There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 265: Divine body, it’s normal

Chapter 265: Divine body, it’s normal

"God body?"

Qifeng was very unhappy: "Liang Cheng, you are no longer a young disciple, why are you still so playful...

Ahhhh!Damn it! "

The sect leader cursed, because Senior Brother Liang directly injected his divine power, he saw a purple cloud of stars spread out, and the golden crow was born.

"Fuck you!"

The sect leader immediately abandoned all gestures, ran to Chen Banxian, observed carefully, and used his own divine power to penetrate.

"The divine body is really a divine body!"

Qifeng touched it cautiously, as if he was afraid of accidentally breaking it.

"Sect Master, this is unbecoming of me, okay?"

Senior Brother Liang's face was full of arrogance, as if he was the god.

"What a loss! Wonderful!"

Qifeng held Chen Banxian's hand tightly: "My child, you will practice with me now. Go, go, I will accept you as a closed disciple."

"I just built a cave a few days ago. I haven't lived in it yet, so I want you to live in it first!"

Chen Banxian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the sect leader enthusiastically pulled him to the front of the cave.

"The ones in the pond in front are arowanas. Eating them can strengthen your body. You can catch them and play with them yourself if you have nothing to do."

"There is a big medicine in the medicine shop next to it. One medicine is enough for all the cultivation in the Lunhai realm. If you have nothing to do, just soak it in water and drink it."

"Now, I will teach you the Secret Scroll of the Wheel and Sea of ​​the Qin Falling into the Cave Heaven, and we will practice immediately!"

He couldn't wait to see Chen Banxian grow up, his divine body, his divine body!

That enthusiastic look made Chen Banxian unable to bear to reject him.

But Qifeng denied himself.

"No, you are a god. Cultivating my Qin Shui Wheel Sea Secret Scroll will bury your talent. In this case, I will take you to Lingxu Cave. Their Taoist Scriptures are the most perfect!"

He did as he was told, and the other party picked up Chen Banxian and flew to the Yan Kingdom on a rainbow.

Chen Banxian's words were all stuck in his mouth.

Originally, he just wanted to inquire about the location of a certain holy land, and then take the opportunity to take revenge on Yunling Cave.

As for the so-called divine body and cultivation, he doesn't care at all.

His tyranny in the Flying Immortal Body and the Demon Summoning Sutra is enough to put all the techniques on the back burner, making it futile to practice them.

But knowing that this is the Zhetian Universe, the Dao Sutra of Lingxu Cave Heaven is the Jidao Emperor Sutra.

Even if there are only fragments of the wheel and sea realm, it is still a technique created by a great emperor. Even if he cannot practice at that level, it is enough to give him a certain amount of inspiration.

So he chose to shut up and get some benefits first no matter what.

The Qifeng Sect Master was very fast, and his aura was more terrifying than the Master of the Yunling Cave Heaven when the Nine Realms came. He guessed that the other party's realm might be above that of the Dragon Transformation.

That... is the Sendai realm!Most likely a powerful one.

They crossed the space and came directly to Lingxu Cave.

This was the first time Chen Banxian had seen a scene in the novel, but unlike the description, a tragic battle took place here.

His memory was unclear, but he could still see the dissected mountains and desolate land in the distance.

"Alas...the Demon Emperor's tomb was born, and this Lingxu Cave is also unlucky."

Qifeng sighed hypocritically, established his own persona in front of Chen Banxian, and then led him to a remote place.

There are some temporary houses here, and there are also monks practicing in Lingxu Cave.

After all, Yaoguang Holy Land is the backer of Lingxu, so it still has concerns about these disciples.

"Head of Lingxu, can you come out and speak?"

Qifeng just talked, and soon the leader of Lingxu Cave came out.

"It turns out to be the Qi clan leader whose Qin fell into the cave."

The headmaster bowed his hands and said, "I wonder what's going on when the sect master comes here?"

"It's not a big deal. I heard that the Taoist Sutra of Lingxu Cave is the first esoteric scroll in the world, so I came here to see it."

The leader of the Qifeng Sect hates etiquette and does not use his realm to overwhelm others.

He took out some Source Blocks from his arms and said, "Please give me a favor, Master."

"Master Qi made a serious statement."

After accepting it, the head of Lingxu took them directly to a room and got the secret scroll of the wheel and sea.

Is this the Jidao Emperor Sutra?
Chen Banxian looked at the ordinary book in front of him, but it seemed to be made of extraordinary material because it was an article written by the emperor.

"Quick repair, let's start now!"

Qifeng looked very anxious, but still, a divine body was enough to make him anxious.

No one understands the value of talent points better than Qifeng.

He was originally a great monk from Sendai, why was he still just the Lord of the Cave Heaven?

It’s not that he has no background, he is already the strongest person in the history of Qin Zhuo Dongtian. He seems to be strong, but after a thousand years, Qin Zhui Dongtian will decline with his demise.

It is precisely because he is powerful and knowledgeable that he understands the importance of a genius.

Those ancient families, those holy lands, big forces, demon clan, etc. were all supported by the geniuses within the clan.

Only when a divine body emerges from each generation can the great power be maintained for ever.

A divine body often represents the realm above Immortal Terrace and also represents thousands of years of glory.

The descendants of divine bodies can often give birth to divine bodies, and can also attract other divine geniuses to communicate with each other.

If Chen Banxian is trained well, maybe he can start a benign snowball and the cycle will repeat.

"Sect Master, you didn't even ask my name."

A little bit of a conscience.

Chen Banxian was afraid that he would not be able to practice anymore and Qifeng would not be able to accept the reality and would kill him.While there is still some time now, let's build a good relationship first.

