There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 260: 4 priests compete for 2 ritual energy

Chapter 260 Four priesthoods compete for two ritual qi

A battle broke out in Chenyun Cave Heaven on this day, and it was reported that more than six elders died.

The surrounding caves and paradise thought that an opportunity had come.

But randomly, Yun Shang Yun Gong made a strong move and occupied Yun Ling Cave. Only then did people know that the cause of the war was actually the Lord of Yun Ling Cave!
In the blink of an eye, a cave changed its owner. Such a major event caused a lot of turmoil in Dongzhou.

In the wood demon world, power changes, and it is said that the wood demon king is captured.

In the Yuren world, the old Yuren abdicated.

The shocks in other realms are also not small. All this is due to the opportunity of the small realm of the earth.

No, it cannot be said to be a small world now.

The entire Baihu City stands on a high mountain, with a vast freshwater sea below.

Baihu City should be renamed Baihai City at this time.

The fourth realm of all the great forces from all walks of life is almost extinct. This is a terrible loss and a huge hemorrhage. For a while, no one dares to take the attention of the earth.

The faces of all the big shots were dark and full of bad luck.

They have mastered the "big killer weapon" that will kill them all!
The large-scale encirclement and suppression was perfectly targeted by Tiandao.




The leader of the Wood Elemental Cult said damn it three times in a row, but he couldn't relieve his anger at all.

"You're just relying on the rules of freshman, how dare you do this!"

"And there are terrifying powerful forces hidden in that small world, damn it!"

The storm was fleeting, and the Holy See, the God of Wood Element, withdrew from the Forest of Woyuan. It was turbulent when it came, but it was terrible when it left.
All flags and drums ceased, looking like a defeated dog.

But... the crisis in Baihu City has not been resolved.

Four huge sky-reaching pillars stand in all directions, descending into the sea and rising into the sky, with no end visible at all.

It's too big and too scary.

Priesthood...the last four priesthoods!

It's just that the terrifying power of Heaven made these four priests dare not move at all, for fear of offending God.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao dissipated, and the four priesthoods began to take action.

I saw a purple-gold divine pillar shaking and falling towards the original site of Baihu City.

This fall will destroy many buildings outside the city and how many efforts will be made!

Many scientific and technological equipment, many laboratories, etc. are all outside the city and have not been moved away.

But at this time, another white jade giant pillar fell down, blocking the way of the purple gold giant pillar.


At the point of contact, there was first a big explosion, and then there was a terrible air wave and cloud explosion. The contact alone was no less than a nuclear bomb explosion with an equivalent of hundreds of thousands of tons.

If the Qingxuan Realm and other realms did not have the space white mist as a buffer barrier, they would probably suffer huge losses!

However, this was not the end, the third giant pillar fell.

This huge pillar is the least impressive, looking plain black iron in color, but the power of falling is no less powerful than the other two.

Another explosion was powerful enough to destroy the previously smaller continent, but it could not shake them at all.

They seemed to be fighting for something, they all wanted to be the first to fall, and they all wanted to compete for the original site of Baihu City.

What is there?
However, at this time, the last bright golden pillar fell.

He penetrated Shen Qinghe and completely crushed his body. Now it underwent a strange change and fell towards Baihu City.

What else is there on the original site of Baihu City?
It actually caused four terrifying divine weapons to fight for it.

However, these four magic weapons were buried in ancient times when water was measured. There was no distinction between strong and weak, and even if they fought to the death, they could not change the situation of the battle.

They were stalemate, stalemate in mid-air, stalemate above the original site, and at this time, something different finally filled the air at the original site of Baihu City.

A black and white aura, very small, so light that it was about to dissipate, floated out from under the city.

In an instant, all four giant pillars pressed down, and they all went crazy and wanted to fall!
Trembling, explosions, the earth shakes and cracks, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas surge, apocalyptic disasters occur here.

Those originally huge passages from all walks of life were now as small as dust in comparison, and most of them were shattered by the aftermath.

No wonder Shen Qinghe couldn't defeat it. Such a huge fourth-level priesthood was no longer humanly capable of contending.

Each one of them is more terrifying than the mountains. It is not enough to describe them as if they move at this time, the sky will collapse.

Suddenly, a stream of light flew out from Qingxuan Realm!

This stream of light was frighteningly fast, crossing a distance of tens of thousands of miles in an instant and arriving at the intersection of the giant sticks!
It turned out to be a sword spirit!
He controls light, cuts through space and time, and carries two people and a dragon.

The dragon is Jiao Jiao, and the people are Fang Ping and Chen Banxian
"Kid Cube, hurry up, the intersection of purple gold and white jade is left to you!"

"Jiaojiao, throw that bastard into that black and white energy!"

The sword spirit was shocked: "Damn it, labor and management have spent a lot of money to stop that hardcore magic weapon!"

