Chapter 272 [World]

"You are guilty."

Chen Banxian stood in the middle of the lake, and the sun emperor patterns he continued to create made the color of the lake fade.

"You want to play psychological warfare with me, but it's a pity that you're still a little behind."

Chen Banxian's eyes seemed to be able to see the depths of the lake god's heart. The water was boiling and countless fish and shrimps fled and jumped out of the water.

The rich aroma of river fresh food permeated everywhere, and then the aroma turned into a burnt smell.

Because it was too hot, too hot, the lake water gradually could not cover up the sun, and the white mist shrouded tens of thousands of miles, and the lake god was finally frightened.

"Stop, mortal, human! I command you to stop!"

"You can't kill me, stop!"

"Human, human, stop!"

"Human! Stop it! I let you go, I let you go!"

His tone continued to weaken, constantly changing from forceful to pleading.

"Please, human, please let me live, please let me go."

But Chen Banxian ignored him, with a faint smile on his face from beginning to end.

In the end, the entire lake dried up, the lake bed became cracked, and those aquatic creatures that could not escape were burned to dust.

The priesthood that represents the upper limit of the world is not suitable for some people.

Chen Banxian tapped his fingers and put away the emperor's words. The blazing sun gradually extinguished, leaving tens of millions of miles of desolation.

He found a small clay statue at the bottom of a deep pit in the lake, which contained a faint aura of priesthood.

Originally, as long as the Minshan Lake God had a drop of lake water, he could continuously borrow the divine power in his domain and be in an invincible position.

But he didn't expect that the energy in Chen Banxian's body was many times that of Minshan Lake, comparable to the field of humanoid priesthood, and he would be roasted to death in the end.

The priesthood of this clay sculpture is that of the Lake God. Now that his divine power has dried up and he has suffered serious Tao injuries, it is considered semi-abandoned.


Chen Banxian sighed. After the first calamity, the Tao Yun was stable and the priesthood was no longer so easy to obtain and inherit.

Now if the statue is given to anyone, he can only be cultivated from the weakest stage, and it will take a lot of time to reach the previous height.

He put away his priesthood, which was better than nothing. At the same time, he was horrified by the effect of the source vein.

The blessing of combat power is too terrifying. If he had to spend some effort before, now it is really easy.

You must know how large the Minshan Lake God's territory is, covering more than 2000 million square kilometers.

This is the real ocean, but now, the ocean has been evaporated, and the rich blood lingers in the sky for a long time. This place will become a forbidden place in the future.

However, Chen Banxian is not yet in the true fourth realm.

His Demon Summoning Meridian Qi and Flying Immortal Body in the first and second realms are still growing without limit.

The boat in the third realm is still adding bricks and mortar, and there is no end in sight for the reincarnation blood fountain.

Nowadays, the gates of essence inside and outside his body are still being built, and he can only feel the beginning of the path to the fourth realm.

It still takes too much time to perfect.

"Boy, you are getting more and more scary."

As soon as the sword spirit woke up, he saw this desert of death.

"If you continue on the path you have created, you will definitely be able to open another one and become a Taoist ancestor."

He was surprised. He had seen a lot of new worlds, but there were too few amazing people like Chen Banxian.

However, He also raised a fatal question.

"You can't reach the end of each level now. It's a bit similar to the cultivation method of only one level. Others can't be perfect just by practicing one level. What's more, if you are practicing in the third level and follow this path in the fourth level, there will be problems. .”

He put forward his own opinion: "In the end, you, or this world, can no longer support the resources of your four realms. You will fall, wither, and your energy and spirit will be drained by the four realms."

"I suggest you that the path to ending the first three realms is already complete and does not need to be infinitely superimposed."


Chen Banxian nodded and used the compass on his mobile phone to guide the way according to the sun above his head.

"Boy, don't take it seriously. There are too many greedy monks. I have seen many endings like this. The genius withers and turns from the prime of life to ten thousand years in an instant. It is desolate. This is a big deal."


Chen Banxian still said these two words. He measured the mobile phone signal, and the Minshan Lake God just explained that this is the earth.

It's just that the earth has expanded countless times, and even the imitation of quantum communication technology cannot allow signals to cover the entire earth.

