There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 270 Condensing the Luck of Nine States

Chapter 270: Condensing Kyushu’s Luck

"I come from Miancheng, and I come here for mankind and the life and death of the earth."

In a brightly lit conference room, the young man calmly stated his purpose.

Although he has a delicate appearance, he cannot hide the vicissitudes of life in his eyes, like an old man who has seen the grim situation.

"What proof do you have?"

From Baihu City, there was a middle-aged man with gray hair and a string of rosary beads on his body.

"I don't have anything to prove."

The young man said: "The earth has entered the vision of advanced civilization, and you are destined to see that day come. Soon, those things will arrive like flies that smell the smell of blood."

"Haha, this guest, I'm afraid you still don't know the background of our Baihu City."

Na Baiyi pushed the rosary, and the radiance of the priesthood flowed from his body.

He believed that the other party did not know that he was also a clergyman.

"The priesthood is good, but you have to know that the priesthood also has three or six points."

The young man opened his eyes slightly, and with just one glance, Na Baiyi turned pale and his soul was shocked.

His face was full of disbelief. He was already at the pinnacle of the current world and still within his own clerical field. Why did he just look at...

"Strange? Confused?"

The young man stopped looking at him: "If the priesthood is really invincible, how did you obtain it?"

He no longer looked at Na Baiyi: "Who took the priesthood for you? I want to see him."

His tone was full of contempt: "You are not qualified to talk to me, nor are you qualified to know the secrets."

Not qualified?

This sentence made Na Baiyi laugh angrily, and he stood up suddenly: "Little boy is not old, but he is quite arrogant. Did you know that I have twelve priests in Baihu City!"

Twelve priests?
The young man's expression finally changed, and he showed a look of surprise: "There are actually twelve statues?"

"Young man, are you surprised now?"

Na Baiyi smiled softly, feeling that he had taken the initiative again.

Twelve priests are enough to cover a million miles of land in Baihu City. The superposition of priests and priests in this area makes it impossible for any alien race to break through.

This is why Shen Qinghe said: "With the priesthood, the earth will have the capital to challenge foreign races."

But the boy's next words made Na Baiyi's face turn dark.

"Who can win the twelve priesthoods? This person, or this team, these people, I am extremely looking forward to meeting!"

"What did you see him for?"

Na Baiyi had a dark face: "Did you not understand the situation? Now is the world of clergy, and the most effective communication is when you meet us."

If the pressure of the other party's priesthood were not stronger than his, Na Baiyi would not talk nonsense here at all.

"Besides, what exactly are they, the advanced civilization you are talking about? It's not like we haven't fought before."

He pointed outside and could see a huge tower made of transparent black metal.

"Do you know about dark matter? Technology that only exists in theory. We have defeated even civilizations with dark matter. What other advanced civilization can cause harm to the earth?"

The young man frowned, then stood up and wanted to leave.

"Talking to you is such a waste of my time. Your eyes have been deceived by the clergy and technology. You are intoxicated with delusions of arrogance and don't know the heights of the world."

"That person is indeed powerful, but now I feel sorry for his vision, and he actually gave it to the priest candidates casually."

"What do you mean!" Na Baiyi said angrily: "Do you really have to fight before you know how powerful our Baihu City is?"

His face was ugly: "You are a guest from afar in Cotton City. I don't want to take action, but you have repeatedly challenged my bottom line. I can't forgive you."

"Come on, follow me out of the city and decide the outcome!"

The young man shook his head, with a look of compassion in his eyes: "If your heart cannot suppress your desires, you will eventually be assimilated by the priesthood, allowing him to revive and return to you."

Poor, sad, deplorable.

The young man ignored the furious Na Baiyi. He took one step and disappeared, not intending to waste time dealing with him.

"This city is hopeless."

He walked down the street, looking at the people around him, and felt sorry for it.

He noticed an obelisk for commemoration, right next to the statue of a certain sect, and the name "Shen Qinghe" on the top was particularly eye-catching.

"He should be a great transcendent." He observed three seconds of silence for this name, feeling admiration in his heart.

"Looking at the whole picture from one person, once the assimilation time of the twelve priests comes, it will become the end of the world, and this city will only be lost in time."

