Chapter 258 Soul-like Monster
"Boy, if you dare to be distracted at this time, you will die!"

An elder from the Tibetan Cang Realm hidden in the fourth realm roared and waved a black rune flag. The flag swayed so that people were fascinated and seemed to be about to leave the body.

Some souls whose fourth realm of weak cultivation were affected, swayed from side to side in an instant, and almost fell from the air.

High in the sky, Master Zihan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "It's over. I personally refined this green soul flag and passed it on to Elder Song."

"I see that this person's physical body is strong, but I don't know what his soul is like?"

The Green Soul Uncertain Flag was indeed powerful. Chen Banxian was swept by the flag, and something was pulled out of his body in an instant.

"Haha, you are still dead after I shook your soul out?"

The elder was overjoyed and shook the magic weapon even harder. However, at this moment, the soul that was gradually pulled out truly emerged from the water.

All the elders were frightened, especially the big shots in the Nine Realms. Some couldn't help but scream.

"what is this!"

They were too frightened to come near.

Elder Song held the flag in his hand, and his palms were sweating.

A black mass squeezed out from Chen Banxian's head, only a small part of it.

But that small part turned out to be thousands of heads, randomly pieced together softly, and different from men to women.

Sometimes there are women crying, sometimes men wailing, or feeling weird joy.

"Hiss! Does he want his life?"

The unknown person in the mysterious world could see it clearly: "Where did he get the last few souls and force them to merge into his own soul?"

"It's incredible that I haven't lost my soul yet."

It looked like a Crusu had been pulled out of a harmless doll.


Those souls suddenly laughed together, and their laughter was oozing.

Thousands of people shouted in unison:
"You... all! Want! Die!"

The soul struggled wildly from the body, tore apart, and was constantly squeezed out of the Tianling Cap. Its grotesque appearance made everyone in the Fourth Realm feel horrified!

Some people looked up to the sky: "Sect Master, what should we do!"

This sense of oppression is so strong that it makes people feel powerless to resist.

Everyone in Baihu City was stunned, almost unable to believe their eyes.

what is that?
They seemed to see a monster that was made up of countless human tissues. It was not human at all!
What the hell is that!
The person who spoke to Chen Banxian was also stunned, not sure if it was still the familiar voice in his memory.


The sound of waves sounded, and it was a pitch-black ocean, flowing beneath the blended monster, and pure black energy flooded the entire world.

Also drowned were the hundreds of Fourth Realm people.

"What's going on? Why can't I see it?"

Elder Song shouted in the darkness, his spiritual sense was covered, and Tao Yun was cleared.

But soon, his shouts turned into exclamations!
"What is this! What is this! Get away!"


He screamed, and stopped abruptly after two screams, followed by waves of fine chewing sounds.

"What happened, what happened! Why can't we get out!"

The strong men in the fourth realm moved frantically, trying to break out of the darkness.

But it was no use, they were locked up, and in the darkness, the sound of chewing continued, and there were constant screams.

There are majestic masters, big shots, elders, and geniuses. No matter what you send, it has no effect.

Death, chewing, there is a monster in the darkness that preys on their life, their path fruit.

In the nine light spots high in the sky, the faces of the big shots all turned ugly.

Even Elder Wan Xin was like this, and his heart was filled with an unknown feeling.

The darkness... lasted for nearly two hours before slowly dissipating, and the scene inside finally emerged before everyone's eyes.

However, in that weird scene, everyone in Baihu City and all walks of life felt that their cognition had been distorted and replaced by madness.

A chaotic monster, hundreds of meters in size, with only a trace of tail connected to Chen Banxian's body.

And around the monster, the elders' bodies were intact.

Moreover, they also showed heartfelt and clear smiles, as clear as a person's smile.

Those in the fourth realm are also pulled by a soul thread, no, perhaps it is appropriate to say it is infused.

They were filled with Chen Banxian's crazy soul and controlled by him. They all raised their heads and smiled at the sky:

"Hee...hey, you...all have to...die!"

That thing actually took the initiative to fly high into the sky, trying to get into the world of the great figures in the Nine Realms, and to devour those great figures just like the people in the Fourth Realm.


Elder Wan Xin's soul trembled. This terrifying thing actually gave him the urge to abandon his body and escape.

But for his priesthood, there are many strong men in other circles who are not inferior to him. If Chen Banxian goes there, he will definitely be killed.

