There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 275 Transforming Monsters

Chapter 275 Transforming Monsters
"The front is Boss Zhang's territory. Guest, we fleas don't dare to go in, so we can only send you here."

The speaker is a child who leads the way, and these children only need a bite of food to help them do things.


Chen Banxian waved his hand casually, and then walked next to the calm man.

"Leifang, what are the names of those tents next to you? Should we go and have a look?"

Lei Fang's face turned red and he remained silent.


Chen Banxian smiled: "You have such a high IQ, but your emotional intelligence is negative and your talent is too crooked."

"Whatever you say is what you say."

Lei Fang tried his best not to look either way.

Some tents cannot completely block everything, and the secrets can be seen through the gaps.

It's okay for women, but between men and men... it's too shocking.

"Our world is peaceful, but not this chaotic."

One of the five newcomers said: "This world is hopeless. It's so pitiful."

They have seen fraud and oppression along the way, and many women do not know who the father of their children is.

But they live a slightly better life, at least they won't starve to death.

“With such a collapsed social model, it’s really a miracle that Liucheng is still as stable as a mountain.”

Some people sighed, while Lei Fang shook his head: "On the contrary, such a society is normal, because the intervention of extraordinary beings is like a steel needle fixing a floating plastic bag."

Humans have always found a way to survive.

The girl among the newcomers was scared. She couldn't believe how miserable it would be to live alone in such an environment.

"If it were me, I would just kill myself."

She looked down on those girls who lived their lives shamelessly.

"Don't say that."

Chen Banxian glanced at her: "If suicide could solve the problem, there wouldn't be so many people living in humiliation."

"Think about it, if you had a child and had no food, would you just watch him starve to death?"

"At this time, if someone tells you to give you enough food to keep you full and alive for a while, what will you do?"

He shook his head and looked calm: "In the face of more terrifying crises, human beings can always choose to give up something."

"Is this human?"

The girl was in a daze because she thought that she would choose to give up her morality when faced with such a situation.

"It's just part of being human."

Chen Banxian's lips drooped slightly: "Perhaps as the aliens say, human beings are inferior."

There was one sentence he didn't add.

However, humans can also be superior!
Perhaps it is this complexity of human beings that allows them to occupy a major role among the heavens.

In every other world he experienced, the status of human beings was not low.

Well... one of those categories.

"Is there nothing we can do to save them?"

Another man couldn't bear it, and he was thinking of a way: "Maybe we can open up fields and let them eat, so that such cruel things will not happen."

"What a naive idea."

The woman among the skilled people sneered: "Only an ordinary person like you who is bored to death in a peaceful life would say such a thing."

"Don't you understand? Is it really because of food? No, it's what people need. They need these things that can be indulged, these desires."

Chen Banxian looked at her in surprise: "Lu Xiaoling, I look at you differently."

"Thanks to Big Brother for being considerate." Lu Xiaoling smiled: "If I hadn't joined [The World] and couldn't escape, I would definitely follow Big Brother."

"I won't fuck with you."

Chen Banxian half-joked: "But if you behave well, I won't mind helping you escape from [the world]'s control."

They entered Boss Zhang's territory while talking.


As soon as they entered, the younger brother who had been observing them for a long time came out, his eyes filled with scrutiny and danger.

Unlike others, the desire in their eyes is very low.

"We're looking for Boss Zhang to have something to do."

Flames appeared in the captain's hands, indicating his identity.

Seeing that the flame brother has put away some of his arrogance, he is an extraordinary person and cannot be offended.

If you get beaten, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

He said sorry to Chen Banxian and others, and he would go and notify Boss Zhang.

It can be seen that Liucheng has no communication facilities, and everything depends on running on two feet.

Soon, the gangster came back and apologized to them.

"I'm sorry, everyone, we need to wait a moment. Boss Zhang went to catch a bug. He probably won't come back until night."

"Catch bugs?"

"Yes, he was a bastard who killed many people without following the rules, and we finally caught him."

The gangster's tone was very humble, because he found that the extraordinary person was actually following Chen Banxian.

This shows that the other party is either more powerful or more powerful.

People in their profession have already developed their eyesight.

"I also like to catch bugs. I once caught bugs in an entire city."

Chen Banxian showed his white teeth: "Do you mind taking us to see what that bug looks like?"


The gangster was a little hesitant, but soon he met Chen Banxian's eyes and fell into a trance.

"Okay, Boss Chen, I'll take you there right now."

Hey, how did I know his name?

The gangster was confused and randomly took them to catch bugs.

It's still a slum, but this one is close to the city wall.Boss Zhang and a dozen of his younger brothers surrounded the place, holding firearms in their hands.

