There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 274 The origin of the world

Chapter 274 The origin of the world
"The world point is the foundation of a world. It can be said to be the origin, or luck, etc."

Yu Ren's humiliating account was that he didn't understand why he was not resurrected in the [World] after his death.

"So, you gain the origin of the world by disrupting the process of another world."

Chen Banxian understood clearly and sneered: "This [world] really lives up to its name, and its ambitions are too great."

"Everyone, please let me go. I am also being persecuted."

Yuren cried and cried: "I admit my guilt for the mistakes I made before. Now that I am dead, you, sir, have a lot of money, so please let me go back again!"

"Forget it, let's go."

Chen Banxian waved his hand to release the restraints on him, and then looked at the remaining people.

"Did you all hear it?"

His face was ugly: "I didn't expect that there are still petty thieves. Isn't your mission this time to kill a scientific lunatic? Come on, take me to see him."

He turned the silver ring in his hand. The quality of the silver ring belonging to Yu Ren was obviously better, and he could detect some more advanced information.

[Crazy weirdo: Zhou Xiaoming]

[Event: Created artificial immortality cultivation technology, changed the outcome of the Changhe Battle, counterattacked the Xuanjing Boundary, achieved universal immortality cultivation, and jumped 1000 to [-] places in the world ranking. 】

A long list of events is laid out, but these are not events that are happening now, but events that will happen in the future.

This so-called [world] actually wants to kill such a genius mission on Earth in an attempt to harvest the source of destiny.

"It's really the old man who eats arsenic!"

His eyes were cold, and he had an urge to find Zhou Xiaoming quickly.

Such talents must be protected and cannot be harmed.

The earth has changed so much that it has also turned the originally airtight walls into sieves, allowing some mosquitoes to get in.

He kept checking the silver bracelet, looking for new features.

"Let's go, follow the map and look for Zhou Xiaoming now."

He gave an order and glanced at several skilled people at the same time: "You guys, go make me a wicker chair and carry me around. Do you have any objections?"


The female expert opened her mouth, but saw Chen Banxian casually stomping on the ground.

The next second, a bottomless gap opened in the ground.

"Is there any problem?" The man smiled brightly.

"no problem."

The three of them hurriedly avoided looking at each other and made wicker chairs.

As for the five newcomers, their eyes were dull.

Soon, everything was done and everyone was on their way. Chen Banxian kept exploring the silver ring, trying to find more functions.

Among them, the return, world points, and forum functions have been disabled, which should be the reason why he does not belong to the owner of this silver ring.

But the mission function exists completely. Obviously, there is no limit on collecting world points in this [world], and it doesn't matter who completes it.

"What a capital."

Chen Banxian took a deep breath. No matter how this small gesture benefited, it was the organizer.

He checked the tasks to see if there was any other information.

Sure enough, he also discovered "side tasks" in addition to the main tasks.

[Kill Wang Aihe. 】

[Event: Contribute ancient books at home, improve the benchmarking direction of White Mist Passage, and advance to 64th place in the world ranking. 】

[Let Jian Yanfang avoid recognizing her father Jian Aoping. 】

[Event: Borrowing her father’s connections, Jian Yanfang found out about the foreign spies in Liucheng and avoided a critical battle in Liucheng from failing.Prevented a drop of 300 places in the world rankings. 】

[Interfering with the preparation of the drug Yunansu. 】

[Event: Yun Ansu can prevent a kind of spiritual energy virus, which can cause monks to go crazy, causing unstable output and dropping 1680 places in the world rankings. 】

[Inspect a person named Chen Banxian. 】

[Event: None. 】

Chen Banxian didn't expect that his name would appear in the end.

This made his expression suddenly tense.

He didn't know what method the other party used to spy on the future, but the fact that his name appeared among the [World] forces meant that the two sides had completely become enemies.

He remained calm and put away the bracelet of [World], while a doubt arose in his heart.

What is the so-called world ranking?
"The water is too deep."

He sighed, the earth was becoming more and more incomprehensible to people, and now everything was becoming more and more strange, dazzling and incomprehensible.

"Hey, don't shake, and walk more steadily."

He shouted and almost fell off the wicker chair.

The three skilled people dared not speak out in anger, so they could only try to keep their bodies as steady as possible.

Three days passed in a flash.

