Chapter 269 Unknown Treasure

Old Yin Sword!
Damn, it’s hidden so deeply that even he doesn’t know.

He began to cross the space, no longer hiding or holding back, and kept crossing large distances under Ye Fan's surprised eyes.

He didn't want to pay the price, so he went all out to achieve a thousand-mile plan in an instant.

However, the distance is still too far.

The entrance to the passage from here to the earth was so far away that it took him two days and two nights to reach the city.

Now that he is exerting all his strength, the space is almost shattered, but there is still some time left.

At this moment, the scabbard of the sword was shattered, and the sword spirit glowed all over, emitting a strange phenomenon. He howled: "Boy, why haven't you arrived on earth yet?"

"Hurry up!"

He urged: "Once I cannot suppress it, great terror will happen!"

In fact, it was really like this. His sword cracked and a strange aura came out of it.

However, it was this aura that made the sky in the distance tremble, and then, a pair of huge eyes appeared from the sky.

The eyes opened slowly, without any emotion, and seemed to be the eyes of a woman.

Chen Banxian didn't dare to look. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to escape. Even the knuckle-sized spot of light in his dantian under his navel exploded, and a small boat flew out.

He rode the small boat, and his speed increased a lot. The continuous flow of demon summoning energy increased the thrust, and the flying immortal body avoided the space barrier.


Suddenly, the world shook, and something appeared from high in the sky. It was slightly inferior to the eyes, and it was a jar.

The jar has no lid and is bursting with divine power, causing the world to burst under its pressure.

Just a little bit of peripheral vision makes the mountains disappear into nothingness.

"Is this really something my level can cause?"

Chen Banxian cursed loudly, and he suddenly increased his speed. He was really trying his best.

Even the soul power that was still in the process of repair and fusion started to work together, just to escape to the earth.

However, the distance is simply not enough!
Not to mention 3 minutes, 10 or [-] minutes is not enough!
The jar arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, blocking his way.

"Open it for me!"

Chen Banxian gritted his teeth. At the critical moment, the Demon Summoning Sutra Qi in his body exploded, unleashing a stunning fairy light, and the trump card he had just obtained became an open card.

However, the jar didn't even sway, only a little light was scattered, and then it moved closer to him.

"Fuck, it's over, it's over!"

Chen Banxian cursed angrily: "Sword Spirit, you damn thing, we are going to be in trouble!"

"Cool ass!"

The sword spirit roared: "Hurry up and use that airflow to bless the space. Let's escape in. Maybe we can escape with our lives."

"I was killed by you!"

Chen Banxian squeezed out the last of his demon-summoning energy, blessed the space passage, and plunged into it.

He entered that world again, it was pitch black, but there were countless space debris.

Can't tell the difference between up, down, south, east and west.

But the river was gone, looking dead and scary.

But soon, it wasn't so dead here anymore.

A jar broke the space and came after him. Chen Banxian was so frightened that he found a random space and got in!
What he saw was the blazing hell. He didn't dare to wait and traveled through it again, leaving no escape route for himself.

He wandered in endless space just to get rid of the jar.

Fortunately, maybe the jar couldn't find him. In the end, after traveling through hundreds of worlds, he completely avoided it and was not caught up.

"Tanima is scary."

Chen Banxian escaped from death, and he was indescribably lucky. If he had been any slower, he would have died.

Even if you can be resurrected, you may not be able to escape the pursuit, and the sword spirit will also fall.

He touched the scales on his chest. Fortunately, the dragon was still there.

He glanced around and found that this was a simple courtyard, and he couldn't tell which world it was.

The ponds have dried up, the flowers and plants have withered, and everything is dilapidated and decayed.

It has not been taken care of by the owner for a long time, and there is no sign of life here. It is deserted. It should be safe for the time being.

The sword spirit no longer suppressed the breath, and the thing was spit out by him.

"His mother-in-law's was almost broken."

The sword was lying on the ground rolling over, as if it was very tired, and the thing finally revealed its true appearance.

"What the hell is this?"

He was confused. This thing looked like a jellyfish floating in the air, very transparent.

"This is an incredible thing!"

The sword spirit sighed: "You are so lucky. I met a certain future body of existence. I reflected it from the future body of that existence and cut off a piece."

Damn it, what on earth did the sword spirit chop down!
Chen Banxian was shocked: "You are so brave, you are not afraid that we will not be able to escape?"

"If your kid is reincarnated by my soul, the worst he can do is to die. Compared with this kind of opportunity, you are nothing to be afraid of!"

The sword spirit is very arrogant and believes that death is just the beginning.

"And then turn into a sword like you?"

He didn't argue and looked at the "jellyfish".

"How does this thing work?"

"do not know."

The sword spirit thrust the thing into his body with a hook and a blow.

"Perhaps in the future it will become a key that allows you to enter the unspeakable place."

He knew something, but He wouldn't say it. No matter how Chen Banxian pressed him, made a fuss, or even used a honey trap, promising countless empty promises, He wouldn't answer.

"Boy, stop asking."

