There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 273 Fortunately, it was a slap in the face

Chapter 273 Fortunately, a slap in the face
Name: Liang Zhichu (garbled code) Zhang Dang, Ming Yue, Gu Changhe...

Gender: female (garbled) male, asexual, multiple genders, maternal...

Age: 25 (garbled code) 68, 126, 485...

(garbled code) (garbled code)

Finally, the bracelet reported an error and suddenly exploded.


What exploded together was his arm with a reincarnated soul. In that life, he was called Liang Zhichu, and he was the fallen genius of the Liang family.


Chen Banxian ignored the other people's expressions as if they had seen a ghost. He stared at the space and intuitively felt that something was coming from the other side.

Sure enough, the space suddenly distorted, like chopsticks piercing a balloon, and then, a shadow approached from the other side.

It became increasingly clear that it was a humanoid creature with wings, somewhat like a feathered human race.

He finally shuttled over, and as soon as he appeared, a violent light spread out, and songs of praise came in an endless stream, coming from all directions.

He also had a silver bracelet in his hand, but the pressure of this creature was terrifying, it was in the fourth realm.

Yuren's target is very clear, that is Chen Banxian.

"Are you the one who caused the chaos and conflict just now?"

His eyes looked carefully: "The secrets of [the world] are not yours to get involved in. You only have two choices now."

"One: Join [World], sign a contract, and become a member."

"Two: Obliterated by me."

As he spoke, his wings flapped, and the holy song and light slowly dissipated, revealing his stiff face like a plaster sculpture.

"Tsk, are you doing this task stupidly?"

Chen Banxian looked at him with disgust in his eyes: "The people that labor and management are most unhappy with are the aliens in the Feathered World. Your appearance is similar to theirs, and you are doomed to your own end."

He turned his back and focused on this feathered man, his eyes involuntarily cast towards his bracelet.

He wants to know about all the non-native forces that enter the earth.

In particular, the other party actually has the mission of killing the local residents of the earth. Who gave them the courage to invade the place he covers?

"Huh, native, you are asking for your own death."

Yuren raised his hand and placed his fingers between his forehead and eyebrows, slowly glowing, and only a tiny amount of energy fluctuations could be observed:
"Magic Light Killer Cannon!"

He suddenly said a move from the anime, and the energy in his hand suddenly shot towards Chen Banxian.


The light eclipsed the sun, it was indeed strong enough to pierce any defense.

But the energy cannon was casually grabbed by one hand and thrown aside.


The mountain next to it was pierced with holes, reaching straight into the sky.

"Good skills, do you have any more? Let me see them."

He is very interested, this [world] is a bit interesting.

I have developed all the skills in the anime.

The contempt in Yuren's eyes faded a bit: "There is something. I just read the information about this world. Divided into realms one, two, three and four, you should also belong to the fourth realm and I am at a similar level."

"Such a cultivation level is at the top of your world. No wonder you are so proud and confident."

The feathered man flapped his wings and reached high in the sky, "But you are so unlucky that you insist on intervening in my [world] plan, and ultimately bring disaster to yourself."

His wings were condensed with holy light and blood, and at the same time, terrifying energy fluctuations were generated in his body. He raised his right hand high:
"Judgment, angelic sanction."

"Let you have a taste of how terrifying the angel blood that I worked so hard to redeem is."

The light fell, and Yuren didn't think Chen Banxian could resist it. He sneered:
"My bloodline can borrow the power of heaven, enough to reach the upper limit of your world. Die."

He stared at the task teams next to him with cold eyes, disgust in his eyes.

"Earth humans and Blue Star humans are really inferior. Invasions from the same world can only be conquered by people from parallel worlds so they won't be rejected by the world."

"The efficiency is too slow. If the lower races don't have the most parallel worlds, they won't be qualified to be included in the data of [World]."

He no longer wants to see the natives under the light, he wants to travel through space again and leave.

"Huh? Why is space so solid?"

Yuren was surprised that at this moment Chen Banxian's voice came from behind him.

The man was intact, even his clothes were not damaged or changed.

"Why do you opponents always use the world limit as the criterion?"

So does the God of Minshan Lake, so do the foreign races, and even the birdmen outside this world.

"Don't you know that if there is a limit to the upper limit, isn't it meant to be broken?"

He squeezed Birdman with one hand and took off his bracelet.


The birdman screamed, his soul was torn apart, he couldn't bear the pain, he struggled wildly, and his feathers fell everywhere.

The newcomers and old people who had been dumbfounded below discovered that even a piece of light feather could directly cut through the hard stone after landing, and the weight was terrible, sinking deeply into the ground.