"Liucheng is ahead."

They were frightened, but fortunately they encountered no other dangers along the way. At last, everyone saw a city towering above the earth.

The thousand-meter city wall completely covers all the sights, and this place seems to be a fortress.


According to memory, this place was originally very far away from Baihu City, spanning two provinces. Now I don't know how long it will take to go back.

It's closer to go back from Miancheng.

He was already planning the route, wondering if the side of Cotton City still existed.

During the first tribulation, the trauma that humans encountered was extremely serious.

Take Liucheng as an example. The thousand-meter-high city wall is full of pits, gaps and cracks.

It is not difficult to tell from the residual aura above that it is caused by the priesthood.

However, if the priesthood takes action, no matter how thick the city wall is, it shouldn't just be damaged.

It deserves to be completely destroyed.

But now, the city wall is intact, and there must be other reasons.

A group of people came out of the forest, all disheveled, and almost cried when they saw the city.

"Great, it's finally here."

"Three days, three days without food. I miss the rice at home so much."

“Oh my god, never eat bugs again in your life!”

With tears streaming down their faces, they ran quickly towards the city.

At the gate of Liucheng, various large and small passages are placed. It is worth mentioning that the passages are divided into one large, two medium and several small.

The large passage is specially used for walking monster beasts or technological instruments.

The two middle schools are passages for various transportation vehicles.

Shuxiao are various small doors that are open, specially used for extraordinary people or ordinary people to enter and exit.

The city gate guards were extraordinary people. After looking at them for a few times and noticing the strange clothes, they let them in.

"No wonder it was infiltrated by aliens."

With such lax defense and screening methods, even a pig can sneak in.

Chen Banxian, who was sitting on the recliner, was even more unspectacular because he was even more arrogant than him.

"Hey, brother, you are very elegant."

Next to him, a middle-aged man in ancient costume poked his head out of something that looked like an ancient sedan.

He was fanning himself and could see that there were women serving in the sedan.

The people carrying the sedan chair were all young women, gritting their teeth and panting from exhaustion.

Not every city is like Baihu City.

At least here, the class system is very apparent.

He even saw someone hawking on the street: "Young boys in their eighteenth year, young women in their early twenties, and ladies in their thirties, don't miss it if you pass by."

No one came to ban it, and everyone was not surprised.

The street was quite lively, with a lot of people and people following the signal and moving forward...

Shanty town in Liucheng.

In other words, this is a slum, a chaotic garbage dump.

There was a stench everywhere, excrement, and garbage were thrown everywhere.

The shanties are so densely packed that a whole family can live in a shanty of less than five square meters. "Ah~"

There were constant sounds coming from some places, and the women inside cheered loudly to get some meager food.

Or there are men's voices, mostly in pain, and the same thing.

Of course, there are also gangsters who can be seen everywhere, waving props and sticks in their hands, gathering in small groups and constantly patrolling the pedestrians coming and going in the shanty town.

Suddenly, these people's eyes lit up. It turned out to be a family of four carrying packed treasures from outside to move to the shanty town.

A couple with two children.

It is not easy to survive in such a world. The couple are not good at each other. They both have homemade air guns and knives on their waists.

"Lao Zhou, it doesn't seem very safe here."

The wife was alert to her surroundings and protected the goods.

Because there were some kids walking around them, getting very close, and they were basically pickpockets who made a living by stealing.

"Go away, go away."

Lao Zhou waved the steel bars to drive them away.

"Don't worry, Yue'er. I've checked the location. The place we live in is Boss Zhang's territory, and the security there is better."

"As long as we pay the protection fee on time, everything will be fine."


Yue'er nodded, and then asked the two children to get closer.

"Don't go too far outside. Be careful that bad guys steal you away and rip out your heart and lungs."

"we know."

The boy waved the knife in his hand: "I am already in junior high school, so I can protect myself."

There was still innocence in his eyes: "But dad, what do you think we can do to become extraordinary?"

Lao Zhou's face darkened.

"I told you, don't think about these things. We have already done the test and it is not suitable for practice."

He decided to dispel the child's determination: "We don't have spiritual roots, do you understand?"


The child's eyes were rolling around, obviously he didn't listen, he hadn't given up yet.


Lao Zhou sighed. Suddenly, he looked tense and put his arm on the air gun at his waist.

