There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 262: Just eat and play when you need to

Chapter 262: Just eat and play when you need to

When it comes to that person, everyone present has mixed feelings.

There was hope in Ninth's eyes, as well as a trace of uneasiness that he couldn't detect.

Lin Tian was more straightforward. He asked directly: "Shen Qinghe, Brother Xian... is he still alive?"

Shen Qinghe lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was considering his words.

Ninth and Lin Tian's hearts sank.

Just at this moment, the door to the room was kicked open!

"I heard that Boss Shen is back?"

A careless sound came from outside the door. The foot was slowly retracted, and a young man with an inch head stepped in.

The young man has extensive tattoos on his body, his face is full of flesh, and his body is strong.

The man walked in on his own and saw the man on the chair for the first time.

"Boss Shen, long time no see."

The man casually took out a stool and sat next to Shen Qinghe, looking at it carefully: "Boss Shen, you are not... pretending to be?"

"Zhang Han, if you can't speak, I can sew your mouth shut!"

Another person approached outside the door. The person who came was elegant and handsome, wearing mirrorless glasses.

He pushed the mirror frame and bowed to the man on the seat:
"Brother Shen, I always thought you were dead. It's great that you are still alive now!"

He couldn't suppress the excitement in his tone, and he lowered his head deeply to express his awe.

Shen Qinghe didn't reply. He looked outside the door. As if he had agreed, all those with clerical responsibilities had arrived at this time.

"Boss Shen."

"Shen Qinghe."


"Big brother."


Men and women came to the small room one after another.

Liang Jian and Xia Demin were pushed aside, while Ninth and Lin Tian seemed a bit abrupt and different.

The fourth realm fluctuations casually revealed by these people made people suffocate for a while, as terrifying as facing a natural disaster.

They are priests, and they may only be in the third realm, but once they use the power of the priests to open the realm, they can directly possess the combat power at the top of the earth.

There are 12 people in total, twelve priests, most of whom Shen Qinghe fought for with his own life.

Shen Qinghe's eyes seemed a little distracted for a moment.

Like a dream, although Baihu City was still forced to escape the earth and go to Qingxuan Realm, it has only returned now.

But everyone is still alive, and the priesthood is in their own hands. In the future, mankind will truly have the foundation to gain a firm foothold on the earth.

Not counting him, the twelve peaks of earth's power are gratifying.

"Okay, everyone is doing well."

A smile appeared on Shen Qinghe's face and he stood up from his seat.

"Everyone, long time no see. Thanks to you during this period, Baihu City has been able to gain a firm foothold."

Shen Qinghe felt more of a sense of accomplishment: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

"No hard work, no hard work. Now that we hold the priesthood, we are the strongest force to protect Baihu City."

Na Zhanghan clasped his feet and said: "Boss Shen, you have just come back now, don't worry about so much, go, brothers will take care of you."

He stepped forward and pulled Shen Qinghe's clothes off: "I booked a banquet at Shui'an Restaurant."

Everyone pushed each other and dragged Shen Qinghe outside.

As everyone knows, Liang Jian, Xia Demin, and even Lin Tianjiu look very bad at this time.

"Wait a moment."

Shen Qinghe frowned and patted Zhang Han's hand away, then walked towards Lin Tian.

Before he could tell the news about Chen Banxian, he was interrupted by these former friends.

"What are you waiting for?"

The man wearing glasses took Shen Qinghe's hand and used a slight force to take him away from here.

The rest of the people crowded around, blocking the sight of Lin Tian and Ninth.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Tian's voice was covered up by the crowd. He watched Shen Qinghe being pulled out and wanted to chase him.

"Forget it, just wait."

Jiujiu stopped him: "I just came back, so it is reasonable to have a celebration banquet to wash away the dust."

It is undoubtedly a bit unkind for them to intervene now.

"Then... just wait."

Lin Tian was a little unwilling and muttered: "We were the ones who came first."

They waited for the first day, the second day, the third day...

The Shui'an Restaurant was reserved, and a group of priests took Shen Qinghe to eat, drink and have fun, meet old subordinates and meet the surviving extraordinary beings.

Shen Qinghe was very happy at first, but gradually, his eyes became darker and darker.

"Ahe, drink."

Luo Shishi, his former romantic partner, raised his glass of wine to him, still looking very happy.

"Don't drink now."

Shen Qinghe stood up: "I just came back. I still have a lot of things to do. I can't keep eating and drinking."

He put down his wine glass and remembered that Lin Tian and Ninth were still waiting for his answer.

