There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 264: Covering the world? ! !

Chapter 264: Covering the world? ! !

Chen Banxian swore that this was the first time he had seen someone running so fast while kneeling.

The girl ran to the left, and the steward chased her to the left. She ran into the stone courtyard, and the steward followed her without even frowning.

My pants are worn out at the knees, but I won’t let go.

"Let go, let me go!"

The girl reluctantly dragged the pendant on her leg and looked around for a solution.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and when she saw Chen Banxian watching the show leisurely, she hurriedly shouted:

"Who is that? Come quickly and pull this person away."

Chen Banxian looked around and pointed at himself: "Me?"

"Yes, it's you!"

The girl ordered angrily: "Hurry up, or I will kill you!"


Chen Banxian stood up and walked leisurely to the girl. This girl was only 16 years old at most. She had thin arms and legs. How could she be more powerful than the steward?
Chen Banxian arrived with hopeful eyes.

Chen Banxian came to her and raised his hand.

The girl felt something was wrong. She was about to speak when she saw someone actually attacking her!

The knife fell, and the girl covered her neck and squatted down with tears in her eyes.

"Not dizzy?"

He looked at his palm and wondered why he still hadn't learned it yet.

Maybe the angle is wrong.

He reached out again to try it on the other side.

When the girl saw this, she trembled all over and dragged the steward outside:

"I want to go home, woo woo, I want to go home!"

Sure enough, it was a fairy seedling. When her potential was unleashed, she could run very fast with a steward hanging on her thigh.

"With such good conditions, why do you have to endure hardships? I really don't know how blessed I am in the midst of blessings."

Chen Banxian shook his head and looked into the adjacent shop.

A group of people were frightened and dumbfounded, and looked away quickly when they met.

"Brother, run away."

Someone who was bold and kind-hearted reminded him: "That girl's family is a well-known wealthy family in the city. If you beat her, she will definitely take revenge on you!"

"You should leave Fangzhou City quickly before she returns home to complain. Maybe there is still a way to survive."

"She's so scared. Even if I give her ten courages, she won't even dare."

Chen Banxian was confident and continued to lie down.

"Brother, don't disobey me!" The man ran out of the shop and looked around, covering his face for fear of being recognized and being implicated.

"I've seen people like you before. They didn't listen to advice. In the end, even the bodies were not found. It is said that they were all fed to the dogs."

He was quite kind. Chen Banxian was surprised and looked at this person up and down.

Although he slept on a bunk bed, he was neat and clean. Although his clothes were tattered, there was no hole in them.

They were all neatly patched, their hair wasn't greasy, and they didn't have the same stinky smell as others.

What's more important is that from the perspective of his ghost eyes, the person's luck is like a dragon or a crane on top of his head.

With the luck of dragon and crane, your future achievements will definitely not be low.

If he were on Earth without extraordinary abilities, he would at least be a high official, but this was the East Continent, the wild East Continent, and he might not be able to become a great monk in the future.

"What's your name?" Chen Banxian asked him with a smile.

The young man suddenly became furious when he heard that Chen Banxian was still in the mood to ask his name.

"Why do you still care about my name? Run away!"

After running for so long, this man didn't even move his butt.

He said speechlessly: "My name is He Yue."

"He Yue, what a great name, where are you from?"

Chen Banxian started chatting like he was checking his household registration. He Yue also knew that he couldn't persuade this person, so he just thought he was chatting with him before he died.

"Actually, I was originally from the Yan Kingdom, but because a war broke out there and the great monks were flying around in the sky, we fled to the Qinhui Cave in Qi Kingdom."

He Yue spoke with fear in his eyes: "I heard that the Lingxu Cave was shattered, and people from the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Huanggu Ji family came."

"Wait, what did you say!"

Suddenly, Chen Banxian stood up, and these familiar names pieced together some of the fragmented memories in his mind.

"Shaking Light Holy Land!"

"Ji family?"

"Yeah, don't you know?"

This time He Yue was surprised: "It is said that some treasure was discovered in Lingxu Cave, the six major caves of Yan Kingdom, which attracted the Holy Land and the ancient family to take action."

"But, here, isn't this Dongzhou!"

Chen Banxian felt a huge wave of panic in his heart, and he suddenly woke up.

When the earth recovers, for the same reason, channels in parallel spaces are most easily connected to the earth.

So, Dongzhou, the Great Wilderness Dongzhou, isn’t it the Donghuang?
No wonder he heard about the secret realm of Lun Hai and the Tao Palace realm and felt familiar. This turned out to be the world in the novel.

