There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 267 Ye Hei!Don't die a good death!

Chapter 267 Ye Hei!Don't die a good death!

I saw only a small table with the words on the left: Knowing the reincarnation of this life.

On the right is written: The future will be known later.

A red cloth is spread on the hexagram table, with ribbons hanging down one by one, and everything is written on it.

Marriage, love, disaster, career, good fortune, luck, heirs...

There are so many different things.

"What a big breath!"

Ye Fan stopped and looked around in front of the Gua stall.

But I saw the three words "Guantian Pavilion" written on the hexagram stall.

Looking at the Gua Master again, well, he is wearing a mask, but it can't stop him from seeing people. Judging from the ridges on his jaw -

Not as handsome as me.

"You know fortune telling?"

He spoke with scrutiny in the wooden light, ultimately seeking peace of mind.

He suspected that the Jiang family member would come back to seize his rare treasure, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he had no definite evidence.

"of course."

Chen Banxian replied calmly. He glanced back. The leader of the Qifeng Sect was eating a fruit called "Linggua" at a stall on one side.

It was similar to a watermelon, but the color inside was different, but it was very juicy, fragrant, and sweet. It filled his mouth with honey and made him want to eat it too.

We had communicated before, and the sect master was very doting on him. He felt that as long as there was an opportunity, he could not interfere, so he hid aside and became a protector.

What if this is a Taoist religion?
The person I protect the Taoism protects the Taoist people?

Chen Changsheng, you really took too many advantages.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ye Fan looked him up and down: "What is Guantian Pavilion?"


Chen Banxian smiled lightly: "Boy, do you know that just these words are enough to kill you thousands of times?"

"Hey, no, why did he change his tone of voice involuntarily?"

It was really Emperor Ye Tian, ​​and his influence was astonishing.

"Why, Guantian Pavilion is a very powerful force?"

Ye Fan's heart sank, but he remained calm on the surface.

He immediately changed the subject: "Master, I want to ask about good or bad luck. I don't know if it is possible."

"of course can."

Chen Banxian nodded. He had made a good calculation. Gua Jin first looked at what the future Emperor Ye Tian, ​​a being above the sacrificial path, could bring to him.

This is one of the most terrifying existences he can come into contact with.

If it was not a Taoist scripture, he would establish a good relationship with him and "borrow" it for viewing.

He was frantically digging out memories from his brain. Fortunately, he had the extraordinary ability to modify memories, otherwise he might not be able to recall the plot of the novel he had read.

Even so, he was still vague, because many memories were lost as cells replaced and died, and they needed to be deduced to make up for it.

But spoilers are not fortune-telling.

He took out a piece of paper and pen and handed it to Ye Fan: "Write down a word to predict your good or bad fortune."

"Does writing predict good or bad luck?"

Ye Fan thought in his heart that this divination method was slightly different from what he remembered.

He remembered that he had heard in Lingxu Cave that there were forces who were good at deduction. Every time they predicted the future, they needed to expend terrible mental and divine power, and in the end they would be devoured by them.

In fact, when he just saw this hexagram stall, he knew that it was probably a liar.

But as the saying goes, it has come...

He picked up the pen and prepared to write a word.

"Huh? Ballpoint pen?"

I'm so tired!Ye Fan looked at Chen Banxian with an incredulous look: "Earthling?"

Damn, I forgot that he is actually a time traveler.

Chen Banxian's face turned red and his heart stopped beating: "You have already traveled through time, so I can't?"

"You actually know that I'm from Earth?" This time, Ye Fan was shocked.

"I am a fortune teller. Isn't it normal to know that you are from Earth?"

Chen Banxian asked back, which seemed reasonable.

But Ye Fan always felt that something was wrong.

This is the principle, and the relationship between the two is invisible but also drawn together a lot.

Chen Banxian: The conspiracy was successful!

He motioned to Ye Fan to write again.

Ye Fan took a pen and paper, thought for a while, and wrote the word "chicken".

"How do you know how to write this word?"

Chen Banxian's eyes widened and he subconsciously calculated the current time.

At this time, the chicken is unitary, and it is the hexagram Ze Lei.

To put it all together, the disaster comes from the east, the shaking wood is a man, the beasts, the big beasts, when a man comes riding a big beast...

Damn it, now that I think about it, isn't it Jiang Yichen who is chasing him right now?
Emperor Ye Tian had just bid farewell to the Jiang family, young and old, and was being hunted for a rare treasure. The time was short.


He quickly put away the tablecloth and wanted to run.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Fan held him, the holy body was awesome, and it was not damaged even if he ran with it.

What a lot of strength.Ye Fan was surprised and found that there was something about this person.

"Don't stop me!"

Chen Banxian wanted to run away. He didn't want to mess with an ancient family like the Jiang family.

At least not for now.

"You haven't told me the result yet!" Ye Fan refused, shouting dissatisfiedly: "What is my good or bad luck?"

"How's it going? Didn't you even notice that I was running away?"

Chen Banxian was not angry. He twitched his ears and found that there was dust flying outside the town, and someone actually came back to kill him.

The person on top of the strange beast was none other than Jiang Yichen.

"It's miserable."

Chen Banxian quickly turned his head away: "I don't know you. You should run to the mountains quickly. Only if you go west can you have a chance to survive."

He didn't want to get into trouble.But obviously, Jiang Yichen didn't think so.

He came to the two of them, looked down at them, and said after sweeping them: "Ye Fan, hand over the treasure, and I can let you go."

Damn it, I really came here for the treasure.

Ye Fan rolled his eyes, turned around suddenly, pulled Chen Banxian and ran towards the mountains.