The sword spirit said sadly: "If I tell you, I will not die. Do you believe that I will die suddenly?" "Even if I give you a hundred lives, ten thousand lives, or billions of lives, it won't be enough to kill you."

He was afraid that Chen Banxian would ask again and completely block his escape route: "I swear to Master Tiandao."

It seemed that He really didn't say anything anymore.

Chen Banxian also touched his body and found that he couldn't find the thing.

"Stop looking for it. Your current state is not enough to sense it."

The sword spirit also told him not to enter the world of Zhetian again, otherwise he would be obliterated by the world there and killed by countless hiding things.

What on earth is this thing!
Chen Banxian had too many doubts in his heart, so he could only ignore it.

"Fortunately, there's a consolation prize."

He checked Ye Fan's hexagram gold.

After all, he is a protagonist in a big world. Let him see what good things he has obtained in the future sacrifice.

"Ding, get the Heaven-Zealing Source Vein."

Covering the Heaven Source Vein?

What this was was, he had never heard of it, and Chen Banxian realized its wonderful use.

The Zhetian Source Vein is a rule of the Zhetian World.

Calling it physical fitness is an understatement. This thing has one biggest function - combat power.

Compared with other worlds, Zhetian World is the shortest-lived world and the most regrettable world.

The great emperor dominates the world, has amazing talents, rises among countless people, stands out in bloody battles, and can even penetrate time and space, but the result is that his life span is only ten thousand years?

Such a terrifying existence only has a lifespan of ten thousand years?

It's so ridiculous.

And all of this is because of the "origin" of this world.

Source Vein, they exchange lifespan for combat power. In addition to the Tianxin Seal and the rules of the world, there is also the relationship of this Source Vein.

Unless you become an immortal and break this other kind of shackles.

Strictly speaking, this is not a good thing, but it has a special place.

It’s easier to reach higher realms, there are no limits.

Maybe this is the reason why Ye Fan and the others finally became the priests?

He didn't dare to guess, after all, those existences were too far away from him and he couldn't guess at all.

The amount required for the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi, Xiaozhou, and Flying Immortal Body seemed to be a bottomless pit that could never be filled. With this source vein, he could increase his cultivation speed.

He needs to increase his cultivation as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after loading the Zhetian Source Vein, his cultivation speed increased again, and he miraculously recalled some "words."

It is Ye Fan's previous "Bronze Coffin Emperor Pattern".

As he recalled, more and more words emerged, but suddenly, Chen Banxian covered his head and screamed.


It hurts, it hurts so much!It was as if thousands of needles were repeatedly inserted into his head. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and his whole body began to decay and was about to be wiped out.

Fortunately, he stopped remembering in time and no tragedy occurred.

The imperial pattern is not something that he can understand now, it is just a scrap of scraps and a reflection.

This shocked the sword spirit. After seeing that he was fine, he stopped talking. He was also realizing something.

Because the memories were too intense and he was injured, he didn't dare to practice, so he started walking around here.

There was deathly silence all around, the earth was black, but there was no nourishment at all.

Dry and dilapidated are his mainstream images of the world.

The essence gate of the outer heaven and earth suddenly closed, and the extraordinary was not revealed. Fortunately, the essence of his inner heaven and earth gate fell down, and there was an endless stream.

The world is dead.

Chen Banxian realized clearly that he chose to leave and drift in the turbulence of time and space.

With the last experience, he didn't panic much. He cultivated while activating the fire of faith in his mind as an anchor.

There was little fire of faith left, and the boat's lights were sparse and insufficient to illuminate the way forward. He could only choose to understand the mysteries of space and "go home" in the stupidest way possible.

During this process, he couldn't help but think of the world in the mirror.

They use the Ying Gou statue as an anchor and let him spread their faith. This may not be a way to return in the future.

Exactly the same as myself.

But who can say clearly how many mirror worlds there are?
He can be sure that the earth has experienced a recovery, or even several times, several times, and there is definitely more than one "mirror corridor" like this.

The future is still bloody and unknown.

There seems to be no sense of time here.

But in Baihu City, the passage of time is extremely clear.

Huge tall buildings are rising from the ground, and air traffic is built in all directions.

The Daxia Longque in Baihu City has been iterated many times, and now Type VII has appeared, using antimatter technology and even the Xu Lue experiment of dark matter.

Relying on the technology of the Dingbi civilization, they distorted space, crossed distances, and looked for other cities on a greatly changed earth.

Scientists are always smart. They compared the distance between streets, mountains, and buildings in the past with the current changes, and concluded that the earth has expanded at least ten thousand times.

However, gravity and other factors have not been strengthened at all, and it is still an unsolved mystery.

Science has encountered unprecedented challenges.

But they didn't care, so they put it aside if they didn't understand it. Based on the geographical expansion, they used maps to look for directions to other previous cities, looking for survivors.

And this just brought them huge trouble.

On this day, someone took the Daxia Dragon Bird and came to Baihu City.

He has a delicate appearance and seems to be underage, but he has the aura of a priest about him.

Baihu City can obtain the priesthood, and other cities will certainly be able to do so as well. Don’t underestimate the people on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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