There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 259 Chen Banxian: Die together

Chapter 259 Chen Banxian: Die together
"It's just a small area, and little bugs keep popping up. It's really annoying!"

The genius of the fourth level took action again, but Lin Tian was strong, and his body was not injured at all, but he was not allowed to interrupt the ninth action.

Another iron knot that cannot be broken!

"Everyone, what are you still doing?"

Tianjiao said: "This city is being carried away by some unknown means, and you still watch the show. Aren't you afraid of being punished by your elders?"

The other foreigners in the Fourth Realm heard this and reluctantly took action.

It's not that they don't want to end the fight altogether, but they are afraid.

They were afraid that another Chen Banxian would appear. The hundreds of deaths in the fourth realm had really frightened them.

Although it is only a small world, there are also real dragons in this small world.

No, there really are dragons!


A huge black dragon that covered the sky and the sun flew out from Baihu City and rushed towards Chen Banxian's figure on the ground desperately.

"Flood Jiao!"

Die Yunfei stretched out his hand and said angrily: "Fang Ping, didn't you stop her? What are you doing?"

In Baihu City, Fang Ping rushed out: "Guess what, my conscience is still there and won't let her and I give up Han Xian."

He kept walking and rushed towards Chen Banxian.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I can't stop your dragon. I have no choice but to keep her and you alive before I die."

He faced the high-altitude Fourth Levelers alone and roared: "I, Fang Ping, have never been defeated since my debut!"

"Come to fight!"


The Fourth Realm frowned, then sneered and took action.

They no longer held back. They had been frightened by the huge black dragon just now, and the result was that they were in the third realm.

The dragon came to Chen Banxian's side, screaming incessantly, with tears in his eyes, and entangled with his body to protect Chen Banxian.

Even if she dies, she will die before him.

"Ouch, you brat."

The sword spirit was on one side and sighed when he saw this scene. He had already tried his best to stop Jiao Jiao.

If his soul reincarnates, Chen Banxian may not necessarily die, but if Jiaojiao dies, how can that kid forgive him?
Infinite light falls.

Youhu, at this moment, Su Yun suddenly stood in front of all the lights, blocking the front of Baihu City.

She shouted with absolute determination on her cold face:

"If you don't take action, you will let me be buried with Baihu City!"

As soon as the words fell, the ring in her hand trembled, and then a supreme majesty filled it.

Just for a moment, all the light was consumed by this majesty.

High in the sky, the sect masters and monks of the nine channels were horrified.

Just a breath, across the world, made them unable to move.

"I am the only one in heaven and under heaven..."

The guardian behind Elder Wan Xin murmured, his pupils widened: "Immortal..."

"No, not a fairy!"

The Lord of Yunling Cave in Dongzhou trembled: "I have only seen it in ancient records. This is the power of the emperor. This is... the power of the emperor!"

They were trembling, speculating, and unclear, and at this moment, someone walked out of the ring.

It's unremarkable, just a projection, even very illusory.

Xuying smiled at Su Yun and said, "Holy Princess, why do you have to go to war over a mere ant?"

"They live, I live."

Su Yun only had these five words to express her position.

"it is good."

Xuying nodded: "I can take action, but you have to come with me and can't stay on Earth anymore."

"This is what you and the Holy Son agreed upon."

Su Yun bit her lower lip, tears streaming from her eyes: "Okay."

She answered, and finally glanced at the body wrapped in dragons in the distance.

"But I have one more request, save him."

"Small things."

Xuying nodded and looked at the sword next to the man.

"It's rare, but it's a pity that you can't mess with the things behind it."

The sword spirit narrowed his eyes: "It's really a good skill to deceive the great formation and deceive the way of heaven. I think Su Xiaonizi's power is not small."

He sneered: "This girl is obviously related to the gangster. It's unclear. If you want to take her away, you have to ask the kid if he agrees."

"Jiaojiao, don't lose me." He warned, and then dropped a large amount of life crystal dew and poured it into Chen Banxian.

It fell to the ground with a "clang", and even its face could not be seen.

He finally said weakly: "Boy, I've spent a lot of money."

Under the water of life crystal dew, Chen Banxian slowly woke up. In fact, he could always see it, but he was unable to control his body and was interfered by other consciousnesses.

The blood spring experienced a large number of life reincarnations, and each one was him, but in fact, each one was not him.

His consciousness was still a little blurry, but soon, he fully understood everything on the battlefield.

"Su Yun..."

Chen Banxian shouted: "Can you make people worry-free every day?"

Behind him, a blood-colored spring water glowed, resisting the emperor's power, and shouted: "Go back to Baihu City!"

He cursed and kept getting closer, but Su Yun's eyes remained calm.

"Banxian, I once told you that my flying immortal body did not come from awakening extraordinary abilities."

There was no emotion in her eyes: "I fell into a different space, my soul was torn apart, and by coincidence, I merged with the remaining soul of the Holy Princess of a Holy Land. I... am no longer Su Yun."

She told the whole story, and it turned out that this was the reason why she broke up with Chen Banxian.

"Her soul is weak and we are no longer separated from each other. It is her will to protect this planet. Now, I will help the earth solve this problem, and she should give up her obsession."

"What a bloody fart!"