I remembered that there were still some things, plans, and plans for the future that needed to be discussed with Liang Jian and Xia Demin.

"Boss Shen, the brothers are having fun right now. Why are you thinking so much? The brothers have already done it for you!"

They pulled Shen Qinghe and asked him to sit down, asking him to continue drinking.

"Don't drink anymore."

Shen Qinghe stood up again, this time with a tougher attitude, and walked out the door.

Public is public, private is private, enough fun is enough, he can't keep indulging in indulgence.

Zhang Han stood guard at the door with a slightly serious face: "Boss Shen, I told you to drink."

"Now is not the time to be drunk and drunk."

Shen Qinghe thought he was drunk and wanted to push him away, but found that the other party was not moving at all.

A trace of clerical fluctuations filled the room.

His heart sank again, and when he turned around, his face turned pale.

12 people, everyone looked at him with eyes that were no longer kind and looked strange.

Ye Anmin smiled coldly: "Boss Shen, just enjoy yourself in peace and quiet. You don't have to worry about Baihu City."


Shen Qinghe couldn't believe it, and he also realized it in his heart.

However, he has never quite believed that his subordinates and friends would become such strangers.

"Has the priesthood affected you?"

He suddenly realized that sudden power is the easiest thing to lose.

"What kind of influence does not affect me?" One person smiled sadly: "I am who I am, and there is no influence."

He spread his hands, and the divine power flowed inside: "We will protect Baihu City and protect mankind. We have the power at the top of the earth."

"Brother Shen, the first calamity has passed. Just enjoy your happiness and don't interfere with Baihu City, okay?"

The atmosphere in the Shui'an Restaurant was silent. Everyone was looking at him and the former No. 1.

His name is still engraved high on the top of the memorial obelisk.

"Okay, okay, okay."

Shen Qinghe laughed angrily: "Right is so charming."

"Okay, you have to take charge, and I'll let you take charge, but you have to understand that it must be for the sake of humanity and not against humanity."

His sharp eyes scanned everyone.

At first, there were still people who dared not look directly into his eyes, but the priesthood he inherited emboldened him, and he was already at the top of the earth.

Even Shen Qinghe, Boss Shen, and No. 1 in Baihu City cannot reach their height.

They raised their heads and met their gazes without giving in. Their oppressive power stung Shen Qinghe's eyes with tears.

God cannot be seen.

"Well done."

Shen Qinghe sighed and turned around to leave, looking extremely lonely.He was not lonely because of these people's obsession with power, but because of this moment... He had lost twelve trustworthy friends.

When we came out of the Shui'an Restaurant, it was already evening, and there were all kinds of lights blooming in Baihu City.

Outside the city were the sounds of construction being restored and the shouts of survivors on the night shift.

It was noisy, but he seemed particularly lonely under the shadow of the building.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Shen Qinghe, No. 1 in Baihu City, actually let go of his rights like this?"

There was a gloomy voice, hoarse and unpleasant, like a broken gong.

Shen Qinghe frowned and turned around. There was a crow standing on one foot on a street light pole.

"It's you?"

Shen Qinghe recognized his aura: "Ezhao."

"You are resurrected."

"If Ezhao doesn't die, I won't die either."

The black crow fell to the ground and turned into a slightly illusory shadow: "Shen Qinghe, are you angry and want revenge?"

He spread his hands: "Come on, cooperate with me again and establish Ezhaojiao. You will be the leader and let us knock them off the altar!"

"Chong Li E teaches?" Shen Qinghe looked at the black crow, but what he thought of was the confident man.

He did it.

"Forget it, you'd better just be a crow."

He rejected Black Crow: "I advise you, don't stir up trouble again, that person is not dead yet."

"not dead!!!"

Ezhao screamed and instantly turned into a black crow and flew into the night sky. He was frightened.

"Oh, that's it?"

Shen Qinghe's divine light flashed and he came to a certain corner in the city.

Ordinary, nothing outstanding.

He got closer and could hear some sounds inside.

"Egerwei, this math problem is actually very simple. You just need to..."

"Teacher Ninth, shall we go out for fruit smoothie?"

"Egerwei, your master didn't leave you in my hands to let me indulge you!"

The voices were louder or softer, and there were also Egerwei's dissatisfied cries.

As pots and pans collided, a female voice came out: "Brother Ninth, help me take a look at Xiao Jinzi, she just woke up."

The strong smell of fireworks came.

Shen Qinghe felt like he was in another world. For a moment, he seemed to see himself outside the house before Tiandao recovered, listening to the noise inside.