Jiang Yichen sneered and stood still: "Hey, you want to run? I'll let you run for a stick of incense first."

He is very confident and wants to have some fun and add some fun to his boring life.

Chen Banxian ran two steps after him, and then his face became gloomy.

md, Ye Hei is an old yinbi. When he ran away, it was obvious that the two of them knew each other and had boarded a pirate ship.

"Ye Fan, you should give him the treasure!"

He yelled: "Why did you bring me with you? You are the Holy Body, I am just a fortune teller!"

"Didn't you say you can calculate good and bad luck? Just do it!"

Ye Fan's magical power flowed and he ran very fast: "I believe you, he has an arrogant personality and will definitely play the trick of a cat playing with a mouse. This gives us a chance."

"I tell fortunes by riding horses, not cheating!"

Chen Banxian was angry. As he sensed it, Jiang Yichen had moved and was coming this way.

I could actually slap him to death, but I couldn't imagine the consequences.

The Jiang family has the Emperor's soldiers, md!

Where is the sect leader?Where is Master Qifeng?What were you doing at this time?
He looked far away on a mountain and found that the sect master was still eating melon.

Qifeng raised the melon in his hand and smiled.

The opportunity mentioned by the apprentice must have a development process, just watch it yourself.

As for Jiang Yichen, he seems to be very strong, but Chen Banxian is already a divine bridge and a divine body, which is enough to compete with him. Even if he cannot defeat him, his life is not in danger.

How sophisticated is his vision?

The sect leader is unreliable.

Chen Banxian grabbed Ye Fan and said, "Hurry up and give me the hexagram golden knot. We will meet in the mountains and rivers, and we will see you later."

"You want gold from me at this time?" Ye Fan looked for a way to escape, and he made an excuse:

"Isn't it true that I haven't escaped yet? I don't know if your hexagram is accurate. I'll wait until I escape to get the hexagram gold."

He was determined not to let Chen Banxian get out of the car.

Because he discovered that there was a special fluctuation in Chen Banxian's body, which made his green bronze block and "Tao Jing" react.

And with the strength of his ancient holy body, he could even catch the strange beast and crane. He held on to him tightly, but the latter didn't even frown.

Facing Jiang Yichen, although he was angry, he didn't panic at all, which was enough to show that this person could be deceived.

Chen Banxian knew what Mark was thinking as soon as he looked at his eyes.

As expected, Ye Hei lived up to his reputation. He really kept a small notebook of whoever he caught, and if he didn't avenge this, he wouldn't be Chen Banxian.

They fled in the mountains and ran far away, but Jiang Yichen's breath could always be heard from the distance.

Not only that, as time went by, other knights arrived, exuding terrifying divine power fluctuations, rampaging through the mountains, destroying everything.

These people have the tendency of encirclement and suppression, and they are still shouting outside.

"Ye Fan, please hide, don't let me find you."


Ye Fan looked ugly: "How come they can always find our traces? There must be something wrong somewhere."

Then, he suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Banxian fiercely: "Is it you? Are you secretly reporting the news!"

"I'll report it!" Chen Banxian gave him a kick in the butt: "The labor and management want to report the matter, how can you still hide?"

Apart from anything else, Ye Tiandi's buttocks are very comfortable and his feet feel good, so I wrote it down in a small notebook.

This would be his bragging rights after dinner in the future, and he couldn't wait to share it with Fang Ping.

That Sun thief would be shocked, and then he would kneel down and call his adoptive father.

"It's not you who is reporting the news."

Ye Fan rubbed his butt and his face fell: "That's not good. Jiang Yichen's beast must be able to smell our scent, and he won't be able to escape no matter what."


There was a bird song, and another knight came from the sky. He rode a bird and circled in the sky, trying to find Ye Fan and the two.

"No, let's hide quickly!"

Ye Fan was very familiar with hiding methods and took Chen Banxian to hide in the mud.

Dead branches and leaves covered his body, and various small insects crawled around. Ye Fan was enduring the stench.

Fortunately, there was another person following him. He was thinking, why didn't he take action yet?

This compatriot showed no fear from beginning to end. Even if the opponent's number of people increased, he would definitely have a trump card.

Now, the only explanation for the other party not taking action is fear.

He knew how terrible the Jiang family was.

I have to say that Emperor Ye Tian's guess was good, but there was one thing he was wrong about.

Chen Banxian stood next to the quagmire. He didn't go down because it was too dirty.

Might as well kill these people.

The only thing he was afraid of was that after the Jiang family invited forces such as Tianji Sect and Guantian Pavilion to deduce the secrets of Tianji, he found out that he was responsible.

He hid in the space mezzanine, and the other party did not notice him.

But he took a few steps and walked over the quagmire where Ye Fan was hiding.

Damn it, you tricked me!

As a result, Ye Fan was miserable. The opponent discovered the location of the rag. He was so angry that he used a psychic weapon to beat up the mountain area. He was beaten hard and miserable.

After they left, Chen Banxian appeared, and Ye Fan recited Taoist scriptures to heal himself.

"Damn it, why are you okay!"

He was unwilling to give in and gritted his teeth. He was really unbalanced.

Damn it, it’s you who gets hurt anyway.

"Maybe, I'm handsome."

Chen Banxian stared at him while Ye Fan took out the Bodhi Seed and studied the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Tao Jing".

It wasn't that he trusted Chen Banxian, but that he was seriously injured and had to do this.

Noticing that the other party had no intention of taking action, he breathed a sigh of relief and quietly put down some back-up moves.

But soon, his anger rose again. Chen Banxian actually observed the Taoist scriptures without the help of Bodhisattva, and he started practicing directly.

As a fellow Earthling, he doubted his own talent for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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