Ahead, a person walked slowly with a slight smile on his face.

"Old Zhou, you stole the things above and thought you would be fine if you escaped to the slums?"

Seeing this man, Lao Zhou's expression changed drastically, and his arms were shaking.

Immortal cultivator, this is an immortal cultivator!
"Xiong...Brother Xiong, you have to identify it carefully. I told you that I didn't take the things. You also searched me. There is really nothing."

"Oh, really?"

Brother Xiong came closer and saw his wife, daughter and family: "But we killed everyone involved in the transportation that day, but nothing was found. Tell me, is it on you?"

After hearing this, Lao Zhou's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly rushed towards the man.

"You guys run!"

He shouted, firing steel balls from the high-pressure air gun in his hand.

But Brother Xiong just tilted his head slightly to avoid the steel ball. His face was ferocious: he grabbed Lao Zhou's arm and broke it with a click.

Then he grabbed his other limbs and broke them all off. Lao Zhou screamed in pain and his face turned pale.

He was still shouting: "Go, go quickly!"

"Old Zhou, old Zhou!"

Yue'er cried, and she protected her child: "Run quickly, dad can't stop him, mom will."

"Remember, don't look back!"

The sudden change caused the two children's brains to shut down, but just for a moment, Brother Xiong had restrained Yue'er's limbs.

He took his time and came to the two frightened children and grabbed his sister.

He smiled ferociously and looked at Brother Zhou.

"Hand over things."

"Brother Xiong, I really don't know. Please, I really don't know. Let them go, please."

The anger on Brother Xiong's face suddenly disappeared.

"It seems that you would rather die than surrender. In that case, I'm sorry. I'll just feel good first."

He dragged them into the nearby shack casually.

Theatergoers inside screamed and fled.

Soon, the sound of shredding clothes and heart-rending screams could be heard.

Lao Zhou roared heart-wrenchingly, his eyes were wide open. Perhaps because he felt noisy, Brother Xiong dragged him into the shanty like a dead dog:

"Come on, you'll feel more comfortable looking at me."


Lao Zhou roared, but his jaw was removed and his tongue was torn off.

The screams inside lasted for two hours. How can practitioners torture ordinary people?Soon blood was flowing out from around the shack, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Brother Xiong came out and came to the dull child with a smile on his face.

"Come comfortable and remember this day well."

The child was stunned, as if completely stupid.

The local gangsters who witnessed all this were astonished. Instead of showing sympathy, they even started chatting with each other in a lively manner.

"Oh, practitioners are different. Mother and daughter fly together for two hours."

"It's also exciting. You can do it in front of other men and children, and you can play."

"It would be great if I were a cultivator. I want to do the same."



The thunder roared loudly, the heavy rain fell, and the biting coldness brought the child back to his senses.

He suddenly screamed, yelled, and rushed into the tent with a knife in his hand like crazy.

As a result, there were only three horrific corpses inside.




Such a scene impacted the child's outlook on life, and he suddenly laughed, crazy, until a ball of light flew out of his father's body and disappeared into his own body.

His eyes slowly turned cold.


The kid went crazy and just disappeared into the shantytown without taking care of anything.

No one knows where he is, and no one cares about an unlucky guy who might be found in a smelly ditch in two days.

Maybe a little less offal, maybe just in some people's pots.

Everything seemed to be as usual, except for the next period of time, many people disappeared in the shanty town.

There are men, women, adults, children, and family members who report the crime, but who will take care of the shanty towns?
How many people will die one day?Let it go.

Chen Banxian arrived in Liucheng more than twenty days later.

"There are too many people named Zhou."

The captain still had no feeling in his arm, his soul had been cut off, and he carefully reported the situation to the front.

"It is said that there used to be a man named Zhou here. No one knew his name. They only knew that he was called Lao Zhou. Then he suddenly moved. It seemed that he was going to Mr. Zhang's territory in the slums."

"What did he do before?"

Chen Banxian looked at the information casually. There were photos of Lao Zhou, family relationships, etc.

It has to be said that the treatment of extraordinary people is most vividly reflected here.

"He works in transportation. He helps the Liu family and specializes in transporting goods from outside the city back to Liucheng."

"The Liu family in Liucheng? It's interesting. Go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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