There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 268: Income from settlement of hexagrams

Chapter 268: Income from settlement of hexagrams

The words recorded on that page of the golden book were densely packed. It was indeed something from the emperor, and it gave Chen Banxian a lot of inspiration.

The detailed and complete Divine Bridge fragment allows him to completely build a bridge inside and outside the body to communicate with the inner and outer heaven and earth.

In an instant, his whole body shone brightly, and he actually sat down cross-legged, with strong energy and blood rising into the sky!

"Brother, you are so bright!"

Ye Fan was frightened, his face looked ugly, and he quickly moved towards the life restricted area.

Only by relying on the Life Zone could he avoid the Jiang family's pursuit. He fled all the way, but here, Chen Banxian's realization did not stop.

The divine light alerted the Jiang family's Qi Knights, and a stream of light came quickly from a distance, crushing the mountains of vegetation along the way, and landed next to him.

The earth stirred up mud, and he landed with a huge sound, holding a spiritual weapon with silver light in his hand.

"Oh, how brave you are to realize it right under my nose."

The cruel look disappeared from the corner of his mouth, and he decisively raised the weapon in his hand and stabbed Chen Banxian.

He didn't wave in a fatal direction, he just enjoyed the pleasure of interrupting the opponent's chance of enlightenment.


The weapon was inserted into Chen Banxian's shoulder, and the result was the sound of a blunt instrument hitting leather. There was no sign of any wounds on the man's body.

"What kind of treasure is this wearing?"

The knight did not believe in evil. He was a knight of the Jiang family. He was backed by a huge creature and was used to being arrogant and domineering. At this time, he kept taking action and hitting Chen Banxian's body.

Throat, eyes, neck, lower body, pubic area, etc.

The dense attacks finally made Chen Banxian frown.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the divine light pierced the knight. He was so surprised that he stepped back and took a walk.

"what's wrong with you."

At that moment, the alarm bells started ringing in his heart, as if he was about to be cut into half in the next second.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Banxian's thoughts were interrupted, which made him very unhappy.

He warned coldly: "Don't bother me again. I only have a casual relationship with that kid and don't have much to do with him."

"I'm afraid of you Jiang family, but I'm not afraid. I have plenty of ways to avoid them."

After the warning, regardless of the other party's pale and white complexion, he closed his eyes again and entered the state of enlightenment again.

It was far away from here, and Qifeng Sect Master saw everything with his eyes, and was amazed again and again.

He couldn't help but take action just now, regretting that he didn't help his apprentice stop the knight.

The opportunity for enlightenment is rare, and it is a pity that it was interrupted like this.

But he didn't expect that Chen Banxian would enter the state of enlightenment again. Is this... a divine body?

"Oh, what a big breath."

The Jiang family knight felt his face was insulted: "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of threatening my Jiang family?"

He picked up the weapon again and mustered his divine power to give Chen Banxian a fatal blow.


Suddenly, the knight's flesh and blood burst into pieces and died.

His strange beast was frightened and ran towards the mountains.

The leader of the Qifeng Sect slowly walked out and quietly looked at the blood stains on the broken corpse.

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die, but you are just a knight. You are not even considered an aide and you are worthy of representing the Jiang family?"

He has already been given a chance. If he is still seeking death, no wonder he is so ruthless.

Master Qifeng is also a human spirit. In fact, as the Lord of the Cave Heaven who has no foundation and no support from any big forces, his ability to cultivate to the Immortal Stage is not just based on his talent.

Luck, perseverance, and wisdom are all indispensable.

He glanced around quietly, comprehending the Tao Yun left just now, and surmising everything.

That handsome-looking boy was carrying a rare treasure, so he was targeted by the Jiang family knights, and the opportunity his precious apprentice mentioned should also be with him.

It's indeed a good opportunity.

He didn't panic, wasn't afraid of Ye Fan running away, and he was aware of everything around him for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Just wait until the disciple's enlightenment is over, and then send him to that boy.

For a long time, Chen Banxian slowly finished his work, and all his insights and Taoist charms disappeared.

At his Dantian, the brilliance the size of a grain of rice expanded and was about the size of a little finger.

Even though it was just such a small difference, he was already completely different from before.

A small boat floats inside. If he can, he can cast a stunning light. If he encounters hundreds of fourth-level warriors before, as long as they are dense enough, he can kill them all.

This small hole is enough for him to mobilize all the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi and Flying Immortal Light, blast them all out instantly, and then control it with a small boat, which is his real trump card.

"This is called the trump card."

He opened his eyes and sighed, finally having his own trump card.

