There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 255 Forced Breakthrough to the 4th Realm

Chapter 255 Forced Breakthrough to the Fourth Realm

Nashen's family stood still and were not intimidated.

He glared at Chen Banxian: "Haha, you didn't expect it. If you can do it in the first grade, I can do it in the fifteenth grade!"

"If you destroy my entire family, I will destroy your entire human family!"

He smiled crazily: "Be buried with me, haha. Baihu City, which you worked so hard and paid a huge price for, be buried with my Shen family!"

Chen Banxian carried the stone plaque: "Are you sure you want to do this, against humanity?"

"You've killed my whole family, what's wrong with me?"

The Shen family member roared: "I want you to die, I want you to die!"

He shouted and was taken away: "Immediately, I will break through the fourth realm soon. You are finished, Baihu City is finished, and mankind is finished, hahaha!"

He was very arrogant, which made Chen Banxian's face sink.

He came to Shen Qinghe and informed him of this information.

"Damn, it's so shameless!"

Shen Qinghe was angry: "They just use the strong to bully the weak, and they also engage in conspiracy. Sooner or later, retribution will find them!"

"Now the only thing is not to let any outsiders enter."

Chen Banxian said: "As long as they cannot enter the earth, even if they break through, they will not be able to break through the realm restrictions."

"That's all we can do, but the casualties will probably be hard for us to accept."

Shen Qinghe took out his mobile phone and informed everyone of this information.

"The enemy is trying to create a fourth realm artificially, allowing stronger aliens to kill all the earth. Now, let's shrink the line with all our strength and change the offensive formation."

"Be sure not to let anyone set foot on the earth!"

The spread of this news caused the whole city to be in turmoil.

"Oh my God, is there any way to survive?"

"I just received news from my son that he can no longer fulfill his filial piety to me."

"There are many disasters, many disasters, gods and Buddhas in the sky, please open your eyes and take a look!"

"God, give me a way to survive!"

They cried and begged.

There are also people who are passionately aroused: "What's the use of praying to gods and Buddhas? When have gods and Buddhas ever helped us? Let me tell you, we still have to rely on ourselves!"

He picked up the weapon he made: "If you are willing to help, if you are not afraid of death, follow me!"

At first, no one responded.

"Bah, you are a bunch of cowards!" He roared angrily: "Now that Baihu City is such a good place, everyone has hope and a future, so you are willing to give up like this?"

He glanced at everyone: "Where is your backbone? All the noble families are dead, and your backbone hasn't grown yet!"

People looked at each other, and one girl said weakly: "But, we are not extraordinary."

"That's right." A man also echoed: "What's the difference between going out and dying?"

"Death? Or we must die!"

The man roared: "So what if we are not extraordinary? We have also practiced basic cultivation methods. Although we are not in the first level, we are still better than a hundred years ago, right?"

"If the older generation dares to put bullets in their chests, can't we?"

As he spoke, he shed tears and saw countless cowardly eyes in despair.

He pointed back at the corner of the screen that broadcast the entire battlefield:
"Take a closer look, who are the children and parents of those extraordinary beings? Their youngest is still in high school."

"It's a shame for you to let a child protect you!"

These words touched an old man:

"I go!"

The old man is thin and old, but he can pick up a machete:

"I will die as soon as my old bones die. If I get a reputation as a coward, I will be cast aside by my ancestors even if I go to Jiuquan."

"I am coming too!"

A thin young man in the crowd also spoke:
"The disabled daughter-in-law of my family is pretty good-looking, and there must be someone to take care of her. Even if she can't kill the enemy on the battlefield, she will still make money if she can save an extraordinary person!"

"I go."

"I go!"

More and more people agreed, and more and more people were infected and ran outside Baihu City.

No one saw that the person who shouted first was missing.

This is how people are, and the polarization between the upper and lower limits of morality is too extreme.

They can be cowardly and wait to be slaughtered, or they can bravely risk their lives to die.

What is needed is nothing more than a herd effect.

"Lee Lauder, well done."

Ninth stood in the corner and patted his shoulder.

"Brother Ninth, are we too despicable?"

Li Luode still couldn't bear it: "If they go outside the city, they will really die."

"So what if I die?"

Ninth's eyes were deep: "I want their deaths to inspire the blood of everyone in Baihu City and let them pray to me for the last time."

"The power of faith is not enough, far from it. We must be prepared to face the fourth realm."

"Let's go." Ninth turned around and left: "Move a few more groups of people, I've already informed the Information Department."

Li Luode followed and found that the Ninth figure looked slightly cold, but also looked vicissitudes of life.

Perhaps at this moment, he understood how Chen Banxian was feeling.

If it weren't for the threat of the fourth realm, he wouldn't do this.

That group of people went to the battlefield.

The bloody battlefield shocked their cognition, and the cruel death made them tremble.

But they were bloody and resolutely joined the battlefield.

"There are many soldiers who are still alive but don't have the strength to go back."

The old man was shouting: "Let's get them back."

They rushed everywhere to find people who were still alive, even if they were discovered by aliens in the process, it was just one word: "Death."

But they were not afraid of death, and their brave back moved everyone in Baihu City.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, a voice from nowhere came: "Let's pray to the ninth god. He can awaken people and will definitely protect the soldiers!"

