There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 256 Measuring the Water Column in 4 Squares

Chapter 256 Measuring the Water Column from Four Directions

The Daxia dragon bird roared, the antimatter bomb it carried was spherical, and the precision instrument circuits were exposed.

They are less than the size of a person, but they produce terrifying power when they fall.

There were constant roaring explosions, and materials were constantly being melted. Whether it was the ground or steel, they perished in the explosion.

Chen Banxian could only avoid the antimatter explosion, let alone these third-level transcendents.

For a moment, the geniuses who almost invaded the earth were "cleared".

"what is that?"

High in the sky, the eyes of the powerful men were filled with fear. This had completely surpassed the power of the third realm.

"Aha! It feels so good!"

The extraordinary people were delighted to see the effect. Many people were about to be overtaken and killed, but the enemies were frightened by the anti-matter bombs, allowing them to escape with their lives.

"Everyone, evacuate immediately!"

Administrator Liang Jian informed them: "It is difficult to make anti-matter bombs. This is the only chance to protect your own life as much as possible!"

After all, they were too slow to acquire the technology of advanced civilization.

Being able to create so much antimatter can only be said to be a miracle.

Many people with extraordinary brains almost died of exhaustion in the laboratory.

Rather than killing the enemy, it is more about shocking and saving people.

Liang Jian's eyes were indifferent, staring at the real-time battle broadcast in Baihu City. The place where he was was all projected.

Can accurately observe every corner of the battlefield.

"East District 8 is short of manpower, so we will transfer two teams from Districts 9 and 7."

"The top transcendent in South 3 is dead. There are three in South 7. Send one over."

"Fighter planes crashed into 63 ships. Immediately let the tanks drive up, block the gaps, and clear the ground with artillery fire."

"Take out those hydrogen bombs and throw them out as soon as anyone in the world makes any sign of a breakthrough."

He kept giving orders based on his lifelong experience, keen insight, and talent for controlling the battlefield, without even having time to take a sip of tea.

At this time, he seemed to have completely abandoned his personal feelings: "How is Shen Qinghe's side? How are the priestly monsters being dealt with?"

To him, anyone who hurts humans is a monster.

The adjutant immediately called up the surveillance screen and could see the situation high in the sky.

Shen Qinghe is not in good condition.

He was injured all over, and the original flag was in tatters and the flagpole was broken.

But he also holds other weapons of rules in his hands to fight against the priesthood with rules.

He knew these things too well, and all the weaknesses of the priesthood.

But his condition was so bad that after he came back, he seemed confused and his soul almost left his body.

Like a crab about to shed its shell, its original body is no longer suitable for him.

"Shen Qinghe, how are you doing?"

Liang Jian's voice came from high in the sky, asking if he could still persist.

"We can help you withstand it for two hours. You can take a rest first."


The confused Shen Qinghe forced himself to cheer up, and the light in his eyes flickered like a candle, but it never went out.

"I don't need a break!"

He almost broke his molars: "The four most dangerous priests haven't appeared yet, you guys can't stop them."

As he spoke, the light in his eyes suddenly went out for a moment before lighting up again.

"There are four square water pillars hidden under the waters of Baihu City. They have been there since ancient times. Every time the water dries up, some of them will leak out."

He held on to keep his body from falling: "These four-dimensional water column will turn into a terrifying priesthood, reviving part of the power of the four divine weapons in mythology. I can't rest now. If I fall asleep, I will never wake up again. "

When he said this, Shen Qinghe's face turned from pale to sallow, and his lips were black and blue.

Four magic weapons?

Liang Jian's face darkened again and again. He kept looking at the nine light spots in the sky, then at the white mist passage on the earth, and then at the small lake mountain where his priesthood was beheaded.

A heart keeps sinking into the bottom.

But he didn't show it at all, he just continued to mobilize troops to make up for the defense gaps.

Even if he dies, he must let the aliens know that the races on earth would rather die than surrender!

Even if he finally evacuates the other world, he will not leave. He is the chief administrator of the Baihu City Military Region, and he is the leader of the power of the country!

Everyone subconsciously ignored that he was over 50 years old and had not slept well for several days.

This is not a race against time, but a race against time!

Everyone is fighting for their lives and fighting for everything.

This shocked the nine great figures in the sky.

The Lord of Yunling Cave looked fearful: "If this world is given a chance to breathe, it will definitely be a bad wolf in the future."

Sect Master Zihan quite agreed: "Our world is connected to many small worlds, but none of them has such bloody nature. Aren't they afraid?"

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid they are afraid, but there may be something wrong with their brains. If they are afraid, they won't run away. Let's give up the priesthood and everyone will be happy, isn't it good?"

They saw that it was really unreasonable for these people from the small world to resist the killings of the priests while also resisting them.