If the future realm is reached, it will be a fact that a drop of blood pressure can collapse a mountain range.

But such a terrifying birdman was struggling wildly in the hands of the natives, his efforts were in vain, and his face was distorted.

"Is this aboriginal?"

When the captain woke up from a coma, Chen Banxian released his restraint.

"Is this aboriginal?" the captain scolded again:
"This terrifying strength can even be ranked on the world monument. Is this the main mission we want to complete (adjusted according to strength)?"

"Bah." The dilapidated body of the feathered man fell and landed in front of them.

Chen Banxian landed and said regretfully: "Yes, this is your main mission."

He killed Yuren with ease, easier than eating and drinking.

In his right hand, he held the silver bracelet.

"Let's go, don't you want to complete the mission?"

He urged these people: "Give me a ride by the way, I also want to find the gathering place of human beings."

It would be best to find a means of transportation like a Daxia Longque, as walking is really tiring.

He wants to fly.

The eight people present did not dare to speak and looked at him eagerly.

The captain moved his mouth and turned pale. This man had just killed a stronger member of the world.

[The world] is divided into several levels, from newcomers, to skilled, to senior, and finally to managers.

The one just now is the manager, who has come into contact with the core of [the world]. Often they are in danger, and it takes a lot of world points to summon security measures.

But now, the security measures were directly crushed and killed mercilessly, and his steps were a little weak.

However, the newcomer was more accepting than the three experienced ones. The calm man approached and plucked up the courage to speak:

"Can I...ask you a question?"

He has accumulated too many questions, whether it is about [the world] or this world.

"of course can."

Chen Banxian was very open-minded: "I am not one of those cold and heartless reincarnations. I will be happy to answer any questions you have."

He looked at the three skilled people: "I think they will also be happy to answer."

The captain's sinister gaze swept over the newcomer, his eyes full of warning.

Obviously, he wasn't too happy about it.


Chen Banxian slapped him on the back of the head so much that the air exploded. The captain flew backwards and fell upside down in the small puddle next to him.

"Did you do the task stupidly? Don't you want to say a few words and threaten with eyes?"

He pulled out the captain and slapped him twice: "How low is your moral level? Can you kill someone with just a word? If you want to die, I will help you."

The captain didn't dare to speak anymore. He closed his eyes, full of fear.

Unable to resist, powerless to resist.He is like a fish at the mercy of others, not even as good as a fish.


Chen Banxian patted the calm man on the shoulder: "Let me see who dares to threaten you."

The man swallowed hard, almost shattering the train of thought in his brain.

He first analyzed the situation.

"We all come from the earth, and come to this earth from another parallel earth to do tasks and obtain world points."

"From this commonality, it is not difficult to see what this [world] wants from the earth. If we can come to your earth, then you can also go to our earth. Is this good or bad?"

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up: "Wonderful, genius, you continue."

"Well, thank you for the compliment, big brother."

The man continued: "I don't think "changing the world" and "killing the main characters in the world" among the ways to obtain world points are beneficial, so it is not difficult to infer that this [world] has a purpose and is harmful."

"It wants to plunder something from the earth, or rather, not just the earth."

He also heard the theory [Parallel worlds are not excluded]:

"It scares me that we seem to be controlled by someone behind the scenes, so I want to ask:

"How do we escape."

"You have too many ideas." The captain did not answer his question directly:
"We keep doing tasks in exchange for benefits that allow us to grow. We face life and death crises every time, and we don't have time to think about it."

"Only a newcomer like you can think so deeply. Even if [the world] wants to do something to the earth, what does it have to do with us?"

He avoided his head. The sight of Chen Banxian, a local native next to him, was too stressful and he was afraid.

"How to escape, no nonsense."

But Chen Banxian slapped him again and asked him to answer.

"Brother, I don't know."

The captain was about to cry. This was too torturous: "I don't want to have to survive every mission. If I could escape, I would have escaped long ago, and I wouldn't be here waiting for you to wake up."

"That is to say, it is mandatory, and the core is the world point."

"So, what is this world point?"

When the man asked again, the captain could only shake his head blankly.

"How do I know? I only know that I can exchange it for something."

He pointed to the body on the ground: "He may know, but he is dead."

"Eh, not necessarily."

Chen Banxian interrupted the conversation, "I'll give you a nice show today."

【Support the tiger】!
He gathered the scattered soul fragments around him, and the feathered man was killed by him, and his soul dissipated on its own.

But at this time, he gathered the fragments together, reshaped Yuren's soul body, and awakened his memory.

Yuren was a little confused, wasn't he dead?
Fortunately, Chen Banxian slapped him: "Why are you so dazed? I'm asking you, what is the world point?"

(End of this chapter)

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