Words like this spread quickly throughout the shelter!Countless people recited Ninth's teachings, and just in time, footage of Ninth rescuing some extraordinary beings was broadcast live by the Ministry of Information.

This is definitely a confidence booster and it really works!

But in fact, the precious power of faith is just a show, and it is all stored by Ninth.

He was in the news department, and everyone in the news department covered their chests and lied in front of justice.

Zhang Peng cried while reporting falsehoods. He himself had defeated his own beliefs. He blamed himself but could not change.

Because he knows that this is the right answer to abandon the small family and live for everyone.

They could see the real death on the battlefield. Almost [-]% of those people died, but the people who were saved could not even account for [-]% of the dead.

Even so, they were still very happy and unwilling to leave.

At the beginning, the old man fell in the corner. From the beginning to the end, no one knew his name or what he did.

And the same is true for extraordinary beings.

They were guarding the entrance to the alien passage, but the opposite side launched a flood of attacks. Their number was too small.

There is not enough to fight, more and more aliens are coming, ammunition is exhausted, and physical strength is exhausted.

Especially those terrifying magic weapons and spiritual weapons, which were gifts from the fourth and even fifth and sixth realms. Even a top transcendent like Hua Xiwu suffered a big loss.

"Haha!" The alien prodigies besieged Hua Xiwu, leaving traces of blood on her body. The psychic armor and clothes had long been shattered.

"Little girl, you have a good figure."

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so big. It must be fun to play with."

They went to all lengths and used the most vicious words to insult.

Hua Xiwu was unmoved. She knew that once she was defeated, the Cang Cang Realm would really be unstoppable.

Even if she fights to the last drop of blood, she will not flinch. The so-called personal honor and disgrace are as insignificant as dust compared to it.

"Come and fight! Let your strength speak for itself."

The more she fought, the braver she became. Jianmu penetrated the Zangcang Realm and occupied the passage instead.

On the other side, in the original world, the five "instant high-level magicians" couldn't bear it any longer. They were covered in wounds, killing a thousand enemies and losing a thousand to themselves. Even with extraordinary healing, they couldn't withstand such exhaustion.

Su Yun came on stage, and the fairy light bloomed, overwhelming countless magicians.

But she was distracted and noticed that her disadvantages on the battlefield, which seemed to be at the top, were actually rootless.

How can their earth, a newly born city, block so many alien races?

She observed that Sun Haibo's side had been squeezed out of the overwhelming demonic energy, and Sun Haibo was being charioted by Dongzhou's genius.

Dozens of people fought against him, and the dense palace entrance was frightening to death.

When one person fell down and was exhausted, he was immediately replaced by another person. The flow was endless, and Sun Haibo had no time to care about him.

If this continues, sooner or later the other side will be able to send Earthlings to Earth to force them to break through to the fourth realm.

At that time, they will definitely lose, and the best outcome is for Baihu City to escape to Qingxuan Realm.

And in the worst ending, Baihu City became ruins.

"Damn traitor!"

She gritted her teeth and finally looked at the ring on her middle finger.

"Oh, I still lost."

She smiled miserably and put her thoughts into the ring.

After getting the response, Su Yun went crazy.

The fairy light blooming from her body almost covered the entire alien passage. She rushed into the passage and used her sword wildly.

She seemed to be angry and venting, but more importantly, she was sad.

She alone killed the foreigners so that they did not dare to approach.

"are you crazy!"

The strong man on the opposite side shouted: "You don't want your life? It's such a waste, you will die after exhaustion."

"You are the ones who must die!"

Su Yun opened and closed her fists, making her invincible and resistant to anything. There was blood everywhere.

The fairy is stained with blood and kills the world!
However, even if the extraordinary beings resisted almost madly, it was still to no avail.

High in the sky, big figures from all walks of life had cold eyes: "It's just a dying struggle."

"Even if it can be blocked for a while, can it be blocked for a lifetime?"

"It's sad, it's also a pity. The natives of this small world are still bloody, but it's a pity that they don't know their destiny."

They are aloof and indifferent to the world. They are indifferent to the death of their own sect disciples, clan members or people on earth.

They mostly go to see the priesthood in the distance.

As long as you get one, your future will be promising!
They can stand at the top of the world and their achievements are limitless.

Greed, endless greed.

Time passed, and the extraordinary ones took turns to play, from the initial attack to a stalemate, and then to defense.

Some places are starting to fall apart.

Su Yun was still terrifying. Her fairy light exploded, and even the great magician didn't dare to get involved.

Lights were lit in Baihu City, and countless people prayed under the statue of Ninth.

Little did they know that their prayers were in vain.

When the sky lit up again, the first place was lost.

It is the realm of mountains.

Then, the second place, Langhai Realm.

The third place is the world of the dead.

The fourth place, the fifth place, the sixth...

Like a dike bursting, like a mountain falling, finally, the extraordinary beings despaired, they could no longer hold on.

An endless stream of alien races come to the earth.

They could only retreat, abandon the second line of defense, and defend outside Baihu City.

Except for a few powerful extraordinary beings who were still rushing to kill, they could only discard a large number of corpses of their companions.

The remaining soldiers will be defeated and will have difficulty resisting.

"Drop antimatter bombs!"

Finally, Baihu City released its technological trump card!

(End of this chapter)

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