If you have a big appetite, you will only strangle yourself to death.

The six-winged Feathered King of the Feathered Realm made no secret of the disgust in his eyes: "If you don't obey discipline, there will only be destruction."

"Haha, this is a race that is more oppressive and more resistant. It is going against the will of heaven. Either you die or I live."

Wan Xin, the elder of the Qingxuan Realm, sighed: "Only this kind of race can give birth to a talent as amazing as Fellow Daoist Chen."

"Hey, old guy, how powerful can you be that genius you keep saying?"

The Wood Demon King of the Green Wood Realm disdained: "I don't know how many days have passed. If you want to defy the heavens, you will only be ground down to the point where no bones are left."

They sneered: "The genius who cannot grow up, no matter how powerful he is, is just a gray dog ​​lamenting."

"That's not necessarily the case." Elder Wan Xin's eyes were cold and he didn't have a good tone towards the Wood Demon King.

"Also, who gave you the courage to call me a Taoist protector?"

He approached the space crack and said, "Our sect is facing the enemy, otherwise we will crush your world in an instant."

"What a big breath."

The Wood Demon King was not afraid at all: "If you are not afraid of cause and effect, come to me to settle accounts. I think you can afford a few Tianyin Sects."

They use the earth as their central hub, and they don't have any problems communicating with each other.

Speaking of Tianyin Sect at this time, Elder Wan Xin's face darkened.

"My sect master is the most talented person in the world. Even if two more Tianyin Sects come, they can defeat you, the Wood Demon Tribulation."

"So what if the heaven is a few levels stronger?"

He had a mysterious confidence in Chen Changsheng and believed that the sect master was invincible.

Elder Wan Xin turned his gaze from the space passage to the outside of the Taoist Sect. The light from the sky kept flying and colliding, seven or eight times.

Chen Changsheng used his Eighth Generation Hedao Realm to resist several Masters of Tribulation Overcoming and Great Cultivators. He did not show signs of weakness and was suppressing them.

"Freak! Freak!"

An old man blowing his beard and glaring during the Overcoming Tribulation Overhaul: "We haven't even entered the Tribulation Overcoming yet. You haven't even fully comprehended the Eighth Path yet, so you're suppressing us and beating us. Is it okay for you to finish the Tribulation?"

"I'm a freak? That's the stronger one you haven't seen yet!"

Chen Changsheng kept talking during the fight, trying to break their Taoist hearts and greatly reduce their fighting power.

There is a person in that small world who is more amazing than me. You must think about how to deal with it in the future after this karma is formed!

"I bother!"

The ancestor of the Yixie Sect sneered: "So what if he is a monster? That small world is no more than the upper limit of the golden elixir. I will wait until I take away his bones and become my nourishment!" Chen Changsheng looked at him as if he was mentally retarded: "You have overcome the tribulation and cultivated it. Did you come up by devouring bones? Have you become stupid by practicing evil arts?"

"Ahem, it seems not." The evil ancestor apologized:

"It's usually scary and easy to say, but no matter what, the priesthood of that small world is enough to become a sect's heritage, enough to keep the sect forever."

"Zongzhu Chen, it's unreasonable for you to seize the opportunity all by yourself and not let us get a share of the pie."

The other tribulation masters also knew that there was nothing they could do to him, so they stopped and hoped to persuade Chen Changsheng.

"We don't take too much, and we don't bully those lowly people in the small world. We send disciples from the same realm to bet on the priesthood. If we win, we get the priesthood."

"Heh, that sounds nice."

Chen Changsheng is really loyal: "If you win, you will get the priesthood, but what if you lose? So what?"

He looked at these old monsters: "Don't think I don't know that many disciples in your sect have been reincarnated and re-cultivated?"

"I've heard this plan in heaven and beyond."

"Oh, what should we do?" The Tribulation Overcoming cultivators directly looked through space and saw the earth: "Other worlds don't have the same rules as us. Look at them, they won't be able to hold on."

While speaking, each of the venerables saw the resurrecting priesthood under the waters in all directions of Baihu City.

"Tsk, tsk, four divine iron weapons are enough to become the treasure of the sect!"

Everyone has seen that although the four divine iron soldiers only have a trace of the charm of the weapons in mythology, if they are well cultivated, they may not be able to compete in the future.

Even in their Qingxuan world, they are invincible.

"Chen Changsheng!"

A big cultivator shouted: "Don't stop us. If we get into trouble, don't let me wait to sue my parents!"

They threatened: "You don't want the immortal general to happen, do you?"

"Bah! If you can't beat me, then Gao's parents?"

Chen Changsheng simply cast a mysterious light technique, which showed the scene of his previous worship:

"I've already informed the superiors that you'd better not use your power to overwhelm others."

