."

What he said was frightening: "Since the upper limit of the earth is not high, we will help you raise it."

"Have there been enough people infiltrated into the original world? Send him to Earth to break through to the fourth realm."

(End of this chapter)

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