There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 263 The piano falls into the cave sky

Chapter 263 The piano falls into the cave sky
"The villain takes revenge all day long!"

To the north of Dongzhou, a figure was walking in the desolate desert, murmuring these few words, which were his beliefs.

"Stop reading, stop reading."

Beside him, the sword spirit chattered non-stop: "My ears are about to get calluses. Are you sure you calculated in this direction and you are not mistaken?"

"Are you sure you are here for revenge and not for someone else?"

"It must be this direction, it must be this direction!"

Chen Banxian was very sure and determined. He avoided the second question: "The sun will never lie. Let's go ahead and see the Zihan Sect's residence."

"TMD, he was so arrogant and arrogant before. I must step on his old face and vent my anger."

"Take a rest first."

Chen Banxian took out the dragon scales from his arms and injected the black and white qi into his body.

The dragon scales were originally pure black and shiny, but now they were glowing white under the nourishment of Liangyi Qi, undergoing an astonishing transformation.

"You don't want Liangyi Qi, it's really...ridiculous."

The sword spirit said sourly: "This thing is enough to make people become immortals."

Chen Banxian shook his head: "Liangyi is yin and yang. I already understand it and don't need to rely on it."

He was very confident and looked into the distance: "I am convinced that my own path does not require too much external force. What I want to become is my own."

"No wonder, the less Liangyi Qi you have, the stronger your aura is."

The sword spirit looked at Chen Banxian's figure, as if he had seen a hidden dragon under the abyss of the sea, about to surface.

He is indeed amazing, relying on himself from beginning to end, to get to where he is now step by step.

"I hope you don't turn back."

The sword spirit gave his blessing, and after 2 minutes, another sun rose slowly behind them.

There are actually two great suns in Dongzhou.

One person and one sword looked at each other, and there was silence for a moment. The sword spirit said quietly: "Do you think your path is correct?"

Chen Banxian turned away and did not answer.

"Looking at me, you said you're going in the right direction?"

Chen Banxian buried his head in the sand, pretending to be an ostrich, and he couldn't hear him.

"You bastard, you are so good at calculations, but you haven't calculated that there are two suns in this world?"

The sword spirit was so angry that he cursed: "I just said that I went to the wrong place. I went to the wrong place. Where can I find the big sect that is getting more and more desolate?"

"Ahem, this will only waste two days."

He shouted Haha and walked back.

"Two days? If you're not bowing from behind, you certainly won't have back pain when you talk!"

The sword spirit cursed and picked up the debris and floated it behind him.

In order to cover up other people's eyes, apart from valuables, food and clothing were all carried by the sword spirit.

They are here for revenge, so they can't be too showy.

"Carry it yourself!"

The sword spirit threw the thing on his back, then lay down in the scabbard and sealed himself.

"Don't call me grandpa, grandpa is very busy."


After walking for another three days, Chen Banxian arrived at a large city in this world, packed with bags.

The huge city wall is thousands of meters high, and every square of the bluestone is covered with traces of time.

The stone wall was cut with knives and axes, exposed to the wind and sun, and the city gate below was built dozens of meters high.

The officers and soldiers stood in two lines and inspected everyone entering the city.

Chen Banxian was wearing clothes ripped off from some unlucky guy and followed the crowd into the city.

You need to pay money to enter the city, and it's also the unlucky guy's.

This big city is called Fangzhou.

The big city can't be seen to the end. It is a huge human city. This is not the jurisdiction of Chenyun Dongtian, nor is it the jurisdiction of Yunling Dongtian.

It was a territory called Qin Zhui Dongtian.

Compared to Chen Yun and Yun Ling, Qin Zhui Dongtian is the top ranked Dongtian in Dongzhou, and is within the top ten at home.

The strength inside such a cave is certainly terrifying. It is rumored that the master of the Qin Zhui Cave Heaven has stepped into the Immortal Platform, a rare and powerful person.

According to the information he gathered along the way, there was a connection between Qin Zhuidongtian and the Great Wilderness, which was far beyond what a border place like Dongzhou could compare with.

In other words, the top ten caves and heavens are all connected.

He was walking towards the center of the city. It was said that the people from Qin Zhuidongtian would come to Fangzhou City to recruit disciples in a few days. Maybe they could start from here.

Dongzhou is huge, and the land is too vast. If you don't pay attention to getting lost, you will not be able to find your way back.

After approaching the central location, there were people here who were ready early.

First on the left: "The registration fee is one hundred coppers."

"One hundred coppers?"

Someone shouted: "Why don't you go and grab it? One hundred coppers is enough to feed my family for a month!"

"If you love me, you can give me. If you don't, I can't get you."

The man had his hands clasped in his hands, wearing a brown brocade suit, with a trembling mustache and a disdainful smile.

"I'll think about it again."

The man still couldn't bear to give up one hundred copper coins and leave here.

"Tsk, you still want to be an immortal if you don't have money?"

The money collector sneered: "Focus on Chen Banxian."

"Why, are you here to sign up too?"

He looked up and down: "Why are you wearing a mask? Take it off."