He shouted inside, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Come out quickly, do you hear me? Don't let me in, it won't end well when the time comes."

"I will come out if you tell me to come out?"

Someone inside replied: "Hey hey hey, if you have the ability, come in."

"TMD, boy, you are so tired of living!"

Boss Zhang was furious and pointed his hand at the younger brother: "Go, go in and catch him."

The younger brother who was pointed out felt weak in his legs: "Boss, there is a monster inside. Beard died as soon as he entered. I dare not go in."

He was so scared that his whole body was shaking, and his cowardly look made Boss Zhang upset.

He went up and gave his little brother a kick, causing him to scream on the ground, pretending to be pitiful.

"Alright, alright."

Boss Zhang handed the gun to the security guard beside him: "Qiangzi, you have practiced marksmanship, go in with the gun."

"Labour and management still don't believe it, this insect is so slippery."


Qiangzi took the gun, checked the bullets and safety, and walked toward the house.

The small house, with its dark door, was as scary as a man-eating beast.

When he got closer, suddenly, a man appeared in front of him, it was the dead "Beard".


Qiangzi screamed, and he fired repeatedly, shaking the beard's chest and beating it to pieces. As a result, the other party didn't do anything. Instead, he stretched out his hands and stuck Qiangzi's neck tightly.

With frightening strength, Qiangzi's feet lifted off the ground and he was dragged into the house in full view of everyone.

"Hey hey hey."

The voice came out again.

"Boss Zhang, I advise you to give up. We have no grievances in the past. Wouldn't it be great if the water in the well does not offend the river?"

"You killed my cousin. Is this still without injustice or enmity?"

Boss Zhang was furious: "Believe it or not, I will ask a practitioner to deal with you!"

"That means your cousin deserves to die!"

The voices in the room suddenly roared, hysterical!
"He violated the girl, he deserves to be reformed by me!"

"What about the others? Where is Wang Qiang? Where are Zhu Chunlin, Ao Zhongshu, Tian Shichang, Xie Zhongfan, Gong De and the others!"

Boss Zhang listed the names one by one, and they were all his subordinates.

"They killed two girls together, and they deserved it!"

"You fart!" Boss Zhang was furious: "We agreed to increase the money. The two girls died of miscarriage and hemorrhage afterwards because they didn't know they were pregnant!"

“Labour and management only care about results!”

The roar of the insects broke through, and he ordered in the room: "Go, kill them for me!"

Then, Boss Zhang and the others finally saw what the monster was in the house!
It was a spliced ​​monster with four arms, three legs, and six-segmented arms!

It is crazy and half-alive, with many exposed and stitched muscle lines on its body.

The monster, which was stitched together from many muscles, grabbed a young man as soon as it appeared, and crushed the latter's neck with a "click".


The voice in the room gave the order, and the monster rushed into the crowd, and flesh and blood flew suddenly.

Boss Zhang is worthy of having seen the world. He is extremely calm and shoots immediately.


The monster's head exploded.

However, it did not cease its activity, but became more powerful.

The sound of insects was heard again in the house:

"Hahaha, it has three heads, one is hidden in the belly, and the other is hidden in the muscles. If you find it...if you can't find it - you will die!"

"Hey, haha~hahaha~"


Boss Zhang cursed angrily, and then shouted: "Retreat!"

This is no longer something ordinary people can solve. They must rely on connections and find extraordinary people.

Just let the bug jump a few times.

However, as soon as he finished shouting, he saw the monster jump up to 30 meters in one step and land in front of him.

With a "pop" sound, the monster's legs shattered due to gravity, but it felt no pain and instead walked on the shattered legs.

It came to Boss Zhang and stretched out its hands to grab his neck, trying to squeeze him to death.

"Let the boss go!"

The gangster who was afraid of death rushed up and hugged his arms frantically, only to be pierced by the other hand.

"Let the boss go!"

Other gangsters also rushed over, trying to save Boss Zhang.

"Boss Zhang can't die!"

They used weapons and beat their arms with knives and sticks in an attempt to rescue them, but they ended up dying in the hands of the monster.

"Boss Zhang."

In the house, the sound came close, but it was just a monster holding a trumpet.

"I heard that you have the means to stabilize the security in an area of ​​​​the slums, which is amazing."

"But why do you, why don't you stop the rape, why do you indulge in body trade, why!"

"You could have lived, why, why did you do this? I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

The roar of the trumpet made the monster work harder. Seeing that Boss Zhang was about to die, just when the monster exerted its strength...

Its arm snapped off.

(End of this chapter)

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