"Oh, yes, yes, I was careless."

They took the Daolun Sea Scroll, put the head of Lingxu aside, and began to introduce it.

"My name is Qi Feng. I am the leader of the Twelve Cave Heavens of Qi State and the Lord of the Qin Shui Cave Heaven. I am also a powerful monk of the Immortal Platform. I am famous in the entire Eastern Wasteland, not to mention powerful."

He is a little proud. This is indeed a reputation he has earned. As long as he does not offend those forces left over from ancient times, he can go sideways.

"My name is Fang Ping."

Chen Banxian said seriously: "In all directions, there will be peace in all directions. My parents gave me this name because they hope that I will become a great monk who protects the safety of the people in the future."

"Wow, what a name!"

Qifeng was greatly impressed, and then picked up the Wheel and Sea Scroll: "We can practice now."

"Okay, okay."

Chen Banxian looked at the Lun Hai Secret Scroll. This thing naturally had a Taoist charm. As he realized it, the words seemed to float.

They gathered into a comfortable warm current, leading him to the Dantian below his navel, gathering the spiritual light in his body to open up the sea of ​​suffering.

Then, the words rushed into the sea of ​​demon summoning scriptures.

They paused, seemingly confused.

How can you ask me to drive in such a big sea?

Chen Banxian didn't know that outside, due to the influence of the secret scroll of the Dao Sutra Wheel and Sea, the waves of the Summoning Demon Sutra Sea opened up in his body, as if his death in battle had opened up a sea of ​​suffering.


The sound of waves swept across the room, making Qifeng and the leader of Lingxu widen their eyes at the same time.

"Open! Open!"

Qi Feng burst into tears: "The sea of ​​suffering has just opened up, just by looking at the Taoist scriptures."

Is this the divine body?Is this genius?
However, this is not the end.

Chen Banxian fell into realization.

He has opened up the sea of ​​summoning demon sutras and opened the inner and outer heaven and earth spiritual gates. There is no need to activate the secret realm of the human body.

He was more interested in comprehending the artistic conception of the Taoist scriptures and entering into the emperor's mentality when he created the technique.

A spring of life emerges from the sea of ​​suffering, and a divine bridge is built to reach the other shore.

This Taoist scripture is not complete. Except for the opening chapter, which can be seen to be the scriptures of the Great Emperor, the subsequent chapters are obviously self-repaired by later generations.

For him, these are not very important. He will not copy and practice, but only learn from them.

His Demon Summoning Sutra Qi surged into the sky and met the Jing Gate in his body. How is this Jing Gate different from the Life Spring?

No, different paths lead to the same destination.

The erection of the divine bridge was originally a way to reach the other side and open up a Taoist palace, but he suddenly had a whim.

He has two spiritual doors, inside and outside. One is the secret inside the body, and the other is the essence of heaven and earth outside the body. Why not communicate with each other?
How to communicate?This sacred bridge gave him inspiration.

The Jingmen above the sea of ​​suffering suddenly built a bridge, passing through the body and penetrating to the outside world.

It stepped into the vast void and wanted to connect to the external door.

However, that door does not exist in reality, and the bridge falls and cannot be connected.

The two doors may seem the same, but in fact they are fundamentally different. Trying to link them is tantamount to wishful thinking.

No, not right.

In theory, it is indeed possible to link.

Chen Banxian closed his eyes, and then realized that he believed that he just didn't find a way.

This change was seen by Qifeng and the head of Lingxu. It was quite shocking and shocked their cognition.

Because the thing that made the unexpected discovery just now was the Divine Bridge, wasn't it?
Can Shenqiao reach out of the body?
You must know that it is extremely difficult for the divine bridge to connect to the other shore in the sea of ​​suffering, not to mention crossing the other shore and extending out of the body, which requires more than a huge amount of divine power?
Ordinary people can't do it even if they drain the spring of life.

"Who is this?" The leader of Lingxu was horrified. He even thought that Chen Banxian was not a human being.

"What race is he?"

Qifeng definitely can't say he doesn't know about this issue.

He has a high level of cultivation and is considered an elder. He can only cough: "Ahem, don't make a fuss. This is the human race, the divine body of my human race!"

"God body!"

These two words made the head of Lingxu even more surprised: "No wonder, no wonder Sect Leader Qi brought it personally."

Since it is a divine body, it makes sense.

None of them are divine bodies, nor do they have the opportunity to come into contact with divine bodies in person, so naturally they don't know the difference.

Chen Banxian was still comprehending.

It is said that the human body has tendons and acupuncture points, which cannot be opened after birth.

He has never put down the Sword Spirit's true understanding of life, constantly strengthening his qualifications, and naturally he is also familiar with the veins in his body.

Strictly speaking, all the meridians in his body are open, enough to allow the demon-summoning meridian energy to roam freely without any blockage.

But he always felt that something was missing. The inner heaven and earth had communicated with each other, and the outer heaven and earth had opened to him, but they needed to be connected to the physical body instead of directly submerging the essence into his Dantian.

Does it mean that he has not yet truly transcended the physical body, communicated with heaven and earth, and thus reached the state of innate qi, unified mind, prophet, and foreknowledge?
So how can we achieve this state?

Suddenly there was a thunderbolt high in the sky of Lingxu Cave, and something was triggered.

"Did you feel anything?"

The head of Lingxu raised his head, feeling uneasy.

Qifeng Sect Master thought: "I don't know, but... this should have something to do with the divine body."

The divine body holds the final power of interpretation.

(End of this chapter)

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