The leader of the Zihan Sect tightened his grip, just waiting for him to approach, and then kill him with all his strength!

"Boy, go back quickly, you are crazy!"

Elder Wan Xin shouted for advice, but Chen Banxian turned a deaf ear, as if nothing had been heard.

The elder saw that the young guardian's soul was almost lost at this time, filled with other souls, and had lost consciousness.

He only makes choices based on instinct, killing...every enemy he sees!
"No, the sect master has told me that this kid cannot leave the earth."

Elder Wan Xin had no choice but to bow respectfully behind him: "Please also ask the guardian to take action."

He worshiped the one who had protected Chen Changsheng before.

A terrifying and powerful man who is in the Hedao Realm. He can overcome the calamity and ascend to the Immortal Realm as long as he completes the task of protecting the Dao.


The guardian nodded, but did not see any movement. The passages of the other eight realms became as hard as diamond.

Chen Banxian's mixed soul collided with him, and he was so stunned that he shrank back into his body in a daze.

This scene also made the big shots discover the clues.

"Haha, I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be the end of a strong crossbow!"

"After all, it is still the third realm. The counterattack of more than a hundred people in the fourth realm is already the limit, and I almost let you get through!"

They gave the order again: "All the geniuses and elders of the fourth realm must enter this realm and be sure to seize the priesthood!"


A large number of fourth realms crossed the space passage, and the dense number made everyone in Baihu City despair.

They counted, there were too many, too many, these were the secrets of other worlds, and they were even more terrifying than the previous numbers.

One...hundred...two hundred...

The quality of the fourth realm, which is more numerous, may be slightly inferior to before, but there is no difference now.

Where was that person from before?What about evil... Chen Banxian?
They looked up at the sky, but all they saw was a falling body.

He ran out of gas and the lamp ran out, and his consciousness completely fell silent.

It’s over, Baihu City is really over…

What was even more desperate was that there was a loud explosion in the distance. Shen Qinghe flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and hit a wall outside Baihu City hard. His words fell like a rag.

He was covered in scars, not a drop of blood could come out, it had already dried up.

The flag in his hand was shattered, the sword was broken, and the armor fabric on his body was shattered.

All the regular weapons were destroyed.

Shen Qinghe!
Everyone was trembling. If Chen Banxian represented evil, he represented fear.

That Shen Qinghe was their kindness and respect.

is their belief.

However, at this moment, Shen Qinghe's energy was like a thread and he was unable to fight anymore.

He is too tired.

He fights the priesthood alone without anyone's help. Now that the upper limit of the priesthood has exceeded the fourth level, he is reborn and no matter how amazing he is, he cannot change it.

Shen Qinghe reluctantly moved his fingers and murmured.

"Could it be that... in the end... it's still impossible to change...?"

He wanted to cry, but he couldn't shed any tears.

He was completely dried up, his limbs were severed, his organs were reduced to pulp, and his heart was broken.

His dull, pale pupils looked into the distance, with a golden stream of light.

In Baihu City, people were crying and trembling.

Looking at the person in the picture, it felt like my heart was being ripped apart. "Shen Qinghe, stand up!"

"Shen Qinghe! Come on!"

I don’t know who is shouting, but gradually, more and more voices are heard.

"Shen Qinghe! Get up!"

"Brother Shen, don't sleep."

"Brother Shen, get up quickly!"

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen! Shen Qinghe!!!"

Calling one after another, the voices of everyone in Baihu City turned into a river of faith, watering the dry body.

The fragments are being repaired, and the blood residue is being reborn.

This is a special situation that only exists in the world where Heaven is watching.

High in the sky, the eyes of the great figures from the Nine Realms did not waver, and they did not look at Shen Qinghe.

They set their sights on another figure on the earth, dead, silent, lonely, and uncared for.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity."

Sect Master Zihan's voice was full of pity: "After doing everything, I ended up in the wilderness with corpses."

"The people in this small world are also stupid. If he recovers, I'm afraid we will still be nervous. Although this other person is also outstanding, he is not amazing in the end. He is far inferior."

"What are you drawing?"

The leader of the original world sighed: "God of the wood element, look at the world, your light must spread into this ignorant world."

The strong men in the fourth realm from all walks of life frowned. Seeing that Shen Qinghe was about to recover, some wanted to take action.

"Wait a moment."

The person next to him grabbed him and said, "Look at the distance."