Still intermittent.

He could only keep moving forward, cautiously.

He no longer uses the space secret of super long-distance jumping, because once the space folding is turned on, the white mist channels in it are dense and scary.

If you're not careful, you'll crash into it.

Even the teleportation weapon that Ninth had given him to return to the city with one click failed because the distance was too far.

No matter how powerful the AA battery is, it can't make the train run.

He walked on the earth and kept finding traces of the priesthood.

He killed all those who didn't have eyes.

Some were very weak and did not dare to move when they saw him, but some were frighteningly strong. He saw with his own eyes a statue of a giant spirit god that covered the sky and the sun. It held a large bronze hammer with eight petals of thunder flowers and stood motionless on the ground.

Each of those copper hammers is more terrifying than the mountains.

He didn't care about Chen Banxian, or in other words, he didn't care about anything.

Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas will give birth to priesthood, and similarly, some legendary Dongzi will also give birth to priesthood.

He saw that the sky was divided into various levels, and some of the gods were looming among them.

Perhaps, this is the prototype of the heaven in mythology.

Extrapolating from this, the underworld might also be born under the earth, let alone the four vast oceans.

It would be hard to overstate the resurgence of mythology.

But this had nothing to do with him. He was on his way and hadn't slept for a long time.

He didn't know where he was, he didn't know when the end point would be, and he didn't even know if this was within Daxia.

One day, while he was on his way, his space was disturbed, and he sensed that something was squeezing into the earth from outside space.

Out of curiosity, he looked for space fluctuations and finally saw the human form.

However, the figures of these humans are a bit strange, and their clothing does not resemble the style of earth civilization.

He is wearing a black tights, with some electrode patterns all over his body, and a bag of weapons hanging on his waist.

They all wore silver-white bracelets on their hands. There were eight people in the group, three were standing and five were unconscious.


The three people standing spoke, and their eyes quickly locked onto Chen Banxian who appeared.

Seeing that they were human beings, the three men breathed a sigh of relief, and the leading man ignored Chen Banxian.

He said to himself: "There are five new people this time. The number is not too many. Fortunately, it proves that the difficulty of the task should not be high."

Following his words, the five "new people" woke up one after another.

"Where is this place!"

A girl was the first to scream: "Why am I here? Who are you!"

Among the three people, there were two men and one woman. The leading man did not answer her, but took off the gun from his waist and fired.


Once the shot was fired, the woman immediately silenced her voice and did not dare to move.This also woke up the others, who woke up in a daze and were equally shocked when they woke up.

Some people, like women, ask where this is, some people are calmer and observe their surroundings, and some people want to run away.


There was another gunshot, and all the "newcomers" were shocked.

When the man saw everyone gathered, he spoke slowly, his voice cold and emotionless.

"Rookies, now let me explain to you what exactly happened. Remember, I will only say it once and no questions are allowed."

"Have you all signed an invitation letter and agreed to see the truth about the world?"

"Yes, I signed it, but I thought it was a game."

"Isn't that a game? Why are we here?"

"This is a scam, I want to go back!"

The newcomers were angry but did not dare to shout. The man ignored them and continued:
"I said no questions. Next time I'll just shoot."

The man raised the gun in his hand: "So, you are here. You can only return to the original world after completing the world mission."

He pointed to the silver bracelet in his hand: "This is a prop given to you by [The World]. You can get everything you need from it. Don't doubt it yet, just listen to me."

"[World] allows you to view tasks, your own information, and use any world points to redeem props. There are three ways to obtain task points."

"One: Obtained by completing tasks."

"Two: By changing the world line, both destruction and improvement can be obtained."

"Three: You can also get world points by killing main characters or selling world treasures."

"The above three points are how to obtain all world points. Now, you check the missions and explore the [World] function. We will set off in an hour to complete the mission."

They were talking right in front of Chen Banxian, not taking this human being seriously at all.

After the newcomers checked it out, they were all shocked, and then someone asked:
"Why do you have to deduct [-] world points if you fail the main mission?"

The man smiled and said with evil intentions: "Everything has a price, and this is the price of exposure to the truth."