This world also has the earth.

He grabbed He Yue's hands, which made his shoulders hurt:

"Did the war you mentioned happen because of the appearance of the Demon Emperor's tomb?"

"Demon Emperor?"

He Yue was a little scared: "Brother, I only heard a little information, I really don't know that much."

He trembled: "What is the demon land? I only know the holy land, the earth, and the land."

"Forget it, I don't understand even if I ask you."

Chen Banxian's brows twitched, feeling that something was wrong.

If this were the Zhetian Universe, and if everything was as it was in memory, it would be a lot of fun.

The restricted area of ​​life, dark turmoil, and even the invasion of foreign lands later, strange sources, burial soil, plateau...

One pit after another, one behind-the-scenes plot after another, the background of this world is mind-numbing.

With a solemn mind, he quickly took out his mobile phone from his arms, took out a small quantum ball, and ran towards the sky.

The higher you go, the better the signal.

He didn't know how long it took, but he barely received a signal from Baihu City and sent a message to Shen Qinghe immediately.

"Old Shen, Old Shen, can the space channel be closed artificially?"

He really doesn't want to have anything to do with this world.

It's better to go to Qingxuan Realm and cultivate immortality safely.

This world is full of shit.

He originally thought that Shen Qinghe, a busy man, would wait for a while before seeing his message, and he didn't want the other person to reply instantly.

Earth, Shen Qinghe calmly took a sip of tea and adjusted his security hat.

He slowly replied: "I can't turn it off. This thing is a rule of heaven. What's wrong?"

"never mind."

Chen Banxian put away his things and turned off his phone. Oh well.

If you can't turn it off, it's over. Get ready to fight the Black Hand later.

He slowly returned to the yard, but He Yue opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"You... this... he..."

He spoke for a long time and couldn't form a complete word.

"You don't know anything, shut up, Oak?"

"Oh what grams?"

"Is it going to work?"

"It's done! It's done!" He Yue nodded repeatedly. Unexpectedly, the immortal was right next to me.

The ability to fly into the sky in that instant was exactly the same as those immortals in that battle.

Chen Banxian suddenly lost his good mood.

He was a little melancholy, and spent the remaining few days thinking about and slowly digesting the number of his soul.

As for the girl’s family’s revenge?
The largest family in Fangzhou City is the Min family.

"Qiu'er, haven't you remembered yet?"

The head of the Min family looked worried: "The person who bullied you that day?"

"No, dad." Min Qingqiu replied: "I have no memory at all. I can't remember it."

"Forget it, forget it." The head of the family sighed: "The person who fell into the cave will come to pick you up soon, so let's let this matter go for now."

"Okay, Daddy."

Min Qingqiu stepped back, looking as obedient as he could be.

"Alas..." The head of the Min family rubbed his eyebrows. He was not used to his daughter's sudden well-behaved behavior. In the past, she would jump up and down in the yard at this time.

It can only show that children should be beaten more often. As the saying goes, filial sons will come out from under sticks, and good people will come out from under yellow thorns.

The recruitment of Qin Shui Dongtian's disciples has officially begun.

On this day, the Yinshi watch had just started, and some people couldn't wait to spend money to fetch water and wash themselves carefully.

The original tranquility of Fangzhou City was broken by the noise. Outside the courtyard, there were a large number of mortals squatting and waiting with their children. They just hoped to be favored by the immortal who dropped the piano into the cave. He could become an immortal without asking, as long as he learned one and a half moves. Enough.

Chen Banxian seemed a little out of place among them, because he looked at everyone busy and busy, while He Yue looked in the mirror from time to time, combed his hair, nails, and washed away dirt.

Until daybreak, he couldn't wait to take out the set of clothes that he had hidden long ago from the package and put them on. Apart from anything else, he really looked like a genius.

It wasn't just him, except for those who didn't have good clothes, most people took out their best clothes and put them on in order to gain a good image from the immortals.

If you can't be accepted by the immortal because of your attire, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

At Chen time, that is, at seven o'clock, the sun rises from the east chasing each other.

The fairy is here.

At first, a stream of light flew from the sky, and then split into three. One person fell to the city lord's palace, one person fell to ordinary people outside the city, and the other person fell outside Datongpu.

The stewards had already prepared it early, with their heads lowered and their hands raised, holding a beautiful stone on top.

is the source.

The source contained terrifying life essence. The middle-aged monk who flew over put the source away and looked around.

"How many people are there this year?"

"Reporting to the Immortal, there are more than 1000 or two hundred people this year."