In an instant, the sword man and dragon dispersed, the sword spirit's body surged, the German characters on his body glowed, and terrifying energy fluctuations rolled up.

He knocked away the iron magic weapon with a "ding", rolled out of the battlefield, and smashed the sky-reaching giant sword and stick into the sea in the distance!

"Damn it, I didn't expect this sword master to be so stupid!"

Fang Ping was quite shocked, but he was not idle either. He came to the intersection point of the white jade and purple gold pillars and shouted:
"Good! Knowing! Not! Lost!"

He alone held down two magic weapons that even Shen Qinghe could not deal with.


The dragon roared, and the golden pillar fell behind her. She could hardly catch up!
But she gritted her teeth, burned the dragon's blood, and activated the True Dragon Flying Skill. The speed became faster and faster, like an accelerating meteor, slamming into the black and white qi!
In her eyes, there was only the man in her arms, his eyes were as gentle as water, and his blood was burning and drying up.

That sword said that the soul in Xianxian's body was torn apart and was no longer balanced. He was destined to sink for the rest of his life, and there was basically no chance of finding himself again.

But he didn't expect that the power of God would wipe out the resurrected priesthood under Baihu City, and even lead to a qualitative change in his destiny and the destiny of mankind, leaving a trace of Liangyi Qi.

As the saying goes, chaos produces Wuji, Wuji produces Tai Chi, and Tai Chi evolves into two forms.

These two rituals are the qi mother of one yang and one yin. They are called Tai Chi at the top and the Four Symbols at the bottom.

He is an extremely precious treasure that can be comprehended but not touched, seen but not obtained. Only when the heaven and earth are first opened can the true form be revealed.

He can forcefully balance the soul in Chen Banxian's body, and he may be able to seize a chance!
Xianxian cannot die!
The dragon's blood was boiled away, but he was about to be overtaken by the golden pillar!

She went crazy, opened her mouth and spat out the demon pill, and could vaguely see the shape of a dragon within it!

The demon pill shattered, and Pang Ran's energy filled the air. She increased her speed again, and brought Chen Banxian into the second air!

Most of the black and white energy was swallowed up by Chen Banxian, and Jiaojiao was tainted by it. She stayed far away, unwilling to compete for Xianxian's opportunity.

Even if she knew that this black and white energy was extremely precious, it was an opportunity that she might never encounter again in her life.

The sky was dark, and the giant pillar finally fell.

She used the last of her strength to hold up the scales on her chest and block the giant pillar for him...

"Boom!" The golden pillar fell, covering everything!
He still caught up, with a slight difference, but only occupied a small part.

Everything calms down...

Over there, the sword spirit suppressed the black iron priest tightly, and the sword cut into the giant pillar, cutting tightly.

Here, Fang Ping activated his ability. Without further explanation, the golden pillar seemed to have changed. It was silent and motionless, while the light was flowing on it.

dead silence...

In Qingxuan Realm, the unprecedented battle is not over yet.

Chen Changsheng is too strong!

He single-handedly suppressed the Tribulation Ancestors and beat them wildly. The eighth path in his body was becoming more and more perfect, and he had the urge to support war with war and achieve enlightenment.

"Damn it! He's taking advantage of our enlightenment!"

Who here is not an ancestor?Who has no knowledge?The more Chen Changsheng fought, the stronger he became, and the more he fought, the more powerful he became. In the end, he already had a vague power to overcome the tribulation!
"Stop, Chen Changsheng, Chen Laogou, stop!" An ancestor who had overcome the tribulation turned pale. He looked up at the sky, and there was a faint wave of the tribulation on his body.

"Fellow Taoist, you actually have such a talent?" The ancestor next to him was surprised.

"What a talent!" The ancestor looked aggrieved:

"Chen Changsheng is about to overcome the tribulation. Arouse the critical tribulation energy in me. If the fight continues, we will prepare to face the superimposed tribulation!"

Overcoming the tribulation is the last time a creature accepts the test of heaven, some three times, some four times, and some as many as an astonishing nine times.

It's different every time, but lightning strike is the easiest.

The number of times does not represent talent, but only luck and cause and effect.

We are afraid of heart calamity, emotional calamity, greed, anger, ignorance, cause and effect, etc.

Everyone's catastrophe is different, but if so many people go through the tribulation together, it will definitely be the extreme end of the nine heavenly tribulations. Every disaster is the convergence of all things, and death is inevitable!
"Chen Changsheng, stop, stop fighting!"

The ancestors screamed, in fact, everyone was filled with calamity, and everyone might be dragged to the burial in the next second.

Tribulation follows catastrophe, catastrophe leads to catastrophe, which is no different than throwing a grenade into a magazine of explosives.

"I'll stop when you say stop?"

Chen Changsheng is not afraid at all: "In my eight reincarnations, except for the heavenly tribulations, all the tribulations I have to go through have been completed. The worst I can do is to be struck by lightning."