The young man opened his eyes and sighed, feeling something from the priesthood.

He could sense the auras of the twelve deities in the city, and the emotions he could see from the fluctuations in the auras were full of indulgence and arrogance.

The young man went out of town and did not intend to waste time.He was going to the next city.

Bustling crowds were flowing around him, including many hawkers and greeters. There were many food stalls and shops even outside the city.

“Try the food in this city, you won’t be able to eat it anymore.”

He talked to himself, found a shop and sat down, ordered roasted fish and some pasta.

It is an indisputable fact that Baihu City is rich in aquatic products.

The shop owner was chatting with friends, laughing from time to time, attracting the boy's attention.

"The fourth realm." The young man was surprised that the person talking to the boss was actually a monk from the fourth realm.

Soon, the boss brought fish noodles. Seeing how young he looked, he said, "Are you still studying? Why are you out of the city alone?"

"You are young and full of energy, why can't you leave the city?"

The young man took a bite of the fish and his eyes lit up.


He praised that he had not eaten such delicious food for a long time since the end of the world.

"You should still be in school at this time."

The old man answered him. Seeing that the boy didn't listen, he didn't mind and turned to chat with the person next to him.

"Old Lin, you said that the goblin side has agreed to come to our Baihu City to teach?"

"It's great, thanks to you! Our future is bright!"


The boy finished the food and sighed.

They didn't know that the fate of their city had already been decided. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the person who held the priesthood. Perhaps, that person had been killed by the priests.

This is normal. When the priesthood changes, the resentment of the previous master will infect the next master. If you don't have a rational mind and a strong will, you will be most easily affected.

Hatred transfers, and the most dangerous time to kill a priest is not during the war, but after the war.

There were such examples in several big cities he visited. It was a pity. It was a pity. According to the introduction of the people in the city, the genius who was killed was a real hero.

After several crises, certain death situations, and even the experience of going to another world alone, he survived tenaciously and became stronger and stronger.

After being promoted to the fourth level of the priesthood, he was able to suppress it.

It's a pity that he ended up being careless and died in the hands of the person he loved the most. It's really ironic.

"Classmate, why are you sighing?"

The boss came and sat down in front of him: "Is there any difficulty?" He was very enthusiastic: "I know people from educational institutions. If it is a problem with studying, I can help you solve it."

The young man glanced at this man and felt that the boss was strange.

He took a few glances at the person named Lin. Maybe he was the one the boss was talking about.

A practitioner in the fourth realm does have this ability, but unfortunately, he is not sighing for education.

The boy wiped his mouth and was surprised again by the clean whiteness of the paper.

He was reluctant to part with such a city that perfectly preserved its pre-apocalyptic characteristics.

Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant he is, he has to give up. He may be able to suppress the twelve priests in his own domain, but in other people's domains, he can only protect himself.

"Sigh... I'm not worried because of those things. Even if I tell you, you won't understand."

He looked at the boss: "I'll give you two choices. One, I won't give you food money, and I'll tell you a piece of news.

Second, I will give you money for the meal, but I still want to tell you some news. "

The boss had a look of surprise on his face. This boy actually let him make a choice?
"Classmate, you are really good at choosing people." The young man surnamed Lin in the fourth realm was laughing: "With your words, I don't need to pay for the meal. Can I hear both the news?"

The young man nodded, his eyes unwavering: "Of course."

"One, you need to leave this city, which will take anywhere from ten to a hundred years."

"Two, you can pass through the white mist of another world [-] kilometers away, leave from another exit in the white mist, and you will arrive near Cotton City, which is very safe."

"Ten years to a hundred years..."

The boss thought about this sentence and sat down in front of him: "Tell me, have you discovered anything?"

"I can't tell you, it would be harmful to an ordinary person like you."

"Then tell me."

A person named Lin from the fourth realm came out: "My name is Lin Tian. I wonder if you have heard of my name."

"Lin Tian?"

The young man frowned: "I haven't heard of it, but for you, knowing this information will not do you any good."

He spoke concisely and to the point: "Only by going to Miancheng can you survive."

"It's really strange that you, a young man, speak with such a sophisticated tone."

