There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 257 Despair from the 4th Realm

Chapter 257 Despair from the Fourth Realm
As his voice fell, all the extraordinary beings and practitioners on earth subconsciously looked to the sky.

The upper limit of what can be touched in perception was just broken.

Outside the original boundary, the surviving Shen family members laughed wildly, "It's up to you, it's up to you!"

His body exploded and he only became the fourth realm for a second, but this was enough. The upper limit of the world was broken, and smiles appeared on the faces of all the aliens outside the passage.

"The fourth realm, haha."

"In the fourth realm, I'm here."

"The priesthood, the priesthood, is mine!"

The elders of Zangcang Realm's Shocking Four Seas Realm stepped forward and rushed directly into the earth.

The terrifying Taoist rhyme filled the air, and the buildings of Hua Xiwu were destroyed.

The power of the dozen or so elder masters who shocked the world was astonishing.

Any one of them can easily destroy Baihu City.

Hua Xiwu stood firmly in front of the entrance to the Zangcang Realm, with some tree roots wrapped around her body, covering the key positions.

In Dongzhou, the terrifying Four Extremes monks entered, Sun Haibo's demonic energy was defeated, and a genius walked proudly.

There are more geniuses behind him, all of whom are leaders in the cave.

"Ant, I have made you arrogant for a while. Now, are you more arrogant?"

In the strange world, there is a terrible strangeness coming, controlled by an unknown terrifying existence. As soon as it appears, tentacles grow out of the earth, polluting all life.

In the Qingmu Realm, a wood demon general beat away Liu Yeqing with pulsating footsteps.

In the Yuren Realm, the four-winged Yuren rushed into Baihu City in an instant.

In the original world, Su Yun coughed up blood, and she was attacked by surprise.

Seven or eight great magicians chanted magic and worked together to repel her. The fairy light dimmed and she flew backwards for thousands of meters.

She coughed up blood, the fairy light repaired the objects destroyed by the magical elements, and stumbled to her feet.

She pinched the ring in her hand, her expression getting darker.

The transformation was almost instantaneous.

However, it is not just the alien race, what is worse is the east of Baihu City. A huge pillar with a golden shovel rises, stirring the boundless water waves. That is the priesthood.

It was originally a stone pillar, but now it looks like a golden hoop with black iron at both ends.

The part above the water is towering into the sky!

He is a priest himself, turned into a black gold creature, and walked towards Baihu City.

"Let me go."

Shen Qinghe forced himself to gather his strength, and his small back sang tragically.

There are only three words that represent his determination.

At this time, he was only in the third realm, but the priesthood was already in the fourth realm, which was terrifying.

But he went anyway and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight. Soon there was a violent sound from there.


Almost instantly, Baihu City was in danger, surrounded by hundreds of fourth realms.

They immediately came to the sky above Baihu City, intending to pass through the white mist passage and destroy the city.

They had been holding their breath for too long, and they were already exhausted. So many of their own clansmen and disciples had died. Killing them ten times was not enough to relieve their hatred.

"Stop for me!"

High in the sky, Chen Banxian was carrying the plaque, and his voice echoed through the sky.

His state was very strange. Sometimes he was happy, sometimes sad, and sometimes annoyed.

"Where did the little things come from?"

A fourth level person looked down on him and thought he was just a third level person, so he was worthy of telling them to stop?

The demon general from the wood demon world took action decisively, piercing the distance with a wooden vine and sneering to kill Chen Banxian.

"Little thing, are you worthy of standing on my head?"

The wooden vine pierced the surface of the human body high in the sky. The corner of his mouth was cruel, as if he saw Chen Banxian being pierced.

"You guys are paying attention and pretending to be stubborn. You are really more disgusting than the bugs in the stinking ditch."

"After killing you, I will extract your souls and torture them to death to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Several Zhensihai Realm monks from the Cang Cang Realm looked at each other and quietly moved back.

They knew how Pei Dingfeng died, so they would look at the situation first.


There was a soft sound, and the figure in the sky didn't move. His fingertips touched the tip of the wood demon's vines, and he lowered his head.

The wood demon was surprised. He raised his head and saw that the man had nine great light spots on his back. His expression was indifferent and he sang in a dramatic tune:
"I told you, please stop!"

But he was not performing. When he finished speaking, the vine was covered with a layer of black energy, which spread all over the wood demon's body in an instant.

He said jokingly: "Death."

The wood demon's eyes were horrified. He suddenly exploded and was really dead.

"Whoever dares to take a step forward will die..."

"what happened!"

The strong men in the fourth realm realized something was wrong, and their expressions gradually became serious.

High in the sky, Master Zihan of the Cang Cang Realm said: "No matter how powerful he is, he is only in the third realm. What are you afraid of with so many of you?"

"Let's take action together, kill this official and then take away the priesthood."

After the words fell, everyone in the fourth realm also understood that they had almost been deceived just now.

Yes, no matter how powerful he is, he is still in the third realm. Even if he can kill people across levels, how many can he kill?

Just now, if someone had helped the Wood Demon General, he would not have died.

"This boy's talent is too terrible, he must die!"

A great magician said: "If he is still alive, everyone will be liquidated in the future. Let's go together and don't hold back."

"Let's go together!" The four-winged feathered people agreed. They took the lead and took action very quickly without any delay.

High in the sky, Chen Banxian's voice was no longer dramatic, but an indifferent middle-aged hoarse voice:

"I said, give me a refund!"

