Chapter 266 Ye Fan
The whole world was trembling, as if some taboo had been touched and it was trembling.

The restricted area of ​​life is the closest restricted area to Lingxu Cave. Something is shaking under the restricted area.

There were also terrifying beings who raised their heads and looked at the sky, feeling that there was something more.

If there was a great emperor in this world, he would definitely notice the changes in the Tianxin Seal. This is a variable.

Something is changing, I can’t say, and it will change in the future.

Vaguely, a sword appeared in the long river of time, but soon, this sword found that it could not cut down. During those years, there was something more terrifying to suppress it.

The world that covers the sky is connected to the earth, and no one knows whether this is good or bad.

But Chen Banxian didn't know this, strange changes were taking place in his body.

From inside the dantian, there is a tiny, tiny ray of light shining.

If you look carefully, you can see that this light goes straight through the inside and outside of his body, only a very small point.

But at this point, the world shook!

Inside the Life Forbidden Zone, something roared. It was too close, and the thing inside discovered something.

But soon, the sound disappeared, and I don’t know what happened.

At this time, somewhere far away, an unknown entity woke up from its slumber. The sudden movement made people sensitive.

"Is it an illusion..."

The whispers died away and everything became silent again.

Chen Banxian opened his eyes in the Lingxu Cave, and the divine light between his eyebrows gradually converged.

"How's it going?"

Qifeng immediately came forward to ask, his face full of concern in addition to concern.

"Fulfilling the expectations of the suzerain."

He didn't blush at all when he told the lie: "My disciple is not talented. I just broke through to the Shenqiao realm."

"Godly bridge!"

Qifeng exclaimed: "If you enter the Shenqiao in one day, you will know if you go out...

He shut up in time, fearing that Chen Banxian would be so ambitious that he kept the words "scaring to death" in his stomach.

Moreover, alarm bells were ringing in his heart, but he must keep this treasure safe and not let anyone from the Holy Land family discover it.

The Ji family has just left not long ago, and the Light Shaking Holy Land has just left. No, we have to be steady.

"Thank you sir."

In line with the preference of parents to be polite to their children, he also saluted the head of Lingxu.

"I can't do it, I can't do it." The leader hurriedly responded. He was just a monk at the palace level. Even though he was ahead of the gods, as long as he was given some time, he wouldn't even be qualified to carry the opponent's shoes.

He said that the elixir given by Master Qi was much more valuable than the incomplete Taoist scriptures of Yiguan.

This thing seems to be the inheritance of Lingxu Cave Heaven, but in fact, as long as you are willing to put in the effort, you can get it sooner or later.

"It's a pity." The head of Lingxu stood up with his hands on his knees: "My Lingxu Cave only has the fragments of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, not the real Secret Scroll of the Wheel and Sea, otherwise the disciples would not be just Shenqiao."

He believed that if there was a complete secret volume of the Lunhai Dao Sutra, Chen Banxian might be able to reach the other side directly.

"Yes, it's a pity."

Qi Feng also sighed: "The secret realm of the Wheel and Sea is the beginning of everything. If we have a complete Tao Sutra, we can build the strongest foundation, which is enough to fully stimulate the potential of the divine body, and we can go further in the future."

He felt a little ashamed and reflected on whether he was too selfish.

How about... or give the divine body to the Holy Land?

Do not!no!

Only then did Qifeng realize that a man's mind could change in such a variety of ways, which was more tiring than his life-and-death fight.

From now on, I must be twice as kind to my apprentice.

The complete secret volume of the Wheel and Sea?

Chen Banxian's eyes flickered, observing his Dantian.

There is not a hole there, but a strange reaction born from the entanglement of flesh and blood with the true understanding of life and the sea of ​​suffering, and then with his "innate" thinking of enlightenment.

Through that point, the inner and outer essence flows, allowing the explosion and recovery of the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi, and even the speed of cultivation to be greatly improved.

This is qualitative change!

Unfortunately, in the end, it only gathered so much.

"It would be great if there was a complete secret scroll of the Wheel and Sea."

He was very sorry and felt a little disappointed. It was indeed something left by the emperor, and it was known as the strongest Lun Hai realm.

Your own innate path needs to learn from more "Tao Jing".

But...the complete Taoist Scripture...

Chen Banxian tried hard to recall the plots he had watched.

It seemed that after the Demon Emperor's tomb, Ye Fan ran away with the Taoist scriptures in his hands.

It should be in...a small town now?

The world is so big, where can he go to find Mark?
You can't just search nearby towns one by one. It will take a long time to find it.

He thought for a moment and looked up at the sky.

Although he scolded him harshly before, after such a long time, his anger should have subsided, right?
Besides, he also received a slap and was punished.