The steward is only qualified to lift the box, and the person speaking is another adult. Judging from the clothes, he must be in a high position.

"Well, that's a lot."

The monk frowned and said, "I only have 200 people with me. Your source is a bit small."

"But Immortal..."

The high-ranking man wanted to say something, but the steward looked at him coldly.

He didn't dare to speak anymore and kept smiling: "Okay, Immortal, I'll go and choose."

He is an immortal and cannot be offended by high-ranking people. No matter how many doubts he has, he can only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

"Bring them all out, I'll know them at a glance."

The monk opened his mouth, and soon Chen Banxian and others were led outside Tongpu. They were separated by courtyards, and the screening was simple.

"Let me see what the qualifications are like."

The middle-aged monk flew up and looked down, catching everyone in his eyes.

He exerted his divine power and covered the bodies of more than 1000 and [-] people.

Some people showed nothing, some people were full of momentum, and some people screamed.

He Yue's body actually made a sound like a bell, which made the monk's eyes condensed and he could no longer look away.


He quickly fell down, but before he could take two steps, a dazzling light erupted from Chen Banxian's body next to him.

A river of stars rolled up from behind him, with a bright sun shining across it, dazzling the monk.

He was shocked and shaken. He lost his footing and fell from the air to the ground.

The monk should have been angry because of the embarrassment in front of so many people, but everyone's hearts sank, fearing that he would not do anything.

But the monk ignored this at all. He quickly got up from the ground and came to Chen Banxian.

Another burst of divine power popped up, and this time more was input, and the galaxy scroll unfolded again.

The beautiful light made him unable to take his eyes away.

"The vision of the Galaxy Golden Crow...the divine body..."

He almost couldn't believe his eyes.

"God's body, God's body..."

He muttered a few words, slapped his thigh fiercely, grabbed Chen Banxian and flew high into the sky.

People even heard the excitement from the corner of his mouth to the base of his ears.

"F*ck, God's body, f*ck, f*ck!"

Make a lot of money, make a lot of money!God opened my eyes, I was so lucky, I turned out to be a god!
If you take this back, the sect master will have to accept him as his adopted son in the future!

After running not far, the monk seemed to remember something again and returned to Tongpu to take He Yue away.

"This fairy seedling is not bad, so I took it away as a supplement."

In the past, a fairy seedling that was rare to encounter in a hundred years turned out to be the sweet spot in his mouth. It was not that he was distracted, but there would be no harm without comparison.

Qin falls into the cave sky, it really needs a backbone.

He and Chen Banxian continued to speed up, wasting all the divine power in the body, and draining the life spring of the sea of ​​suffering in order to reduce unnecessary complications.

In Fangzhou City, two other Dongtian disciples were confused and sent him a message:

Senior Brother Liang, why did you run away suddenly?

Senior Brother Liang ignored them, he carried the two of them directly into the Qinhui Cave, and ran towards the main peak without saying a word.

As he ran, he yelled and yelled:

"Sect Master, Sect Master, Supreme Elder, come out quickly, come out quickly!"

He didn't dare to go to the main hall in the past, and he didn't care about it today, and he was hoarse.

"Sect Master, come out quickly, something big has happened, something big has happened!"

Senior Brother Liang, a palace-level monk, ran out of breath and trembled when he shouted, which proved how excited he was.

Chen Banxian quietly touched the mask on his face. It was okay. There was so much face to lose.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed the sect master, the Supreme Elder and others.

"What a formality to be in a panic!"

The leader of the Qinhui Cave Heaven Sect flew out and shouted at him: "Did the Yan Kingdom come over, or our family also discovered the Demon Emperor's tomb, which made you go so far beyond your limits!"

"No, neither!"

Senior Brother Liang originally wanted to show off Chen Banxian directly, but as soon as he rolled his eyes, he miraculously stabilized himself.

He pushed He Yue forward and said calmly: "I found a fairy seedling!"

"The fairy seedlings..."

The sect master frowned and did not finish his words. He was still worried that Xian Miao would be alienated from Dongtian.

"Xianmiao." He softened his tone and said, "This is indeed a big deal, but with your appearance, aren't you afraid that others will see our Dongtian joke?"

Sect leader Qifeng looked at the other person: "Is he too?"

At this time, Senior Brother Liang shook his head lightly: "He is not."

"Why didn't you bring me here?" Qifeng said angrily, "Go and think about the cliff face for a month."

But I saw that Senior Brother Liang was not panic at all.

He slowly arranged Chen Banxian's clothes, and then spoke softly:
"It's not a great genius, it's just a divine body."

(End of this chapter)

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