"Are you awake?" Qifeng had been watching for a while, with concern on his face: "Are you hungry, disciple? Are you thirsty?"

"Master, it's okay, I don't need to eat too much now."

Chen Banxian smiled and refused. He silently sensed that someone still had unfinished business.

Explaining to Qifeng that he would continue to look for opportunities, Chen Banxian sensed Ye Fan's location.

"Hiss, you've traveled so far?"

He got up, still not learning to fly, just running on the ground with his legs.

After supplementing the "Tao Jing", his physical strength increased again, and he could jump a mountain in one step, very fast.

He passed by the life restricted area and saw a huge roc bird and many monsters with heads, but he avoided them. After all, the Qifeng Sect Master was watching, which was enough to prevent him from being killed instantly.

This sect master is really good to me.

Finally, when Chen Banxian found Ye Fan, he was being cooked.

He was miserable, with wounds all over his body and unable to move. A large amount of blood was flowing out, and his life was almost exhausted.

Elder Han was controlling the alchemy furnace on one side, trying to refine the great medicine for the human body.

Chen Banxian did not hide himself. He appeared directly in the room, surprising Elder Han. This old man who was about to reach the end of his life was still very capable.

He immediately exerted his divine power, the light boiled, the fountain of life rolled, as if it was about to crack mountains and crack rocks.

Ordinary people would probably be torn apart in an instant, and even second-level extraordinary beings would be forcibly killed.

Unfortunately, he met Chen Banxian.

The terrible palm imprinted on him was like a mud cow entering the sea, raindrops melting into the lake, but nothing happened.

"Hiss, who are you!"

Elder Han was horrified. He had tried his best, but nothing happened. This was unacceptable.

"Are you here to steal my fruit?"

Elder Han asked again, forcibly bringing up the divine power in his body: "I won't let you succeed. This is my lifetime accumulation. I will definitely be able to refine the elixir that can build a magical bridge to reach the other side!"

"You can't steal it! If you leave, I will pretend nothing happened."

"Heh, who are you?"

Chen Banxian casually found a chair in the alchemy room and sat down, looking at him sideways.

In the Lingxu Cave, Elder Han's life spring state can be said to be enough to walk sideways.

In the eyes of mortals, he is a true immortal, omnipotent.

But in front of Chen Banxian, he was too weak, not good enough, as weak as a baby.

"Don't be afraid, keep practicing." He propped up his chin and stared closely into the alchemy furnace.

If the prediction is correct, Ye Fan will be saved by hundreds of words of scripture in the alchemy furnace. At this time, he can observe the details of the scripture.

He doesn't need Bodhisattva or any tools, he has that confidence.

The ancient bronze coffin fell into the restricted area of ​​​​life, and there was no way to go there. These hundreds of words of ancient scriptures are scriptures that "do not exist in the world". It is said that the entire text is composed of imperial patterns.

The giant bronze coffin is actually the core thing in the world that covers the sky. Everything rises and falls because of it, even if it is actually just a container to hold the corpse.

This neck pattern is not described much in the original work, it can even be said to be rare, it just shows a little bit of mystery.

But if you think about it carefully, who was the first owner of this bronze coffin, then...

"If you ask me to practice, I will practice..."

Elder Han gritted his teeth. He didn't want Chen Banxian to get the elixir.

But Chen Banxian just glanced at him, and the martial arts will came out of his head. The terrible pressure suddenly made Elder Han almost lose his mind.

Martial Arts Will took a deep look at Elder Han. With this look, Elder Han suddenly split open and his soul was forced to be divided into ten parts. He was so frightened that all three souls and seven souls dispersed.

In this glance, Chen Banxian saw the other party's memory, briefly controlled the alchemy furnace a few times, and then waited quietly.

But his heart is not peaceful.

The waves of the Summoning Demon Sutra Sea sounded, and in the alchemy furnace, the waves of Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering were also rising.

The sound echoes, alternating between inside and outside, Ye Fan is being refined, and if there is no miracle, he will become a human blood pill.

But he couldn't die.

He is that similar flower. When that time comes, maybe the ruthless man will come out of the restricted area and let the world know what it means to be "invincible".

After a while, Qifeng couldn't help but come out and whispered: "Apprentice, refining people into elixirs goes against common sense and will pollute your path."

He didn't want to see a divine body go astray.

Is this... the will of the world influencing Qifeng, or is it a coincidence?
He didn't quite understand, but he stopped the latter: "Master, the opportunity is coming. He won't die. Just watch quietly."

"If you can understand it, maybe you can reach a higher level in the future."

