There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 261 Shen Qinghe’s recovery

Chapter 261 Shen Qinghe’s recovery

This is already the first month since the first calamity.

Under the huge obelisk memorial tablet, Liu Lexian came here and watched silently, silently looking at the name on it.

"Sister Lexian, you are here again." Ge Xiaoxiao came over and stood with her.

"What's wrong? Are you angry again?"

Liu Lexian didn't say anything, and searched on the obelisk over and over again.

Xiaoxiao comforted her: "It's just taking advantage of the priesthood. We have just entered the fourth realm, and we will definitely not be able to defeat them. When we become stronger, nothing will happen."


Liu Lexian nodded and continued to search, but the more she searched, the more confused her eyes became.

Without turning her head, she murmured:

"Xiao Xiao, tell me, why do people always like to talk about class and privilege?"

"Taoist monks can break the law when they come. Those who have obtained priesthood can also break the law. Are those extraordinary people gradually becoming dishonest?"

Within a month, everything changed.

"Sister Lexian, don't think so. Aren't Ninth Lintian and the others changing?"

"Change, how to change?"

Liu Lexian sighed and sat under the obelisk, with flowers paving the way next to her.

"The senior is dead, and the Ninth Army has no supervision, taking the lead in dereliction of duty and receiving bribes from officials."

"Everyone takes the newly revised law and points the tip of the sword at others, but not at themselves."

She became more and more confused: "Does it mean that everyone has to be suppressed and restrained before they can realize themselves?"

"Everything was fine when the senior was here, but now that he is dead, everything has changed and deteriorated!"

"Sister Lexian, stop talking."

With a small sparkle, tears couldn't help flowing in her eyes, thinking of the gradual grievances she had felt over the past month.

"The senior has done so much, and he doesn't even have his name engraved on the memorial monument."

Liu Lexian looked away. She searched many times, but there was no word "Chen Banxian" on the obelisk.

There is actually a loud voice about this matter. Heroes should not have stains. In fact, many of the extraordinary people who sacrificed their lives also had considerable stains.

But the top management can take action and erase it.

But everyone knows about Chen Banxian. If he were a hero, he would be too controversial.


Liu Lexian suddenly said: "Tell me, if I do what Brother Xian does, will there be any changes?"


Xiao Xiao was shocked: "Sister Lexian, don't you like killing people the most? If you do what your senior does, you..."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Liu Lexian sighed: "From the University, Liangcheng, Baihu City, to Qingxuan Realm, some people have no names, but their spirits should not be buried."

She stood up, took out a paper bag that was worn and folded many times, closed it on the face, and the figure gradually moved away.

"Xiaoxiao, I'll leave the Holy Mother Cult to you and Jiaojiao. I want to give it a try."

On this day, a person disappeared, but a ghost appeared.

She specializes in killing people from the Ninth Army. Every time she kills someone, she will leave the military regulations of the Ninth Army on the ground.

[Only corrupt and evil officials will be killed. If members of the Ninth Army violate the rules, I will personally take action. 】

Paper Bag Head appears again.

For a time, everyone was in danger, and rumors even spread that that person... was back again.

The order in Baihu City was restored again just because of a message and a name.

Time passed, months passed, and things seemed to calm down again.

On this day, Baihu City moved to the earth again.

People with clergy brought back news from Earth. The few clergy pillars on Baihu City left, and the destruction of Tongri City also made people mourn.

Everyone once again brought Qinsu to Tongri City, and then the entire city was restored to its original location with the help of the Ninth and various priests.

On this day, in the building left behind by Qingxuan Realm, a paper bag head stopped a member of the Ninth Army.

Ye Xiaosheng is the son of Xiaohushan priest Ye Anmin.


Ye Xiaosheng paused and looked around. He seemed to be the only one here.

"The paper bag head that's making people scared lately?"

Ye Xiaosheng's voice was a little disdainful: "Why did you come to me?"

"Knowingly asking."

With a hoarse reply, the paper bag head used the sword in his hand to carve the ninth military regulations on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Ye Xiaosheng said in confusion: "No, I'm keeping to myself, could you have arrested the wrong person?"

The paper bag head didn't answer. After he finished writing, he said hoarsely:

"Three months ago, because he was unable to force a woman, he was afraid of calling the police and killed a family of four."

"Two months ago, [-] tons of grain were withheld on the grounds that the quality inspection failed, causing the driver to commit suicide by jumping off a building because he was unable to express his suffering."

"A month ago, I snatched a spirit turtle and killed three fellow transcendent beings...

As one case after another was revealed, Ye Xiaosheng’s brows became more and more intense:
"I concealed it very well, how did you find out?"

Paper Bag Head didn't answer, but raised his sword.

"Oh, you are great, but you came to me now because my father has moved to Baihu City?"

The paper bag head kept walking, pressing closer and closer.

A sinister smile appeared on Ye Xiaosheng's mouth: "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong!"

A clone of the god appeared behind him. It was Ye Anmin. He stretched out his finger and flicked it casually.

The paper bag head vomited blood and flew backwards, and the spiritual sword in his hand was also broken.


The blood was flowing under her body, and she jumped away from here.