"far away?"

The man turned his head and saw a stream of light flying towards him.

"Shen Qinghe, come on!"

"Shen Qinghe, come on!"

They burned with hope.

"Shen Qinghe, Shen..."

Suddenly, everyone's voices stopped.

A golden stick flew from a distance and pierced Shen Qinghe's heart.

In an instant, all hopes were dashed with one blow.

The golden stick grew bigger and stood firmly on the ground. Shen Qinghe was torn apart, and his broken body was buried in the ruins without any hope.

In the blink of an eye, the fire in the hearts of the crowd was extinguished.

"It's over."

Someone was sitting slumped on the ground.

"I worked so hard to move from Baihu City. I was terrified day and night and struggled to survive. In the end, I couldn't change my death."

"My father gave me food, my mother gave me food, and they used their lives to keep me going. In the end, I failed them."

"The world is fake, everything is fake, fake!"

"After all, we can't change all this. We humans have no hope..."

Countless people are disheartened and no longer have hope.

When the foreigners from the Fourth Realm arrived outside Baihu City, there was no longer any obstruction and they were able to flow freely.

They were condescending: "Come out of the people inside. You have completely lost hope. Surrender obediently and we can make you slaves."

"Haha, a small world is a small world. No matter how tenacious you are, it's just in vain."

"The qualified ones can be accepted as disciples. For the others, our Zihan Sect is short of cauldrons. Please give me some face."

Some people smiled evilly and stretched out their hands directly to fish out the survivors and satisfy their appetite.

No one said anything, everyone seemed to have accepted their fate.

However, at this moment, the statue of the ninth god next to them was glowing.

A faint shimmer, gradually becoming richer.

A person walked out of Baihu City, it was Ninth. He was like a real god, with compassionate eyes and calm as water.

The entire Baihu City was spread in this light, and the white mist passage was actually shrinking.

He had a canopy of faith above his head, and the power of faith flowed out, and he wanted to lift Baihu City by himself.

He wanted to fulfill Chen Banxian's instructions and let the survivors go to Qingxuan World to develop.

"bring it on."

Elder Wan Xin sighed. He kept staring at the man on the ground, hoping that he would stand up again.

However, his soul is lost and exhausted. Even if he can survive, will he... still be him?
Spiritual energy, great wisdom, great perseverance, and great luck. If one of the six is ​​missing, can we still be amazing again?

"Humph, you want to escape without asking us?"

A fourth-level prodigy made a move at some point to interrupt the ninth.

"Go away!"

Sun Haibo had a broken arm, and he was injured to block this fourth level attack.

But he was in the third realm after all. His chest was collapsed and he fell to the ground where he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"It's interesting, let's see how long you can resist."

The fourth realm took action again, but swords flew in Baihu City, and Shi Youlong coughed up blood. He was even worse, half of his body was lost.

But he still blocked the blow.

"I see there are still a few of you coming forward."

The fourth level genius is not in a hurry, he likes the pleasure of crushing.

In Baihu City, one person after another walked out.

"There is me!"

Liu Yeqing walked out.

"A woman of the female class." Those in the fourth realm laughed.

"There is me."

Amid laughter, Bie Shuang walked out.

"And me." Hua Xiwu changed into armor.

"And me." Die Yunfei moved with a pale face.

"And I."



More and more extraordinary beings are coming out, those who can be called by name, those who cannot be called by name, the third realm, the second realm, the first realm...

They were all walking out, swearing poisonous oaths:
"God's way is above! If one person lives in our Baihu City today, he will fight with all walks of life until death, and his descendants will be endless!"

"The way of heaven is above, we will fight until death!"

"Never die!"

The fourth level genius sneered: "Oh, if you only talk big words and are not afraid of death, then they will all die!"

He didn't want to play anymore and planned to wipe it all out.

In fact, these words and this look actually made his heart waver.

He waved his hand, and a divine light flew down, trying to smash everyone.

However, at this time, a person flew from the distance, and Lin Tian roared!


The earth has changed too much. He tried his best to rush forward, but it was still too late!


There was a clash of gold and iron, and Lin Tian flew backwards, but he was fine, with scarlet eyes and fangs sticking out of his mouth!

"You bastards are looking for death! You are looking for death!"

He saw what was happening here early, but he was too late and couldn't do anything!

"Ninth, move to the city quickly! I'll help you stop them!"

(End of this chapter)

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