He tentatively took out the cup from his arms and threw it on the ground.

The cup shook a little, then stood firmly on the ground, which made him feel a thump in his heart.

Oops, it seems that the old man's anger has not gone away.

He hurriedly said good things: "You have a lot of people, please don't be so stingy. Look at others, no matter how much you scold them, it won't matter."

"And I've accepted the punishment, okay? You don't have to look at the situation at that time. I have nothing to do."

"Look, Su Yun is gone, and I am also in my head. That was my first love, can I not be angry...

The leader of Lingxu scratched his head and glanced at the Qifeng Sect Leader next to him.

What is this divine body muttering about?Is this the mystery of the divine body?

Qifeng said nothing. He felt that this should be some kind of special reaction from the divine body.

Chen Banxian threw the cup again, and this time he poured one.

"Okay, okay, it was my fault. I admit that I was wrong. I will never do this again. If I do it again, I will... just..."

He wanted to make some vicious vows, but then he thought, what if he couldn't bear it anymore?

"Just... let me not be able to eat three dishes for the rest of my life!"

The second cup fell down with a "clack".

How stingy, he muttered in his mind, not daring to read it out loud, and started to divination.

When the cup shakes, Lao Yin and Lao Yang alternate with Shao Yin and Shao Yang, eventually forming the Ze Lei Sui Gua.

This hexagram is in the east and west. He closed his eyes and realized that it was a big moving hexagram, and there was a suspicion of a mistake between yin and yang.

At this moment, Qifeng went to hold his hand and stood on the right.

Zhenmu means that the emperor is out of shock and out of the east.

And Ye Fan is also the future Emperor Ye Tian!

"Go east!"

He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sparkling!

Qifeng was puzzled, but Chen Banxian said seriously: "Master, I have discovered a secret technique from the body of God."

"Secret! Technique!"

Qi Feng cooperated and opened his mouth: "The divine body is so defiant?"

"Of course, this secret technique is very vague, it just tells me to go east...well...

Before he could finish speaking, Qifeng covered his mouth and ran out of Lingxu Cave.

"Head of Lingxu, we have been here for a while. Let's say goodbye."


The head of Lingxu was listening with interest. He wanted to know what the secret technique of the divine body was.

It's a pity that Qifeng Sect Leader is too smart and just intercepted the message and left with Chen Banxian.

"Go east, I have a feeling." He explained the words behind the secret technique from high altitude: "The secret technique tells me that there will be a great opportunity waiting for me in the east."


The head of Qifeng was not greedy, so he took the initiative to act as a tool and led him all the way eastward.

In order to let Chen Banxian, the little "Shenqiao" monk, see clearly, he also deliberately slowed down.

Even so, the retreat of several mountains only took a breath.

Chen Banxian stared closely and asked, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally:
"Master, I heard that the Holy Land is very powerful. How many Holy Lands are there in this wilderness?"

"How many holy places?" Qifeng had no doubt that he was there, remembering that he had asked his master the same question.

Now, my disciples are asking themselves again, it’s really reincarnation after reincarnation.

He seemed to be sighing with emotion and reminiscing: "As for this holy land, it is difficult to use technology in Rhubarb. After all, it is too big."

"I don't know much about the master. I only have some news about some holy places in the Eastern Wasteland, such as Yaoguang, Tianxuan, Daoyi, Zifu, Wanchu, etc."

"These holy places are ranked in no particular order except for Tianxuan, who has been destroyed, because no one has seen their life-and-death struggle. They are truly behemoths."

"In addition to the Holy Land, there are also aristocratic families that have been passed down from ancient times, such as the Ji family and the Jiang family. They are no weaker than any Holy Land. They have profound foundations and are beyond the reach of anyone."

He looked pleased, "However, you are a god, and you may not be able to grow to a height that even the Holy Land needs to look up to in the future. I look forward to one day seeing your name in the starry sky."

What deep expectations the Qifeng Sect Leader had for him.

Chen Banxian could only laugh and keep nodding.

Even if you can grow to that height, you should never practice the method of covering the sky.

The Great Emperor only lived for 1 years. If this was to be spread to other realms, I thought he, Chen Banxian, would not be able to survive.

In a million years, if one person has a million, it will be his.

This is to exchange life for potential and speed of cultivation. If you cannot become an immortal in the world of mortals, you will end your path.

Look at Chen Changsheng from the Qingxuan Realm. Eight reincarnations have consumed a lot of lifespan, and each life is only at the level of the Tao, which is far lower than the level of the Great Emperor.

At this point, considering his age, he can already send away several great emperors.

"I have to constantly polish the foundation, take it step by step, and never be impatient."

He warned himself to calm down and then asked in confusion:

"Master, what is the Great Emperor?"