Is the divine body so awesome?

Qifeng felt something was wrong in his heart, but this was his apprentice and he chose to believe it.

Since the man in the alchemy furnace possesses a rare treasure, he might not be able to die.

In fact, it was true. After a while, Ye Fan's golden sea of ​​bitterness was loud and the waves were loud. He was struggling on the edge of death, and hundreds of words of ancient scriptures finally appeared.

In an instant, this space changed, became strange, and was filled with Taoist rhyme, and the Taoist rhyme was filled with things that could not be seen clearly.

An ancient scripture that no longer exists in the world!
Chen Banxian stared at these indescribable and incomprehensible scriptures, trying to understand them.

Qifeng's eyes were dazed, and he saw one word, which was deeply imprinted on Sendai. At this moment, some unexplainable change seemed to have occurred.

Chen Banxian tried his best to integrate himself into it, trying to understand it.


It's too difficult. His realm cannot meet such high requirements. He overestimates himself.

Even if you have a pickaxe that can carve out mountains, you still have to take your time, not just with one pickaxe.

Besides, his level is too low now, and his hand holding the pickaxe is still too delicate.

There was understanding in his eyes, which was not something he could come into contact with at this stage.


But he was not reconciled.

This is definitely a good thing, involving the fundamentals of the world. The description in the original work seems to be composed of the emperor's words, but its role is definitely more than that!

"Go back in time!"

Before he went back six seconds, the scriptures flashed by and he had to continue to comprehend them.

And he pulled out the sword spirit and asked the two of them to explore the opportunity together.

"What's the matter?"

The sword spirit was still a little confused. Then, he was infected by the rhyme of the Tao and saw a few hundred words of scripture.


The sword spirit vibrated, even more horribly than the previous collision with the Iron Soldier God. It shuttled through the rhyme, trying to stop something.

He did not intercept any words or rhymes, but only blocked special things.

Something was divided by him, the blade cut it off, and then it quickly returned to the scabbard on Chen Banxian's back.

"Boy! I am still weak and can only suppress you for 3 minutes. Now, you have 3 minutes to return to Earth."

The sword spirit revealed that his voice was suppressing something very strongly.

He couldn't even utter any extra words. The sword trembled and cracked.

Fortunately, the word "virtue" shone brightly and was temporarily suppressed.

Only 3 minutes, what exactly did the sword spirit intercept from the scriptures?
Chen Banxian ignored him, he quickly opened the alchemy furnace, and then shook Ye Fan awake.

Of course the latter was shocked, but Chen Banxian didn't care so much, indicating that he had resolved the crisis for him, and after he was free, he forcibly demanded the hexagram money.

"Give me the hexagram gold, don't ask why, or I'll beat you to death!"

He exerted his divine power with one hand, causing the land to collapse like a meteor falling.

Ye Fan was shocked, he knew that this compatriot had extraordinary origins and extraordinary strength, but he did not expect that he was so extraordinary!

"what do you want!"

Ye Fan looked ugly. He thought Chen Banxian was going to take away his Taoist scriptures or Bodhisattva.

As for the little green copper, he didn't think this person could find it.

Time was running out, Chen Banxian would not argue with him and just took out the gold from his arms.

"I don't want your treasures, give these things to me, Goldfinger, understand?"

We are all from Earth, so there is no need to explain it clearly.

"Okay, I understand."

Ye Fan saw Chen Banxian's anxiety and nodded, with many doubts hidden in his stomach.

"Ding, get...

Before he had time to hear what he had gained, he grabbed Qifeng.

"Master, I know you have many questions, but I hope you will cut off your relationship with me now, otherwise you will encounter terrible dangers next."

Qifeng was very kind to him, giving him whatever he asked for, accepting any request, and not prying into his details.

Keep a distance that's neither too far nor too close, so as not to affect him.

He was afraid that Qifeng would protect him in the end and fight against the disaster that awaited him.

But in fact, Qifeng smiled bitterly, he couldn't get away by himself.

Just now he was branded as Sendai by a single word, and now he fell into a passive state. This was an opportunity.

"Master, take care!"

He thought for a while, but he still didn't reveal the information about the earth.

The earth is still too weak, and it cannot be exposed too much without exposing too much.

There is a little more than 1 minute left.

It was really too late. He saw more cracks on the sword spirit's body, which were densely packed. Fortunately, the word "virtue" glowed, and there was a faint aura of a priest to fight against it.

Only then did he realize that the sword spirit had chopped the hardcore soldier into pieces and taken away the opponent's priesthood.

(End of this chapter)

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