He took action, transformed into a fairy light god, fought against the feathered people, and severely injured a fourth-level man with his action.

But other feathered people arrived, and the aliens from the Cang Cang Realm were killed, followed by a large group of debuff magic from the original realm.

There was also the influence of the mysterious world, which was hard to guard against, and he suffered heavy losses in an instant.This is not the superposition of 1+1 enemies, but the geometric state of the interweaving of various Taoist rhymes, especially the magic of the original world, which fatally weakens him.

"Go back in time!"

He fell back for six seconds and dodged most of the magic attacks, but he was still surrounded.

Because there were too many people taking action, covering all his retreat options, he could only passively take the beating.

In the fourth realm, every statue is capable of suppressing boundless tsunamis and moving mountains and reclaiming seas.

Some are even the strongest in the world, but Chen Banxian can still resist one-on-one attacks. With so many people attacking him, he can almost only rely on the Fengdu Plaque and the extraordinary time and space to get beaten.

In Baihu City, countless people looked at the figure high in the sky and the miserable man.

They are silent.

A ghost cultivator who was killed by him sighed: "Although he killed me, there are no aristocratic nobles in Baihu City now, and they all have to rely on his contribution."

"Yes, I don't hate him, but I am grateful. Now we are fair."

"It shouldn't be like this. He has obviously done the most difficult thing, but we are isolating him."

People are noisy, but their moods are extremely complicated.

He does everything he can, but now it's him who's standing in front of them!
"Isn't it okay to watch him being beaten to death?"

Someone was crying, it was a girl supported by a wooden leg:
"Think of a way, there are so many people and there are so many people beating him up!"

She didn't understand the difference between the third and fourth realms. She only knew that the man was a good person and he was dying now.

"He killed the noble family and avenged the blood feud for me. I have been running away from him. He is just a murderer, not my benefactor."

Someone confessed: "But, he is always the one standing in front of us. How can I escape this fact."

"How many things he has done, do you still want me to tell you?"

The opinions in the North 14th District were the most intense.

"He gave me this life, so what if he kills innocent people? If you want to pay with your life, use my life to pay for it!"

More and more people are cleaning up Chen Banxian. They only see who is protecting all living beings at this time.

But... there are also people who are desperate.

"It's all dead anyway, useless, useless..."

The seriously injured extraordinary person sighed. He clearly knew the gap between the second realm and the third realm, let alone the current fourth realm.

"If we can't hold it, we can't survive. Perhaps as Boss Shen said, nearly [-]% of people will die because of their fate."

Don't blame them for being negative, it's just the reality, it's the fact.

They are all like children, and they may be able to hurt adults by trying their best, but what if there are hundreds of adults and only two or three children?

Despair was spreading, and someone's eyes were dark and flickering, and he suddenly moved and pushed the girl next to him.

"I'm going to die anyway, so just let me have fun!"

The girl resisted desperately, but the people around her were indifferent.

Even more and more people are joining in.

Men are like this, and so are women. They compete for good-looking boys, and men gradually become confused.

If you want to destroy people, you must first make them crazy, and they are already crazy.


Suddenly, a gunshot shocked everyone here.

They looked back blankly, only to see the law enforcers coming out and scolding them sternly.

"There is still hope in Baihu City, everyone must not be confused!"

"No, that's a lie! You're going to die and you still make me unhappy?"

The man who started the attack continued to be violent, and the next second a bloody hole exploded between his eyebrows, and he died.

The law enforcer put away his gun and repeated what he just said.

"There is still hope, we can't be chaotic."

When someone died, they calmed down.

Seeing that things had calmed down, the law enforcers breathed a sigh of relief and looked behind them.

Vaguely, a few people could be seen hiding in the darkness.

That's the Ninth Army.

The army that Chen Banxian originally proposed to create was of great help at this time.

However, the proposer was bleeding at this time.

He didn't even have a chance to take action at high altitude and fell into complete passivity.

Little did he know that others were more surprised than him.

"You can't do it!"

The elder of the Zihan Sect was shocked. He looked at his magical weapon and saw that it was full of gaps.

It can't be cut, it really can't be cut, that layer of fairy light will never be extinguished or dispersed!
"It's too hard. It doesn't look like a human body. It's even scarier than black iron."

"Ant, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

When those elders and geniuses took action, the space was torn apart, air waves came one after another, and countless missiles seemed to explode in the sky.

It seemed that they really couldn't impress Chen Banxian.

But his family knew about his affairs, and Chen Banxian's heart kept sinking. He could only pray.

Ninth, it’s up to you whether you can move Baihu City into Qingxuan Realm.

He was also desperate. He might be able to kill a dozen people in the fourth realm, but here, there are more than a hundred!
In the past, the earth would have been destroyed directly. If they all attacked him, he could hardly hold on.

A massive amount of Demon Summoning Sutra Qi is just a massive amount, and these people can burn mountains and boil seas.

He is also powerless in the face of absolute quantity, unless he is absolute quality.

Unfortunately, he is not.

The wounds were becoming more and more numerous and serious, and he was almost unable to repair them.

No one can help him, not even Bie Shuang, not even Liu Yeqing and his ilk, who are not even qualified to enter.

Ninth may be able to resist, but he cannot move.

As for Su Yun or Sun Haibo...

Su Yun?

What is she doing!
Chen Banxian saw from the corner of his eye that she raised her right hand high, and the fairy light was surging!

(End of this chapter)

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