"Eighth reincarnation is amazing!"

The ancestors went crazy, and the leader of the Yi Zhengdao sect could no longer bear it: "If I don't fight you, I won't let you fight!"

He quickly tore open the space and left. As soon as he left, there was lightning and thunder in the space that had not yet been closed.

Small circles in several dimensions were wiped out by lightning.

Once they take action, they can just reach for the stars and the moon with ease.

Slow down, everyone present will be cold.

An ancestor took a breath of cold air and said: "The descendants will have their own blessings. Old man, I don't want the ancestral sacred object anymore, you can take it."

The ancestor who was the leader of the sect just now was so powerful that he forced himself to run far away before overcoming the disaster.

What if someone didn't suppress it?He doesn't do dancing on the tightrope.

"Go, go!"

More and more people are leaving, and the remaining ancestors have to admit a fact no matter how unwilling they are.

With their number reduced by half, they could not defeat Chen Changsheng, so they could only be beaten passively.

"Chen Changsheng, you BT, hurry up and ascend to the upper world!"

They left, no longer entangled.

Finally, he stared hard at Baihu City within the Taoist Sect's formation.

It was really bad luck for a mere small world to find Chen Changsheng as a backer.

"Bah, don't run away if you have the guts!"

Chen Changsheng shouted, but he couldn't chase people, just because the next second he turned on the tribulation mode and could only go to Tianwaitian.

In fact, he is also suppressing his cultivation. If he really wants to kill these ancestors, it is okay that he is still in the Qingxuan Realm. If he ascends, Taoist Sect will probably be targeted miserably.

At this time, Ninth and Lin Tian were being received in Baihu City.

Elder Wan Xin poured a cup of tea for the two of them and quietly avoided Lin Tian.

The divine light in his eyes was flowing, and the center of his brows was beating. If the protector of the sect master was not still there, he would definitely turn around and leave.

In fact, these two people are each covered with a strong power of faith, just like the gods of incense and fire.

The other person was filled with sinister aura, full of evil, and had the body of a zombie.

Such a combination is quite explosive wherever it is placed, representing two extremes.

Anyone who comes out will stir up the turmoil in the cultivation world. If it weren't for the sect master's order, he planned to ignore it and turn a blind eye.

But now he had to meet the two of them.


Ninth said dryly and glanced at Lin Tian.

You should say something, he is not good at this kind of situation.

But with tens of millions of lives in Baihu City, they had to choose to come forward.

"Hello, hello." Elder Wan Xin nodded and took a sip of tea.

Ninth took another sip of tea.

Silence, still silence.

Ninth found another topic: "The aftermath of the previous incident was okay, right?"

"No problem, no problem, the sect leader's guardian took action and closed the passage in time."

"Drink tea."

"Well, okay, let's drink tea."

There was silence again.

No one knew how to start his rhetoric. In the end, Ninth simply kicked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was confused, "What?"

"You tell me." Ninth pushed him forward.

Lin Tian came back to his senses: "Okay."

All they were talking about were the future resettlement issues in Baihu City.

Qingxuanjie said that Baihu City could be placed near the sect to connect the trade routes of other cities.

Some people who want to become immortals can also join the Taoist sect if they have the qualifications and spread their branches.

The result was good, but they were not happy.

In Baihu City, every household is hung with white silk, and the streets are filled with plain silk.

A huge monument of heroes was built. On it are all the people who died in this battle, including extraordinary people and ordinary soldiers.

But the highest one is Shen Qinghe's name and profile picture.

On the street, the parade held Shen Qinghe's portrait and broadcast all his great deeds, decisions, and remarks.

Everyone implements his thoughts, practices his words, and learns from his qualities. At the same time, every household worships and worships him.

Maybe, this way he can come back.

The curling incense of the sacrifice floats into the Hundred Lakes City on Earth.

At the same time, in Baihu City, the priests who were beaten by Shen Qinghe were successfully integrated. They were the first batch of people to enter the fourth realm.

With the help of the priesthood, their combat power can be raised to the limit of the earth, and they have the strength to stand on the earth.

Only after they all enter the fourth realm and stabilize, Baihu City may be able to move back to Earth.

This decision was unanimously approved by everyone.

The technology of Dianbi Civilization has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and everyone is holding back their anger. They are unwilling to rely on others. Compared to Qingxuan World, they are actually outsiders.

They must return to Earth!

Everyone is working hard, and after experiencing the disaster, they squeeze themselves even more from the original time.

Just so that the next time they face this situation, they can no longer run away and have the power to scare the enemy.

There is no need to watch them one after another, one after another, determined to die.

There is no need to just stand in Baihu City, being sheltered in shame, and become a coward.

That huge obelisk hides the future of many people, as well as their thoughts and hopes.

(End of this chapter)

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