These words made all the venerables look gloomy, and a large number of people from the Yi Zhengdao sect directly scolded: "Chen Changsheng, you are still shameless!"

"Aren't you afraid that the upper world will let you participate in the robbery?"

"Oh, don't be afraid."

Chen Changsheng was very proud: "My Eighth Generation Hedao's talent directly caught the attention of the Grandmaster, and he still looks down on it."


The Overcoming Tribulation Overhaul cultivators swore obscenities.

"Can a talented monster do whatever he wants?"

Chen Changsheng smiled shyly: "Yes, just do whatever you want."

The major cultivators were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood, but there was nothing they could do.

Qingxuan Realm was temporarily safe. Chen Changsheng looked at Baihu City again: "Fellow Taoist, brother, I am indeed loyal enough. I just want to see if you can hold on."

Outside Baihu City, Chen Banxian was still waiting. He kept closing and opening his eyes, his expression becoming more and more strange.

In an instant, I don’t know how many times I have been reincarnated, and the accumulated information is too terrifying.

But this was not enough, far from it. He knew that Baihu City would not be able to block those aliens.

It is inevitable to break through the upper limit of the fourth realm, and this is just the alien race, let alone the mysterious mirror world.

At this time, Lin Tian had reached the river. Looking around, this was a sea of ​​fresh water that could no longer be described as a river.

The endless, immeasurable water is rolling, and what was originally a rolling river has now become a tsunami.

The earth is still changing and expanding!
"Fortunately, I learned teleportation magic."

He chanted a spell and was attracted by his bloodline to the previous underground palace.

It was still quiet, nothing was out of the ordinary. He used a mirror to freeze the zombie in the water, and he quickly came to the location where the mural was.

Brother Xian told them to keep an eye on them. If they were born at this time, it would only add to the chaos.

But before he reached the mural passage, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Guest, it's not polite to come uninvited."

A woman in palace attire stood in front of him, looking a little strange.

The clothing lines on the body seem to be reversed.

Lin Tian's heart was beating wildly. A person suddenly appeared in this strange place. It was so strange.

He suppressed the fear in his heart, no matter how powerful he was, he was still in the third level, otherwise God would have killed him long ago.

He is also in the third realm and is not afraid.

"Sorry, I'm lost."

He made random excuses and moved closer to the water, hoping to escape.

It's not that he can't beat him, it's that he really can't beat him.

This woman gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, as if she could suppress him in the next second.

"Yes, I am indeed dangerous."

The woman in palace clothes chuckled: "This place is actually part of my mirror world, and the law of heaven will not pay attention to it."

Lin Tian's face fell, as red as a purple pig's liver: "Brother Xian, you cheated me again."

He didn't believe that Chen Banxian hadn't considered today's situation, and he must have had his purpose in calling him here.

Very good, now it seems that the purpose is to kill people.

"You don't want this expression."

As the woman sat down, a stool emerged from the mirror on the floor.

She said calmly: "In your words, the third realm and the fourth realm are too weak for us, not enough to allow us to transcend reality."

"However, we don't want the alien race to take away the opportunity that belongs to us. After all, this world is the world that raised us, and we are the real masters."

She hooked Lin Tian onto her finger with a slight hook: Lin Tian immediately raised his head, his eyelids twitching wildly.

This woman turned into a towering giant, and he, too small, sat on the ravine of her fingerprints.

"You have my Ying Goudao Yun in you, which can be regarded as blood. In this case, it can be regarded as destiny."

She leaned down and let go of Lin Tian, ​​staring at him with burning eyes:
"Are you willing to step into my way to win the fight? I will create the strongest body in the fourth realm for you. Even if the fourth realm from another realm crosses into my realm, it will still not be able to hurt your body."

This is the opportunity!
Lin Tian's left eyelid twitched wildly, and then Brother Xian's admiration in his heart was like a torrent of river water.

Brother Xian, my God!

He immediately prostrated himself: "It is my duty to save our home!"

The woman in palace clothes smiled: "Okay, let's start now. Judging from the battle situation, I'm afraid the alien race will enter the fourth realm tonight."

She held Lin Tian's hand: "Fortunately, the Endless Mirror Realm has been opened recently, and you still have enough time."


Here in Baihu City, the alien offensive is becoming more and more fierce. Even if a few hydrogen bombs are detonated, it will still be of no avail.

They still entered the earth.

High in the sky, Chen Banxian was in the middle of those light spots, motionless.

He didn't react at all to the cynicism and sarcasm of those big shots, he just kept accumulating.

There was a terrifying aura about him that was getting more and more frightening.

He still hasn't made a breakthrough, but it seems to be getting more and more dangerous.

Suddenly, the leader of the original world smiled and said:

"Haha, the fourth realm has been broken through."

(End of this chapter)

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