Chapter 271 World Monument

"But if our luck is good, if we move and receive support from all directions, we will not be defeated one by one and destroyed."

The young man opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts.

If he hadn't seen Shen Qinghe, he would have given up here.

No matter how good the performance here is, it is just a rope bridge that breaks the future and cannot reach the other side.

But Shen Qinghe's appearance undoubtedly used manpower to forcibly connect the broken circuit.

"I think Baihu City is qualified to become one of the Nine States."

"Well, keep talking."

When talking about business, Shen Qinghe lost his usual easy-going attitude and his expression was cold.

Lin Tian looked away unconsciously, as if he could see the core machine sitting in the center again, constantly issuing orders.

This aura made the young man even more determined.

Mu Yun continued: "And Jiuzhou Qiyun must build the Jiuzhou tripod, but the composition of each tripod is different, and the functions are also different. When the time comes, Jiucheng will need to come to Miancheng to subdivide it."

"Well, go on."

The young man nodded: "The next [World Monument] is the key point."

"The World Monument, as its name suggests, is a special monument on each world. It is intangible but has quality. It is the product of rules."

"Each world inscribes its own name on the World Monument and calculates the ranking. The rules at the front are more skewed, and the rules at the back are naturally weaker."

"So, wars will always break out in neighboring worlds, and everyone wants to weaken the opponent's strength and make their own ranking higher."

"Hiss, World Monument? Who the hell made this thing!"

Lin Tian was angry: "Old Shen, have you heard of this in your previous life?"

"No." Shen Qinghe expressed simply and neatly: "In my previous life, I only lived not long after the first calamity, and then I died violently."


The emotions in Mu Yun's eyes were hidden, and there were no words.

"Why don't you live longer!" Lin Tian scolded: "It's better now. We're going through waves again and again. Sooner or later, humanity will be finished."

He raised his head and wanted to curse a few words, but when it came to his mouth, it turned into:

"God, I love you so much."

Shen Qinghe and the boy looked at each other, and he nodded to confirm: "In this case, when will you need to go to Cotton City to participate in the selection?"

The other party said that the tripod has different functions, so there will naturally be disputes and preparations need to be made in advance.

It seems that he still has to find some rules items.

"A year from now."

Mu Yun was not very sure: "I need to go northwest. That will be the last place and it will take a lot of time."

There is a large desert in the northwest, and the alien world over there is even more difficult.

After agreeing on a date, Shen Qinghe and Lin Tian bid farewell to the young man, but the other person disappeared in one step, making the two of them jealous.

"The secret of space must be the secret of space!"

Lin Tian sighed: "It's so convenient, I want it too."

"Isn't my sister teaching? Why don't you go learn?" Shen Qinghe looked at him sideways, and the latter's face was full of bitterness.

"How do I learn? He said to touch the space with your hands first, and that stopped me at the first step."

He doesn't have this life.

"That's because you are lazy." Shen Qinghe stared at him and raised a finger: "One word, lazy, will harm you for the rest of your life."

Without waiting for Lin Tian to refute, he took out his mobile phone: "Now contact Chen Banxian with me. If you want to fight and grab things, you can contact him. You are right."

The communicator is ringing, but the message on the other end is that no one is answering.

"Don't be afraid, he will approach Baihu City sooner or later, and there will be a signal then."

Shen Qinghe waved his hand, posted the mission on the Internet, and dialed a phone number. The owner was on a mission in another world and told Lin Tian to come to him and ask him to come back quickly.

After the task is completed, you can receive [-] black coins based on the call records.

The Internet is good, and soon everyone knows the news. Anyway, if the other party doesn't answer the phone, there is no charge. Everyone makes calls when they have nothing to do. What if the other party can get through one day?
The passion in Baihu City arouses and lasts forever.


In the unknown space turbulence, a person with disheveled hair and body covered in rags shuttled through the space.



"Not yet!"

He was going crazy, and he lost his mask, revealing his perfect face, but the dirty rags all over his body had a messy beauty.

He was unkempt and had a sense of brokenness.

Chen Banxian constantly shuttles through space, and he can even superimpose spaces. He has greatly improved the secrets of space.

They were all forced. I didn’t expect that finding the way back would be so difficult.

"MD, you damn bastard, I will be the first to throw you down when the labor and management are awesome, and I will have to use you as a urinal every day!"

He was full of fire, and then he counted the fires of his faith.

The stars are dotted, so dim and dim that they are almost inaudible, and they are becoming less and less.

It's over, it's over.

He wanders in space, seemingly like a ghost.

For nearly a year, for nearly a year, he was wandering around, traveling through various broken worlds.

There are people in some worlds and they are on high alert.

Some worlds are dangerous and full of monsters.

"You have to work hard and have a group of souls as companions, and integrate them every day, otherwise you will definitely get jade syndrome."

After more than ten days, he took out his mobile phone to check how much time had passed.

This is his main way of keeping time. Fortunately, the phone is a psychic technology and he can charge it with the energy in his body.

Suddenly, Chen Banxian rubbed his eyes and was surprised.

Just now, the cell phone signal display suddenly popped up.