The boss asked him: "In our Baihu City, there are already hundreds of fourth-level monks. The outstanding ones can crush the ordinary small world. The technology has climbed to the dark matter sequence. The Great Xia Longque can be several miles away in an instant, and there are even more The priesthood is in charge.”

"Is there any threat that is enough for me to let him, the Fourth Realm, escape?"

The young man looked up at the boss, stood up and left.

"The favor of a meal is over. I don't have much time. Please forgive me for not accompanying you."

He has to go to the next city, the last city, Tongri City.

But the boss sat down in front of him and stopped him: "I can sense the things in your body. Meeting is a destiny. If you have anything to say, you might as well tell me."

Lin Tian also sat down and winked at the boss: "What a coincidence, Shen Qinghe, why does this child have the same temper as you before?"

This boss is actually Shen Qinghe.

After he didn't manage Baihu City, he came to open a restaurant outside the city. If he said it, he would shock people.

"Are you Shen Qinghe?" The young man was also surprised and frowned:

"Aren't you on the memorial monument? And why don't you have the aura of a transcendent in you?"

"So, young men, don't be arrogant."

Shen Qinghe raised his fingers slightly and released a little breath: "There are many ways to hide yourself, I just learned one of them.

If I hadn't seen you holding a priesthood, I wouldn't be so interested in you. "

Shen Qinghe narrowed his eyes: "A priest who does not belong to Baihu City, and his aura is as strong as mine."

"What's your name? I'm very curious about your status in Cotton City, and I'm also very curious about what threat you mentioned."

The young man's pupils shrank, and the fleeting aura leaked out, allowing him to see something astonishing.

"So strong!"

These two words represent a lot of things, making the young man wary and even have the urge to flee the city immediately.

He sensed that this person's clerical field was right here, and in Baihu City, his strength would reach its peak.

But what frightened him even more was that this person's consciousness was clear and he had not been infected by the priesthood, or in other words, the bad influence had been eliminated.

"I take back what I just said. With your presence in Baihu City, the ten-year period will be postponed. With you here, at least the next 50 years will be safe."

The young man said his name: "My name is Mu Yun, and I am a transcendent from Cotton City."

"Shen Qinghe."

He introduced himself again and pointed to Lin Tian to introduce him.

"In fact, if we add him, I think this time can be set back another ten years."

"We have to add two more people." Lin Tian added.

"Now, do we still need to escape?"

Shen Qinghe was smiling. At this moment, someone came in and asked, "Boss, do you still have the grilled fish?"

"It's temporarily closed today."

Shen Qinghe replied that he would close the door.

Such an approachable person made the young man Mu Yun feel in a trance: "The road is uneasy, the heart is complicated, only peace is peace, only normality is state. You have reached this state."

He wanted to enter, but couldn't find a way.

"What's so strange about this?" Shen Qinghe thought of someone and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"But, it's not enough."

Mu Yun said: "It seems that you are the one who won the priesthood. I didn't expect to meet you here."

He is very smart and can deduce the truth through what he hears and observes along the way.

Moreover, with Shen Qinghe's current strength, it is not difficult to compete with the twelve priests.

"That's right." Shen Qinghe replied.

"Well, in that case, it's just right for me to tell you."

Mu Yun opened his mouth and stated his purpose.

"We need to reintegrate the big cities, change the geographical location of each city, and condense the destiny of Kyushu."

"Only in this way can we leave our name in higher civilizations and world monuments without being liquidated."

"Kyushu Luck, World Monument?"

Lin Tian frowned. They had only heard of such terms in novels.

The two looked at Mu Yun, waiting for his next explanation.

"The so-called Kyushu Luck is something I deciphered from ancient ruins. It is a means of coordinating the current situation of the scattered human race."

"In ancient times, the human race was weak and scattered all over the world, serving as food for all races. There was a emperor who forged the Nine Cauldrons and formed the Nine Provinces to suppress the fate of the human race.

Only then can the human race be condensed into a single rope, and only then can the human race occupy a place among all races. The fate will not be broken, the human race will not be destroyed, and it will gradually become stronger and stronger. "

(End of this chapter)

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