"Want to run?"

Ye Anmin's clone sneered: "I've been waiting for you for a long time. I've been arrested for so long and Ninth has been covering for you. Now Ninth can't leave. I'll see where you go!"

He took action, crossed the distance, and used his priestly domain to catch the paper bag head.

But suddenly, Ye Anmin's expression changed drastically. He hurriedly picked up Ye Xiaosheng and left quickly.Empty buildings, seemingly empty of anything.

Far away from here, on Daofu Peak, Chen Changsheng and some people were drinking tea.

"Why, you actually hold back?"

"I just came back. I'm exhausted. I'm not in the mood to do this."

"You just left Brother Fang to be a Taoist sect?"

"Otherwise? Is it possible to throw away the Demon Sect? If he likes to cultivate immortality, let him cultivate it. If he has nothing to do, he can go to the earth to see it."

"how about you?"

Chen Changsheng asked: "You don't plan to go back? Are you still sad that no one will remember you?"

"I still have something to do. I've been bullying others since ancient times. How can anyone get a share of bullying me? I can't get back from this, I can't swallow this breath, my heart is unstable!"

"Then if you leave, Baihu City will be in chaos."

Chen Changsheng smiled again, with joy in his eyes.

"Didn't he go back? I also taught him the true understanding of living beings. It's not impossible to change his shape."

"Let's go, the villain will take revenge all day long!"

A man stood up with a long sword on his back and dragon scales on his back.Left Taoism.


On the earth's side, due to breakthroughs in transportation technology and the cumbersome integration of various regions, the white mist channels are condensed in all directions.

There are four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Now, outside the gate, a person was expressionless and walking with a limp. He seemed to be still not used to his current body and slowly approached.


The city guard stopped him: "Pass."

"Pass? I haven't heard that word in a while."

The man sighed: "If it were in the past, who would dare to ask me for a pass?"

"I don't have a pass, can I get one?"

As he asked, he raised his head, and many sword-wielding figures flew out from above his head, and flew away in the blink of an eye.

"Has it changed so much?"

The figure murmured and looked underground again. Through some glass, a train could be seen passing by at high speed underground and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"No pass?"

The guard at the door frowned and pointed the way to him casually:
"Do you see the door over there? Go in, turn left, and when you see the brown door, go in and you can go through it."

"OK, thanks."

This person goes in, queues up, takes a number, and then waits for himself to enter.

"Brother, you also lost your pass?" The man next to him looked slightly pale:
"Which other world did it lose? I lost it in the original world. Those magicians are so shameless. Fortunately, I took out the "Advanced Magician Quick Course"."

"But now it's easy to reissue it. Technology really changes the world."

"I lost it on Earth."

The man replied, his limbs no longer so stiff.

"number 0945."

The number was called inside, and the man looked around and walked in after realizing it was him.

What you see is an office that combines virtuality and reality, with several portraits hanging behind it.

The tallest among them is Shen Qinghe.

The clerk glanced at him casually: "Name, gender, age, then go to the side to collect blood and issue a certificate on the spot."

The man nodded and his voice was a little stiff, and he said slowly:
"Shen Qinghe, male, age...should be 25 years old."

"Shen Qinghe?"

The person in the office looked up and said, "That's a good name."

He lowered his head and was about to enter the information. Suddenly, he looked up again.

He looked up again!

He stood up suddenly, looked at Shen Qinghe's portrait behind him, and then at the man in front of him, rubbing his eyes vigorously!

"Shen Qinghe, you are Shen Qinghe!"

Something happened! ! !

That man is back!
On this day, ordinary people did not know that there was an uproar at the top.

In a temporarily vacated conference room, the military's top administrator, the Lord of Baihu City, and Ninth, Lin Tian and others were quickly invited over.

They looked at the man who appeared in front of them.

The man looked calm and stared at them unblinkingly, appearing a little quiet.

"Are you really... Shen Qinghe?"

Liang Jianzai observed him carefully: "What evidence do you have!"

"I am who I am, and I can tell you all the previous plans in Baihu City, including the abolition of cases."

"It doesn't mean anything, everyone knows this."

Liang Jian observed him carefully again: "Aren't you dead? All of us saw it."

His voice was very sure: "The huge golden pillar penetrated the heart, causing it to burst and no flesh and blood remained.

"Yes, my body is indeed dead." Shen Qinghe replied.


Lin Tian observed him carefully, and there seemed to be a familiar and unique fluctuation in Shen Qinghe.

"Yes, the physical body was destroyed, but my conscious soul entered the golden pillar."

Shen Qinghe took something out of his arms and took out a withered flower.

"The magical object of rules can ensure that the soul consciousness will not wither."


The city lord said: "It's impossible for you to be alive after such a big explosion, let alone enter the body of that priest monster!"

Shen Qinghe smiled calmly: "I have another magical artifact that can change the characteristics of the soul, thus gaining the ability to compete with the priesthood."

He is confident and calm, and doesn't seem to be fake.

At this time, Ninth frowned and asked:
"Since you are inside the golden pillar, do you know how Chen Banxian is doing now, whether he is dead or alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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