Chen Banxian shouted angrily: "Who the hell wants you to help labor and management solve the earth's troubles!"

He became furious: "Give me back my Su Yun!"

"Why don't you understand?"

Su Yun's eyes were very strange. She was not the same person as before: "My status is extremely valuable and cannot be compared to a small creature like you. Don't you understand?"

"Su Yun is dead. Her memory is only more than ten years old, but my memory lasts for tens of thousands of years. Do you understand?" "I understand your ass."

Chen Banxian came to her and cursed: "How can we integrate, how can we separate labor and management?"

"I don't believe that I can't save her with my priesthood!"


Xuying took a step forward: "If you are rude again, your world will be wiped out."

"I'm Hui Nima."

Chen Banxian's chest rose and fell violently: "Ninth, are you okay?"

He was asking: "Why bother moving a city? I'm going to make a big move!"

"All right."

Ninth has brought Baihu City into the Qingxuan Realm, and used the power of faith to forcefully pull away the extraordinary beings outside.

At this time, Chen Banxian had a ferocious expression on his face. Facing the Xu Ying Emperor's power, Su Yun, and everyone from all walks of life, he was furious!

"Provoke me, force me, and don't teach me a lesson! Both labor and management will perish!"

He raised his head and roared into the sky: "Oh my God, I'm going to draft this! Open your fucking eyes and see what kind of bloody plot this is!"

At this moment, Diwei Xuying was scared.

"how dare you……"

This is not the will of heaven and earth in their world, but the way of heaven, the true way of heaven!


The sky and the earth roared, and the thunder instantly penetrated the Emperor's formation, but this was not the end yet.

Chen Banxian continued to curse, and the sky opened its mouth, and cold and ruthless eyes looked down.

The world-destroying fairy light fills the air.

The power of God cannot be insulted.

"Crazy, crazy!"

As soon as the big figures from all walks of life broke free from the imperial power, they were immediately frightened by the power of heaven. All the foreign warriors in the fourth realm were instantly wiped out.

Xuying was anxious and could only open the space channel and send Su Yun away.

The next moment, the phantom also dissipated. When he finally looked at Chen Banxian, he saw the world-destroying light above Chen Banxian's head transformed into a palm.

"Pa" gave him a big scratch, which made Xuying a little confused.

He could no longer see it, everything had disappeared, and the place was plowed thousands of feet deep and filled with endless lake water.

Dead silence, dead silence.

The space created by the great figures of the Nine Realms was torn into pieces.

On Earth, those passages were also forced to return to their original condition.

The recovery of Tiandao further deepened.

The sword spirit was covered in darkness and fell to the ground again. There was smoke everywhere and was burned red by the world-destroying fairy light.

Then he still couldn't get over his anger and continued to output weakly: "Bitch, I'm not afraid that you made a mistake in your calculations!"

"TMD, what if labor and management fail to protect you?"

"You bastard, let me see where you are reborn. Master Jian, I will kill you again!"

He was flying up and down, and as a result, he was quickly stunned.

Under the pit, Chen Banxian stuck his butt out, with a big slap mark on his face. He was so red that his teeth were all broken.

But he's...still alive.

"Damn it!"

The sword spirit was horrified: "So it's okay to scold? Something is wrong, this is wrong!"

"Shouldn't Heaven kill the mastermind? Even if it kills other people, it will only reveal the remaining power at most."

"But there is so much death all around, and the mastermind is still alive after yelling and scolding?"

He couldn't believe it, it was all confusing.

"Unless...the way of heaven is broken?"

The sword spirit guessed in a low voice, and then, thunder suddenly fell from the sky.


"God, please forgive me!"

The sword spirit instantly gave up and did not dare to discuss or speculate any more.


When Jiaojiao woke up from the power of heaven, she immediately looked for Chen Banxian, came to his side, and carefully wrapped her body around him to protect him.

At this time, the great figures in the Nine Realms were still in shock and trembling.

They wanted to go to the other side of the space channel to see what the result would be.

But they dare not.

The true power of God cannot be touched, even a glance can make people's soul split.

"This time, it's a fall."

Sect Master Zihan sighed, he didn't expect that the background of a small world could be so big.

"There really is no such thing as a higher world."

The moment the phantom appeared, all the realms surrendered and remained motionless. Time and space were suppressed, and everything was frozen.

To act differently is to be disrespectful.

However, what really surprised them was Chen Banxian's madness.

How dare he die together and summon the way of heaven!

Under the law of heaven, the true spirit will dissipate, and will never leave consciousness, and even similar flowers will not bloom.

They were severely injured and injured just by scratching under the residual power. For a short time, they should not think about the priesthood of the small world.

The Fourth Realm people they brought were even more dead.


The Lord of Yunling Cave Heaven retreated from the other world and returned to the Chenyun Cave Heaven territory.

Yun Shang originally thought that they would return home with a full load of priesthoods, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"What happened?" Yun Shang asked: "Sect Master Yun Ling was injured so seriously?"

The Lord of Yunling did not speak, but waved his hands and walked away.

He was afraid that it would be seen that not everyone in Dongzhou was a good person.

"Master, don't leave." Yun Shang stopped in front of him with evil eyes: "Let's have dinner before leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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