At that time, his father was still there, his mother was still there, and his family was very happy.

The wind... blew the big trees on the street, and the swaying rustle was very nice.

"Dong dong dong."

He shook off the illusion and knocked gently on the door.


Lin Tian wore slippers and opened the door with a bang. He was stunned for a moment when he found the person coming.

He closed the door instantly, rubbed his eyes, and opened it again.


He closed the door again and shouted at Ninth: "Ninth, Brother Ninth, I went crazy and had hallucinations!"

"Not a hallucination."

Jiuji rolled his eyes at him and opened the door: "Welcome."

"Hope I didn't bother you."

Shen Qinghe glanced at the layout of the room. It was very simple. Some spiritual stones were piled randomly in the corner.

Some of the spells and formation materials appear to be semi-finished products.

"Already interrupted."

Lin Tian stared: "How do you know we live here? Aren't you still working as a chaebol all night long?"

"Plutocrat?" Shen Qinghe was confused.

"Just eating, drinking, having fun and playing with women all night long." The latter explained, his expression not very good.

"I'm not that kind of person."

Shen Qinghe smiled bitterly: "I came here this time to inform Chen Banxian of some situations."

"Although he didn't say it explicitly, I think it's better to tell you."

"Brother Xian is still alive!"

Lin Tian suddenly came to Shen Qinghe and moved the softest and most comfortable sofa in the whole house behind him.

"Brother Shen, sit down!"

"Brother Shen, I'll make you some tea!"

"Brother Shen, let's have a meal later!"

Shen Qinghe couldn't adapt to this change for a while.

"Ahem, no need to bother."

He sat on the sofa, drank tea, his eyes fell into deep thought, and talked...

On that day, after the relocation of Baihu City, the four directions of the Great Pillar of Heaven were competing for Liangyi Qi.

That sword was so well calculated that his knowledge was beyond Shen Qinghe's knowledge. It seemed that everything was seen by him in advance.

Fang Ping dragged the purple gold and white jade pillars.

That divine sword stopped the black iron soldier.

And he fell. At that time, he used all his trump cards, but still could not defeat the priestly consciousness belonging to the fourth realm.

He could only watch the black dragon sacrifice itself and watch her being crushed by him.

Chen Banxian survived. He swallowed most of the black and white energy to balance his own situation and stabilize his soul that was about to be lost.

It was at that time that he took action and defeated the consciousness of the golden pillar, allowing himself to successfully obtain a part of Liangyi Qi and control the priesthood of the golden pillar.

It can be said that he was the biggest profiteer in the first calamity of the priesthood.

But... Shen Qinghe was not happy at all. The scene he saw next made him unable to let go for a long time, and he began to doubt his own talent.

He actually didn't want the black and white energy, and channeled it all into the dragon scales.

Instead of weakening, his momentum is getting stronger and stronger. What a freak!

"You mean, the dragon is dead!"

Lin Tian interrupted Shen Qinghe's memories: "How could Jiaojiao die? Brother Xian is crazy!"

"No, that dragon is not dead."

Shen Qinghe continued: "Speaking of which, I envy Chen Banxian for having such a dragon."

"She was afraid that I would smash the dragon's reverse scale, and finally attach my soul to it, hoping to keep him at the cost of losing his soul."

"But it also happened to save herself. Chen Banxian woke up instantly and protected the soul above Ni Lin."

"Great, not dead, great."

Lin Tian was excited, clenching and unclenching his fists: "So where is Brother Xian now? Why doesn't he come back if he is alive?"

Lin Tian fell into doubt: "No way, right? My relationship with him is not that shallow, right?"

"No, he can't show up yet."

Shen Qinghe remembered his plan and twitched his lips.

"He planned to fake his death and take revenge."

Shen Qinghe thought of Chen Banxian's grinning look when he left, and couldn't help but smile:

"His actual words were that villains take revenge all day long."

Now, those other worlds are being worried about, and there is probably going to be chaos.

"The villain takes revenge all day long...

Lin Tian muttered, and the familiar style made him cry: "This is Brother Xian's style, he is really not dead."

He really isn't dead!
Lin Tian seemed to have put down a big stone in his heart, and went to see Ninth: "You are crying, why don't you cry? Brother Xian is not dead."

"Once a man gets over it, he has to act mature."

Ninth made a rare joke, and he was in a good mood.

"Egerwei, didn't you say you wanted to have a fruit smoothie? Wait for me to get my phone and order an errand for you."

(End of this chapter)

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