In a short time, the signal in the middle of his movement disappeared, so fast that he thought it was an illusion.But it’s not actually an illusion!
He retrieved his memory and confirmed that there was indeed a signal from Baihu City nearby.


He was sure in an instant!Move around quickly and look for it.

He must have collected the signal just now when he was close to the Earth. He only needed to break through the space where the signal was strong, and he would most likely find his way home.

But how fast is he?It had moved several worlds away in just an instant, and its spatial abilities had been greatly exercised and blessed here.

Finding the location of the earth is extremely difficult.

"Even if you are looking for a needle in a haystack, you still have a range!"

He worked hard to persevere and cheer for himself. Finally, a trembling signal appeared on his mobile phone. It was weak, discontinuous, and appeared and disappeared.

"right here!"

Chen Banxian almost cried when he saw a thumb-sized brilliance flashing in his dantian, and then the complete boat flew out and set sail from the Demon Summoning Sea.

The entire sea water boiled, and the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi was compressed by the [embankment] of the Flying Immortal Body, and burst out from the hole!


The dazzling light exploded, and he directly used the ultimate energy, which was blessed by several ancient characters, making it even more powerful.

Hitting the void hard, the void split open in an instant, revealing the scene on the other side.

It is an endless sea. The water is black because it is too deep and the sun cannot shine in.

It must be Baihu City!
Chen Banxian crashed into the debris without hesitation. This was his only hope of return and he couldn't lose it.


On this day, huge waves arose on Minshan Lake. Something plunged into the lake like a sharp sword, causing huge waves thousands of meters high.

"who is it!"

Minshan Lake boiled, and a tall, transparent water god walked out of it. This was a god!
His body made of water covered the sky and shone in the sunlight, and he immediately locked onto the things in the water.

"Hmph, a human dares to trespass on my territory!"

He took action decisively, and the water pressure there was endless, and the water pressure of an entire lake fell towards the man.

This is no longer the Minshan Lake it used to be. It only covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

Now, it covers a full 2000 million square kilometers!

When the priesthood was revived, it occupied a huge territory and was terrifyingly powerful.

This is a sea area, a fresh water area. I can't imagine how terrible the pressure is.

But in the lake, the man was flopping in the water.

"Gu dong gu dong."

"Gu dong gu dong."

"I don't know how to water!"

Chen Banxian swam vigorously in the water, but half a day later he was still flopping and spinning in place.

Finally, he managed to float the boat onto the water.


The huge sound made people's ears numb. It was a water giant that reached the sky and the earth.

Chen Banxian looked up with fascination on his face: "What a huge waterfall."

"Human, are you mocking me?"

The huge head of Minshan Lake God gathered together and used the priesthood field.

In an instant, his strength increased infinitely, reaching the top of the world. One finger was comparable to thousands of mountains and rivers, and he would crush Chen Banxian to death when he fell.

"Go away, don't disturb me for the rest of my life."

He is enjoying the sun, enjoying the beauty, enjoying the wind...


Minshan Lake God's finger fell down and buried him in the water, and suddenly there was another "gudong, gudong" sound.

"It's enough!"

Chen Banxian stood up, flew high into the sky, and slid into space with one hand.

Immediately, the body of Minshan Lake God was cut off, and all the rules along the way were also cut off.

The advancement of the mysteries of space brought great changes to him.

With one move, he instantly killed the giant lake god.

But the water continued again and again, and the lake god did not die. He appeared again and shrank his body.

"Human, if you offend the divine power, you will die!"

He was angry, and it was not too much to cause a big wave. He locked Chen Banxian's space and wanted to destroy him and kill him.

But suddenly, the man in front of the Lake God disappeared, and Chen Banxian suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Just because I'm in a good mood today doesn't mean I won't kill people. You'd better back off before I'm completely annoyed."

This tone, arrogant and arrogant, undoubtedly angered the Lake God even more and he took action frantically, hitting Chen Banxian with a series of regular priestly attacks.


Chen Banxian's face fell, and he casually typed out an ancient character.

It's the Emperor Pattern, he can recall it, and sooner or later Ye Fan's hundreds of words of the copper coffin scriptures will be comprehended by him.

As soon as this word was typed, the temperature of the air rose instantly, and the emperor's Taoist charm filled the air. Just a word that he had just comprehended caused the lake under his feet to dry up.

Evaporation, steam, endless water vapor filled the air, Chen Banxian smiled evilly: "I'm so angry, labor and management roasted you today!"

The divine power in his hand was continuously input, and the Demon Summoning Sutra Qi was already terrifying. Now, after being blessed with the imperial pattern, it exploded with energy hotter than the sun, and the water level of Minshan Lake dropped visibly to the naked eye.


The God of the Lake is still arrogant: "Humans' delusion of drying up the God's Great Lake is simply an idiot's dream."

He watched Chen Banxian take action and taunted: "Let me see how long you can hold on until you die. When you lose your strength, I will kill you."

He is even saying: "You are okay as you are. I will keep your soul and be my servant of the lake, at my disposal day and night."

(End of this chapter)

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