He wiped his neck with his hand: "After the mission is over, those with negative world points will be erased."

"Tsk...his head just fell off."

The newcomers were frightened and their eyes widened.

"Haha, captain, please stop scaring them." The woman smiled: "The main tasks are all based on our strength. As long as we don't seek death, we can usually complete them."

Then, she covered her mouth: "The mortality rate is very low, only two-fifths."

"Two out of five, that's it?"

The newcomers were frightened by this number and almost reached half of it.

"Okay, don't waste time." The captain said:
"The main mission this time is to prevent the rise of crazy weirdos, and the mission map is not big."

They looked at the mission and saw that the crazy weirdo was an ordinary person who suffered a lot in the apocalypse. Because he was not a transcendent and had no qualifications for cultivation, he had been living at the bottom.

Until one day, he accidentally got a volume of research notes on alien civilizations.

It records how to transform the human body. It was originally a research log used for technological means, but it was used by him as the key to transforming the machine into immortality.

For this reason, this person studied the human body extensively and killed a large number of innocent lives to complete the research. Killing him would be regarded as eliminating harm and doing good things for the people.

"I have a question."

Among the five newcomers, a calm man wearing turquoise short-sleeves said: "What is [World]? How does it exist?"

"[The World] is the [World]." The man replied: "It travels on the World Monument. You don't need to understand it now. If you survive in the future, you will naturally understand it."

He looked at the latter with cold eyes: "For the sake of your quietness, I don't care about your questions this time. Next time, one more person or one less person will not affect my ability to complete the task."

With one word, the calm newcomer nodded and stopped talking. The captain turned around and led everyone away.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, a shout came from behind. The captain frowned, turned around, and fired directly in the direction of the sound.

"Bang!" After the gunshot, the man said coldly:

"I told you, don't talk too much. Are you going to turn a deaf ear to my warning?"

The shoulders of the five newcomers shook in unison. They looked in the direction of the sound and saw one person standing with a squashed bullet between his eyebrows.

Sliding slowly.

"In terms of marksmanship, your skills are indeed at their best. You can hit the center of my eyebrows with just your sound."

Chen Banxian flipped up the hair that was messed up by the airflow next to the bullet and approached the captain.

"Seeing that you have been talking for so long, I am also a little curious. Who are you? Reincarnators?"

"What is [World], the Lord God Space? If you leak the secret to me, won't you be obliterated?"

"Aboriginal, you talk too much."

The man put away his firearm and quickly approached.

"It seems that he is a practicing person, or an extraordinary person? A cultivator in the background of the world."

Flames appeared in his hands: "I originally wanted to let you go, but you are seeking death on your own."

"Fire Palm!"

When the flames fall, the high temperature inside them will burn Chen Banxian, and can instantly turn ordinary people into charcoal.

However, the fire palm was suddenly extinguished by a stream of air.

Chen Banxian glanced at him, reached out and gently took off the silver bracelet on his hand.

The man's face showed fear. He kept twisting his body, trying to escape, but found that he was imprisoned and could not move.

He could only watch as the silver bracelet was taken away, along with the part below his wrist.

The bracelet cannot be taken off or dropped.

Unless... along with his life.

In an instant, the bracelet disappeared from Chen Banxian's hand, and miraculously appeared on the man's other hand. It was miraculous.

"Hey, are you playing tricks with me?"

Chen Banxian didn't move, but this time the martial arts will in his body reached out and took off the bracelet covering the man's soul.

In an instant, the man was sweating violently. He screamed in his throat, but he could not open his mouth.

"Actually, as long as the thing that binds the soul is cut off that part of the soul, it will be fine."

He muttered to himself, put the bracelet on his hand, and casually bound a soul arm in the blood fountain.

He has many such arms.

He was curious about what this [world] was.

Click on the bracelet, and the main mission appears on the interface, killing a person named Shi Xukun.

Then, there is a background introduction to the current world:

A new world undergoing extraordinary changes...

World Points: 216.

But soon, these words faded into one sentence:

【Do you want to know the truth about the world? 】


"Oh, I also write in foreign languages."

He clicked on [YES] with his finger, and then the screen changed and rotated, and a panel of his own appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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