"Great Emperor? Where did you hear this name?"

Qifeng was very sensitive to these two words and used his fingers unconsciously.

"That is an unattainable goal for us. He is a big man who the whole world must surrender to."

"As long as a great emperor appears in every era, he is a powerful figure in the world. There may not be one in ten thousand or even tens of thousands of years...

There was another burst of popular science, bragging about how terrifying the emperor was, and finally Qifeng patted him on the shoulder:

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you, you might be the future emperor!"

You think highly of me, but I don’t think highly of myself...

Chen Banxian was silent in his heart. Su Yun's forces actually used the emperor-level creatures as ring guardians to protect their lives.

The power behind the other party was beyond his imagination. According to some of his plot guesses about the book, the other party was at least a large aristocratic family from the era of God or Shi Hao.

He is far from enough...

Sadly, I can only put this matter aside for the time being and develop with peace of mind.

Wait until he becomes awesome in the future.

This matter must be calculated in a small notebook with a whole page.

As he spoke, Chen Banxian's eyes suddenly trembled.

I saw two big mountains in the distance, one tall and one short. The tall one was like a dragon, the short one was like a tiger. There was a small town in the middle.

The emperor was shocked, and the dragon and the tiger were sitting on the throne.

His heart moved, and he almost instantly confirmed that this was the place he was looking for.

"Master, hurry up, hurry up, and fall into that small town."

He urged anxiously, fearing that Qifeng would fly too far.

This town is very peaceful, even if there is blood, it is the smell left by hunters in the mountains.

The aftermath of the Demon Emperor's tomb did not erode this small village. He estimated that it was at least two thousand kilometers away from the outbreak point of the battle.

"Hey, there seem to be a few little guys down there."

Qifeng suddenly muttered and led Chen Banxian to a courtyard in the town.

This courtyard is not small, and there are strong and weak Qi and blood fluctuations in it. The strong one is obviously Chen Banxian's target for this trip.

The other party is Emperor Ye Tian!
Unexpectedly, they would meet at such a moment. He considered his words and thought about how to start.

But suddenly, his brows jumped and he looked into the distance.

Large swaths of sand rose up, the stones on the road were trampled into pieces, and the rich energy and blood rushed towards his face.

A group of more than ten strong young men arrived. They were riding colorful exotic beasts, and they looked arrogant, looking like they were superior to everyone else.

There is a feeling of disgust for city people going to the countryside.

"You can actually notice it, the divine body is really powerful!"

Qifeng was amazed again. He didn't pay much attention to these children. Only Chen Banxian was in his eyes.

This is clearly like worrying about catching a cold every time you sneeze.

He was so kind to himself that Chen Banxian couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

They turned aside and watched quietly.

However, the group of people stopped in front of the two of them, and one person asked them on the neck of the colorful monster:

"Is this the Jiang's house in front?"

With that appearance and commanding tone, he was worthy of being a member of a big family, capable of riding strange beasts and even more capable of bullying others.

Chen Banxian pointed to his mouth: "Aba Aba."

"Huh, what a bad luck. He turned out to be mute."

The knight dressed in white turned around and left the two of them. The smoke from the hooves of the alien beast blew their faces into disgrace.

More than a dozen people entered the courtyard. Qifeng frowned and asked, "Is this the opportunity you mentioned?"

He could tell at a glance that these people were extraordinary. Judging from their clothes and the nameplates on their waists, they seemed to be members of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family is a big family. Stamping one's feet in the East Wasteland can cause earthquakes. He had told his apprentice before.

I didn't expect to meet the real owner so soon.


Chen Banxian shook his head and moved his ears slightly, hearing the sounds in the yard.

"Jiang Zhe is actually dead? This is impossible!"

"I just want to be with brother Ye Fan and grandpa...

"The little Li family is so bold!"

Afterwards, the alien knights rushed out of the door, and when they found the Li family, there was a burst of killing.

"There's going to be chaos." Qifeng is the most sensitive to this kind of aura, and he has already sensed that there is a strong person in this small town.

As expected, the strong men in Yanxia Cave took action, but they were taught a lesson and never beat a group of people.

Then another knight flew up and jumped directly into the hazy cave sky.

Every scene is exactly the same as in the novel.

Chen Banxian thought about it and thought about it.

Time soon came when Ye Fan said goodbye to the old man and the little loli Tingting, and Ye Fan watched them leave.

The next moment, he actually packed up his luggage and fled the town.

Ye Fan understood that if he continued to stay, Jiang Yichen would definitely do something to him and he had to escape from here as soon as possible.

That strange beast that can detect treasure is so abominable.

Suddenly, as soon as he left the town, he was attracted by Fang Gua stall and blocked his way.

(End of this chapter)

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