Chen Banxian hesitated, and then the money collector reached out and took off his mask. "hiss!"

The steward's eyes widened: "So ugly?"

Under the mask, there was a burned face, covered with scar lines, and some exposed muscles and thin films after healing could be seen.

Chen Banxian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was prepared and wore a human skin mask.

"roll roll roll!"

The steward kicked Chen Banxian: "Get away, you're so disgusting!"

"One hundred coppers, here you go."

Chen Banxian was not angry, but rather happy. Finally, no one was obsessed with his appearance anymore.

Maybe this is how rich people experience life?

He chuckled, and the manager seemed to have seen a ghost. He carefully picked up the copper bag with two fingers, counted it, and asked him to go back.

"Just go in, someone will arrange a place for you."

"It's so disgusting!"

He was still scolding that Chen Banxian's good mood today was ruined.

After bypassing the steward, there are rooms and shops inside.

There was nothing else in the house, only floor tiles. There were dozens of tiles in each room, and the house stretched out for a long distance.

"Hey, it's ugly."

A servant who looked like a young boy was disgusted when he saw him, and said with disgust:
"Get a quilt in the house on the left. The toilet is outside. You can get water for a bath for one copper each time."

"Thank you."

Chen Banxian thanked him sincerely and took the quilt. It was moldy, smelly, yellow, and smelled of rat excrement.

Disgusting, how long has it been since you washed it?
If you let him cover it, you might as well kill him.

"It's so disgusting! Who knows how to cover this quilt!"

The person next to him screamed out his feelings and made him gag just by holding him.

"Love it or not." The boy's tone seemed to be exactly the same as that of the registered steward, and he turned his head away with a bad face:
"You must know that entering here is equivalent to being a handyman disciple of Qin Xiandongtian. If you perform well and have qualifications, you can be accepted as an outer sect."

"You can't bear this little hardship, and you still want to be an immortal? Oh, I can't even become one, and you still want to be?"

He was cursing, perhaps because of the imbalance in his heart. The more he looked at these people, the more unpleasant he became: "Get out of here, the immortals will come down in ten days."

It turns out that he unknowingly spent money to get through the back door?
Chen Banxian knew in his heart that this was probably the same as the Earth's fraud and training. It was really hard to say how many people would be left in the end.

Ten days was neither long nor short. Chen Banxian threw away the quilt. He still had mysophobia.

Inside the Datong Shop, some people were already lying down, most of them were teenagers, and the larger part were middle-aged.

For those who pursue their dreams, it’s never too late to grow old, right?
As soon as we entered, the smell of sweat, urine, and moldy fermented rat droppings and urine hit us, stinging our noses and trachea.

The hot and smelly air hit his body and made him feel sticky. Chen Banxian took three steps back as soon as he entered. Damn, those who knew knew this was Datong Shop, but those who didn't thought it was a garbage dump.

Even a garbage dump smells better than this.

Even at the beginning of the end, the basement shelter was better than this.

"Brothers in front, don't block me."

A person walked in behind him, his nose felt very uncomfortable, and he finally held back his twitching.

He clenched his fists, perhaps cheering himself up, insisting that no matter how uncomfortable it was, it would only last ten days.

In ten days, he will become an immortal. All of this is a test. God is about to give a great responsibility to a man, but he must first... What is it?No matter, that's what I said anyway.

Chen Banxian stood outside all day and didn't have the courage to go in at night.

He simply sat on the ground and felt the scales on his neck.

All the Liangyi Qi has been input, and he has not left any trace behind.

Jiaojiao's soul has been nourished and is sleeping. When she wakes up, she will not be weaker than a person with a priesthood.

"Why don't you go in and sleep?"

At night, the servant watching the night found Chen Banxian standing outside the door: "Hurry up, don't wander around outside, you are the only one to ask if you have lost something!"

In a large shop like this, it is inevitable that someone will have unclean hands and feet after falling asleep.

So they stipulated that everyone must be in the house when sleeping. Once anyone finds something stolen, it can be easily investigated.

Chen Banxian glanced sideways at the boy.

According to his past temper, who are you?Two hammers killed it.

But now he wants to touch Qin Zhui Cave, so he must endure it first, and cannot have long nights and dreams.

So Chen Banxian thought for a while and said to him: "Your wife has brought you a hat. Come home and take a look."

"The rumor spreads the rumor".

The boy was just an ordinary person. He was instantly confused, turned around and ran away in a panic.

"Smelly bitch, I'll beat you to death!"

It wasn't until he woke up the next day that he suddenly realized that he had been single for more than ten years, where did he get his wife?

The first night was boring.

The next day, something strange happened.

"Why can't I just go!"

There was a quarrel outside, and he saw an overbearing woman running in from outside, kicking and knocking a dozen boys away.

"I am the most fair lady. They have to wait ten days. Why can't I wait ten days?"

"My aunt, grandma!"

The steward who collected the money ran on his knees to stop the girl:

"You have a noble status, how can you come to a place like this? You are the immortal seedling destined by Qin Zhui Cave!"

If something goes wrong, even killing his ancestors for eighteen generations won't be able to close the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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